Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 1, 1924, p. 3

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tub oitohoktown hmih 3t annual fall clearance sale i golf supplies il mivinflh wlnrli the kolft r lb 1 vo in on t n of rood lhtr still before him i inuol ifford to nuns i00 clubs fortwnnd of t hdlo fa 19 11 odubs l r lruni of tbm hull afio 4 00 dills r t od of tliiu salt 111118 jfloo 1 1h for icr od of hhh silo ioo oiiiik tor icnod of this kill 4 69 sr 1 tin for i trio 1 of this hllo 49h 7 o0lib fir 1 1 nod of this hfllc olf bigs itn relutl n of ict d j matthew dru08 and stationery m loeal news hems bos theatre tonight go to tho fair satuida daifcentolen 24 lb oct ithero will bo a morry fin round at tbo fair regular meotiiw of town council next monday evening fresh lubo trout also smoked flab at smith a butcher shop it fifteen hundred pair rubbers for nale iu fleming a shoo store alls zee fair dny visitors make black ft your meeting plme you are wol two bands at the fair satur day 48tb highlanders and oddfel lows bands mr 8 liirk of the georgetown floral co was judge of flowers at brampton fair trained horso and dog abow at the fall fair on friday niht end all daj saturdaj ladies i marcel wave 50o from 1st to uilli oct re unflgtnb parlors misa s gamblo w e mocrendy of hilton is returning officer jor jialton in the coming plebiscite vote acton council are now canaid ermn tho addition of no auxiliary pumpfoi their waterworks ayatem tnko your ahoo repairing to roney b and you can got it when you want it alvns on tho job it tbo oddfellow a band will hod aootbor of tboir popular dances in tho arena on friday ootoberlo tbere will be an exhibit of grains etc from northern ontario in the exhibition hall on fair day ladies bracelet watches on aate friday and saturday at bar gain prices a b willson george town h a mecrj go round will be in operation at the park on friday evening and all day saturday at the fair l there n 11 bo a big hockey mcetimt m the aiena on thursday evening october 9th don c for get the date its about time to obatfge those bath i br girls on the wind shields and rear glass of cars to a far advertisement limebouse women s institute will moot at tho homo of mrs w l milliere on thursday october 9tb everybody welcome toil can always spend a plena ant and pro ii table evening at the theatre sco the piogram foi tbia week it s real good it ib said to hao been ivn irishman who v lion asked bow iil liked prohibition replied it s n blame sight bettor than no iiqiioi at all the baby contest for the sil ver mug given by browne bakery will take place in front of the grandstand on saturday fair day at 8 o clock aniniportant meeting of the robekahs will be held in tho lodgi rooms next tuesday night october 7th every member is urged to be present refreshments international plowing ma toll at brampton an the farm of b u bull son october 16tb 16 17tb and 18tb for fol information apply to j bookie wiibod parlia ment buildings toronto we have been appointed cn pa myrrb and have rccsiveua fresh t stock of the vanoas sizes of this old and favorably known remedy d j matthew the laities golf committee urgently request ail lady golfers to hand an their three score by sat nrday october 4th when handicap will be arranged and draw mode play for shield will take place tho following week stoves whether a range or heater we can supply you beo our cosy home quebec cook stoves and dappj thought quebec heater marvel quebe large siro 19 00 r h lhompson a co oore town it two tords collided it the coi nor of main nnd m iil at cots on bunday morning both can were damaged considerably but fortun ately tbo occupants eucapcdinjury a silent policeman might have pre en ted the accident over 6000 people attended the brampton weaton lacrosse gamo on saturday at brampton when the exoelsiore were defeated by weotqn in the inst round of the wit flfc b goals to 8 many georgetown people were present about 40 more armenian boyi are expected at the farm here this week xhe boys will have a stand at tbe fair and will sell calendars etc tho proceeds to be divided among themselves patronize the boyiun their first effort to make a little canadian njoiej fine hand sewn wboe repsii ing atem5gssbwtitore- i mp ortsn t ha uac i important meeting of the local temperance society will be held m the methodist