Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 24, 1924, p. 6

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thf omigrtown hkkaih stmmim h urn 1024 summers rem em bran oe no iqfu h oof hit lit llll ixawuk hi htfhttd torches bold and rtii her laht firowell tobttj thi imiuion h urnh hiic lilted adii trimmed tin forot h lumtw of lomb to lie itciuly for auluin h welcome when nlio billed lnrtli a lovelincbbto hop the gm dc mhi nrtlihtone shown wliero him found fragrant dream and fond dmirt for her are heaped the aahes of the roso that wa her scooted fire but abo did not forget ller slater autumn later couio for sweet remembrance on tl hearth aho not the lirst chnsftiilbemiim frank dempster sbcniii school fairs ballon the nine srhool tairs to bo bold id halton countj thih yenr will be held od tho following dates natmngun e n september 25 championship september 27 bronte october j highra4e scbool cor ydd ud alaiuutdar sta toto in u ten tho patronage of those whi dexirc to get tho best training for choice business pomtions write tod a j for catalogue enter any tim w r- miiott pridpi notice ol cmriof bevisiti ol vaers notirt is hereby given thai a court wil be held rnirsuint to the onlifio den lill act by hi honih ihe juiirc of tin counly coun of the county of halton al 1 lie township hall on the 11th day of ol lober 1924 al len oclock lo hear and ions in he olers i isl u the municipality of bsqunir for i9i4 dated 17th day of september 1914 j a tracy clerk executors sale ol leal estate and personal property in tas matter of tlu uu of her bert h hurtweuuuoftaatowa of qaargatawb la tlu cooaty of halton onuuaa doeoaaadtate will be ofand fox slo by the u- htttora of tlu aald uu by pwulc notion to be kald ostbo preaaiaes ob tbnradny 2mb day of septan bar 1b1h at al tblrty pj tbe folloariaa property all ahnsinrtlab tht certain parcel or tracl of land and premises situate ly ing and beinj in ihe town of ceorgclown in he counly of hallon and in tbe prov nice of ontario being composed of ijwl of ihe weilerly ball of lot number eight een in ihe ninth concession of the town ship of fcjiqueainff now in the said town of georgetown and which said parcel o tract of land and premises may be mon paiticulajly deacr bed aa foil oh com mencinj at a point in he southerly lim i of he toronto and guelph road in thi said town of i errftolown dmlanl nim hundred and f- ify eirhi and three tenths feet measured westerly thereon from hi point where he said limil of tbe toronto and duelph road in wtrseclid by the northwesterly limit of tbe allowance for road between lots seventeen and eighteen in ha ninth concession of the said town ship said point of commencement being alto disliint two hundred and twenty four feet measured easterly alonglhc said 1 mil of the toronto andguetph koad from fence along the easterly limit of ihe high school land conveyed by lewis heart well and wife lo the i eorgeloiifo high school hoard by deed daed june 25th 188s thence south 2 degrees 38 minutes west parallel to the easterly limit of ihe high school lands one hundred and fiy tee thence south 7 degrees is minutes las forty five feet thence north 2 de erees 38 minute hast one hundred and fifty feet o he southerly limit of ihe tor onto and iuelpb koad thence north h7 degrees is minulcs west along the same forty five feet to the place of beginning on he said above described premises here is erected a modern two storey six ned brick house with all conveniences ther and plat will a e sold i s follows ove and utcn is 4 kite lit ic 1 fall feat table kilche aide board 1 good k tcn f the p toli dtlun fifteen ay after the same ac rdmg l the terms and conditions se i n ihemidrlitms of sale rral estati ject martnerved bd le of personal propcrty- tki for further rrttcuuraandconditinnaol sale apply to lelloy dale georgetown om aolicilor for eorge cleave and al flour kings choice broad flo ar national for putry wholewheat stone milled barrels appte 1 wbeatwanted wbbrouncco norval flour mills norval fowl wanted i am paylik lhp hrghem pre fw kind o luepoultry also best pr k o li dence nl to impltmenl shop m freeman jh0no ssow crtwrcetow trees fall punted htw they compirc with tbe bpnnx planted tree nn fluuih and hwoet cherrlee do ttll lltik h llyiuunlted llolca for i in i it i uk iho apel of the