the georgetown herald hfty l10u1u ylab ob publication georgetown wednesday evening october 15th 1824 1 co per annum in adv uioo jjs 00 to u 3 pm v tbegeorgetown herald j m moore phlukr ud proprietor mabr tuului wdkly nw paftar aaaaalatloa cm r tltbu uuinu kaht passenger passenger passenger mail pas sen her hail passenger passenger sunday going vijtar passenger mail passenger passenger passenger passenger mail passenger sunday going nobtu mail mail 7 18 dm 10 in 11 10 1 a 48 p qj 019p 7 21 pm a a metb barrister sol c or tic office hill si eorgetown hour 9 am to 5 p m opco wclaesday and saturday e bichabimom go barrister solicitors and conveyancer ofoo ffmxux block qoratowd toronto officebank of ham lion bldg clakbnck h wlcclnk- n charge ot georgetown oftce mm liaaa tin iiaaiih monaj to mxmome isa dr t physician madlcal offlw ot health uon hours i to 4 and 7 to i p m phfw u on nd raaldanoa main sumt south rjppoatu praabytarlan cbureta dr a f w boii pbyaicixn and surgeon u ii sire i georgetown phone 22 el houae surgeon grace hosp lal toroolo dbo v w1ixiamb physician and surgeon office and residence qucon si reel south pfco8s office iloura9 lu am i j and 68 vn alio by appointment ft watiol d d u h d s lav unni- ta cuapt tkaiway aitarmaam w u heath lm do omrtkt orboa in lam block ona door north at onasila carruca factory uoura s a ra to p as office in ba ley block next door to j n o neiira cooaawattna and spinal analyala free at office omci hon as wednesday and sal urdaya 11 to 12 am 2 1o 5 p m and 7 lo 9 p oi otber hour by appoint menl pmohs office isow and reatdence j 41 enj petch uoanaaa aneuonaar for hiton and paal qlanwlulasm port offloa bala oondnetad aljafaetortlr and at raa onabla rata ordara latt at tbe oeorgatewn harold ordoa wi r tlfilltalteai j a tract clerk townah p ot eaques ng clerk 3rd dlwnori court the laad ng firs and l id insu i co represented issuer of marriage licenses stewart to a ont ladies suvfowk muceuinc uf cutum funnicrikb smceinc try nr our prices are reasonable mrmrsjblmico asftatecibrlwk2l21 utrrk schft1 oar teaga a alanaaar eta taraat invites tbe patronage of those wl o desire to get tbe best training tor choice business positions write today tor catalogue enter any time w jelubtt pridal fowl wanted 1 am paying ibe highest price tor al k bdaot live poultry a bom p t all kkada of junk bide and wool re dean rt lo implement shop m freeman phone asow georgetown bargains in used cars 1918 chevrolet touring painted i ord ton i ruck painted 1923 fold roadster cadillac tounng car 1 his car would make an excellent truck 1918 dodge tounng deal at 0netll s j n oneill fc son fordgarage in georgetown our sales and service station is now open for business and a first class me chanic will give prompt and eff icent service tires gas oils and all ford assessories always on band h a coxe main st north formerly browns garage his cars fault less performance frequently lures a mclaughlin- buick owner to distant and remote places but wherever he goes mclaughlin- iiick authorized service is near at hand w v king georgetown mclaughlin buick four account book and tour bank- book i f your account book shows a profit that profit should be recorded in your bank book as entries of deposits or else it is likely to dwindle away it is a good plan to use the two books together estimate your profits in one and then transfer them to the other where they will grow even greater by the systematic addition of interest open a savings account with us at our nearest branck a bank what small accounts are welcome bank of montreal established over ioo years j b