Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 1, 1924, p. 4

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is tllk gporoctown ilvlial 1 octohkitlt 1024 the little bit more if while working tor others i enerry floflu and your temper begins to teat sore and wbota louare thinking you done quite enough tben do jnut a little btt more there ib a safe cure tor all ot the woes that coma to most everyone a door and that la to smite rat the world as it goes and umfle junt a little bit more we know ft soft answer will torn awa wrath and alienee ft victory score when for wont ot contention bod humor must robs keep biletit a little while more when your faithful affection jina not been returned and- you re6ligbted whore vowdo adore just hide in your hearts nil the hurts that do bum and love them a little bit more pboebe flondrj hqre and i here milton mvd anna sherman and son george of deb moines la left to day for oalt after a pleasant btav witb mr ahd mrs h h sherman judge and mrs elliot were guests at the wedding of mibh haddow to mr catto at weaton hut saturday david me ones got back to hil ton last friday after spending more than a year in the yukon country where he has an uncle he says bis experience was inter eating but be had all he wanted of the far north he will not go back j f little got borne lastfriday from the brace peninsula looking as well aa ever and is being on gratulated on the complete reoov ery from the effects of his serious illness yesterday ho was book in bis shop attending to business aa f usual the milton wood impregnating company has been granted a do minion charter the companti8- oapiulued at 500000 and the head office is to bo here in the textile building champion although alberta only became a province eighteen yaar ago hi population hu increased fourfold wuile the grain yield haa increased twentyfotd the total agricultural products of alberta in 1923 wera worth 1223 000 000 the scheme for tha settlement of british emigrants in canada may assume a new aspect as a result of the presence in london england of the bon j a hobo canadian uln utar ol immigration canada fa vora the movement of entire fami lies to canada from great britain rather than that of single men among the biggest muscalongcs caught this year was ono landed at the canadian pacific railway french river on- bungalow camp by samuel franklin south ern sales manager of cufliin inc new york c ty hr frnnkln had ta light tackle and had rfever hooked ltmge before he had a hard fight to secure the fi h which tipped the scale at w joids only on vet the ontario oovernmeot at a council meeting on tuesday deoid ed that the ballot on theplebiscite on october 28rd next wold be a crose ballot the voter thus mark ing the question which be favored there will be accordingly but one vote for each voter he will vote affirmatively for either the ota or government control and any variation from this practice will constitute a spoiled ballot notice 16 creditors la the evtat at jaeapa b wait late t tha tawataun ar ia th caaattraf hejtan o notice is hussy givsn that all per boo having claim against tbe estate of ibe abcfrjjeoevph b walie de ceased wbo died u or about ibe twenty second day of august 1921 are required to send or deliver full particular thereof to tbe dddemkned solicitors for i he exec utoca of the tut will and testament of tbe bud deceased bo or before tho thirty first day of october 1924 and nones is warns given after said last mentioned date the executors will proceed to distribute ibe assets of ibe k estate amongst lbs parties entitled thereto having regard only t tbe claims of which they shall then have received aotice dated this 25th day of september 19j4 conrl ol revision re voters list noll e is hereby given thai a court w ii be held pursuant totbe ontario voters lists ad by hi honour the judge o the county court of the counlyoflui too at georgetown on the 13th dy of october 1921 at 10 o clock am n f town hall to hear and detcrm ne coi plaint of errors and oth saiona n voters list of the municipality of dei get own for 1924 dsled sept 30 1924 p l hbath clerk to a nf 13 74j co iad uns most of h m nt ve bo n hat been reps trio sid from the un lid mates daring i ni nths of april msy and june scrordm lo figures annuunr 1 bj thi department of immoral un dung a e three months 63 j2e ptrsons iram grated to unada wh ch nprcsenttd an in crease of 1222 ovli the same pe riod of last year marjgu s wheat originated at the dominion experimental farms and now world famous ham success fully invaded south america being ram the argentine republic last year with results that accord ing to authorities- there exceeded the expectations of the most opti mis tic advocates of the grain far- hipments of seed are being made to the argentine by tbe ca bad an seed growers association one of the most diverse and in teres ting aggregations