Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 1, 1924, p. 2

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w h wuw undertaker and licensed embalmer hill it- omtttowi auto mob le or horae- drawn hearse phono right or day mworsli b rtba marriages and death are kw charged lor at the follow ng rales b rthi w marriages deaths soci memo at cards 50c 10c per i ne extra for poet y born bialmeai at getrgetown tu sept 28lh 1924 lolhew le ol vim bealmear a songlen w llson died tavlou at the home o her tuu- and daughter mr and mrs herbert k bessay estjueung qn saturday sept lh 1924 esther walker widow of the late j as 1 taylut n ber eight flimui- in toronto general hosp i si on saturday september 27lh 1924 aster b frecmai n his 2nd year to rums suddenly at hiabtic residence 11 memtlst wt welland onl thursday even ng sept 25th 1924 horace kmerftoa tornpk is nhi tidy second year georgetown fair friday art salarfay tbls wedthu eitries b very thing is in readiness for tho big fur to be i old nt george town on friday and saturday tioit tbo directorate haa arrangod a gpod lint of prices and it 1b tip to the farmers and others to bhayy what this d fat not cao produce there will be a splendid program of murifl by the 46th highlanders band and oeorgetowo oddfellows band an well as miuij otbor out ride attraotiodb the track is in good abae and a number of good burnes aro booked to compote in the speeding oveutn do your share jn making the fair a success by being present and taking part in this big anrjunl event funeral notice laler in atemortam paasswooo inaad and lov ng memory of our dear son and brother pte joht preaawood who was k lied in action oi october 1st 1916 the month of october again u brre tbe saddest tnonlh of all i be year farewell dear atouyour i fe is past 1 loved you dearly to tbo last toe ma heal the broker heart time may make the- wound leas sore bui tnie can never fiop the lonir ng for the loved one gone before sadly msacd by mother falber st and brothers glen williams tkacy in ever loving memory of j hi bertlracy 64th battery d ed october 2nd 1918 cherished memories oi ojle so dear are often recalled by a silent tear it u only those who have loved and lost who am realise the bitter cost our lips cannot apeak bow n gin our betrti cannot tell what to wy god only knows bow we miss him in a borne ibat is lonesome today mother father brothers glenwilliama on tuesday evening of last week a largo number of friomli members or georgetown baptist church mot at tho borne of m and mrs wbitmoe tobid farewell to bev and mrs moore proviotie jo their departure to another field the evening was marked with splendid good fellowship and joyment though all regretted tbe removal of their pastor of four and a half j ears after a number of games and sing song a solo by mrs moore was much enjoyed mr wallace ingram thee read an ad dress o appreciation to mr and mm moors and mr w whitmee on behalf of many frionds 1 resent ed mr moore with a purse of gold addresses which followed showed in no uncertain tone the high teem in which mr moore was held by his many friends mr moore responded in behalf of himself and wife expresitidff gratitude to thaj many who hod deemed his minis try a 1 le using to their lives also for the splendid gift a delicious innpheon was thpo served by tbe ladles after which a vote of thanks was tendered tbe host and hostess of the eening and tho happy gathering broke tip after singing li church news phbbbytbbian the sacrament of tbe lord s supper will be dispensed oq sun day morning we are hopingjtoof a fall attendance of the member ship preparatory eerviob will be held on friday evening at o clock mr maokay will be in the befldion room on friday after noon from i to 6 to meetrwitb any who may be desirous of uniting with tbe church at this common ion on sunday evening mr macks will preach to joang people the abject will be what this 20th oantury demands of young men yon are cordially invited to these bern ob st geobolb the 72nd anniversary of flb georges ohnroh will be held 6 sunday october i2tb tbe spc tal speaker will be tbe bev dr seager provost of trinity college toronto in connection with the general mi baton that ib to be held through out the diocese of niagara during the next few months a mission will be held at st georges church from sunday november 18th to sunday november ssrd the mi aw oner will be the bev canon sherman rector of the church of the holy trinity toronto tbe mission at at albans church will be held from sunday