Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 15, 1924, p. 3

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tub qkouubtown iikkami 0toiikh ifim xi jjimngii iiiiljgrrrtiiicxnrriirtnr annual fall clearance sale golf supplies real savings which the golfor with two months or good gnlf weather still before him cannot afford to hush regular 300 clubs or p nod of this ealc 20 860 cluba lor period of thin sale 25 4 00 clubs for period of thin sale 2 h 500 clubs for period of this nalo 8 600 cluba tor period of this sate 40 660 clubs tor period of thin halo 4 9h 70 cluba for period ot this wile o 69 uulf bags t a reduction of 20 0 djmatthew drugstud stationery finaiminiimt nriminrrf local news items dustin pnrnum at the re theatre friday night first rehearsal of all aboard at town ball thursday at h p in sharp two black bears are reported to be in the bono near tiuelph junction in naeeagaweya a mass meeting of all women organization will be held at ner val at 880 on thursday afternoon the local council of women will meet en tuesday oct 21 at 8 pm a large attendance ib re- goes led bev patterson of norval will teply to statements made by the moderation league at his service nest sunday morning the dance under the auspices of the baod in the arena last fri day evening was well attended and everybody bad a good time night school is being opened in the bank of montreal rest rooms by the brampton business insti tute bee advfc in this issue a miscellaneous shower will be held at toe home of mrs elmer thompson by the womens auxil iary on friday afternoon next euchre and danoe under aus pices of babekaha in the arena on oct slat a prize will be given for the best halloween costume admission 60c oakvillerngby team defeated georgetowns new aggregation of rugby players in the park here lastl saturday return game next sat urday atoakvihe bev and mrs heotor mclean gave interesting addresses regard ing their work as missionaries in china at the meeting of knox church guild on monday evening btanley allen of glen williams presented the derald last friday with a quantity of nice ripe wild raspberries on toesday klr g b sayrea brought us a sample of the same kind of fruit there is no truth in the rumor that mr 0 w roaxel has disposed of bis dairy business be will continue to serve his many customers with the beet milk and cream procu rable the daughters of the church otsfc georges parish will bold a ale of homemade baking in b h thompsons hardware on satur day afternoon october lbtb at ss0 ocjook st the cheapest shoe store in ontario 4 pairs leather laces 5c bring as your repairing and get it done right o s5o to 40c on the dollar floe boots from 8 to 460 mens plow boots s to 8 weoao beat toronto prices two men always on the job and no waiting bpneye main at george town a t walker byeaigbt special ist will beat watsons drug store on wednesday october ssth make an appointment with mr watson too bstt frames of shell or gold and the best lenses at moderate prices satisfaction guaranteed jooiors was played at the high tiobbol las saturday resulting in a win for georgetown 80 coring all the goals in the first half the game wasolean and in terssting and kept well in hand by mr spires who was referee the last game of the series will be played at milton next saturday calats lata btftuar mrs john wrigglesworth of ashgrnve celebrated her seventy- hfttrbirtnday on wednesday oct- ober 8th at the old home occupied at present by her son norman the families of her two sons fred and norman joined in the surprise celebration and daring the evening gavober some very suitable mom enta as well as good wishes nearly two years ago mr and mrs wrigglesworth celebrated their golden wedding and it is a matter of rejoicing to all their many friends that both are still bo hearty and active ata oattumto the ladies golf dob are holding a field day on saturday oct lstbl special prises will be given for new players the committee re- ques every member of the club to be present play at 8 oclock sharp all playing the first round in the consolation are requested toj bave their score in by friday night georgetown lady golf era played weston hut friday at weston and had a most enjoyable game they won five and lost five at the conclusion of the game they were entertained at a rh dinner bart to watar urtra on thursday morning after 9 oclock the water will be shut off the southern pari of the town for some hours to make