of pasaen gers ever assembled in canada left montreal for europe on august sou aboard the canadian pacific liner hlnncdosa it included ma jora s de beirea and brito pais who recently flew from lisbon to macao china a large party of scientists returning from the recent convention of the british assocla uon for tha advancement of science at toronto colonel geo bam genial and internationally known ambassador of the canadian pa elf if and soldier jones cans dian heavyweight boxer joe first all british direct cable service between montreal and lon don was opened on august 18th by the canadian pacific telegraphs as business warrants this service will be extended to embrace other canadian cities with which it is now connected but which as yet cannot offer a reasonable return for a reg alar service messages were ex changed between the london cham bar of commerce and the montreal board ot trade and between the canadian and tbe english bead quarters of the bank of montreal convoying expressions of mutual goodwill and prophecylng closer re lations aa a result of the improved able fachiuaa e p ranch improving western stock tobacco and confectionery store our everyday special will ira trha la kli uuithit king of the fairies a scalar and taw atau t t tn paamuaf radde the way to approach the ep ranch la from calgary to high river40 miles south on the canadian pacific railway from high river one has to drive southwest a distance of 86 miles through one of the richest graingrowing and stockraising countries in north america in the distance tha jagged peaks of the rockies dip tbe clouds and below wellwooded an the foothills the road cuts through the centre of the qaru ranch and about one mile and a half from the limits of the baru the low rambling bungalow where the prince is now living is seen throurh a pretty glen it is a homelike looking place typical of many a ranchers home in sunny alberta hera his royal fflihneetgoei buck to the land the prince of wales baa never ceased to exhibit a keen interest in his ranch and fresh indications art periodically given of the importance he attaches to it and tbeworkltfsdoing after purchasing tha ranch and before returning to england the prince made arrange ments for the shipment of some oftha bestrstock in the thoroughbred r stall anor n kla ruck at illfc river alt kr wuasua to ha mai tae klaa la at hi river latawtc ik eaeta aterk juaerta it area duua4 bart nn ban issrertea aas ay tba sals the prlnetfa reach at ilia river eat calsarr-lath- mlnaterb estate and hardy dartmoor ponies from the devon moors a type ot animal previously unknown in canada from time to time since then fresh additions of the most excellent stock have been made the work btol continue in an area such as western canada which baa for years devoted itself to the elevation of the quality of livestock and bas become internationally famous for the superior type of its horsea and cattle importations must be of an outstanding distinctiveness to be worthy of special note but this the p ranch has effected at alberta provincial exhibitions the animals from high river are attractive features in its brief history the e p ranch has come to play an important part in the western canadian livestock industry and it has done not a little in tbe development of a more sympathetic understanding for canadian agriculture in the british isles its establishment was an indication of the importance attached to agriculture in tbe dominions of the empire its continuance and promotion an encouragement to the western livestock industry faith in the future and a stimulus to the attainment of perfection in breeding you hay fine equipment plus- our anortment of high class chocolate cant be beat at 30o per lb tour choice of any make of chooolata bars 6 for 2o h druks main st georgetown erwingoidhams meat market choice fresh and cured meats quick delivery guaranteed main street georgetown phone no 1 fowl wanted m freeman phone 920w georgetown mclaughlin buick master six touring 2545 adjustable sun visor sutomattc f windshield wiper cowl lights scuff plate trunk rack rigid tire carrier on the side and bumpers front and rear this mcxaughllnbalek master six tour ing car has ajttst these of course it also has a walnut instrument board inlaid walnut panels and aide sockets on all four doota yet while all of these are important to your comfort convenience and safety they are only incidents the real worth of mclaughlin buick is embodied in its powerful long life valve in head motor the rugged chassis in the bo j y beautiful in line and finish and the precision with which the whole is built snd ass mled hydro electric system curling irons guaranteed for 1 year 200 6o watt lamps 4 for 100 guaranteed lanjps 40c and 45c jrf irons guaranteed 5 years 575 irons guaranteed 1 year 475 oiders taken for ranges and appliances of all office town hall hens