wallace manager georgetown branch total assets m excess of i6so ooo ooo eeeeeeeee la bknru4c kaoalrad standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically screened and loaded coal wood select lump for domestic and threshing purposes bmitbing and oaanel coal in fact i carry everything to be tonnd in any op to date coal and wood yard john mcdonald fhomb 18 georgetown mmmwmt ashes cant be insuwd nafectjpurpcpeh now while it has a definite value 1niuu wltfl elmer c thompson htsjkc service getifdam direct from aberdeen marshall s famous canned fish fresh herring in 1 lb tins 2sc kippered bernng in 1 lb tin 80 haddocdin 1 lb tins 8fl herring in tomato sauce id kipper paste and bio tor panto 10 domestic sardines lon fe 8 for 2g nowedian sardines linest packed 21 putting up pickles dan t iuc tbom up m vinegar you guess is good use guaran teel rood vinegar wove just gotten in a supply of oxt a choice piokling vinegar both the eider and white wine varieties and will in so ro the best results every time bent of pickling bpicob are also an important par of our stock noi days clarks bread if j on want the best bread m ey can bny phone 220 and our wagon wil call once used will have no other we have not mentioned our pies jelly rolls cook e health biso tits o bo lt was nt because we did not soil tbem wi do we put the bcbt of mater als and skill into tteir pro duct i on aim yaapla far aatai ta tra taa a traiaiac la namal ajralra that will aa r auaat aaaalt ta taa 1 wkatarar uaa ht wark tkay may four goursei of study stcnosnphic bookkeeping secretorial teach m trainmg individual nitrucum briaffci bolmn tasolile anderaon blrdt brampton onl mark clark bakery and groceries notice lo creditors la ta eauu ot joaapb b wait bu of taa towaakln of tqnaalsa la tka canalof halian atliaan mom hav uicla ma ga nn ihp e nl thf ahovemmed j scph b ha e de ceawd who dedu vtr abau ii e twenty crond day of aukuh 1911 n r requ red lo fiend ci de xc lull pan can thereof -lo- tolu- ulnn oflhvlmi wttaitatrtameti tr he sad dccrad on or be lore ihr tb rty fn day of oc obe 1924 afler naid last men oned dl p ion ihen have rcce ved no r daied ih 25lh day o sphtmbe 1924 h gra ahbohvtr ip on on ano sole nlon idtx notice of registration ol bylaw ilce hereby pven lha a by law paucd by thecuunc 1 oi george own ie l9lhdayot dec 1911 prov d lint ol deben urct a be amourl e ghl thousand dollara la he purpose rec tir memorial to he fallen e oi cirtmge own who made he su preme sacrifice dur ng he lire war 1914 1918 and lhal such by law wai iilr rrk ttcred n ihe retfidry ouce of the to o m hon n ihe loun y oi hal m he 30lh day of sept 1914 any not fire insurance j w kennedy tnm aent or lonie ol ihc t rofbl con are you protected home day ant to trn ol fur if ooonl d fa lod ifs tl o uvou uk botno day wo doforo tl o ffl but yonjor htar and yet wo havo not saikd wl loitered idly on the iijaj watching tbo tides that obb and how wo saw the boats set fort i to hen and yet we did not go magic of man tales were brought hy travellers and the travelling wind now worlds ol deeds new worlds of thought add yot we stayed behind and htill the dream and still the parting call the boats recede hail si fidowet of coming nigbttime tall and yot we do not sail arthur l salmon in tbo oh uerver london prize winners fallowing is tbe list of prise winners at lsqueaing fall fair bold at georgetown oct 3rd and 4th class i hcoiydraft best brood mare 1 it w lowric 9 dan camp bell s alex inglls best colt 1b24 1 it bt kerr 2 aid logll 3 david gicn best 1 year old gelding or fill nrjj gillits sons best 2 year old griding or