rrtt- hnlnfnll and 1outo rot 1 he jrtat oat rop ri i torur apartment o fxirlunun to dcttrmlnu for the niuinra ittilnsula thu relative mor ub of fall and spring planting or uiara plums and sweet cherries wars start td nt the hortlculturat expert tii cut station vloelnd id 1914 sod 1315 complete records of growth utid trultfulness hava been kpt for each season so that the vl4cnos we now have lp fnlrl iotlcluilte icora hums and sweet chenlev ih ttol bevtrally speaklnx or pears ulunis and oweet clurrln ttlt plant ing iiub rtsuliid in tin kojl nuuiber bf diaths anil h m l somewhat s mwtli uf trrt both during hit first uaon and tluriuftur at i him hi ha the differ mem bvti iirj srm though tbuy lluit h w hiittlclutlj mark d to war r condltloui lie i fratik inn for the fewer nunibr ol itall in full planted than in n riii puntd lipis is that the tool of liu lull planted tree art uujt miujuuj lo urjln out aa are thu roots ol ulih held over until uu lm iltnl llolca for ihuil- lu eodjunci ion illti the ruil ve spring plantiti xpirliiltdt tries wen uluu puiiuu in ordinary dug hoi a and lo jjnaniltcil hola this in he sull the general size health and vigor of the trees in tho varluus plu tiiihi netmud tu indicate that the tins atl in liul h immediate l ufltt djiianiltlnt wm lor uoine dt layed in this 1 to the rapid drjlug oul of hi ately follow lug dj niiiiiltiiij wqich delajed the starting of hie trees to overcomo thin dlffliulty thu expert meul as cuntlnutd ulth the addl ion of trees planted in holes dyna lulttl in tho fall and allowed lo 1111 with water and settle over winter llort hip station vlneland station riio appeal of ho rree travellcm irt portugnr report that n many places where limber trees n lu be found in woods purka lid hardtiih one hits the folluulng headed to the wuy and i t i irtli c nlht the friendly shade scrtenlng od from tho sum mi r nun and my trulls are refresh ing draughts quenculug your thirst is you juurue on 1 am the beam that holds your house the board of your table ho bed on which you lit and ihe limber that hdllds your boat i aiu the handle of jour hoe the door of your boniest ad ihe wood uf your cradle and the shell tar youi 1 am tbo bread or kindness and the qowur or beauty ye who pass by listen to my pray or harm mo not rainfall affecting potato rot very careful records of the rain fall at the college have been kept by the department of agricultural phy afca lp each of the punt sixteen yuan in comparing the amount of rainfall luring the months of july august and sentemhtir with the amount or rot in the potato crop in each or the past sixteen years some interesting fnformiulou has been obtained the annual amount of rainfall for thu ihret mpnths referred to tor the eight years in which there was no rut was t 1 inches for the four years when there was a moderate amount of rot 9 8 inches and tor the four ears in which the rot was abundant 11 7 inches the amount or ralnrall therefore appears lo have a very marked influence in making condl lions favorable or unfavorable for ihe development of rot depl of exten slon o a c ouelpb oifurloa greatest grain crop in 1923 oals were grown more extensively in ontario than all other grains combined it is probably safe o say that threequartern of the oate which are now grown in this 1xovmce are uf tbe 0 a c no 7i and the banner varletieh according lo ex tenslvo experiments and accumulated records at the college at ouelptf and ontario lre0 acno tfhas sr passed the banner in both quality or grain and yield of grain per acre the differences between these two varieties if applied to the oat lands of ontario would mean mi ii ions or dollars annually in favor or tbe o a c no 72 dept ot extension o a c quelpb tho ultimate auceeas ot any co operative marketing uffort depends on the will or the far mor to cooper ate on a spirit of mutual confidence and on trust in one another uncle ab says one of the wst ways to get men to work harder for you ts to work harder than they do how abonl your root asbcstocote goes over th old roof arn stops al leaks give it a trial always in slock a tall line ol harness etc deering mud mooormloh machinery mud repmlra for iimt oili andgxtemsei 2 second hand entfnei h barnes hill street for lale mome onmsin sf south all convert icncei also tmtu bam apply to mrs maif