Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 8, 1924, p. 2

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tlik ktllhn lihltml oci daughter mary l hi e a successful fair bcsl exubli and largest gather- lag id- history ol ine sodely esgneflidra eeonty oigljtb an nual fall fair leld bore od friday and saturday taut waa the moat successful fair ovor held m george town and pro uid on t potoh and bie board 0i4rhrurwere jutdjy re warded or their splendid effort on behalf o the booioty la tbe face of the threatening rain it was deed moat gratifying 4o soe tbe very large attendance the exhibit of horses and tattle was exception ally good while those of sheep and bona was up to the usual high standard tub ex faiblt of fowl eclipsed that of ajoj previous show in the hall the exhibit was large dairy butter dressed fowl frail homo- made baking grain roots and vegetables mode a most attraotivo display flowers were also displayed in profusion among the exhibits re oeivlng special attention being tbe gladioli and dahlias the display of fancy work never was better and filled the entire gallery of tho large hall tbe fjftsuonui variety and splendid work in tbis department was ad mired by ail tbe midway in addition to the usual attractions was augmented by a splendid merry go round which was well patronised by the children and indeettinany- pasand mas wore seen to take an enjoy able part in this roundof pleasure accompanied by the strains of en tioing music the oddfellows band under tbe leadership of mr h 0 meir played a prominent part in making the afternoon enjoyable by render ing selections during tbe program nf nvent another attractive feature dur ing the afternoon was the baby show in front of tho grand btand in which there wore over a doeeo entries they were all nice babies but of coarse only one of them could be given first pme and the honor of being the beat and most handsome baby at the fair was awarded to eleie lepoidevin the horse races received a large hare of attention from the crowd as nsaaj and several good heats were witnessed the winners or the different events were as fol inwb 218 trot or pace dr b mr trench teosswater 111 jack powers jab hiiiib guelph 882- ernnst patch a h chambers milton 8b private powell t williamson 444 time m22i 2191 224 280 trot or pace 1 nancy onzsel mr trench teesewater 111 bbadio 8 mociqro brampton 848 fi michle todd dlmdsay a ton 222 4 tom woods t williamson 484 time 284- 286 884 the officials at the races were starter t j hill olenwilliams jndgaa jia fletcher brampton b nelson time keeper 8 j mccluro brampton eaib hote8 brill a do were awarded first priut for finest merchants display in the hall it was certainly a creditable display and included ladies fall and winter coats and dresses mens furnishings rubber boots and the process of making everybody admired this showing of high class goods batley brothers demonstrated tbelr new alemite system of greas ing antes that interested a lot of anto owners j n oneill bon hod a flplon did exhibit of sudebakor and dodge autos w v king had a good showing ot mclaughlin and chevrolet autos b b groats display 4 of farm machinery etc attracted many agriculturists the armenian bnya attended the fair in a body aod oofejaoled themselves like little gqntlemed anram pme list next issoe town council itugulfti meeting of council was ild on monday ovmiug with mayor dulo in the chair and kootc melt tyro and councillor aabert net llorruigton dunctid long nuld and near present minutes of previous meetings ml and confirmed mrs hmythe addressed council interest charged her on bark taxes tho matter will be adjust ed miss day foot aud mrs h w kennedy representing the local council of women iiddrassed council re publio rest rooms and lavatory accommodation being dis continued by the bank of mont real and requested council to make an effort to provide a public rest room add lavatory in the public library building the council promised to look into the matter with a view to providing such ar com mod at ion mr john ballantido ar address ed connoil re continuation of com enfc walk on union street coon oil decided it was too late to start building the walji this year mr john leayitt complained that bis assessment had been rais cd and his street and