Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 8, 1924, p. 1

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v vi the georgetown herald i ii tv utllhl ybar of luhllcatjon georgetown wednesday evening ootober 8th 1824 1 go por am n advnnco 2 00 to 0 8 the georgetown herald j h koorc publisher bad proprietor kubtr luadlun weekly ni- paper association cnr tim tab ooinu fca8t nti r iii passenger mail passenger mail passcngci passenger sunday going west pause nger mail passenger passenger passenger passenger mail passenger sunday going nobtj1 1 7 18 a ti 1 j i 11111 10 ib am 11 10 urn j 4 n in u 1u pm h 42 pm 7 21 p m 761am 10 lb ft m am pm 4 go p m 0 it p m 7 18p 8 ib p i 10 ob a bargains in used cars 1918 chevrolet touting painted ford ton truck painted i9z3 fold roadster cadillac touring car thia car would make an excellent ick 1918 dodge touring dealatonedls j n oneill son g chevrolet uts costs oibce mill si hour 9am imp open welneaday and saturday e dr t h kabcellus phyaieian nd utiriwn medical officer of html lb omen hour i to and 1 to i dr c phyici w boss and surgeon rgetown 1 hotie 22 surgeon grace hospiul toronto dr c v williams phytic tan ami surgeon office and residence queen strct south pko tty office houri9 lu am i 3 and rs p i also by appointment r r watsok d u s m d b georgetown offlm haim- 9 to fi eoept tkanday attonwai ford garage in georgetown our because of its light rigid construction and its chevrolet overhead valve motor the chevrolet utility express truck is lowest in oil and gasoline costs the cost of repairs and replacements is also unusually low it possesses all of chevrolets dependability and trouble free per- formance has power for all emer- f gencies has the convenience of f three speed selective transmission 7 high grade electrical system and all uratodate automobile features the chevrolet utility express is i available in a wide range of body h types at prices which are a revela- tion of motor truck value j aak us for dctal1 f the g m a c 88 deferred payment plan w v king grief i could not utter it last night beoauso tho voice was dumb hut now alone 1 tn to write the wortlu which would not when all tho hitter tears arc dried sometime when you ro alone yqu 11 find a calm to those denied who never grief have known 1 know tbo hurt is keen toda i know the loss ib grout out what if you should go away with oo one there a wait and ob bow lonely heaven would bo it all jou loved were hero and there was none yon longed to see to welcome ypn my dear if god bod spared you ovoiy blow which comes to us on oarth had rfh i elded you from every woe and filled your years with mirth and tbon at last ho bade you leavo your place above to ltnd throughout obornity youd grieve for those you d left behind ob you have bad a lovely child and you bae lost a son but booh you shall bo reconctiod when life a bnof time is done for heaven ib mudo of those we love tho beautiful and true aud god has taken him abovo to build a heaven for you edgar a guost new courses school slody issd- ed by mpcilloa dcpl schedule of studio ftr form 1 to 6 set ootbj mlnuter of educa tion in bonk form a h kieuen d c chiropractic office a laboratory palmar graduate 10 jrazpailea office in bailey block next door lo j n o neh a conmltatlod and spinal aoalyal free at office officsiiourh wednesdajb and sal urdaya 11 lo 12 am 2 to 5 p ro and 7 lo 9pm other hour by appointment phoh office isow and readcnce 24s 8enj petch uocnued attcuonaar tor halton and peal aianwfluama poat ofooa salee conducted aauataetohh and at rea sonable rata order left at in qeorsatown itarald oooa will reoelwr prompt attention sales and service station is now open for business and a first class me chanic will give prompt and eff icent service tires gas oils and all ford assessories always on band h a co5ke main st north formerly browns garage j a tract clerk townahip of emum clerk 3rd divaion court the leading fire and lifo i co represented latuerof marriage liccnaea ladies sbubpoomc marceuing and cuming fuzzing and singeing try usr our prices are reasonable mr mrs jblillico hfrslslaesh ptaiemji the greatest service the least attention ashes cant be insured nctectjoittfkf4f now while it has a definite value elmer c thompson lijiraasarvisa theres no piece of rum eqtnpment tht gives to m at over aojong py i wrirotkutistlon u a tmdnntj thats why i raxwnmend the toronto self aiir windmul highly lottof toronto windmill have given from oghteea to twenty yean serwee with aetically no attention outnde n oceasiontl oiling and are still operating ntufctony every day d the toronto sdfoding windmill all gearopertem a bath of peeil oil affected by neither heat or coldevery bearing thoroughly and automatical y hibneated new oil u required only rjoceayear if no ml rn a tcronto wbdnuu 1 can w yax ah ftaturt by ntrd j ui- sabtw