Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 22, 1924, p. 1

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the georgetown herald 1 1ty bloiuu year op pum1ca1 ion georgetown wednesday evening october 22nd 1924 in advontc 2 00 to u s the georgetown herald j m moore pnuuker sad proprietor member cuialu whu newa- paper aumelauob on r titfcle uotnokabt passenger 7 lhan passenger u 14 oin passenger 10 1h im mail 11 10ani passenger a 4h p in mul 6 19 pjl passenger h 4a pni passenger sunday 7 21 p m aoino wbht passenger v 7 54 am mail 10 lb a ui passenger 21 a pttl paaseuger 4 do p in passenger ojflpm passenger 712pm hail 815pm frassenger bu aday 10 oil am ooino nohte mull 8 00 a m mail 4 65 p to uoinu booth mai 11 us aon mail 7h4pm caaatiu nauwul nedric railways tmato afcarbm lulhn ea8tbodnd we8ti10und pally daily ttui train ho 2 8q4am no 17 21 m 4 1004am 8 21 am 01204 pm fi 11 21 ajn b- 204pm 7- 121ui 10 4 04 p bi 8 8 21 pm 12- 604pm 11 621pni 11 804pm 18 721pm 16 10 04 pm ib 9 21pm 181201 am 171216 am train nob 1 ran 4 run daily except sunday at your service i directory hilton wallbridob dale barriatera lolk tqplnu and oocjatwn office kenned bkmk l roy kale in abut ot cadre uwn gffloa h a meir barrister sulicilor etc office mill st gcorgeto hoor 9aro lo5p m open wnlaeaday and saturday n n bichakiheojijjt co bamalcra sollcilon andcooveraocera offlaa cmu- block omifttown toronto otbcebaole of hamilton bliig clakkncb h wiooihb in charge geo oftce de t ii maacaxlob phyaiatan and turseen medical officer ot healta- omoe houral w and tlolpi db c f w boss pbyaicaui and surgeon hill slrel georgetown phone 22 e hooae samoa grace hoip lal db g v williams phjwcian and surgeon office add realdence queen slreel south f k vatidr d u 6u m d s omptm offlaahaani 8 to ft exoept tkinlv almamu r l hiatm ld dos oentiet offlea in law block on door norlb at 0nauta carria factory hour t a m to i p ba ohikophaoxio office b a xhay laharatorj palmar graaant 10 yra aaperalaoe ofrke m bailey block next door to j n onedl cwlawiltatlnn and bplaal anaqrala free al office ornci houa wodneadayi end sm urdaye ii lolzaro 2 to s p o and 7u 9pm olberhoombyappoinlroeot phohk office isow and ftealence 24 s benj petch tjtrtfr aueuooaar for halloa and paat olmwlluanu fom offlo bale oondupted aatlafaotorux and al raa j a tkafctt clerk townah p of equ n clerk 3rd dnieioo court the leading fire and life ln ladies suarmnw miceuinc ubcjjiuiw mzzncim smworc try t our prices are reasonable mrmrsjjlliuico eluot car t4ra iiiu4- toraato tnriteaibfl p a who desire to get tbe beat tnuintor choice bunin poaitiona wrjw today for catalogne enter any time w j blltotl rrtmrml fowl wanted llk2dioijk hde and wool re deoce nrt o lmpleenl ahop m freeman phone mow oeonejow in ihe fall a persons fanty swiilly turns to thoughts ol cloljics fall winter apparel of every description including all the newest atyle fancies and at prrcea that invite compart son anywhere are now being shown at oui spacious store we are now equipped better than ever to cope with the ever increasing bus mess coming to our store and respectfully sol icit the continuance of your valued patronage d brill co bargains in used cars 1918 chevrolet touring painted ford ton truck painted 1923 ford roadster cadillac touring car this car would make an excellent truck 1918 oodge touring deal at oneill j n oneill son the rcasooormi we scl trff btith mfatl in dfwnd 0uwd htht lahl alwright butcher main st georgetown rfeucs smflk hmk215j stoves whether you need a range or an oil heater we can supply you from ouf large stock be sure and see our cosy home quebec cook stoves and happy thought quebec heaters marvel quebec large size roller gratesfullswjnfl m 1900 r h thompson co georgetown creamery cream wanted by the georgetown creamery highest prices paid wool wool wool i wo want jour wool and mil pa the bikhont market lrire for it call ub up before selling georgetown creamery co m scute manager chevrolet p has ower chevrolet has pdwef no one will gainsay that fact it has all the power you can conveniently use and a surplus for emergencies who could ask more the chevrolet engine is a mar vel of power and endurance designed by the leading auto motive experts of the wprld general motors engineers it is the most efficient combina tion of economy and perform ance to be found in any stand- t ard make of car asfalis for a demonstration s v king georgetown hmmfrp m4- ho shovelling raqnlrad standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically screened and coal wood select lamp for domgntio and tbresbing purposes smithing and connel coal in foot i carry everything to be found in any op to date coal and wood yard john mcdonald phone 18 georgetown start on monday at guelph business college guelph ont approved courses