filly dan campbell deit pair horses j a puller class 2 agricultural best brood n are 1 neil gillies 4 sons 2 george fi ney s robert kerr beat colt 1921 1 dan campbell 2 ft w lowrie 3 nell gillies tt sons best 1 year old gelding or flllyi nell gillies son beat 2 year old gelding or filly 1 hen ry htlson 2 john drvfreaun 3 run dell bros best 3 year old gelding or flllv 1 1 an dell bros 2 w f bole a georfte flnncy best pair horses in harnesa 1 c b fuller 2 i nnmlrll bros clnw 3 general purp te best brood mare 1 david b vnird 2 r h t nwrle best colt 19 t r h iwrie b david botalrti best 1 year old gelding or filly 1 alex inglls 2 h rldler s n best 2 year nld gell ing or filly 1 s ridler sons 2 johr deverea i 3 alci inglls best pair h raes 1 t nrness i m w carter j w cnntelon 3 geo a wilson class 4 carriage best colt 1921 i j v itcssey 2 james martin 3 i i snow best 3 year old gelding or fill in hnrne h 1 fred wrlgglcswortl 2 robert kerr 3 geo lane best br nl mare i j w bcssey 2 john sn best single in harness 1 robt kerr 2 geo burt 3 mark given brat pnlr horses 1 robt kerr class s roadsters best colt 1924 w h allan 2 geo d scott 3 wnl lace bros best 1 year old gelding r fjlly 1 w h allan best s year old gelding or filly 1 geo d scott 2 david given best 3 year old gelding filly in harness 1 w r wheeler 2 john g mcclure 3 wallace bros best brood narc dgeo d scotl 2 h ii altsn ahallnccbros best single in harness i s mclean sc sons 2 s h lindsay 3 w f boles best pair horses in i nrness 1 d robertson co class 6 be t saddle horse 1 s mo- an son 2 john dctcrra x 3 i bovalrd special pruas horses single high stepper by i r roy dole 1 robt kerr 9 fred v rig glesw rth single turnout r nd by provincial paper milts i s h und say 2 maxwell norris br t r nd horsr by the president s mclean son brl general purpose horse on rein by w t evans m w carter best ladv driver by georgetown coating mill miss edna mcdonald 2 mrs jno snow bent agricultural horse on rein by bank of novo scotia norvnl i idell bros best wagon horsr 1st by brown s bakery 2nd by c r tur ner milton 1 n f i indsny 2 fred riggleswarll best fa single by r k an irrs n mp w ruddrll i ii by r 1 f i ison sr n ily rr unit ii hest snddli rlddi lb u g wlv 1 mi i duter 1 rsr in wntk 100 mlt trot pace half mile sperd lo c unl gil r rnt conf n tl 4i per cent to i tclrd to f r ulerlrl rig b i hnmpsli r 1 h f roulrs best lalf n lie dah wddlr i rse 1st bt bank f comn crrc n 1 bv i i hugb i s mel ran ion 2 i de ercnui special cnlls i mcneil 1924 4 jock ci bs of ontari vl ontari ke h b ii ilton itrkev club windsor jockey tl b and niagara racing association h nre rr ponslblc larlngth r ifgh rrrd stallions t the provlnc have offered f 811 1 and w prise for 1934 sired b mcneil whlcl charge of jnn es rovoird bramp ltcrrd h wn by boy iriie i be t n ly lir mnrcellus i ii a mckinn ii roger n i est jersey cow by j 4 gnlll i tl oi rogerson sbaap lass 12 ulcester best rn n aged i frank mack best sticarling n 1 frank mack best ram la nb i frank mack 2 j c cook best ewe 1 f n k mack 2 j c cook best shen ling ewe 1 frank mack 2 j c cook tell r lamb 1 frank mack 2 j c took class 13 any other down best am aged 1 j f robertson best shearling ram i j f robertson be t ram lamb 1 j f robertson j best ewe 1 j f robertson best shearling er i j f robertson best ewe lamb i j i robertson clans u colswold best aged rnm 1 j a puller best shearling ram 1 5 dolson son 2 j a fuller be t rnm lamb i s dolson son 2 j a i uller best ewe 1 s dolson son 1 a fuller best shearling ewe i j fuller best ewe lamb 1 s d ison v sou 2 j a fuller class is oxford