november 8th to bunrlay november 16th when the misaioner will bo tbr- bev hamilton mookndgp rectei of all hallows church toronto methodist f w lewis of toronto will preach in tbe methodist oburcl neit snnday morning and in thi baptist church in the evening bailinabd mr gear sinclair nonjof mr j f sinclair while hauling a pig m tbe seventh line on saturday hat quite an experience when h horses became frightened and rtu away knocking mr sinclair tincoi acinus for a time the funeral of tbe late mrs w a gardner of bo ton look plan on september 23rd to daurel bit cemotery mrs gardner had beei ill onl a few daybwitb diphtheria she was born at meadowjft 87yeara ago eldest danglieer o the late john and mary famel i since her marriage 15 years g abe bad lived at meadow vain an ballinafad before moving to boltot about ten years ago besides her husband she is survived by tbrc young ohildren norloe lillian an brace one sister mrs h a soutl headowtale and throe bretbert william and j d of toronto no a b farnell ballinafad terra colla tbe entertainment and box wx lal in the methodist church i at wednesday evening was much en joyed mr piercy s hnmoroo monologues wer highly apprectai ed as were also selections by mm stella greehsword nnd mr ryer son donglas norval auctioueei patch sold the boxes far a roc pnre bev m douglas wa oh airman succesafnl anniversary son ices were held in the methodist church when bev joseph culp of ahon occupied thejpulpitnn tho morn ing and bev j wells of islington in the evening mbaic wan fur disbed by tbe glen- and norval choirs mr jas davidson of the moun uin is quit present term colt gained another vic tory on wednesday when they de feated hiiulrarg by 11 to t on the blhletfo grounds mrs e grx dm return noine jluf tiwting barne fnendt mr fergusoft explains some iitiostion bas arisen as to tbe inlori retatioi of tbe govern inentis stateuent regarding quon on one a tbo ballot which was i follows one of tbi luchtioo thciefore will bo art joi io favor of the continuance of tho ontan i tump e ranee ant if tho majority answer in tho alllrumtlva there can be no doubt as to t e to bo follpwed premier porgueon i as written to rev dr t albert moore cam pat go director of tic ontario plebiscite co mm it leo tl n foil ing lottor dear mr moore amrrss ab freauilm old familiar pieces that bind good friends together on the occasion of mr moore t farewell far moo sunday evening rev mr caldwell and tho metho dist congregation attended tbe baptist church obiluary horace e tompkins a welland dispatch to the tot onto globe last friday contained tho fallowing welland citizens were shocked to hear of the sudden death of horace e tompkins wbioh oocnr red last thursday night he had been in bis usual health attending to business daring the day and playing golf part of the afternoon he was stricken with heart dis ease and died before medical at tendance could be secured tompkins was a greatly respected oitieen born at georgetown be resided here for thuteon years and built up a large business in tbe bakery and confectionery line with a branch at port col borne the late mr tompkins spent his boyhood days in georgetown and was a former valued member of the herald staff he left georgetown about 80 years ago and has since resided in toronto and welland two sisters the misses tompkins reside in the old home here i ratio hill pi irisod when you intimated to no that people bad sugkobted thrit my statement with referenro to tbe plebiscite was not clear and uu equivocal you will remember in thedisouesion with mr uellmutb mr pbelland and mr boyoe rep resenting the moderation leagi and mr lees mr john mcdonald and yourself representing tbe pro hibition organization at the con ference with the attorney general and myself it was made perfeotlv clear that all parties realised that if the people voted tor the oontin uanco of tbe ontario temperance aot tbe government would treat it as any other piece of legislation and would strengthen its weak nesses if on that might be re vealed from time to time aod give it active and vigorous enforcement we were doating wibb tbe ques tion of principle not a matter of more verbiage for that reason i purposely said in my statement that an affirmative answer to tbe first question would mean the en dorsatlon of tbo principle under lying tbe present ontario temper anco act yours very truly signed 0 e fergubon this clears the situation in voting for the ontario temper ance aot we are not simply voting for the law aa it stands at present