individual instruction every graduate located it is a fact there are good remuner ative positions awaiting you wtan i a lb01ck prlndpal ind proprtelor aim it 0 aim or oil aoaool ts prjar yonac people for dtttlnaut to it tkant a tralalni in oeniaianilal asalra that will b of dlrwt beaeflt to taeat la wuunr liae of work tky auy fonrcouriei of study stenographic bookkecp njt secretin ml teachers traininji individual irmlruction bruptom bah ess tasulnte anderson block brampton ont direct from aberdeen marshall a famous oadned fish freeh herring in 1 lb tine 25c kippered herring in 1 lb tin boo haddoods in 1 lb tins k0c herring in tomato banco hoo kippor paste and bloter paato loo domobtio sardines loo 2 for 2gc j nowedtan sardinos finest ptioked 20o putting up pickles don l pui them up in vinegar jou giieas is good ueo guaran i toe i good vinegar wove just gotten m n supply of oit a choice pickling megftr both the otd or and white wine ynnetieo and will m aaro the boat tobuiu every time i best or pickling hpicos are also an important part of our stock nowa day a clarks bread if ou want the beat broad mon ey can bn phono 220 and our wagon wil call once imed jou will have no other we have not mentioned oar pies jelly rolls cookies health biscuits etc waa nt because we did not soil thom vk ik we put tbe bent of materials and skill into their pro ductton mark clark bakery and groceries phone 29 ashes cant be insuted hotettjom prepay now while it has a definite value iminax tnta elmer c thompson iasnradce service georgdom coal best d l w scianton coal in at sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j watkios nor al satlon phone 62r24 fire insurance j w kennedy gnrgctori afenl lor ton e of ihc ilronfet ron are you protected which shall it bet wbioh shall it bo which shall it bo i luokod at john john looked at me and when i round that i miint apeak my vol co hoomod stranm v low anil weak tell mo again what robert said and then i listening bent mj rhi6 id his lottor wilt give a bouse and land while bu shall if m rotum from out your aeven one child to me or ayo is given i looked at john old garments i thought of all that he bad borne of poverty and work and care which i though willing could not share 1 thought of seven young mouth i to feed even little children b need and then of this co mo john said i we ii choose among them a they ho asleep so walking hand in hand doar john and i surveyed our hand pirnt to the cradle lightly stepped where lillian the baby blopt softly the father stooped to lay his rough hand down in a loving way wiiea dream or whisper mads her stir and huskily he said not hor we stopped beade the trundle bed and one long y of lamplight shod athwart the boyipb faoee there in sleep so beautiful and fair i saw on james rough red cheek a tear un dried ere john could he s but a baby too said i and kibsod him as we burned by pale patient robbie s angel face btill in his sleep bore suffering s trace no not for a thousand crowns not him he whispered while out eyes were dim poor diok bad dick onr wayward son turbulent restless idle one could he be spared nay he who only a mothers heart could bo patient onougb for such as he and bo said john i would not dare to take him from hor bed bide prayer then stole we softly up above and knelt by mary child of love perhaps for hor twould better be i said to john quite silently he lifted up a onrl that lay across her cheek in a wilful way and shook his head nay love not thee the while my heart beat aodiblj only one more our eldest lad trusty and truthful good and glad so like bib father no john no i oannot will not let him go and so we wrote in a courteous wo could not give ono child away and altetwarcj toil lighter seemed thinking of that of which we dreamed happy in truth that not one face was missed from its accustomed place thankful to work for all the seven trusting tho rest to ono in heav en anon the factor ol personal ability the fat lor of iwmnn tl nbiht one ot tho greatchl imikirtance among those which cogjr lute to the suocoua or fill iro of a im in an line of endeavor business men met h iuich way builders miners mvonl professionals and farmers ire equally affeotod succesbjn any line is baaed upon knowledge of the work in band supported by persobalitj and the ability to get things dono properi and at tho right time farming is no piooption to the rule thq land of neighbors may be equally rich their taxes equal lyhigh tbeir start ip life equally humble and their success in hfo incomparable all owing to that great factor personal ability personal ability embraces know ledge perception initiative re- ttourcefnlness courage to conceive md strength to carry out a mac equipped with these attributes and blessed with good health will sua ceed almost anywhere all around us we soo