downs best ram nged 1 stuart j robertson 2 jas stark ft son best shearling ram 1 stuart j robertson i best ram lamb 1 stuart j robertson 2 w hayward 4 son best vt i stuart j robertson 2 jas stark son best shearling ewe 1 stuart j robertson best ewe lamb 1 stuart j robe class re shropsbirebest ra aged i j a fuller best shearling ro 1 jas stark son 2 j a fulli best ram lamb 1 j a fallen best cv i j a fuuer best shearling ewe jas stark son 2 j a fuller best ewe lamb 1 j a fuller best pen fine woolcd sheep by j beaumont stuart j robertson s j f robertson best pen leicester sheep by f y barraclough 1 frank mack piga class it berkshire best boar j a fuller best boar 192 1 j fuller best sow 1 j a puller b sow 1924 1 j a fuller class 18 yorkshire best boar henry wilson 2 j f robertson best boar 1924 1 j f robertson 2 henry wilson best sow 1 henry hils n j f robcrtsont best sow 1924 1j f robertson 8 b a mcklnnon class 19 tamworths best boor 1 dolson 2 jot stark son best hoi 1924 1 s dolson son 2 js stark 6 son best sow i s dolson son 2 jas stark 4 sun best sow 1924 1 jas stark son 2 s dolson son best pen of bacon hogs not less than four by c j buck 1 b a mcklnnon i wi 0 best winter wheat 1 bush rl i fnrl wilson 2 neil gillies s ns best red winter wheat 1 bushel 1 ii a dolson 2 lansdelt bros best spring wheat i bushel 1 ii a dolson 2 frnnk fenwlck best ther variety peas 1 bushel 1 h a dolson 2 lans delt bros best oats 1 bushel 1 p w ruddell 2 h a dols n best barley rowed 1 bushel i f w rudell 2 a dolson best 4 varieties grain eat oats peas and barley 1 bushel each 1 tl a dolson root and other vegetables class 21 best bushel potatoes any kind correctly named i r 11 brown 2 r c nixon best col lee hon 1 peck each kind correctly named 1 isaac b wcadge 2 r h brown best 6 field carrots 1 lansdcll bros t ties t 6 swede turnips 1 gordon graham 2 james homes best s other turnips 1 n dcv ereaux best b mangel wuruels i hen ry wilson 2 h devereaux best 2 pumpkins 1 harry devereaus 2 harry ntcr best 3 stalks ensilage com i r fendley 2 harry devereaux best 2 citrons 1 isaac b weadge 2 frank fenwlck best 2 watermelons 1 i ansdell bros earl wilson best 1 squash field i lansdcll bros best 1 squash hubbard 1 henry wilson 2 alexander beat g carrots short hon 1 henrv wilson 2 j brand ford best 6 tumlp beets 1 earl wilson 3 w j alexander best 6 long beets 1 bar wilson best 6 parsnips 1 harry hunter 2 earl w llson best 8 cabbages 1 w a wilson 2 harry hunter best 8 cabbages red 1 a hydet best 3 celery 1 j brandford best 8 caull flower 1 v a wilson best doicn onions red 1 miss h harrison 2 jas hulls t best doien onions other varie ties 1 harry hunter malcolm turner best dosen tomatoes i harry hunter 2 malcolm turner fruit and flo wen oaaa 22 best doin snow np irs i c f oods 2 w a wils n best wo ing of tompkins 1 c e woods bet doien blenheim pippins 1 c p woods best doien northern spy 1 c e woods 2 p r fendlrv best dosen baldwins 1 c f wo d best di rhode island green ngs 1 i k woods 2 n devereaux best d sen russets 1 earl wilsong best doten mcintosh reds 1 c e woods best dosen crabs 1 c woods 2 devereaux best doten pears bartlett i earl wilson best pears other varieties 1 james barnes 2 c f woods best dotrn rtirlc purr ased o 1 robt kerr best gentlrn an i ver b s cr at i mark given cattu is 1 shorth rn br t cow i or in ratf 1 robt dredge 2 criffin son 3 nell gillies 4 hrst b ii calf 1 r bt dredge 2 rxt frlffln tl s n best 2 year old heifer i r bt dredge best i year old heifer 1 hen h 1 on best heifer mrhlnn n 2 s f grlf fin r n br t hull nnj age 1 lames barnes 2 robt dredge ins fi