Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 22, 1924, p. 4

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ocroiiml hsnii 161 prize winners lsqoeslng annual air poultry llriiiiin ik i mrs j ktrit hi tlllrs sons urn t mr- j klik a v wnlllk milton j nell 111 r s kk rrl 1 i ii mr uki j ii mil lulrj j k w j llr mill ml iullrt 1 a y w illlir lilln i h m inhy 1 a f mir milton ccliliis lock 1 mr j kin urn i 2 mn i king orkrrri 1 mm j king i iillct 1 mri i kin 1 luhphmih cock i mrs i king urn i spenrc llnrrrd jtwk ink i k mcpii itnlltprin 2 w ii all in milton w j alcxnruler lien 1 2 k mr douftiill 3 11 allan cockerel 1 j laird 2 j hurrrn krin 3 1 alcssndcr lullel 1 j hurren k mcduuftall 3 goril m graham i ir iwki cock i s klddh fcimt 2 a hettli srni 3 w ii al ifn hen a keith son 2 s nildlf r 8t hi n 3 w- ii allan cork rel i a ttdlh twin 2 s ttiddw song 1ulut i a jtcltli sun 2 s rlddler a sons muff rocks cock i gordon grlm iimii urn 12 gordon tlrahani cork rrri 1 2 cordon rnlnim pullet i 2 cordon graham f purtriilrc rockit orv 1 2 a p wnldlc lien i 2 a f wnldlc while wyandotte cock i a keith son 2 nell gillies son 3 i llurren hen 1 w ii allan 2 a keith son 3 sri gillies sorni corkercl i j hurrrn 2 j hurren 3 a keith k son pullrt 1 233 hur- inrlridsc wynndoltes cock i nell gillies sons hen 1 j hur ren 2 nell gillies sons cockerel 1 2 3 nell gillies sons pullet i i sell gillies sons wyandotte a o v cock i a v wildter- htnrrs abwoldl coct4- erd 1 2 a e waldie pullet 1 2 a e waldlt rhode island red s c 3cock 1 neil gillies sons 2 w j alcxan der 3 j hurren hen i 3 neil gil lies son 5 w h allan cockerel w h allan 2 nell ghilea sons pullet 1 neil gillcs sons 2 w j mexander rhode island red rccock i w h allan cockerel 1 w h allan 2 w j alexander pullet 1 w ii al ian 8 w j alexander white letf orns coder 1j hr- ren 2 w h allan 8 a keith son w j alexander hen w j ate nndcr 2 w ii allan 3 mrs j kins j hurren cockered 1 s p j i alrd 8 w j alexander 4 w h al tan pullet 1 2 p j laird 3 w j alexander 4 p j laird brown leghorns cock 1 w h allan hen 1 w h allan 2 mrs j king cockerel 1 s w h allan pullcet 1 2 w h allan leghorns ov cock 1 s rid dler sons 2 c spcnce 8 w h at ian hen s rlddler sons s ft sprrce 3 w j alexander cockerel 1 5 rlddler sons 2 w j alexin der 3 w h allan pullet w h al lan 2 s rlddler ft sons 8 a e wal die anconas cock 1 w h allan 2 w j alexander hen t a e wal die 2 w 11 allan cockerel 1 a e waldie 2 w h allan 8 k mcdou gall pullet 1 a e waldie 9 8 w h allan minorca cock 1 ae- waldie 2 r j graham 8 w j alexander hen r j graham s w h allao8 j hur ren cockerel 1 gordon graham 2 r j graham pullet 1 r j graham h a e waldie duff orpington cock kjwdi vis bon 2 c e herri ngton 8 g m davis ct son 4 c e herrlngton b g w davis son i c e herrlng- ton hen 1 g w davis son 2 c e herrlngton 8 g w davis ot son 4 c e herrlngton cockerel 1 g w davis jfc son 2 c e herrlngton 3 c e herrlngton 4 g w davis ft son pullelfcjc e herrlngton 2 g w dvlireffcc 8 e hevring ton 4 g w davie be son- white orpington cock 1 2 d mc- intyre hen 1 8 d mclntyrc cock crel i 2 d mclntyrt pullet i 2 i mclntyre dlack orpington cock 1 2 3 nell lilies ft son jftfc i 2 3 neil gil lies sons issffk 3 8 nell gil lies 8t sons pullet i a e waldie 2 3 nell gllllea 4 sons comlsh cock 1 mrs j king 2 nell oillles tc sons hen 1 neu gil lies suns 2 mrs j king cockerel i 2 8 neil gillies sons pullet 1 2 8 