nix usury re pairs users are requested to he- cure a supply for the day before 9 am yaua- paaalos rally a rally of a the young peoples societies in georgetown will be beld inknox church this wednes day evening a good program commencing st h oclock will be rendered by the young people of norval there will be music song elocution and addresses by revs douglas of norval and stew art of acton km tu data opw i the esqueeing womens ineti tute intend having an old time halloween social with an old time sapper in the town hall stewart- town on the evening of october 84tb prizes givon for the couple i doing the best cake walk in cotr tume also for best fancy and best comic costumes a good program also provided admission 86c m louu attuaad fcy jmrj at the inquest held monday night in the council chamber on the body of the man found in the credit noar hero od oct 6 the jury returned a verdict that the man came i to his death as the result of a blow on the temple followed by pneumonia no evidence of foul pjay was produced and it was test ified that there was no water tn his lungs when he was round the mans identity was not estab lished he was between 40 and 46 years of age about 6 feet in wednesday october 15 stop tour tickling jock an english- scotch comedy drama chapter 6 of rath of the range comedy sailor maid 3 piece orchestra friday october 17 kentucky days starring duatin farnum comedy trojjical romeo fox news saturday october 18 sport ing youth starring reginald denny comedy creation first car hodge podge piece orchestra coming little old now york a tarring marion davies batur tuavaa gaackt thomas cook aged 81 or long branch harry daley 88 years and i john mcbunnon aged 88 of tor onto appeared before police magis trate h p moore at milton yester day and pleaded guilty to stealing thirty boxes of butter valued at 680 from the georgetown cream ery two weeks ago cook wss giv en suspended sentence and mceio- non and daley were each sentenced to the ontario reformatory at burwsah for one year with an ad ditional indeterminate sentence of one year one of the prisoners fomisbed crown attorney dink with the name of the dealer who bought the stolen butter from the prisoners he is a greek and was arrested in toronto and will be tried tomorrow morning on the charge of receiving the butter knowing it to be stolen the fall meeting of the us ton deanery was held at st albans church acton on wednesday and thursday or laat week on the woflneftdsj ejenipg a splendid sermon was preached by the rev a e riley rector of oakville a meeting of the chapter was held- on t i ng -which- was addressed by the ven arch- deacon rennison of hamilton and the bev hg l baugb in the afternoon a splendid meeting of deanery womens auxiliary waa held when an interesting address was given by the rev w h gale of japan luncheon and tea wan provided by the ladies of st al bans church the parish of geor getown waa represented by ten members of the womens auxil iary the rector and the lay read er mr j beaumont fads about optometry lyircc ftoji oohetrlst fktrfettwi fbmk27c ko 8 or the ixbies the word optometrist has in re cent years largely displaced toe better known word optician strictly speaking the words have different meanings an optometrist is a person who has applied with the requirements of tbi optometries law and has been issued a certificate permit ting him to practice bis profession the work of the optician in large ly mechanical he prepares lenses adjusts frames etc a person studying optometry usually qualifies in both tbe pro fessional and mechanical branches so the average practitioner ia both an optometrist sod an optician to be continued next wednesday personals mr r lnidlnw of toronto spent ik- week end at dr mccnlli mrs kiuk of toronto was a ti- tpr in town over the week end mr gordon barber of toronto nutted friindh in town lust friday h ii p mokerrihen m led friend in town mr and m of toronto v sunday mr robert erwin lort last thiirndftj for a weeks holiday in muskoka mr and mrs john fioley of to ronto spout sunday lit mrs e fin toy h mrs gibson of detroit visited with mr and mrs frank wood lust wrek mrs ooikq powell or waubau- hbtjor spent li few dayh lost week with tricnds in town mr fred edwards or the school of ihitrmnc toronto pent tbo week end with friends in towo mr and mrs neider or bayonne new jersey lire guests ot mr and mra m sane dr and mrs f r watson and miss laird bave been spendink the