Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 24, 1924, p. 4

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mi muni 21111 nm moose huntm tnca of quebri indication an large numbir vsde the wood rush for llcenst edward a pattirim mining en- o london fngland visitlng neva scotia stolen that the mineral resources of that province are prac tically lying dormant and thot with proper divilopmi lit jl 111 inuitific unas mining c uld bi advnnriil to flnt place in thi provinci a indus tries calgary alto planning an ar tificial ice rink bectwue of the pre valence of chlnooks in the winur but the project will not be earned out in time for the coming season paltfury hud to abandon iti icliemc for an annual winui cumlvnl be cause it could not count on weather that was cold enough pr on mow the members of the band of the famous princess patricia s na dlan light infantry were among the pasiengera failing for england jboard the canadian pacific liner empress of prance on september 10th under the direction of lieut t w james they are to play at the british empire exhibition at wem bley the duke de alb 17th of that name and 10th duke of berwick in the british nobility together with the duchess of mba und sevirnl other distinguished spaniards is touring canada over canadian fa dflc lines their itinerary includes niagara falls toronto hanff lake louise vancouvir ard k toria tranaformation for thi b iter wrought among the eskimos in the last 26 yean is almost unbelievable ao bishop i 0 stringer of the anglican diocese of the yukon re ported on a recent visit to edmon ton alta the bishop attributes this improvement to the influence of the missionaries and the royal canadian mounted police mined with interest by the mem bare of the british association for the advancement of science during their recent visit to calgary alta this process has become world famous ever since the experiments conducted at the local imperial oil refinery proved so successful thousands of belgian are wait ing to cross the atlantic to canada as soon aa the dominion can assira uau them it la reported by author ifcles in touch with the situation bel giums interest in canada is further evidenced by the visit to the do minion of louis strauss veteran member of the diplomatic corps and member of the belgian pari lament for antwerp who as guest of e w beatty chairman and president of the canadian pacific railway fa touring the country studying econ omlc conditions with a view to stim oi tins belgium immigration la raeponsa to the appeal of the university of bishops college leu- nexvole qua for toooooo to meet present needs the canadian pacific railway has supported the plea by aaucribinf hboqo to the fund canada will aoon be the mecca of nun moving picture director covduss to herbert brenon prodi n for thomas melghan who recently azrivad at banff to film the big out door osaes for jamas oliver cur- rooda tha alafcan too fish catch of the world ai in unhurried quebec find the most objects in this picture starting with the letter can iceuulj eeo encb object ai mia nni- ia punlc i nearest look forjjjngworms an annoying disease too com mon among pigs nature and ovelolieiil of the alb lent treatment preventive mwuiuna lutiinm cutting of ai fall llarnm miif belting h iel b t rmiio r 11 dikb du worm in the air hit till interest ins and in thta great to to dad mouaer and it holds do preference so ettw tarn f tfce majl kmpr eiiliuii ttt- i and yon do not have aabnrtpttoo to win s awarded ftrat prise preximau to eost u x j oust to the consumer 1780000000 goes to those who hai vast it statistics furnished by the united states fiat commission da- clara tfcfr tain of tha tourist traffic to canada improved by figures ap plied by the parka department of the dominion government which show that the enormous sum of 51m00000o wma spent by tourists i this cotcntrr tn 1b2s this rep resents the dominions fourth larg est aonree of foreign cash income empress of franca broke the ord for tha fastest time made be tween that port and southampton england from which she sailed bavins maintained an average speed of over 19 knots this vessel also holds tha record for the run between quebec and liverpool you can win 100000- heros hew u too jassgea bwauntx acrlpoon to ibe han a ktepare at a jtmr t third prise lie see observe these rules of tamil or banlltn j mylar o ta koi si c a am mnplot funur mmj ntj tasawisa mkbt b atasun en arraiiiytnufitf tifr th pageant of empire to