church oa thursday oveuing oct 2nd at 8 lock ah interested please be preaent f r watson secretary kobbary mt crry georgetown creamery was en tered sometime between 1 80 and m on thursday morning last and over a ton of butter stolen tbo llitovps unlocked tbe onter doors and also tbe door to tbe large efngcrator room loaded the boxes of b ittor on a tiuok and departed the robbers left no clue as to their identity there was a big attendance at tho dance under tbe auapizes or tbe oddfellowb band in tbe arena last ftiday evening splendid c was supplied by the regal orchestra or toronto and nickel t a orchostro a delicious luncheon was served by the bebekabs another dance will bo given by tbe band on oet 10th waaat-tlgabtaa-eatg- tbe following from here won prizes with their horses at bramp- fair fred wnggleeworth on carriage horse 1st on wag horse j w bessey lnt tor gentleman s turn out 1st lor brood mare 2nd for carnage team 2nd for single high stepper j camp bell 2nd for gentleman a to moat for roadster team in harness w w brownndge 1st for penh eron mare a t rrmdudul t freed prominent mason and journalist of tbe old school who was formerly editor of the amjlton spectator died late sat urday afternoon in st- josephs hospital he was 89 years of age and had been ill but one week deceased woe an honorary life member w credit lodge af 4 a m georgetown and a number i here attended tho funeral at hamilton yesterday golf an interesting game between tho men of tbe wi hough by golf links took place recently after keenly contested round of holey tho result was a tie for first place between j halls and j ftlc- kechnie manager h axel wood third place and oar old caddie e in fourth it being hia first round tbis season the players wero manager haxelwood j hulls j mokecbnie w hoggins w hodge c w stacey persotuk mis uuh cleavr it tuitiog lb fnendi in pan mr cbarlea walker of pm tiaitor in lawn on honda jlr il u allen of llvllontille was a caller in town on sloadaj- mrokarie adams of ctnrinnau ohio ib visitiog wilb ber wstc mrs l k pleca r and mrs doughty of toron to were visitors at ur w d buck a on sunday r and mm harold cobten of toronto visited with fnends in town during the week r clarence bennett of the t baton cos winnipeg spent friday with friend in lawn dr and mrs durham mr and 1m w u boles st catherine spent sunday at dr nealsen mrs tl druka left oo tiatnrday torain for new york where she will spend some weeks raiting rrfewls re b c netlsen of ijudington tiicb has returned borne after pending a month al the home of her son dr neilseo messrs j b wauare e t bar- nrtougbs kirk and ii it uiun nauha nsit to zetuuktladge ap ah toronto last friday tng mr and mrs john bahantii and mrs w a maw have return ed home after spending a week with arthur and grand alley friends mr ken martin mrs u- hartu port carting mukoka mr aid mrat benxwtand master gordon of toronto spent thursday with fnends in town mr and mrs peek mwrfooh aad children ted and jean and mr john b mnrdock nwtnredto mi forest and spent the week end with retauvee these r legrow retoraed home from goelph hospital mat week and ta able to get around on cratches he is making good y toward recovery from his recen seme accident m and mrs ge h gaoder- nam of toronto annoonee the gagementof tbew danghter miss mary gooderham to mr ljman f hogarth son of mr and mrs gen w hogarth toronto one of he many affairs given in huoor of miss gooderham was n dehghtfol dinnerdaoce on balnrday sept- s7th at georgetown golf qnb a very pretty wedding was sot- emnued m 84 stephen s chnrch hornby on wednesday afternoon sept m by but wm kyis md when pearle eldest danghter of mr and mrs thomaa hunter of esqoesxng became the bnde of alex black second son of mr and mrs henry black of tbe second joe west chingnajcouby only immediate retabves of the con- tracting parties sere preaent- rbe bnde wore a navy tneofane suit with grey hat and grey fur choker and earned a boaqnet of ophelia roses she was a by ber consul una marjory hnat- ibo wore a navy eostnme with grey hat and mink far john hunter brother of the bnde best man after the home of the bride the happy couple left for a tnp to niagara falb and bando they will reside a pretty autumn wedding took place in georgetown last saturday morning at tho home of mrs j w adams when myrtle daughter of and the late john w adams