successful men whose original possessions were intelligence and health and in proportion to tbe development of their intelligence they have eded intelligence then is the essence of personal ability and smoe the development of intelligence is do pendent upon education it be hooves us to educate ourselves and those whom we would bee advance life experience is the greatest edu cator but too often the most cost ly in both time and substance civilized man learned long ago that life is too short for each of to run the gamut by gathering togetbor they were enablod to economize by utilizing tbe expen ence of each other sooh was the beginning of mod em education and the systematic development of intelligence the mind of the child and its future are in the care of the par eat the oh ltd will become largely what the parent endeavors to make of it plus the influence of environment natural intelligence may be wasted or it may be devel iped to the advantage of all man kind ae well as the person i aimed latolj concerned it would seem therefore that i paropta must realise more than ever thit the welfare and happiness of their children when they reach maturity is depend ont largely upon tbe mental- develop ment accorded the child in its formative age and to bequeath the factor of personal ability to a boy or girl is better than to leave him with a heap of gold amress preseilatfm on a recent evening a reception was held in the home of mrs john adams church street for her iewly married daughter and hos band mrs and mr 0 g junkin dgnng tho cvcuina tbe bride in presented by tbe methodist church choir with a handsome cake basket and bread tray of hammered silver and the following address signed b the membors or tbe choir was read georgetown oct 8 1024 mrs c junkin beftthfyttlfwe bvgrtnej ed here this evening so thnt our r as a body and ourselves in dividually mai have the opportun itj of wishing jou all jo and hap piness in the new lifo which von have recently entered by those of us who havl known yon through the vears of faithful ice which jou have rendered aur choir and by those less fortunate who claim acquaintance but for a brief period you will be remembered for yonr pleasant emtio your readv sym pat by and kindly conbiderat on for others and for the hapw dinpost hon you revealed to all with whom ou came in contact kindl accept those small tok in of affeclion nnd esteem as a remembrance from georgetown methodist choir tbe hnrlo feelingly thanked her coworkern tor their kind words and remembra ice the bride on tho occasion of her marriage was tbe recipient of m an y beau tl fulaod ub including a number of cheques bltua t b while john shoiej tbe ten joar ild son of principal rhorey was walking on main street last friday noon he was after patting ui hound set upon by tbe brute and severely bitten oh tbe face bin tower lip being bfcdly torn the lad was mshed tia dr hocoll office and his wounds dressed the bay being put under anaesthetics while it was being done milton reformer cltuhkttf fluohlng has be come so common that fen parents realize ho the habit has grown by oncournging boys or 7 and u years of age to collect cards meg arette packages tho manufacturers have made children juile familiar with cigarettes before they know anything about tbe effect smoking has upon a growing bov now a cigarette maker offers to send a free sample package of cigarettes to all boys who haven t learned to smoke there ought to be some way of protecting boys from euoh sednctive temptations next thing we ii have similar offers of other dopes under some misleading name thm summer the use of cigarettes amongst hoys baa grown rapidly comukncino nov 1 tbe on tar io government has decided to ro duce by 1 per cent the rate of in teresd which ib being paid upon deposits in tho provincial savings offices now amounting according to provincial treasurer price s computation to 21000000 in stead pf 4 per cent interest there fore the government will here after pay but 8 per cent the same rate as the banks pay on savings tbe necessity of saving money wherever it is found possible to do so was given by provincial trcos urer price as one of tho reasons for this important step in the pro e b saving venturo with present deposits the saving effect ed to tho treasury will amount to 20 000 a year and deposits are continually increasing omf dtows dm- to preset all aboard a dvmpnr cl dance and hduy rehearsals for all aboard tbe balmy musical comedy which is being presented by the john b rogers producing company direct- 1 led by o kenneth adams or the above company and nnder the auspices of the oddfellows band have been started in earnest that the musical comedy is go ing to be one of the best laughing bits that a home crowd ever pre seated is assured if one can judge by the laughter