jerseys best cow calved n calf i tlos linger n 2 w a i re 3 pa 1 1 given best 2 year i ife 1 tt a mrci re 2 thos hogrrson 3 dnvl i iven but 1 year 4 hrlfc 1 h a mrci re 2 thos grrson t da 1 1 ci r be t heifer if 1 u mcclure 2 thos roger- n best lull any age i f h rud ii ha mccl re 3 david tven class 9 hohteln best row calved in calf 1 itios d ison 2 j hn bulr neil gillies ft s n hrsl 2 old iter i jol n b c 2 h os dolson 3 neil cilucs ft s ns be i year old heifer i j hn b ir 2 thos dolson besl heifer calf 1 thos dolson 2 john b le best h 11 anv age 1 thn on lohn 11 ie best bull ralf 1 john bute clas 10 dalrv trade brs incalf 1 f h r ddrll rogerson 3 thos dol on hest old heifer i john buie 2 thos rogerson best 1 year old heifer 1 dolson lohn bulr m 11 beef grade best cow or in calf 1 neil gillies ft sons best 2 year old heifer 1 nell gillies ft sons be t 1 ear old heifer t ne i g llleji ft sons best heifer calf 1 veil clllies ft son 2 j h mccauln tat beast steer or heifer 1 r kltmoh 2 neil gillies ft sons i iinrnca k r noons ocsi uoten on 21 jnjdbu i jmrnv wnmr4 rsl herd of horses n t less thaniy m besl p other varieties 1 james barnes 2 harry hunter best doien white grapes i harry hunter best doien n grapes 1 harry hunter besl colleetil of apples 10 domestic varieties 5 of tach 1 c p h oods 2 w a llson best collect of apples 10 varieties f each 1 c e woods floral exhibits geranl urns 3 double different colors i f r fendley geraniums 3 single dlf frrrnt r lot i mrs g davis fuchlos 2 double 1 f r fendley colei s 2 specimens 1 f r fendley asparagus ferns 1 plumnsu 1 spren geri 1 f r fendley 2 mrs g w davis ferns 2 sprcln ens other than above 1 f r fendley sweet scented geranium 1 mrs s ridler 2 isaac b- h cadge best 1 plant in woom 1 go don graham 2 f r fendlry best fl house plants in bloom named varlrt e 1 miss w hutt s isaac b h radge mbrella plant i mrs c v tin s dueatv willow i f r flhrtlrv clas 24 cut flowr dl play as- ts best 10 blooms of i anrly 1 mrs m bennett 2 hen v wilson o hec tics asters 4 color namrd nrietirs 1 wilfred preston 2 miss r ma risnn cosmos best displav 1 r r feridlr 9 miss h harrison six col ngela 1 f r fendley 2 mrs h r wm n dahlias best display fancv anrls ra utc 1 mrs gen dodd 2 f r fend ley glad oil best collection 1 m s h hutt 2 jo hnlls verbena 1 mrs geo dodd f r fendlev mlgnonrt g spikes miss ii harrison ma g ds 1 f r fendlev 2 misa h ha ri on pansirs best display not les ih n 4 colors 1 mrs ceo dodd 2 m lohn bird stocks 4 or more colors 1 f r fendlev best display petun a 1 mrs g w da is 9 jos hulls nntxs best display 1 mrs geo dodd 2 f r fenflle besl coflecuon perennials 8 continued on page 4 notes and comments i a hhrnt amrmmhnt to the on etorj jct wben the own er of a co nutury i lot oinnol i fiund is unknown or hintbte t maintain it tho munic i il tj t ubiub suih coiieteryla a tuatcd sli all bo doomed to bo tl o owner and tbo council shall bo charged with the duty of keep ng it n order fvery county coui etl shall have thq power to ippo nl one or more inspectors to look if tor tho cemeteries and onfoir tho act if a township counc 1 fails or nuglecth to iroperly cart for tho cometery tho inspectoi may secure a court order d reel ng tho counc 1 to do so if this order ib not obeyed every member or such counul con bo held liablo for contempt of court nbd punished accordingly unless thoy can trove to tbe satisfaction of tbo co irt that they wore not consoot ng parties to the neglect the ruril cemeteries have in the post ben saved from utter neglect to a lare extent by the exertions of the women b institutes tho amend