tb bead and un tr pnml moterooto wbdrilu too em bt rculaursj in epcratkb sfi coal wood g select lamp for domostio d threshing parpoeob smithing and cannel coal in fact icarry everything to bo found in any up to date coal and wood yard 1 john mcdonald phone 12 georgetown start on monday at guelph business college guelfh oot approved courses individual instruction evert graduate located it is a fact there are good remuner ative positions awaiting you hen tho qualified tl l botlck principal anil proprietor ivr w j alenihr gorgetoi wwroe instirance broker insurance in all branches phone 65 georgetown direct from aberdeen marshall s famous canned fish fresh lierrrog in 1 lb tins 2gi kippered horringin 1 lb tin 80 qnddocds in 1 ib tins 80- borring in tomato sauoe lioi kipper nasto aod blotor paste loi dotncscio snnltnos lon 2 for 2g i mowcdiun sardines llnest packed 2 putting up pickles don t puc them up in vinegar iu guess ib good use guar an o 1 good vinegar we vo just rotten in a suppl of eit a choice inegar botb tho cider and white vine vanotios and will in best results evory time best of piokling spices are also an portnnt part of our stock now a days clarks bread if ou want tbo best broad mon can buy phono 220 and our wagon wil call onoe used jou wiuhavo no othor wn havo not mentioned our piob jelly rolli cook i en health bibguilb etc it uaant because wo did not so them wr do wo put the best of materials and skill into thoir pro d u it ion mark clark bakery and groceries plkw 229 blub grade sdwol cor tobbb and alexander bu trbta nvitch tho patronage of those who losire to get tbo best trninmp for loire businohr positions write today for catalogue enter any w j elliott prinolpal keepuf the sabbath let s psok the basket up and seoot lets fill tbo pitcher with cold tea and ere the sabbath gets a btnrfrbosixt miles toward the sea in such a frame of mind as this the folks what s dwolhn ago seem fiating that somo giant will come and rush them off into a cage where they can t fly like mad when comes the da of quiet and rest a fearm they can t bcamper off and raise tho dust from east to west were break in from the way that was when on the sabbath came a pause when wo was taught to read the book and pondor on it clause by clause when oo tho sabbath morn wo went and filed into the family pon and hoard tho parson preach a spell about the wicked things we twos then our fathers quit their toil and dodged from out tho daily strain when young and old thoy cased a bit and got new vigor their frame and folks hod time to thiok a spell freed from the noise of jest and laughter they had a chance to let their thoughts reach out into tbo great hereafter but tain t tho way wo do things now wo ro tearin up tho ancient root we greet tbe sabbath as day to stop upon tbe gas and scoot lets get a long way out of here lots chase the wild faded flower nor pause at all the day to have a quiot peaceful hour let b pour the cold tea in a pail lots gathor op a merry load and churn tbe dust up in tbo air a tear ing oer tbe country road weil ill the air out by tbe stream with noiso and with merry shout well come back homo ten times more tired tbi what we were at startin ont perhaps i ni ancient in n views not keepin stop in 24 whon outos pour on sunday mom at re am in past the old kirk door it don t seem right to use tho da tor barnin up just gas and oil and norkin harder after sport than most folks do in daily toil ark aim it 1 tie aim of tail school to prepare younp people or bnslnant to klthed atrlnlb in comnurclal affairs that will ha of direct benefit to than ta wkatater una ef work tier may four courses of study stpnortapliu book k pp pine secretarial teachers traininit individual irurvruclion brimplon bnsliess lasttlnle anderson block brampton ont notiee to creditors lu tha eetate of joeapk b wait late of tie towuklp of eaqnaolb ib the county of hal ton ettueman acton frkil he ui 1 teilamei id deceased on or be tore tb rtj lirsl da of october 1924 rcce vrd not e 2sth djil serilrml am jraiiam rohvi major mervin kenned is hat g the former masonic hall con irted into a residence messrs archibald and will mc orogor of brandon who spent the ner visiting tbo british isles bvo returned od are vtaihng friends in acton and nassagawoya the empioco tbe mas on knitting mill beld weiner roast at tho homo of mr odd mrs how ard masaloh on monday evening they report a very edjoyablo time a new store ts under construe tion on the lot on mill street be tween wonderland theatre and miss murray s residence mr w j itoncy georgetown will occupy tho new premises witb a shoe store tbe increased admission fee to tbe fair deterred no one from at tending tbe crowd this year larger than ever and tbe gate re ceipts sufficiently enhanced to put finances of tho fair betond perad venture r beatty arnold has purchas ed