uaw 57tf the ontario voters list act 1822 notice of sittings ot revising officers take notice thmt ilttinic- of the keviaine olncers for the pwpoae of hearing complaint or appeals with regard to the voters uato to be used at the plebiscite held under the ontario temperence aot 1984 pendlne for the electoral district of halton will be held at the following times and places namely at tho town hall in the town of burlington on wednesday 1st october 1024 to hoar iimihunth an to the lint of voters for all tho polhno subdmwoni in hie tujid town lnal day for filing apnoala 27th septembej 1u24 at theconnoil chamber in the town of oakville on thursday 2nd october 1024 to hear ciimiilalutu na to the liet of voters for all polling subdiviaipim m tho naid town last da for tiling appeal e- 29th september 1u24 at the township hall in the township of trafalgar and at the orange hall bronte friday 3rd onto ber 1924 to bear complaints aa to the hint at vut r lor nil polling subdivisions id tho baid township last daj far lilmtf nii pealu 30th september 1924 judge elliot wil be tbe revising oflicrr at each of these tbrep municipalities uieotiabcd and his olorka will be for burlington l kylcos whose addresses burliqkton out for oak i ho james l barnes whoso address ib oakville unt for trafalgar s it albert nhoao address is oabvillo ont at the township hall in the township of keelson wednesday 1st ootober 1024 to bear complaints as to tho list of voters for all the polling subdivisions in the said town ship last day for filing appeals 87th september 1924 at the township hall in the township of nassmga- weya on thnrsdmy 2nd october 1024 to hear com plaints as to tbe list of voters for all polling subdivisions in tho said township last day for flliog appeals 29th september 1824 at the town hall in the volmfs of acton on fri dmy 3rd october 1924 to hear complaints as to the list of voters for all the palling subdiviaions in the said village of anton and also for that part of tbe township of enqueuing adjacent to said village bat not included therein and known as board mo ro crescent last day for filing appeals 60th september 1624 victor ohibholm esq will be the revioiog officer afceach of these throe last mentioned municipalities and also for the part of beardmore crescent and hia clerks will be for nelson john f biohardiion whoso address is milton oct for massagaweyajoba marshall whose address is campbellville ont for acton u n far mer whose address b aoton ont for beardmore crescent j a tracy whose address is georgetown oat at the township hmu in the township of esqnesing and at the town hall in glenwiliimms on wed nesday 1st october 1024 to hear complaints as to tbe list of voters lor all the polling subdivisions in the said township except beardmore crescent last day for tiling appeals 27th september 1924 at the c chamber in the town of georgetown onthnrsdmy 2nd october 1924 to hoar complaints as to the list of voters for all the polling subdivisions in tbe said town last day for qling appeals 29th september 1924 at the council chamber in the town of bfllton on friday srd ootober 1024 to hear oolnplainta as to the list of voters for all tbe polling subdivisions m the said town last day for filing appeals soth september 1924 w i dick esq will be tbe revising officer at each of these three last mentioned municipalities and bis clerks will be for barflies ing john a traoy whoso addreas is georgetown ont for oeorge town f l heath whose address is georgetown oat for milton geo a hemstreet whose address is milton ont each bitting will commence at nine oclock in the forenoon and will continue until the appeals have been disposed of at bronto and glenwilliarob at three oclock in tbe afternoon or bo soon the real tor as possible if necesbarjt night sittings will be held at each of the above named pi aces between the hours of seven and nine oclock p ui and further take notice that any voter who desiroa to complem that his or her name or tho name of any person entitled to he entered on the said list has been omitted from the same or that the names of any persons who are not entitled to be voters have been entered thereon may on or before the dates respectively above set out apply com plain or appeal to have his namo or the name of any other person entered on or removed