became the bride of charles jirnk postmaster of kenora and bod of mrs e junkin and tho late k kin of bobcaygeon the wed diug ceremony was conducted by rev mr caldwell the bnde wm given away by her uncle mr j w kennedy she looked very pretty in a cocoa crepe dress and carried n lovely ebower bouquet of sweetheart rosea and lilies of tbe valley the wedding march was played by mies jean adama of tbe bride the home was beau tifully decorated with a profusion of gladioli blooms after the cere mony tbe happy couple left on a trip to torontaajiiagsra falls and buffalo themue wore a smart beige fur trimmed cloak over ber jcpstumqbndobiq little velvet and jlowertrimme3 bat to match cufllasstaai tur u-nnwraftrr- forwi of ii il a rounlj are organize qudi r dm- leadenjiip of k 11 cltvoli barrister of iliirliugum hm rosi dral j u dh county mb il nspeetor of milton as 1st mci pmsadenl mrs caldwell ofgor getown sod vtoepnsidenl anil j u turner of oakville secrcuir delicious wejnrsday oct 1 one of the blood starring douglas fairbanks chapter3of the haunted valley comedy taxi tasi frwhy oct 8 trouble shoot rr starring tom mix comedy pom do too koler fox news edit rational reel schooldays in japan saturdaj october a ionjola adapted from ynuiia slockltys novel starring anna q niikhou and james kirk wood a storj of pans and the african veldt com edy otandpas girl hodge iodge frozen thonder while taking a load of sheep to brampton fair tatt week william bteanson in the employ of s dot sou nocral was sengusly injured attd narrowly escaped being killed steenson was nding on top of a crate when the team he was dnv ing ran away as the wagon pass ed over the railroad tracks be was shaken off and thrown to the he was a mass of bruises tint is rerovennh in brampton where be was taken after the accident on fnday afternoon sept 19 tb the farm bouse of mr william j ritchie lot si coo t hiqucsing was destroyed by fire it is thought the lire originated from ark from tbe chimney falling d the kitchen yoor a small quantity of tbe furniture and effecuwrtenmved bat tbo loss of household goods is beat the boose and contents wore insured the bttcfawpropeity is near mr stalker o and the homeless family have been made comfort able there for the present mr ritchie will erect temporary quart ers until they make preparation to build anew bouse next summer sensational candy prices i thcic may be a lot of stores in georgetown selling candy but nro they offering you such money saving specials we have aon e i e il surprises for you this friday and saturday fresh turkish dehght 2k take a good look at thisprice and dot it down on your shopping imt regular so friday and saturday 23c per lb t homemade peanut crisp 25c lb t k pure wbolesomo homemade toffee with lota of peanuts regular 80o per ib friday and saturday 25c per ib neduons milk chocolate rose bud 49c per lb ibe candy that all kiddies like friday a saturday 49c lb weekend chocolates 32c don tflo boms saturday without a pound of our week end chocolates hard and sott centres regular 40 and ooc inally liaebetise on account of tbe except fine weather and interest in tlie school fair many from here attend ed hilton fair last batnrday the interest 10 the school fair was very great tbe exhibits from lamehoose were large in number and of real fine quality in tbia way so man on tea wero won by limebouse section that they bate won tbe much coveted cup- tbe jodgiog was dooe by judges from outside of the county so that favored in any way several fasailies had children who brought home prizea in numbers all tbe way from s to 18 this well for lunehoaae children neariy 3700 being earned off by the lamehooj sectioo from the fair held here coal brat d l c w scran ton coal in all sizes aho southing and steam coal ttrs j walkins norm saton phone g2r24 dominion stores mm who intend ordering curl ing stoucb from the old country the local corhog club are requested to hand their names to treasurer j l thompson at the bank of ommerce not uter than noon on saturday oet 4th joet in a new freih stock of boots shoes and rubbers we are ho re to stay georgetown home and you can come to us with every confidence that you can get better satisfaction in boots and shoes from us than any other store in the country we are profession ols in the business and now bave our new fall steck made specially for us