the fine new twostorey brick idence tecentlj built bj cordiner at tbe corner of bower avenue and wilbur tit reels arnold will remote from george town in n fow das to bis home free press for urn fxcculo fire insurance j w kennedy gtsigdswi age 11 far some of i he itroret ror are you protected tho courm h of tudy of tho pub lie and separate school h of the province hae bton rovisodcy tbo department of lducation undor premier ferguson und arc made puhlio in the form o a comjiloto booklet setting out tbe mibjeotn and tbe manner of teaching to bo followed from the kindergarten grade to the normal beboul en trance v tbe minister ip a prefatnr ootico urges that thoso charged with tbe presentation of tbe cours es mako careful tests as to their lability for the pupils ior whom they aro intended he invites the operation of school boards in specters teachers and othors in determining desirable modi flea iions for a furtbor revision next year pointed out that the new courses are merely tentative and that forms will bo issued later in tbo year for the purpose of point ing out any suggestions for im provemenl that might bo made a serious attempt has been mode io give tbe courses greater olastto itj states the preface tbe syllabus of tho courses set for forms 1 to 4 makes tho follow ing subjects obligatory reading and literature eomposiiion and spelling writing arithmetic tory geography grammar hygieno and pbjsical culture art and con structive work a minimum course nature study and agriculture i minimum course vocal musicia minimum course the following subjects aro op tional art and constructive supplementary course nature study and agriculture supplement ary course vocal music upilo mentary course manual training household science according to the new regulations tbe local school board of eduoa tion may from tho abovo list af optional s objects select bach sub jects as are desirable and praotical in the condition of tbe school with tbe approval of tbo minister of lducatian tbe board may add to tbe list af optional subjects such other subjects as may suitable to meet tbe needs of tbo local it the now course also provides that throughout the courses the teacher shall giro instruction in moral principles and practices good manners fiotnourroot incidents from the lessons in lit orature history etc by anecdotes aod didactic talks and by hie example as well as by precept according to the new courses tbe course of study for fifth forme is designed to moot tbo noeds of those pufile who do sire a general education or who wish to preparo for admission to a modol sahool for the public schools gradua tion diploma in this course the following subjects are obligatory reading and literature compost tion aud spelling canadian his tory and civics geography gram mar and arithmetic tho following subjects are op tional physiography algobra geometry art botany zoology agriculture and horticulture bat in french german manual train ing household soionce music business practice b tonography and typewriting the above courses for tho fifth form are tbe same as those pre scribed for the lower school of tbo high school the booklet sets out tho method of teaching tho con rues and gives mggostions as to text books to bo used under tbo heading exami in requirements for entrance to tbe high schools the regula tions sa candidates of id mis to uigh schools shall have completed tbe courses in the sub jects prescribed for form 4 in the following groups ip 1 art and construottvo wjijljlj4ueqeaiidpjiyflical ture mature study and agnoul tore group 2 oral reading writing spelling geography history grammar rn composi tion and arithmetic candidates will be admitted to tbe lower school or high school certificate of the priricipal that the subjects in group 1 have been taken up in the cane of group 2 written examinations must bo tried tho written exam animations shall be held annually at centres provided by high i schools act before the examina lions the principal shall send to tbe- public bohool inspector for the consideration of the entrance board a report on the standing of the candidates and a wtiflcate that the requirements of the course in supplejnentarj reading have been duly earned out notes and comments havr oiihrrn the n0 u dollar dominion of canada note although the dalo of ihsuc is given t j uuo 28 1028 there uro fen ho havo scon tho bill in circula tion a teller of ono of tho local linancial institutions recalls bnv ing handlcf tbe now issue ns fai buck as three or four months ago but they woro b no means com the appcarnnco of tho ncv is such us to compel immes into attention a clean cjlt pic of tho prince of wales oc is a central position former allocated to a large 2 while the figure denoting the denomination at the top of tbn bill is much en lartid tor the first tunc tho maple loaf is included in the