walk were not lit to travel on lie asked for a rebate on his taxes on motion or arnold and mclntyre mr leav- itt was granted a rebate of 1000 he having received no assessment notice dr floyd addressed council re bis tnoome tax tbe same was satisfactorily adjusted moved by arnold seconded by mclntyre tbat tbo following sc counts bo passed bert kenuior unveil memorial 2 70 h marchment good roads ib 00 b francis pond roads 13 50 eddie varey w w extension 204 ie wm armstrong direct traffic unveil ng monument 2 40 h marchment good roads 18 30 h francis good roads i 13 80 wmjamwtrong stu 3 00 chu vint directing traffic un veiling memorial 2 60 wm cunningham good roads 77 00 james harding gr 77 00 robl stimt g r 41 30 hpmnaar ib 00 h marchment gr 21 00 wm armstrong streets 6 00 wm armstrong stsgr 9 00 h marchment gr 18 00 h francm gr 18 00 ed varey wwbh 43 12 ed varey sta 8 20 ted erwin g r 142 10 h marchment gr 18 00 wm armstrong ata 4 go h frauds gr 13 50 kobtstjmtgr 53 20 james harding gr 73 50 bell telephone co t h 9 85 mun office 3 u f l heath express w wicxl 45 j n oneill are protection 4 55 d j matthew cash book ireas 2 75 mrs b stone rebate water rates 2 70 municipal world stationery 2 89 w h wilson funeral expensts re helen ridley 40 00 hydro electric streetjighu 408 00 john jackson 3 meals men w w 75 burlington steel co guelph st culvert 14 18 j p benson ww sts culvert 81 96 j a glften gravel gr 277 jo w t evans renewal on policy- 140 00 mackay mckuy copy of by law and assessment s 00 a m grandy w w 90 guelph gen hospital h ridley 1 50 stella allen i 00 registry office milton by law 483 256 r h thompson account- 10551 creamery 3 25 h mueller mfg co w w 4 16 e mccamuuvlumhirotths taps toilets hones cattle etc 25 00 e mccannah postage so 00 e c thompson insurance 20 25 insurance 100 56 george henry account lwj 10 a greenjtationry7 etc 9 75 ilorman anyder cartage 23 72 georgetown heralds account 98 83 departincnnt of public high ways crushed atone 7 50 alias m livings tone arbitration court stenographer new ww 90 00 carried moved by ashenburst seconded by long that the chief be allowed to purchase a new uniform for himself price not to exceed c6 n moved by ashenburst seconded by herrmgton that tenders be asked for 15 tons of coal 10 tons of pocahontas and 6 tonsoft stove coal carried moved by arnold seconded by duncan that all waterworks mon iob be deposited with the bank of commerce subject to said bank taking over waterworks indebted hobs motion lost council adjourned at 1 80 a m body found in river the body of a unknown man about 85 years ot age and 6 ft 1 id tall was found floating by one of ther piers at the iron bndg on hun tlay the discovery was made by tome boys who reported tho mat 1 ohief jackson deceajspd was dressed in working clothes and had been in the water for some time there was nothing on tbe body by which it could bo identi fled the remains were photo graphed then buned in green wood cemeter a service being d inducted by bev mr mayes coroner mcgoil sod crown at torney dick catfod an inrruest and after meeting they adjourned no- tttmondsylstbr tho jpry on jibe case are a g green foreman dr heatb jpseph ruddy r brwtn w a bailey joseph wntaon p e fibbers r groat jtulesule- sales mr g w rosscl ofjpwn has disposed of his farm tin 7tb con ceasionvlot ljn enu townbhip bev b m hamilton of brock ville has disposed of his farm on tbe 9th line near glen williams mr c bargent ot town has dis- posedof bis hoiiboon guelph bt th above sales were made by erty wo are glad to bee boots conl ing down in price we are lower ing repairing pnecs also best leather used j ronoy it prohibition meeting the prohibition mihh meoting hi tho town ball on suuday afternoon was largely attended ubena stir ring address on the merits of pio- hibition was dlherod by li con troller james simpson of tiioiito the meotidr was opom d witb prajer by rev di mcciu after vvbu h the gutbenug joined in singing o uod our uolp in ages past mr c j russell presi dent of the local organisation after a idol preliminary rctnarkaifl which be urged all to do thoiwwh in tbo best interests of the coud try by voting tor tbo ota on oct ssrd introduced the flpeabel of tubaftornoon mr simpson made an earnest appeal to the audience to support tbo