caused m reading tho manuscript at the town hal where rehearsals are being held everyone attending the first rehearsal was kept in a constant nproar by the reading of the ludi jcroos lines and clever situations involved and as to tho music which was played over at the ru hearaal the general comment was that it was tbe prettiest and most patchy piece of music ever heard i an am a tour production amuoical comedy to be mo bit mubt possess two things pirdt a good interesting plot and second a tunefull musical he without these a show cannot be a real success and in all aboard ii be found the above require meats and more the above show which ib from hil pen of junie mccroe who wrote more than hundred professional stage suc- proved to be ono of the largest broadway hits ever pro duced too mnch cannot be said of the pretty musical score for not since the good old days ot the merry widow has anything been nttcn which would compare with tbe all aboard score the same charm whioh once held you in the dreamy waits strains of tho merry widow waits will be found it my dream has at last come true and other truly beautiful song bits in all aboard the play will be held on toes day october 28th and thursday october frith in the town hall ad will be seve five cents with all sealb reserved boy your ticket earlv and be sure ofseeng this colossal musical e travaganea 1 1 haltaa jail report governor mcgtbbon of the ilnf ton county jail milton bus ton pie tod hib annual report for the jail year ending sept 80 n niber of prisoners in jail during tear 189 an increase of 21 over ibe previous ear the cost of feed ing prisoners was 13 80 cents ier day notes and comments 1 mitlht your frnnchiso nel thursday don t kt it bo bui that ontario c tikenbhn ib qu wkn vuuno 1xi k are urged to do some laborious work thej often deem it a hardship it is the prerogative of outb to m ag me it is imposed upon but in the end it jfacovors that work is a great blflttsing tho young pool so can not see now but some day ttiey hill hu that they wore fortunate in their hoj hood ddjb because tin wore compelled to work because no ouo can get powor to do things save bv doing them look over tlii successful men you know get their history nearly eveiy one wiih cotnptlled to work in bo hood thav toughened thur muscles bv bard work and sharpen ed their brains b looking out for thombciveu pahbing the bui k when you out of luck started long ago when adam blamed lvc for the apple she gave tbe time he stub bed bis toe ever since then in the ranks of men taking them high or low tbo coward at heart who shirks his part has tried to dodge tbe blow the man who 3 high but fails to get by and blames the fellow below need never aspire to climb any higher he s geared to travel in ion there b always a place for the man with the grace to admit it when he ib to blame who says its on mo but by jimmy it never can happen again if you would sue ceed there is no better creed than that of the man who ib square i ii take what ib mine without whimper or wbino above all else i 11 be fair bo happen what may at tbe close or each day i can bay to my god i ve been square by f w jameson in forward ir our mhchnts and their sales clerks wtre not a mighty iturcd i incl of folk whoso rough edges have been worn down by much cont itt with human na turo thej would bavo reason to get quite grouchy at times there aomo persons who will go or id to more or less distant cities and moke important purchases then when they want borne little thing in a hurrv and must havo it pressing need will rush tothe homo storif an3 doinantf that it must be supphod to tbem ight away and sometimes ask that it be charged thev expect their home men to koep stocked up with carloads of gotxls yet fail to supply thoir share ot tho patron ago that would warrant tbeir keop- ing such stock a group of retail link up a town with a won derful system for distributing modern products for homo com m unities tour home merchant brings to vour door the comforts of advanced civilisation whore ou ad see what vou want are ynu doing vial vou should to encourage then the who own an innlict the stores in gcorget vn i ttioftlv n loyal force woriu h to b nl 1 nth k commumtv brli mg b laving taies an 1 ro i ng modern facili ties to ni rove its civic advsntng ob and 1 rnu ole ts pronpentv when voi leal with them vol back i i an i help tbem in nsking genu town a bigger an 1 i tier r ttiuuy i take voi no 1 to sign a cheque or p o onev order to order roojh froti in e rlnce that has no ti re into ohi n deorgetown thin iboj hn e m i n rapt or africa rap it she vvai a vcrv nerv marr she said to ll c t the door well 1 u piece of ii 11 lit vo ii never e turn ill jou 1 1 trail i smiled n know j r udd ug better than i do be mi d

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