good and effective as it is but for the principle underlying it and in the knowledge that a majority for will strengthen it and give it active and vigorous enforcement it ib not therefore a question of whether ontario will etay dry hut whether it will be drier or wet advt it ftllnvatnieiti xlt bekeol bookkeeping shorthand typo writing letter- writing spelling arithmetic etc any one desirous of taking up these bubjeots write for terms and date of opening to box r herald onice george town st electric shoo repairing at flemings shoe store while you wait to there trom here we i move with cheer i and you will have no i cause to fear each job of moving careful one take your trunk to the v depot or pack and ship 1 for you qewacrawh ont phone i i7iw t a nesisrcper i cartmeam msmtt hauunq c eleventh f the ceries dejlmf vfiik the ebunent aptlw ftuator rvvamiial t tiprbsetiutiv point m oucaba usd cuemmrtv he paris subsidiary of tbe bank of montreal a situated m a cjuarter nch m hittooe mtncfx from a lofty column a place vendome rhe statue of napoleon looks out upon an nfiposng aauare the axurrucoon of which began m 1686 under authoray of loun xpv a aauare which has witnessed many of rhe otjri greatest ovrmxutnooos and which now 100100 the ooaland busmeai hfe cf pan here m the heart of the capital of france the bank of montreal m 1919 ettablnhed a subsidiary office in the rax hotel building in february 192a the busmen of rhn office had become 10 e that enlarged quaron were opened near by at no 6 place vendcene bank of montreal established over loo years total aneti in excewof iooooooo the iiohoitown ilkitaii 0 roiikh ihr nut mass meeting at the town hall georgetown sunday afternoon october 5lh ebccontroller james simpson of toronto and others will speak on thfe plebiscite band in attendance everybody invited bucks buy where you are assured only the finest of young beef and other meats georgetown phone 28w1 conversion or payment of victory bonds maturing 1st nov 1 924 arranged reinvesting of the funds in bonds promptly attended to bonds in denominations of 01oo 500 and 1000 bearing interest at rates of 4 12 to 6 per cent may be obtained h r mimms geqrg eto wn watch oub windows just arrived new fall footwear for men women and children we invite your inspection our low prices will surprise yon try us ior good school boots j h j fox georgetowns leading shoe house 1 street georgetown a ttf afoarx becoming suit you avw had jcvery man looks his beat in blue serge especially in the fashionable easy fitting vendome remarkable value comm in and try it on d brill co corner main mux sts georgetown a splendid showing ol new fall suitings and overcoatings the mens store thin ib ftd udinnctd uhiinonl roprokonunk n purlieu larly lino r ino in the turn cut bcj ich tor t ill tnd win lor p n ouh altofi of 11 horion of ulo iroii hlnpad in maun bl if r i aoil arev also a combtnation of thttte eoloir in pu l ijo ofttrtd on u lm kuruund of bit o mid brown uorslcdti sao our hfwoial blnq herko at 4 i uit mi lnr value 00 00 our fnrninlilns donaitnicnt in now complelo i h till the inttiht nhselt en in lino net l wear ihirln cullarn half hon ef id our rewly towear dopartnjont wo are uliowiq a splendid range of fail and winter ovfircouts nnd suils rwe invite jour apeoia attention to this diptrtnipnt stjloand jrireu nyht it will pay jiou to call and dibcuaa jour fall require ments vjtb ua e millar fe co rto blvbolaua tauorlaat and maoa yiimlsoliur aavnta lor atookwall bandaraoiiat jo tomuta drkat and dry oatinliia georgetown phone 126 m 4a one ot the best 100 acre wheat farms in esquesing nicely situated within a mile of station nnd highway and hanly to george town 86 acres under cultivation is aorot maple bouh good ap ple orchard mostly spies boil beautiful garden loam mostly reeded down 80 acres alfalfa splendid large basement barn with good stabling drmog f shed eu roomed frame nnd stuooo houao this farm ih watered by spring creek and hydraulic ram which forces water into honm and burn this most dosircabte farm ran bo bought at considerably less than f 100 an acre easifj llnanced wtevans6go ge jagksons clothes of charm new dresses for fall tjreates st entirely new designs made from new all wool fabrics in a large range of pleasing colors these dresses specially designed by one of the best garment designers of canada for a leading man ufacturer who makes only special designs for garments of such high standard of quality smart styles and guaranteed workmanship the splendid values and