and egg laying a melange about ihe handllor of barnard poultry how to 111 tbe layers coodmoaa nrcery tor prmhscuon hla rgb vleming dlsttluutloa of hgg more poultry polnte- can you tell which hens are laying wlthoutjtie use ot trap ncstaf this is easy to deter mini it one will go to the trouble ot handling each bird auspected of being a loafer when a hen commpneen to lav conditions in tin organs conci mod in reproduction are qultu different trom conditions obsurved during tho period ot idle- ntns when tho ovary ts dormant at u no ekgs are being produced tho tllutance between tliu pelvic fonee is small the vent is dry amall pack trd and in yellow dished chickens has a band of jtll w pigment around tli u listde when laing commences lie pelvic bo nee become pliable and spread apart to permit the passage of tho eg the vent becomes large and moist and oil ring- of yellow pig 1 1 11l dlaa para a vhty to the fcoul iry i oust on an early winter evening mid a halt hour spent in going over tin hinn will be profitable undklon1 necessary for production tl ifptrilnco- of the ontario akrlcultural colleu i oultry depart in m 1 as been thatpa i in will not lay if not in good condition she should be i ullly fixe from any disease jud si ow plenty oxvluir andaclwlt the unit pullets to lay in the fall i ave b en the early maturing ones tin pullits that have developed slow ly in body ai d featl er have been just alow in mnrtluk to lay the re- ilts or liberal feeding and general good care unvi always been reflected in tho pullet flock and a full egg basket during the period of early winter high prices ilikh kits production tbe rcqulremt nts for high egg pro duction are clean dry- comfortable houses thai n free trom direct draughts over tht birds and that are well lighted the feeding consists of n tar lei of grains green feed anl mal feed grit acd shell which is clean sweet and wholesome and is given to the birds ngclarly and in sich quantities ii pt they have all they want to eat btfort going to roost at nltbt that the mi p ply or drinking material is clean and abundant that the attendant is regular in his or i er work and is interested in the same that the birds are bred from good laying ancestors and that the are hatched at the proper season and well reared and are free from disease illstrlbsillon of eggs a study or the distribution or tbe egg production is interesting and 1m portent fromhe point of the annual returns f rtmi the birds esr prices rise and fall with the seasons and usually the groat it profit is madp where producing i at a season or seasons of the ar v iin prices are hkli lulltts arc tht chief source or iht supply as hlatid previously they nqulrt usurlly from su to n months in ulilcl to mature it th n ton possible to regulate thilr production tn ih tall mouths at least to sunt olmt by regulating the time they will hatch in the spring dpt of rxtmslon o a colli b guelph w v king georgetown wkvwra4e gwl elu0tt invites the patronage of those wbo desire to get the beet training foi choice bubideas positions wnlo today for catalog oe enter aoj wjbt slllau prlmall coal best anthracite coal always on hand nat and stove coal small egg coal large sixed pea coal delivered to any pari of the town also coke i phone iso f rogers co georgetown progress or reaction ontario electors must choose ree tatue of the plebiscite of october 23rd in shall the sale of intoxicating bauor as a beverage ooattnue to be prohibited or the traffic be reestablished and conducted by the government ffsraoe september 16th 1916 the legalized sale of bquor for beverage purposes has been prohibited during eight years tbe ontario temperance act has wrought moral social and economic tramformatton gradual but real fl a new genera tion knows nothing of the evils of tbe hquor traffic before tbe ota came into force older generations may have forgotten tfthmk of it there is not a man or woman 29 years of age who has legally seen the inside of a barroom or liquor shop in the provmrt of ontario boose n banned it is a discredited and dishonored outlaw now h wants to come back it seeki noc only reinjtatement but that the government itself shall be an active partner do ton rmttmmbert th omtmst barroom and liquor 9 iocs and on the c a hofylsy or at mshgc k i who- fitted our itust tbe poor banend bedraggled i matt and women cods cnildren on of tl tba destitution nutty wretchedness squalor fitth and fisotdcr in many bovd that might and should have been hotnoj the vtcr th immorality the crane the debauchery indeed by hquor that appalled the ota has made cootnai those cdoditloaf with th sttuetaon today the omano temperance act has brought unmeanaable improvement drunk enneai haa decreamd crime haa been instiled home arc hsppm children have been gnrn a better chance savings bank de- poau have incresacd all down the hnr progress ka been wmten mto be htory of