past week in muskoka mr and mrs w 0 bessoy and daughter doris spent tbe week end at mr e a warrens toron to mrs w c bossey won ifrst price for best lady driver at actio rock wood and georgetown fairs this year rs john anderson cobourg mrs t c buckler port hope i kyle fergus miss emily tyndall toronto were the guests of mr aod mrs wm m tyndall during the past week dr aod mrs gollop and miss mnnon gollop motored to strat ford and spent the week end with friends mrs w stewart left yesterday or her home at gilbert plains man after spending a month with ralativos in to wo mr and mrs j l thompson were called to paris on saturday owing to the sorious illness or mrs thompsons father mrs w c kennedy who had the misfortune to fall a couple of weeks ago and fracture two ribs is recovering nicely mr and mrs robert metil philadelphia are spending a few weeks at the home of their cousin mrs w c anthony mr robert buck of cobourg mrs r r wilson of winnipeg and mist victoria mason chicago ill were guests of mrs john bell diiringthe week mr and mrs b 0 arnold are moving to acton this week mr arnold has been an able member of our own council for the past two years as chairman of finance they ore good cititens and their removal is regretted by their many friends- miss mary livingstone mus ruth orr miss nellie kennedy mrs w a bessey mr everett cole and master charlie sorym- geour toot part in tbe program at tbe opening of knox church young peoples guild at acton on mon day evening those who attended tbe nation al council or women at toronto during tlw post week were miss ftay foot miss butt miss h law- son mrs h l hutt mrs h p lawsou mrs r 1 creel man mrs h w kennedy mrs matthew mrs r ross returned saflors and soldiers declare k the saloon must not come back a message from a returned naval and army officer to the men who fonghl in the greaf war by capt a h munday as sailors and soldiers who carried out praiseworthy servics in many engagements and on many battlefronts for your king and coun- cidently yuur freedom and rights as oi titans of canada yon are the best judges of the evils of the open bar room while fighting and on leave in many countries you had an unexcell ed opportunity to get qrst hand information on the poverty suffering id even tragedy that follows in the woke of tbe barroom on tbe street corner yon saw for yourself with your own eyes the barefooted and ragged children who walked along the gutters looking for crusts and refuse so that they might continue to exist and every hundred yards a drunken man was sprawled across tbe curb upon your return to canada yon had the opportunity of living in a country free from bar rooms you undoubtedly failed to find one ken man on the streets and the children wore shoes they were dressed comfortably they were wellfed and happy and smiling they lived in happy homes where a spirit of harmony and prosperity com manded the respecter the community menl tbe powers behind the barroom are preparing to fight to bring back tbe baloon are we to return to poverty buffering and tragedy are we to let the rising generation walk barefooted and ragged in the gutters or our cities in order that they get sufficient refuse to exist men i once again the call goes out for comrades in the cause of humanity you are appealed to if 60000 returned soldiers and sailors stand shoulder to shoulder to fight this enemy that undermines uur prosperity aod kills our child ren the greatest victory of the age will be won for all time men your help is needed and remember men that word subterfugn it was a valuable science io the war and the powers behind the open barroom are using it in their fight government control and local option is part of this subterfuge v daring the next six weeks the liquor powers ore going to spend large sums and are going to leave no stone unturned io order to bring back tbe saloons on the street corners there must be no compromise to yield to the abbterfuge of the liqnor powers would be to hold up a white flog it would be a decisive ictory to the liqpor trusts to give in to government control or local option would be to consent unknowingly to the open barroom menl comradeall companionblit in the cause uf the welfare of on r children women aod the progress of the world give your support to stamp out this evil men with red blood in your veins your help is needed e committee nigh school tuesday and friday bookkeeping arithmetic 7 to 9 shorthand english