ota the slogan of the canipaign was over the top again with ho objective of a world free from intoxicating bov orages since 10 years of a fid he has been fighting the liquor t raffles in many countries and provincei as it is the greatest enemy of tbe working men and a great moral issue is now before the people of this province we are asked to vote for the selling of liquor under government control in sealed pack ages or the continuance of the present ontario temperance act tbe faot that soma of tbe other provinces had voted for govero meet control was no argument it favor of ontario changing there were 700 municipalities dry in on tario under local option before the prohibition law was put into force after being carried by over 1100000 of a majority of the people of tbe province the opposition are asked to come to the platform and justify their position as re garde the sale of liquor they have no other motive but greed and appetite greed for proflti and tbe appetite of nieo for temp era exhilutration rather than thi welfare of the home and little obildren lcohol is the excretion of living organism and tbe only w to get ri ot tbe traffic is to kill it we are living iu an en lightened ago and supposed u know what is injurious to society we teach our children tbe evil effects of alcohol on the systei aud then the government want to go into nelliog this ovil to work destruction on the people liquor is a detriment to every department of tbe government alcohol los sens mans resistance to disease it attacks the cells of his brain he loses control of himself and can not suctain a strong physical body children do not ijave to start in the world with a handicap under prohibition when they tell you tourists go to quebeo for booeo tbay lie in 1928 statistics toll us 898000 american cars came into ontario and 670000 into quebec bank clearings have increased in toronto under prohibition and de creased in montreal under govern moot control tbe dollars of the working man to day are going for clothing and food instead of booze which returns you less value than any other commodity from a financial standpoint the govern ment would have to aell 60 million dollars worth of honrj to got 4 millioo for tho province you get nothing m return for what you spend in boose and your chances to pay off our provincial debt are a great deal better under probibi tton we cannot afford to have liquor book from the standpoint of safety as we moat have a sober people under modern trans porta tion the labor world realizes the evils of liquor and stand for pro hibition tbe experience or gov o rn men loon trofin other provinces is that it does not control there are lots of chances to improve the enforcement of ibe ota and if we got the right rnen in power it will be enforced it is not for ob to surrender because of the bootlegger but to get after him tho world is looking to ontario as an- example and mr simpson urged all to give the ota such overwhelming eoppqrt on october 28 rd that those opposed to the act will never want another vote we have been forced to fight hut the troth is mighty and sooner or later must prevail at the close of tbe addioss an appeal for funds for the cause of prohibition was made to the gath ering j the great international 1 plowing match sfrattorfarmflacnineryjknionstrallon will be hem u ok ftrai el b h boll 4 s s brampton ont g j october 15 16 17 18 1924 sdoil fall lekcea ttme dales la mm 3000 in prizes i farmer of canada sce 2mk cealnr rawer naealaes la 0crilla competition open to the world 9 for full information applj to j j lockie wilson parliament bdildinqs toronto emte0sabb3ai9besis9aae2b st georges church anniversary services on sunday next pet 12 al 8 a to 11 am and 7 pm preacher the rev dr srager d-d- provwl ol trlnlly college for sale beautiful 0 room frame house nn john st all conveniences oak floors newly denoratodthroiighont good stable and hen iiouho i 1 lots pretty lawn and different kinds of fruit trees price 2soo bcantifnl c loom brik house an ouelph st near high school all convenience- haidwood floors aod ire place beautiful grounds and shade trees this m a veiy prett home nnd run bo bought very rea sonabfo with small cash payment halanco on mortgage at 0 a numbei of beautifil briek houses o l prices 