old ontam ofhcial records prove all thisi i the oflrnce thai are a lin h ith drmki 1914 1922 asasufa 1627 756 crnehr to antnub i 172 236 vagrancy 4 70j 1 7 keeping and fnqtwnnng bawdy hooms 802 332 loose idle and disorderly 6v411 1 736 iktaskeancm 17 70 10 063 n0tb the opinion of our manufacturbrsi doas prcwbttioo ondcr the o t a result in snore contf enable bocnts and btttcr suppbsa of food and dothing for wives and dhfldreot whan this quesdbn was sated of leadtng ontario maa ac by the ontario board of license cotaaawooert 116 82 per awarad yes whs only 239 or 17 awd ns dnmk ancldi months nndcr cussiiinuui sale as with m nwiasiisiifiiig five fa o prmota veer taoder pro and finadr jjuebec tba fndowing mnhnirm was v adopted by she picabytary of montreal apnl 1 5th i924i tm ww vcaard it to be a patnottc duty nuke k known mat ibe dnlartrasc sour i u jl oa ijjc jo before that dnmktn- sod that thrqoebec ayatem of govaromtm control is socially appaffiag prapormas bvrry ca rtact tbaums triad as fom of sals has already learned a hard is take british columbia hon r h stevens m faa pw addnss in van- never in tha blantv of the country was bootlegging comparable in magnitude and murderous rasaha what it is today or manitoba rgnras nwmshad by be chief of pobce of winnipeg show an incitaar of 45 per cant in the aambtr of fwr th h 1 0m ontfw atark to juomt thorn t has dtfedtefy pledged tbe act and gm h i tan fee la hmmril a we- v7 dezjtu0iwt x awaectarlt f n a soaiortfr for salt it aneaas tha s aislnsiaums if iln ulif ifcrntlti tratk fa tha a aywn that j asks agenf fee uai b maajng profit for menta of the d of fife and heppuwa tbe oocarlo pubbota comnoteav immng the i fr forca of ovtsrw caos npon abweaavausafftovinoi tumrd and inoeaalng pii ad tso happunw of na people to vote for the law that baa actoasp hnaarawnbb good and not for aieon of tha tranac that baa wraaabt aocb bevdc ka tba past and woaldtaaase the ontario plebiscite committee 2 toronto street tpronto g b nicholaon chairman birds roofs jjoodoldparoutr pnxofd rooflna lua eaurned its enviable re potation duruica quarter century of use because 1 it pays big diridenda in wear and mtiafacteon for jean and yeartl 2 it b diatinctite comes id three coiora slate red slate green and jariarh 3 it extra heavy and pliable will not crack in cold weather 4 it la waterproof and parkproof sires complete protection parau reaaag ts aaede by bird ft son limited eat 178s1 aeaaaafactawan of nanonsat and canadian twin sowee bwi art craft roll roofing nepnnsat black btuldhw papar and coabbavtkm ortofbialldi ffsar fa r h thompson co georgetown more fonltty pointers crown nrr ilkily to steal the eggs from tlto late turkey nests if the nests are made at some distance tom the bulldlncs be sure that the young growing clilcku art will fed to promote growth and that ibi art given liberal range whir there is at undanct ot rreen ftfd and nls ntitmal thd in the form of inst cts worms etc it is poor economy lo keep more cockirtls ii an will be needed for neat years breidlnt optratlons it they arc sold as soon as they arc ot broiler or fryer sfu a loss will be stopped and the pullets w ii do better with cold damp punrl lighted and vcnltlaud poultry quarters faor the spread of sitch disi ises as roup such contagious iliuasc as thetie are diffl cult and sum tlmin imposalble to con trol unl ss iven utt ntlou in u l wb t para to sick i irda tram the flock as noon as tl in la evidence ot dlsiaac and thin obtain expert advlci to effocl a cure if the chickens must tx confined on account ot bail weather provide good straw lltti r to which i lie i r grain fe d may br acatlcrcd this will glvt thuu ixprch and kepp tbotn liter eslcd and healthy wliu chicktn ll at ham bwn accustom d to tr ttinfit are ctostly conllned this ir q i ntly ch cks their dimlopm nt tor tin time being unless lliiy ar mad contented in thilr ne quartirs pro vide green feed tor thira alsu indian runner ducks seim to have gone out of fashion whlcl ii a pity as they are excilknt layira aud stand at the head aa table to la th v are easily raised do not n ik the disagreeable noises that otl r ducky do and eat less that am oth r brei 1 bred ducks tli y tl rive on tours- feed and can be ralnd chiapl snd safely as a duck 1 ulthed usually means one raised to maturity buy the best uvwgstonfs quality bread rellahaw y evarynody cfamoe paatrv of every l wnlli our window for specials d livingstone phone 55i jalian wcjlanl itim what do we plant nbin e plant the tree i we plant the 1 ousis for you and rae we plant the rail rs the shlnguk the floors we plant tho studding the laths the doors the tn atus and shldlng all parts that be we plant the house when we plapt flour kings choice national for pa try whole wheat sum milled apple barrels wheat wanted wbbrowneco norval flour mills norvst r

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