be held at the british empire exhibition july- 2 1- august 30 an now rapidly completing episodes showing the history of canada and the other dominion aa wall aa of the moteer country- from the earliest times to the present day at being organized with the assist ance of prominent resldenta of the dominion now in london hon j e perrsult minister of cotdfiinqon mine and fisheries for tha province of quebec on hit retutn frbm a recent extensive trip to the temucamina- district of that province auted that there were over 2000 proapectora exploring the gold fields of quebec and at least a million dollara would be expended in development work in the region during the course of the aasan according to flgurea prepared by the freight department of the ca nadian pacific railway the export grain movement via vaaco reached a total of 4s71fis0 tnabale on may si 1924 compared with a total of 17387715 buahela aa on hay 81 1928 in each instance the figures cover the crop year oonv unendnr september let the in crease la therefore s1ss41s bushel er 161j per cent navy headed by r if s hood the imfest warship in the world and flagship of th sqnadren visited those plates re cently the- squadron u tpctorl on the atlantic seaboard in aug ust when efforts will be made by canadians on that coast to outdo the pacific dtiee in the warmth of the welcome they extend the rrt rh th fnu iumi w men seta in wi t acta 114 pietpt la aterlbta ttui f lie- item bie or if job aw aiwafded flrat prue and you dana aest ta two yearly eubecrlptlone cether ono new anad oas ttaeml or two new rabecrtpuona to tte mafl empire at jm a year each you will tad of ms beoond prise hjooj bee ifalrd column or flgurea in qualify for uk lax uea reward abaolutoty two aubacrlptloiia is the mbwwnam one ot which is to be a new awb- aofbca- toa can do this with utile effort tour jwa ahacripttoa wlo eotmt as one and we can take ahi to start at any fature date in send- las la jnr eabacaiptkin give foil instrnrtloae on a arpaiaiu ahoet frosn that n which yoo send yoor js3lkbrto fifty big cash prizes r as azsoo laoooo 1000 00 tojdq boom srd prtpe 1800 soojw 1oo0 bfh prtao am 78 00 150 00 mb prise 100 00 a oo so 00 th prtao too moo moo hh prise soo ifloo 40 00 11th to xoch t awt ihlzal both nilzb wt d tq kactl tied pabtic1paxt old faahlonod quebec tugs at the heartstrings of the summer visitor becaune her appeal la personal without intention no to do she haa struck what the advertising men work so hard to acquire the human interest ancle quebec is natural simple lovable in our race for a living we of tha cities have r life to a system with every action in subordination to hours and minutes but in quebec the habitant rises above the leash ho has something in himself which holds him to old waya to family life to the farm to the horee and baud plough to the scythe to cows wives and daugh ters and boys of all ages lend a hand at everything all the changes of the seaeona fit in to the scheme of life and yet there seme to be no particular scheme no hurry none of that driven reeling no friction and so when we get into quebec we are sensible of a freedom of spirit the shackles ot tie drive away as we como once more under the benlson of the simple and t fu here by the road are fsfwireho crosses co old france and once in old england the mower la abroad in the fields the dogs drawing the utile carts still bold the road and nothing la more humanly appealing than these dog carta ot the quebec highvay the dog of flan ders has won htfijrwayto publicity on the screen but these culeb of quebec nave bad no jackie coogan to do theuustlce ihd yet what a part they play in the life of this great tronnce far larger in extent than flanders how the dogs fill niches in the households lobs long ago elim inated from our scheme ot life are performed by the dog carts as a matter of course in quebec boys of the family break their hand id from babyhood harness ing unharnessing driving le chlen the wy that aa soon aa he la big ettough will have the horses in hanft 3deep meaning oft lies hid in childish play down in quebec and yet the dog cart is not merely a meana toward an end asifarm life ts arranged in quebec the dog cart la no mere child s toy but part and parcol of french thrift boys sent an errand oover the miles is the dog cart wood to be brought from tho distant woodlot on the mountainside is loaded into the little cart with the aid of these tiny horses and carts small boys do title work quite