sebum of decoration and the seal of tho department of finance aj- pours on tho face altogether it quite diftaront from tho old issue a arurytrk who bas ho has worked faithfully at his trade in toronto for 52 enxb asks who will get bim a pension and ex tresses tho opinion that he is as much en titlod to consideration of this kind civic employees wboaio paid as well as be there are many ipathic with the uowsho holds there arc men in all lines of life making provision as best ihey can for their old jgo and at tunc contributing to pen sion tunds for civic and dominion offlcialri such cases ub that of eugene fiset emphasise the unfairness of the whole suporan uatinn bjbtem roll ring from tho militia department at 40 years afageon noou ti he received a pension of 0000 a jeai this ho still enjoyb a timo ago bo was elected to parliament and will receive 4000 ndemnity why should a car penter or anyone else be taxed to make such gonorous allowances possible wijkn a iiouh is roared oacb brick laid each nail driven each rafter sot in place finds its posi tion on tho basis of all that was done up to that moment there list be a solid underpinning that tbo superstructure may ho sub stantial it is impossiblo to do ve a rook bottom stability from a quick sand foundation tho struo ture of society dopendp on the por form once of each man in iub placo through tho generations age builds on age nnd as wo como on th scene wo inherit the fruit of the toil and travail of civilized mankind before us in our turn wo arc bound to leave on going bonce somo lmmomonal thing all we can do is to live our lives well as wo know how to live tbem and cave tbo lssuo with tho master builder whom tho stars obey a good name like tbe m ferior fortune that is money is n matter of accretion tbe good neighbor and useful oitizen un known today by what be has been consistently for many jcars in instances which headlines seldom fall to emphasizo tbe pi i lar of ohuroh and state topples suddenly to ruin and tboro i grief with general amazement whon we see such a collapse wo remember the infinite small proportion measured with the number of those who continue to j us if the affectionate genoral idence that public esteem ib th a man s ceaseless effort to acquire and it is bettor to upbuild such a reputation than to rear tbo most palatial of the houses made tb hands milton tho condition of j w crozior who has been ill for some weeks is verv serious an operation has boon decided to be advisablo hut it has been postponed on account of bis woakness a splendid kitchen shower an dor tbe anapicos of the ladies aid of tho methodist church hornby urftrnftvbtff 00 smb to miss daisy cantelon previous to hor marriage at the heme of mrs frod wnggleswortb a very happy timo was sjvont mrs s r bowb attended the meeting of tho board of manag ors of the w m s held in toronto last week she was honored bv being elected ono of tho fj old bee votaries of tbo board nirsiitt cwsor to mrs e e mnrih she mil havo under hcrntnorvision the indian tbe pn neb and the italian lesions controlled h the w m s chauu mn an educated man is one who knows whether tho car parked be side the road moans a blow ont or a petting party indian explaining accident drive out big car buy gag buj moonshine till up on both 8tp on gas trees and fence ro by heap fast see big bridge com ing down road torn out to let bridge pass bang 1 here 1 1 an orderin council was ed on anr3bt 28 forbidding the ehooting of wood and eider dupk until further notice hunters should make a mental note of thi change a wlfa prltlere it is generally recoboizei thai wivcb roa go through their iiiih band s pockots whenever thej please sometimes it serves a very useful purposo this wa hrougbt to our attention tho other day when a lad called to pa up her husband s subscription to this paper which was in arrears bhe had no idea that it was so far not paid until bhe found a bill in husband s pocket she promptly called and paid tho amount we would that all wives were so boos itive to the oersigtiti of their lesser halves hajtdd toaehan contention the annual convention of hal n and wenlvvorth inhpeclorato ill bo held in hie normal school toionto on lliuiwdiiy nnd fndav october nnd 10 a programme of much interest has been prepar ed the county teachers who aro to give addresses are mrs minnie tt moore of acton on firat oar in school and miss i neil of glenwilliatua on cora poii tion in forms hi and i inspector denycs of milton will conduct s half hour cahforonce fiatures of the two days will bo attcndint n meeting at masse hall on thurs day evening to beaddreskci hon h a l fisher lute minis ter of education in the british government nnd visilmi toronto schools on fri la afternoon miss e brown onkvilli u prcm dent and miss m dennett acton socrctarj

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