8 roomed ottngo vtith elcetnn light nnd town water ftibido hen- housevand gftrsgo good rarden and fruit trees price 11600 teris arranged to suit purchaser e on the highway 9 room rongbrast house stable and h acres ot good garden land nd rrmt trees price s850 co acre farm 3 18 iniw from corotown price 13000 snap if taken soon also n number of choice one hundred andtno hundred acre farn for partirulnrs appl to e a benham a splendid showing ol new fall suitings and overcoatings al the mens store this is an advanced shipment reprohenting a pui tiou larly line rango in the newust styles for fall and wintei ueat consialjing of a series of coloured stnpos in main e blur r d andjgy aluo a combination of tin ho rolotiik in pin mliiiki effects on a background of blue and brown worsteds see our special blue sorgo at jufi ml ft regular value 00 00 our furnishing dppaitment is now complete willi all the latest novelttch in fine not kwoar shuts pollurs half hone oti t in opr reod towear department we are showing a splendid range of fall and winter overcoats and units we invite jour special attention to tins deputmciit btylo and prices right it will pay jou to call and discuss joor fall irrjuire montb with ub f millar k co real estate agent at yourservicei in the fall a persons fancy swiftly turns to thoughts of clothes fall winter apparel of every description including all the newest style fancies and at prices that invite compan son anywhere are now being shown at our spacious store we are now equipped better than ever to cope with the ever increasing bus iness coming to oui store and respectfully sol icit the continuance of your valued patronage id brill co conversion or payment of victory bonds maturing 1 at nov 1 924 arranged reinvebting of the funds in bonds promptly attended to bonds in denominations of 91 oo 500 and 1000 bearing interest at ratesof 4- 12 to 6 per cent may be obtained h r mimms investments georgetown i watch our windows save money on your shoe bills by buying at f5ks the largest assortment in town at rock bottom prices we invite your inspection j new rubbers just received be sure and get our prices we doshoe repairing h j fox georgetowns leadlngshoe house i street phone 147 i georgetown i buy k s tires equal to any in quatitj and better than most our prices low est in town call and bee us before buying tour used tires and tubes repaired ever thing gnaranteed to service f sinclair phone 26 georgetown hlsttdu tauorluat na mans faratablnk stoakwaill hauiilorooia co georgetown c nad dry cumitntt phone 126 valuable proporty of nlnktefv acius on count i ivnwo dial highway right on edge of georgetown and ovulookmg wil loughby golf links suitable for dairying poultry or gardening town water in uao and bjdrt large now basement barn with and chicken bouse good comfortable sn roomed stu nicely surrounded by largo maples price for immediate sale 6000 available nth up to date stabling abed cottage with full collar f wx evans go jacksons clothes of charm new dresses for fall dresses of entirely new designs made from new all wool fabrica fn a large range of pleasing colora these dresses specially designed by one of the best garment designers of canada for a leading man ufacturer who makes only special designs j for garments of such high standard of quality smart styles and guaranteed workmanship the splendid values and low price will appeal to you now being shown at jacksons georgetown quality value service weekend candy specials moira orescent assorted chocolates rcg 00c for our regular week end chocolates rcg 40 a fior for plain- white marshmallowii reg 40o for walnutpruit cream special low price 2fic thfsjvoek we will have a real treat in store for jou bomptbinf entirel new a confeotioo chat cannot bo equalled anywhere three now lines scotch nougat klondike chew and a real creamy taffy watch for these new lines in our window display koy korner handy kitchen f j deverson trorrtftor 5ej1k ii new advertisements apple for sj morthem spy and grrentiit n drv ik phqne m2 r 12 ceornclown 2l oauh wuiuat culvcn from 2 daya 10 it week olil micotlley98r 21 for sl i iljfmei lulile buokipxc and i wo chairs ii lull wnliiul and in kihhj coinlilitjn av y ulicrfi p m in r g aninld g tern reet it a ijuanliiy of niaiikoldi