easily releasing their fathers and big brothers to mens jobs at the plough or with tha heavy scythe textile workers in tho big mill below monunorenqy falls living in saint orbgoire and other villages nearby have their dinner palls brought to them by their email boys in dog carts and if you happen along this road at dinner time it la to see r k rtith itllrft flh forty of these juusardtmriota obsscjattahied of the dog is surprising especially 1ten homeward bound then little m sleu can hardly bold him- in but you must not think lis only youth that those gay doga of quebec servb their tails wagging flying along with the baby in tho cart and the family brood of boys and girls running belter skelter gathering framboise in their palls what would tho old tho old couples the old women do without their old dog and bts little cartt but i think perhaps one never real lies more how in pen a part or every day life the dog cart is until you happen along by some wayside smithy and see the smith hard at work turning twisting heating hammering th miniature axles and urcb lu the moht mutter of fac manner part of the day s work as much us shoeing a horse victoria hayward up pneu muiilu 11 rui cuunlog this dlu axe is nam 1 llu mi tastromsylus iiini and is also known ae the 31 roil ky i us paradoxus tbeau irtna locate iii hit sir tubes of the luilm wli ri liny dtiiualt their ova or b 1 bal tiunilmrs tht ova hh wu uh llie imbryos or yquug worms oti tin a txj lied from th air j an na mb with th hicrctluna aitd die clargm frum thi- uostrlln while aoiuu ur couihid up and expelled from tin mouth durlmofpua o coughing ir 1a swiilluwtd mill expdled wltb the liih thin accounts tor a wldt hi nod contamination ot the floors of tin i hh and the ground in the lots and urd containing- affectio pigs filial poo in of water are sltto llublu t btcoitn coiilumlnnlld in ttiohu dlltiriiil pluctk tht larvaf dtvilop and rrom tlni to ttmu beconii more or it sa a mtiiauj- infection usually takfi plnci with ftid and water tn i k lanturih lutn atiil pens which liuv in com cunliimliiatcd by affect d tilri in turn tho paraslti s invade hi ulr hbktktu of th lufictid pla and tlir r acli xiiil uaturlty act tlnir nu th- jlimif 1 1 mphlnrji jpltfssiem iual d with paraulkn tin iiittcllgo r danj rous fur a lull tlint bt tin affictfd inlutah kitp on lilni frah infitloui mat trial mult tht jix-is- annluullj be address c a montgomery 1 rvxzxa makaokb dvl 1 toronto canada geartdtifi lace iratft where laees w9 fee hem m stow day odober 41b t q an dominion of canada loan 1924 the ba of montreal at au its branches wi accep appucadong for the new dominion government bonds either from new subscribers or frotn bxiders of victory loan bonos maturing 1st november 1924 who wish to exchange for the new issue h full pamculaia will be gladly furnished at any branch bank of montreal 3bs m fr rrnbcsu fe4 fsl5 iff kit rskwmt fcrp mih ssai jk ihhl m ssaal easasawl 1t1 bewsf 4 ss r sasaaakfaln 4jie3ssabh rj ubllsliid on cirlaln rlllllbh tug wtolht poorly dralnul ardn mi j d r y puis fuvnr tin dtvilopnunl f llu lufeltluti 0ui1j hucklllk pil j itlhl holoill liifiiiid from th ill r ut hit hou through c ntuniii itloi of im surfaci yount pigs a f u n utlis old nr till most easll inf cl 1 and bufftr the worst until aft r tiny are four montha old treatment badly infected and will developed cases do not respond to treatment owing to he fact that llm worms are locatid in tht small air tubes of th- lunge and difficult tn g t at slight infected cases if rci lovod to cl an quarti m and kept from lit coming more heavily inf ut d etem to trad ually recover treatment of tin at fictcd aiilmnla with urub is iiot sat ihfactory unless thi drugs art tn jicttd into tin tr eh a or windpipe by ui mis of a lijpodirmlc ayrlngi tie intra trachiul injections an a rule r qlllri to i ttoiie cart fully h nd d b sun i lug n tin driiks r all the nice girls tte canadian pacific liner montialvecently brought 200 happy canad4aa university students home from 1 a stay of several weeks in england and on the conauent a hippy group of girts are here seen with captain john rail commander of the ship the steamer called at cherbourg to pick up 260 returning canadian teaehen who had spent part of tha pin tine and oll nil ai a rul pn vtntlve iiieakurih r nucctaaful in ovi rcomllic tin din ih and prevent ing us rieurnnc irventlvo measures the flrat ihlnt ih to nmove all or th hialthy looking pltn from among th afficlid on