ed act will at leatt ashure such or ganicat ons of the eo o iteration and financial support of municipal cou noils in rfplyto auttfii of on qntry fronrrev-t- albert mssre campaign director of tho ontario plebiscite committee premier ferguson has detailed tbo niannor in which the desire of lho people will be carried out after the pleb isoite on the 2ord mm tho premier eays that in case of tho establishment of government con trol the province will have tho sole right to import hqnor unless the legislature decides to permit importation bj others if the vote be in favor of government control the government will not advise tbo legislature to permit importation pxcept by the govern ment unlimited and promiscuous sale will not be permitted na private agencies or individuals will be permitted to sell bj intuous or malt liquors there will be no re turn to the bar or sale by tho glass if tho ontario temperance act be sustained it will be en orgetically enforced the prom said his personal view was that bootleggers should be sent to jail ithont the option of a fine ho wished all ontario to bo convinced that tho government will aooopt the responsibility placed upon it with a determination that a gen nine effort will be modo to su press lawbreakiog and on me and to laintain the highest losaibto tuor al conditions among onrbeople milton district young peoples convention the young people s league con- vent on of the milton d strict was held in tho burlington methodist churnh tuesday oct 7th tbo sessions were largely attended most helpful addresses were givon in the afternoon by tbo revs con r on hen dors hot moore and douglas those wore followed by a banquet in tho gymnasium of the church following tho b upper ff officers wore n trod need and each cad led upon to givo a 3 minute address in tho evening an interesting program mo was put on by ibo young peoplo of the oakvillc long ue after which the rev r b cochrane pastor of college street presbyterian church gave a mont helpfol address on tbo opportun ities and reaponsib lit en of oung people in this our da the ad dress was listened to by a vorj largo and enco wbioh practioallj filled the auditorium of tbe church tho rev dr irwin of water ford introduced the following reso lution touching the plebiscite and by a standing ote was unanimous ly endorsed resolved that the companv of methodist young peoplo of the milton district assembled in con vent ion at burlington realising that tbo plebiscite vote to be taken ractotwrsrd isetjrtntfflosl ontical and far reaching decisions that has ever come before tbe people of ontario realizing furth er that so called government coo trol of tbe hqnor traffic has known a complete and disastrous failure wherever tried in canada tt s convention is convinced that tho contimlance of the ontario temp erance act is docidedlj in the boat interests of our province and we hereb pledge ou ruches to do our utmost to reta n upon the statute book of th s province this vrrj bene fie al ian unanimiual car rfed terra colla mr frank undoraoti won taken to guelpl honp tal a week ago and oruuv on for appendir t n b recovering nicely rs hmi of pokering v s tod friends boro last week tl e namo of mra ocorgo h dgo hr unintentionally omitted fron e libt of those who sang at tbe recent chiirch concert i ere mrs 1dgis selections are al sjh n 1 reciatcd and we are norrj to ha looked her name in o r recent report mr h logan id running im bnck plant bore to ts f ill capanlj at present rogers quarr cs nrc ju le bu- at present fl ng order fur sloni- miss bottom of toronto spent the week od 1 at ber i o ne here