low price will appeal to you now being shown at jacksons georgetown quality value 1 service fair day candy specials moir a crescent assorted chocolate ret goc per lb for our week end ci ocoutcs rcr 40c and 60c for extra special for fair da visitors sugar contnl j tin on almonds per lb peanut bar taffy regular 80c for our superior assort men t for jwp we have a drat class assortment ol pnclnio goodh trj r princess lib box 66c and the lil of the alle pa goc juj kosy korner kandy kitchen m f j deverson proprietor new advertisements ao udrartlsam ants oddar tills ha a it in aa oablt with order girls wanted ioiewi i paters n goal i apply l ht slj of r far bal oram e tame hahy enrr ue apply to hox 171 ceo gel w 2 for sat lunber nh klena d sui f sal w i j hmion pho t h tl applaa for bala n hern spy a d gr c gt n 6ev crraipl nc h2 r i eu k 2lp cow for bala m ik dk kl w i ix- so i chra 4 kksale iv ctispli jul slrre oalvaa wum calves yrom 7 jayd to a week oil j m cauley 98 r 21 f baardara wsgud k him a j ixurd tutelwu eiprclal le apply at her hid oh e lip rarrou far sala male a j remalo price s 00 floyd taroy li tf ceofteloaro lip waatmlr- ii uheil prices pa d or drcnsed toullry rnrnbi gpldtlam pho le i ceorge- foraltnra for lal oak nuleboard ullh plate isss m rror betlroon r te clwap lor caul aw coal healer apply al h office for sale u good brretlitk ewca i reg onlord i dow ham wsk box t early cww j j alexander puse 42 r ford conpa for bala 1921 model k elttuthanlwolll arel bar n w l several extras o ne ii son s gr suo for sal to jjue and grooved s lo i0k20 w ih doorhcompire w ii be sold cheap w j ajexade phono 42 r h 1 waffled it w h dkiuube lor cheke apply 1 o box 12hgieiwhlam 3 for sal somen r i arlor cook slove coal so an ideal healer si eel conslruct on al shape mrs a cent k 2lp if to rant 7 room cement block house near h gb school s16ncr month apply on premis es robert voung georgetown tf strayed fron lot 16 w hall con 7 jbout sep tsl a small black he fer p nder pleaar notlyw d johns on phone m9 ceorre vagatabls and fruit we carrj a diojce slock of fresh vc and wh ch we sell al most rtarnnshle prues lei is nupplv yo rneeils nlheselncn r marcl me i m ii s ceorgelovrn wood far sala very cho e i nrdw tod also liardwood ralhhid ulr r i wood ah cit nl stove lo n i ill si renkonble prtcej sal k j b mod lard plo e1r4or boit9qg- nrelon 39tf taluon m ss inabrl co atcm piano in clam i take a 1 i teov number of pa o pup in on iaturdayii n ceorgetown terms on jppl cal on in po box 40 c 17 9 3 hoaisy for bala clover iscner lb amber 12 1 2c per i ib i en twenty ih rty and sixty pound ns nl a r v nnnntiers ann sl gaorica- loa orrukevn outers ball ua fad it an to for sal dodb o k cur n first class r nn 1 rond o w ii he sou rcaso adle gamble phone 110 iconfqbwn tf pataitoa waustod w 11 1 uy s y i a ty of polaloes at a ngl pr e ourlruck n 11 take off farm so bags a a i me cornrtpn ulence tr tly conrdeni al wr le box d herald ofrke lip wuud two young women or two young men irtroom and board crnnforlable home wih alt conve e ccs adply al herald to rant ot u con 10 esquesfng r cri gt own h ihwny and osei on ap i 1st ims i plo gli it x her wood for bal hardwood hotly mapli 12 n 4 par ngle d son ra u 12 n 3 per s n onl lanlhnml ml 12 j w per lewfll ceorvetntt forbaja th e y 1 o n k k d oak refr k a or home kc nomy cook ng ra gn uihwurlont i hrary sat brass unl h hi a d fr f all an c es k xb g arnold n su if 4 per bnl s es i 114 per bll nil apples ore o m1 i a ly ami h d p ked n d defvered al liese pr es george heir nglon phone cold weather is coming he propred and iee lal mer ll 0 har esi nan about jour requi en eils nbo se ma krti horse covers a d rubber n gn a re innofcomlo able k i n olu- aad alaaonjuul s ngle aitd double hnme- olli s ha icr wh ps and all teams rn suppl es at c osc pr ce r nr along yo r harness a ki c for repa ra lal n er t eurgel is the miller 01 toe estate of h h heartwell oantluuaa deaad sralrd tei de s sdilretied o he umsk i marked tender or george w arena 1 ock n ii be re r vrd ii aday october 9ih iwt lor h k ha ent be cap is slotk i eo get are u company lm nl f i a al e ol 500 each ka h tender m i e compan ed b in i0pern trtl tender main n is ij l dow about your rool asbestocoie goes over the old roof and stops all leaks give it a trial always in stock a toll line ot harare etc i deering and mooormiok machinery and repairs for same oils and greases stecond hand engines h barnes r hul strut

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