s and place thini bi tiiw cl an juarli ru bouii dlulaneo from tliuai imvloual occui led dm hog yards and p iih should bi placid on clan lilgli tn und with good dralnul tl cy bliould bi cleaned out njnlurly aod biddid with good cliau lrn ttu iiok wallowu should m cflimtiucl il of mucr ti and ktyt cl ii tliu hog puim prtvlounly oc cuplid b liifictid iiih should bl llinrouxul clejmd and dlslnfictid by wanning with hot war and lit and tliln hhltpwanlii d 1 ii hog lots and portturis pr vlnualy i ccul ii i by in futid yu should 1m pluutliid up and m d u down lou 1 eik placii cull rtliit einiiin untir uliuuld in drilii d an a ion ai tl young 1 la fruni chf houh und k pi aciurale tr m nil mature plts in order n i lev nt tin tn from bi coming liifictid froiti tlusp adult plha nlikh harbor the paraallih tins tutmsllous wl i cuniparatlvily slmpk an u vrtlii less iffictlvi in overcoming thin truu blisoim purasltlc condition ot pigs dr c d mcollvru out vet col lege guilph student storm and capturerocky heights autumn siting of alfalfa ligi alfalfa has bun undir usl ur twmty six conn cullve jvars in eacl of twmty four jcars the ulfulfs nn three cuttings pir annum in 1907 two cuttings and in 1896 four cu tings wire producid in the one sea son the spring- or 1898 opined up very early and that of 1907 viry lati the third cuttings wire made on s p timbir 17th in the arnke or tht twenty tour years it is tntportunl to cut alfalfa bo tor uu 20th of sip umbir so as to i nabli tin crip to raaku good giowth in ion tin ap p roach of wlnt r bo maya dr c a zavlts of the ontario agricultural harnean an 1 deltii k 1 it is 1 nportant to note that any leathi r li propi rl uid o id hill rapidly for ex amplt b its for i riving machlni n nnm bic mm impaired ii 1 as in a lethtr on hlrauht rlvmur t ot but whin they are sipt clean at d ollld they will last tin t thirty y arf t ai pi ii grias ltghtl o drlvl ig to work hut hh llu ki n i it oil eh on id be wltlk it l xtm aear th olwkli in rlrla i oalbmua hns khrhht ak la k s owe f the swa rratlr hlrs far ih tint five peaks lu the canadian rockies have just been con quered for the first time by three harvard and uotch kiss students who were accompanied by their swiss guides the students who climbed and named the new cka in the famous columbia ice field are osgood field derick field and lemur d harris of boiton they were led by the noted canadian panne railway guide grfidwarrfneth ol g i p servtcelrttrip canadian rocktea two of the newly contuered peaks vave been named mount harvard and mount hotcbki after the two american universities the party made ave first ascents including the hitherto un conquered mount patterson 10 400 feet mount sir james outran 10 700 feet the south twin 10 goo teet and the unnamed peaks havard pod hotchktss besides all this they discovered a new route to the top of the second highest oaak in the rockies mount columbia 12000 feet whch waa made in a return journey of te r the south twin meld harris party lett lake louise fhe weeks ago accompanied by two guides flvpaxkvri and ninfein borses aod travelled zoo miles into the columbia jce iuctf11hutm artr mrin ttrtr a rlbattulwara funu uu4lu patitu hmo- war iwtaa nmr wk 14 the plclsimrrla nw sttma c4hitis nnhn la the cu utaa im flria field their progress waa halted several times by tha terrific winds from the ice fields and once they were forced to halt a dsy at mistayah lake in order to make rafts with which to get their horses across here at the oot of mount patterson theyputupabivouaccampand accompanied by the weird howling of the wild ice winds o this district spen most o thelrmg t a ujrelele andsihgtng warm southern songs lemonde hams had his own swiss guide with him joseph bluer who has guided him tor many years in the swiss alps edward fuex who has been guiding in the canadian rockies since 1903 was the man who success fully manouvered this valuable expedition the greatest novelty of the trip he stated on his return waa the meeting of fourteen american girls on the lonely forks of the north saskatchewan river who were travelling alone with their packers the girls insisted that tha party stop off for dlpner with them that night following which a ol dvribtation waa added to their wild northern snkjolisrror j 8 like bnut elmer g thompson insurance service georflelown g tt 4hfl ir4i or dandng feet over pine needles dimly hjfhted by a biasing log camp fire ma yu k

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