from the hsl and farther take notice that sanh appeals must be by notice in writiog in the prescribed form signed by tbe complainant in duplicate and given to the clerk of the revising oflloeror left for him at bis ad dress as stated above and further take notice that the voters lists to be revised are those of 1924 these may be obtained from tbe respective clerks an appeal should be made for anyone entitled to vote whose name does not appear on part i or part iii of these voters lists for 1924 j w elliot chairman of tbe election board for tbe connty of halton dated at milton loth september 1924 h ereaiv dtk ere mclaughlinbuick special six 2525a permanent topandglass enclosures make thi an all- seaaonj touring car you full motoring pi mclauehli solv phis winter x youtl need an enclosed car next spring and summer when skies are clear and the open road beck ons a touring car will give easure this boflfneeds very carefully and substantially made the glass enclo sures which are specially designed for this model fit perfectly everywhere ensuring snug comfort ir all weathers that is equal to most closed cars the price is unusually low for ft cir with pourwheel brakes lowpressure tires duco the beautiful quiet finish that improves with time and ifclaughlinbuick 50 h p vslvcinhead engine cant you soouq see it for yonmtf mlaughlin buick fisher king georgetown moro than on hundred and fifty traders from tha far north arrlvod i edmonton alt recently bnng- a with tam far salra to tha valua of approxlsaauly 1600 000 tartan second the largest wood en mm in on world was launched recontly at the wallace aaipyarda vuceuver b c she is 1 000 tons burden and has 300000 ml of brit- lab colunu lumber in her make h tfco aeow is to be used as a carrier for a treat pile driver for sydney e junkins company two dinosaurs have been located in th red deer valjsy alia ntar the canadian pacific railway line this summer by the university of toronto expedition compliant of four adentists who prospectid for several weeks in the gorge and atre packing- up the preh stef ic mon iters for aaipment to ttte rpyal on tario museum another skel ton has been scaled by the geological survey of canada one of the outstanding feattirea ef canadian trade with the orient during the past yei or so has been the remarkable increase in wheat flour exports imports of canadian wheat flour into hong kong in 1m23 wore tie largest on tecord showing an increase of 100 per cent in vol bjm over those of 1922 the fig urea and values were 1922 79 fjrb barrels valued at 126 000 1323 191821 barrels valued at 249 qgm zaae grey the famous novelist noaatly caught a 768- pound tuna flak constituting what is believed to be a worlds record the sea ntonater was successfully con- qucrwd after three hours and ten muiulm of griluntbldeatar off the nova scotia cosst and towed into liverpool harbor mr greys prise i a apedea 0 the blua fin family the raeord before thu catch wa held by j k l ross the well- known montreal sportsman and fi nanderwho caught a 710 pound one ol the moat remarkable achievements in art printing yet produced in canada and one which finally 4kpoea of the idea that raca work canaet be aatuotartoruy handled by canadian firms is found in the new booklet issued by thi canadian pacific railway dealing with the forthcoming 1985 round thetvorld cruise of tbe company steamship empress of france tha booklet contains 40 pages of text end color lllustratfoni the lat ter exquisitely combining many brilliant hues in a number el high ly imaginative designs canadian pacific gross earnings for july totalled i4m3 as against h677835 for the hum month last year m decrease of 794169 but in order to meet this reduction operating expenses were reduced by 1963680 those for the month being 11 64 he as oempared with 13607802 for july ims thus the net earnings for the month showed an increase of m96tt over those of the sauev month a year ago for the 7 months of the year to july so gross earn ings showed an increase of 8 017 2w operating expenses an increase of 1184013 and net earnings sa increase of 1008261 take your i store into their homes by long distance dont wait on the chance that they may come to you telephone them at once by long distance sell them or mako an appointm for xcalll we now handle consider ably