for nle harry bcandy phone h2 r 4 georkelown vagbtakliuaa knd rmtt we mrr a choke alok of ffrih keiablcn and fruit which we lell at oil rtaionahle prilm lei un hupplf your need in iheno line a r harchmliit brooke block mam si ocprgciown tf wood tar b4t very choice hardwood alto hardwood jk und other mixed vc6od all ml mlo oye ictiklhi all al reasonable ericer sllufnclion guaranleruv- j rrandferd phone s r 24 or box 490 georrrow 3 f for bala sou vci r iurlor cook stove rati alid nn ideal healer sleet conatruclpn oval ahapi mra a coslian 2tp if to rent r inn crment block hauie near hirh school sto per monlh apply on premie ea rbcrt youhk deorgelown tf in ten twenty ihirty and nutty pound al a r vannatlers ann al george norbukevannatera rallmafad li anta tor sale dod tounnif car m flrslclaes running condition uillbenoldrtaaonatile wm gamble phone f30 georgetown tf fatatom wutd will huy any quantity of pouloea al a right price ourlruck will take off tarm so bajja al a tjme correspondence ilnctly confidential write box d heral oh j waaud two young women or iwo young men i room and board m comfortable home ilhall onvenencea adply al herald firnvanua wanted farm to rem 50 to 150 acrca november poancwon geoigetown or mflton dialnct send particulars to boi ft herald oftce 3 wantad bxpenciiced farm hand married veprly employment and personal apphca miprefered hojk on the farm a ply to r c mccutlnti georgetown to rant 1h4 ai lot ii con 10 fsiuesing clay loam liar g irjjt oi n hiifhway and rdalkiop iwramon aptil 1st 19js i ermhh on to f ill loi box c her wood for sala hardwood body maple 12 in 4 per tui cordl soft rmi 12 m s3 per am cord hardwood rail 12 3 50 per ml rle cord deliverrd loany place in town j smth jlione hi r h oeorgetown apple forftala grernmjjs kinia talman sheets mkis nnd onlanoi at 54 per bbl spiea at ss 00 pr bbl nil npplee are o kood uual t jii i hand ked and delivered lliest pruri george herring i on phnn if her bala bedroom suite mahogany lm 1 1 rack 1 piece walnut parlor lule f h riahrr fmery at georgetown it kilha old also fo r bala 2 good biciclee cheap alao bicjcl ceasonca at half p co w fram geoneelown for bala neu long range alio open waller moore phone i s2 richardson a co barnaterssoltlilorsand conveyancers oftlda oweui block qaotcatown ontario toroihoortce bank ot hamilton bldg ctarbklr h wiggins n charge of georgetown office fortfurs intstmeiita- mout loloan telephone ibs bread up owing to the high coat of flour th rakers of georgetown are forced to ram ihe price of bread to 20c per larre lonl leg nmg thursday oclobir9th signed mckinfey bros rlenwilliam n ii rrown d livingstone aurl i hrk cieirgelown weai trucking prepared to do all kind of inicking including taking live ilock to nnd from city also potatoes apples and anything you desire to move all orders left at ord garage man at georgetown will receive prompt attention phone too guy day nd robert snrral lip 4 graliiwantec3 a l hoblo cold weather is coming be prepared and tea lat mcr ihe har imhii man about your requ remenls in hoiie blankets horse covara and rubber rng aiirehneoriomfttsblegloteaandmitia both llnedand onlined also oir hand smglr aad double harness coflirk halters wh ps and all i ram il cm suppjiea al dost- prurei bnna along our harness nml lollars f repairs latimer georgeto tenders wanted ten ters w ii be r i ted up to tueada ocl i4lhl4 f the ki of m ions of coal i the corporal nn of george i ii trumping mi n rd town hall 10 tinaof pocohontas and s lona time tnal to bo till iered aa ordered f l hfatii clerk notice ol registration ot bylaw n tice it hereby given lhal a r la waspaaaed by the council nf urorrelonn lltli day of dec 1911 f ig for iuf of debentures lo the amount of tight thousand dollars for the purpose of lerccting a memorial io the fallen heroes of georgetown hho made ihe si prrmc sainnre dur ng the urejt war 1h 1918 and lhat iu h bj u was ilv registered n the reg stry office of the town of m in n in ihe county of halt 11 on the 30th day of sept 1924 anj motion to quash w set de ihe umr or any pari of i m si be made within three onlhs after the first publication of ih i nice and cnunm he made ihererafter dttrd ibis sth da of ixh w 1924 f l heath clnk

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