by two of the most reliable manufacturers in canada whose boots are known from coast to toast to be tbe best mads hoots in the dominion buy the macpber- eon and the day foot farmer s tav nnte and there aint a store in on tario sella these boots at as low a price as we sell them we bave the grebb shoe and many other makes we have all kinds of machin far repairing and al ways on tlie job with beardntores beet leathers women b boots half soled and robber heels jloo all rips sewed free school children musfj have tbe very best leather put on tbeir boots no opposition in low prices roney the man that is making georgetown a name for good boots and low pneea we back up what we advertise boaey- p v salada v xi a pure fresh and satisfying sold in aluminum pnckot try it weekend special 32c per ib harold c black mam street georgetown rennies grocery pastry flour 24s gnon b pure lard 5 ib quart sealers med per doz matches per pkt shaker salt 2 boxes jello 8 for black tea nor lb cheese per lb dinger snaps 2 ibs- cocoanut fingera per ib oranges tomatoes bananas we deliver d r rennie cash grocery phone 151 for quiek delivery house phone 273i running water when and where you want it on tny farm of average size at least one hour a day 36 ten hour working days a year are spent in the irksome wearying task of pumping water 36 days which one of my toronto windmills will give you for profitable work rest or recreauorebcsidcs supplying running water wherever you want it the one bothersome taik thatnf oumg the wmdnull n all of weather u overcome m the toronto se1fouer which requires fresh oil only once i year fnction and wear k practically abohmoi toronto wmdmilla too can be made absolutely tetfrcfulatang m opentma the toronto tower will sund for a efetane because it a the heaviest strongest and bestbraced one fault for any wmdmul let me erplam why i be th u one of the btgiw convenience you an nave w j alexander georgetown ftomovies by bailey mtsn garage learn to drive this car new goods new goods tillable for ladies all wool flannel plain and small check ban toy in all the new colors brown navy sand cm nam on grey and block ih all wool flannel plain colors at 1 75 per jd 50 all wool check sport ffannet at 2 ik por yd iw all wool serge colors black nay brown fmn cnrdiual red and copon at 75o por yd c4 homespnn now colors at 1 70 and 20 per yd silks a nice ranne of blank and colored silks in mescaline duchess pailcttc taffeta cropo do chine habntai pou gee and canton crepe from l to 8 go per yd hosiery ladies silk bosiory liaj ser make rolora brown sand camel beigi rrey navy block and whtto 1 co t 2m uolopioof bilk hose black and colors 1 00 to 2w ladies oflhraero eloso 75c 1 00 nnd 1 t gloves ladies kayser silk oloics 1 00 to 1 b0 ladiesunede cloven 7gc to 1 co thursday bargain day mcbeanco geqfegetown 5j asi forstersl cash and carry store a poll line of choice fresh groceries provisions etc frdit in beason mbh brts u netlsns omctues prtmoich the test k ill wto kive trie ikeai swills cmkh in a cnt seals s rigbt prfces forsters vcargeiewa gtracr jthi vldtria sb rooke ts ajsie w granhy specials in crockery clover leaf cans and saucers per dor 225 moss r se upa and saucers per doz 5t7c moss itoie 8 platca per doc 4 00 moss rose t plates per doe iro mobs itos 6 plates per doz 1k mosa itoce c plates per dor 25 mors rose 4 plates per doz 2 00 moss bone suup coupes per doz ifo moss rose oatmeals per doz 2 25 moss rose fruit saucers per doz 140 juga each fl 71 and 1 00 mors rose covereu vegetables each 22 one 87 piece dinner set with fntjish china r iis and sauoera on sale 2h0i a m grandy i phone 7s m sausladlm guruletw prnm beuver rnatflhcotthat mon6y can 6w e oualitys fim5 the pric al wright butcher main si georgetown rkmts skp is bhwissj a drive to and from this shop is an economy drive if you spend some money with us you will save money in the course of a year lei us care for cat and it will render you a faithful accounting alarm clocks an old motto revised in the good old days the motto was early to bed and early to rise but now it seems to be get to bed when yoa can and pat yoar faith in big ben big ben baby ben blackbird and america clocks 2 to 450 we also have a cheaper alaim clock at 1 50 a b willson jeweller fceit to hotel meoibbon gforor tow n

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