over one million long distance messages a month mostly for merchanta who declining lo be the victims of circumstances are making sure by long distance that they get the business into what homes or ojjicw could jou talfc your store toddy bj long dutdnoef fill fdr dales the following is a list of fall fair dates issued by the agrirnl tural societies branch of the on tario department or agriculture i which the people of this vicinity ill bo interested georgetown october 84 aberfoyle october 8 caledon september 24 25 cookbvillo october 7 8 durham september 80 oot 1 erin october 910 fergns september 2686 lton october 8 milton september 8887 rnckwood baptember 80oct i streetsville october 1 weston oetober 84 tobacco and confectionery store our everyday special our assortment of high class chocolates i cant be beat at 30o per lb your choice of any make of chocolate barn 6 for 26o h druks main st georgetown fm pctumtuno s enameled ware has v tiie smooth surface and polish of fine crockery without the break age and it is so very easy to clean just like china and therefore makes light work of pot washing try this test take an smp enameled ware sauce pan andan allmetal sauce jpan of equal size into each pour a quart of cold water put on the fire at the same time the smp sauce pan will be boiling merrily when the water in the other is just beginning to simmer saflpware apocm ttfporcitaut and a heart of suat tkrs sakhasi phh wintn raits tl prry aail tost u4 dttiuari warthrh oats tblm um and wblu liu wall limine crrstal war tan oats pan watt taila sat oat wtta baral bow aestas sheet metal products c c hydro electric system curling irons guaranteed for 1 year 3200 60 watt lamps 4 for 1 oo guaranteed lamps 40c and 45c irons guaranteed s years 575 irons guaranteed 1 year 475 orders taken or ranges and appliances of all kinds direct from aberdeen irshnll h famous canned fish fresh llorrink in 1 lb tins 20c kippered herring in 1 lb tin 30o uaddofldh in i lb tins wc lorring in tomato sauce olc kipper paste nnd bloter panto loo domestic sardines iqf 2 for k5c nowcdian sardines fin oat pocked 20c putting up pickles don t pm tjiom up in vinerar ou g hi good uso gaarao toed good vinegar weve just rotten in n supply of extnarchoice picming vipegar both the older and white wine variation and will in sure the bent nesnlts overy time bctt or pickling apices are also an important part of our stock nowa days clarks bread if you want the- best bread man ey can buy phono 229 and our wagon wil call once used jou will hnvo no othnr wo bavo not mentioned our pics jelly rolls cookies health biscuits etc it ttim nt betaiise we did not sell them f do wo put tbo bent of materials and ttkill into their pro duction mark clark bakery and groceries plionk ss9 ho skovkulnt ranlxw standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically screened and loaded coal wood select lump for domestic j 1 and threshing purposes smithing and cannol coal in fact i carry everything to bo found in any up to date coal and wood yard john mcdonald j phone 12 3 georgetown office town hall t birds roofs voodouiparoidt puntd roofjotf hu earned its enviable re potation daring qaarter century of use because it pays bis dividends in wear and pays satisfaction for years and years i it is distinctive cornea in three colors slate red slate green and briffbt y 4 it is waterproof and gives complete proti fwj rooflag i made by bird son luntod eat 17951 aaaaafactarer of n n end canadian twu saiagiea bird- art craft roll iww ttaponaai black btuldusa paper mmd coaaunatlon wait bo3 tnwti vsry esrt of balldlaa eurd s3 w fir sw i rh thompson co georgetown start on monday at guelph basiness college cnura on approved courses individual instruction evert gbadume located it is a fact there aie good lemuner- ative positions awaiting you when thoroughly qualified alkhx prlsdsal i rwsrlelw c oal best anthracite coal always on hand nut and stone coal small egg coal large sized pea coat delivered to any part of the town also coke phone iso f rogers co georgetown oat beat d l w son coal all sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j waikins nerval 8attqn phono g2r fire insurance j w kennedt cemfetowb apf i fr wrol the ilrofsrn coin are you protected

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