typewriting spelling all business and public school subjects special speed classes in shorthand not dames will e esstsdes ly uk traaslu inbkss lull trie tkblistradlu ff nseritru still a uwrsiskmss use yr spare usk n lasrsve fur timahn yw unla smcr rinse tarenet come in and enroll none will satisfy like pure delicious salada green tea the finest green tea produced in tht world ask for trial package fiee ustfle if she te bwi bequest uuu imtatt candy candy candy october is a candy month nod wo are making every effort to give you auch wonderful vnluoa which you will nut forget for many 4 mths fresh turkish delight 23c lb and oh bow nice it is words cannot tell you hov delicious our turkish delight is yon will uaveto eat it without a doubt d nicer made in this new world nor the old reg 80c lb saturday special 23c per lb homemade maple peanut 29c lb fresh from the candy kitobento you and every member of tbe family loves it regular hk- ib saturday special 29c per ib weekend chocolates 32c our chocolates are in great demand every saturday theres a reason regular 40 and fioc lines j weekend special 32c per lb idow tor something new in milk chocolates sale agents for blue bird marshmallnwi tiarold c black main street rennies grocery raspberry jam is h5o plum jsm 4s 69c toilet paper c rolls 27c white beans 8 ib b5o baking powder 1 ib 5uc tomato soup 2 tor s6c certo bottle h6e rubber rings 8 don boo iodieed salt box 16 oranges tomatoes bananas we deliver d r rennie cash grocery phone 151 for quick delivery house phonel273i stoves whether you need a range or an oil heater we can supply you from our large stock be sure and see our cosy home quebec cook stoves and happy thought quebec heaters marvel quebec lar e size holier grates fall swing top irraoo r h thompson co weekend candy special moire youkid cocoanut caramels a good candy nt n prioe selling price tor fndsj and saturday pure buttenwotah todeo rerulsr sqr tor ansortfd gum drops week end chocolate hie belter kind rcr 40 nnd coc s2o have ou tried our plain and tiut milk broken chocolstei braiil nutlc per lb plain milk peanut walnut filbert and almond 50c ib kos y korner kand y kitchen good 45c 23c buy k s tires equal to any in quality and better than most our prices loi est ia town call and see us before baying tour used tires and tubes repaired everything guaranteed to give service bank ol montreal rest rooms georgetown l kinaaii midst phone 26 f sinclair georgetown to band a lovely range of tweodi suitable for ladies suite and 8k i r la all wool flannel plain and small chock son toy in all the new colors brown navj suud cm namon grey and black c4 all wool flannel plain colors at 17g per yd mt all wool chock sport flannel at im0 pur yd 3b all wool scrg colors black navy brown fawn cardinal red and copen at 766 per yd 54 uomohpiiu now colors at 170 aod 209 per silks a nice range a black and colored silks in mottsalinc duehese pailutte taffeta crepe do chine llabutai pon gee and cantou crepu tram 125 to 8 co per yd hosiery badms sik llosioryayser make colors brown sand camel beige grey navy block and white 150 to 2 00 holeproof silk hohoj block and colors 100 to 2 00 ladies cashmere hose 7fn 100 and 125 ladies ruysor silk gloves 100 to flm ladies suede cloves 70c to 100 thursday bargain day mcbeanco i forsters cash and carry store a poll line of choice fresh groceries provisions etc fruijn season maws stu lit ncumss dules snionaoa fee sol sj an wks save med hku sums cmkea laa aa caret meals at light prices fbrstprs oner mu victoria sis georgetown raojn t grandys specials in crockery clover leaf cups and saucers per doe s6 moss bose cups aod saucers per dor 875 mosb roaeb plates per don 400 hobs rose 7 plates per dot 360 mossross 0 plates per dok h00 moss rofie 0 plates per doz 225 moss rose 4 plates per doc 200 moss rose boop coupes per dos ds0 moss rose oatmeals per doe 22g moss rose fruit saucers per doz 140 jugs each b0 75 and 101 moss rose covered vegetables each 225 ooe 97 piece dinner sot with english china cips and saucers on sale 2800 a m grandy phone 7s frail deliver sahstochm suruleta jkiisbiiassbaai biitcher main st georgetowu nwaea sktslk bouse 215j ladies bracelet watches gold filled fitted with n reliable 15 jewel movement silk r ib- bon bracelet on sale friday and saturday at bargain price call and examine i a b willson jeweller net to hotel moqibbon ikoitnrtown

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