ned gillie son homburgs cock i mrs j k ng 2 a e waldie hen 1 mrs j king 3 a e waldie cockerel 1 2 a e tt aldle pajlet 1 2 a e waldie houdnjcock 1 8 c e herrlng ton 3 mrs 1 king hen llte herrlngton cockerev 1 p j ialrd 2 3 c e herrlngton pullet e herrlngton bultcrcups hen i a e waldie 2 mr j king cockerel i a e wal die 3 mrs j king pullet 1 mrs j king 2 a e waldie hants clean1egged cock i 8 a e waldie 8 a keith bt son hen lr8 ate waldie 8 a reith son bints featherlegged cock p j jolrd 2 c f herrlngton 3 v h al ian hen 1 2 p j iird 3 c e herrlngton w h allan cockerel 1 mrs j king jcf ilerrlnjrtiin i c spcnce pullrt 1 2 c spcnce 1 game aou coclt i ttrst king 2 a i waldie hen 1 mrs 1 king 2 a e waldie cockerel 1 a e w aldlr pullet 1 a- e wal turkeysold male 1 w h allan 2 mrs j king young msie 1 2 3 mrs- j king old female 1 2 mn i king 3 w h allan young fr mule 1 8 8 mrs j king geese toulouse old male 1 rlddler fcsems 2 veil gllllra a son i w h allan young mole 1 ne gillies a sons old female 1 no gllllea sons 2 w h allan 8 s rid h illcr 4 sons young female 1 nei gillies a son gerse emdenold male 1 mr i king 2 mrs j king 3 mn j kin loiing male i mrs 3 king 2 mr t king 3 mrs j king old female mm j king 2 mr j king 8 mr i hlng ltn female 1 2 8 mr j fifi peklnold mje 1 2 w ii allan 3 a ndlh a son young ma 1 w ii allan 3 neo ohucs son w female 1 m h ah allnn a a imlh a son yoon tr s in ii alln a ndl glulo ktkn ronmom allnn 3 j hurrrn s v h ad n irl w h alln cllllo it sin tnuii pt alln old trnnjr lsh j son w h allm 3 nril gj snns w h alii mr jjj nrcrdlnk prn amrrlcui colori 1 rjfcswlnn c e hrrrin 8 g w davis ft son breeding p- jg i w j alexander 3 c sp iis co brourrk i ljejniia cole prince of wales at jasper park tobacco and confectionery store yer the line oi the canadian nattooal railway to tha paofic cotrfcroalhnjbatlj ittjapernationiparlialberta theurqmtnatuaialparkmtheworkl the lower wtiiand how the pne cumng vnth colonel mynard rofer supenntencknt of the park bodd jaer totem pole- 1 h eaele on the nat he mcctuig major ritcha who command the royal c police ut the dinnct which extend irom edmonton to herachel the pnnce of wale u honorary colond ol thk nmou police force at the top a a general view of jasper park lodge on the snore of lc bcauvert whe tt pnnce viulcd and where he mi entertained by officer of the canadian national radway dominion of canada victory loan bonds maturing 1st november 1924 he bank of montreal undct authontsof the minister of rnanee is prepared to redeem the above bonds in hill at maturity without charge at any of its branches in canada for the convenience of owners of the bonds the bank of montreal will accept the bonds at any ome pnor to november 1 st and will make payment in each case on november 1st either by issuing a cheque or by placing the amount to the owners credit in the books of the bank as the owner may desire our everyday special oor aiiortment of high olaai chocolates ofnt be bent at 30a per lb yon- choice of any make of chocolate ban 6 for 2o h druks georgetown erwingoldhams meat market choice fresh and cured meats quick delivery guaranteed main street georgetown phone no 1 o v i iven wright 8 herman cole specials best cock bird g w svls ft son llest hen g w davis jt son best cockerel g w davis ft son best pallet e herrlngton pen c b herrlngton a w tyson jude auction sale -of- hobsebou finllwe the undersigned has been instructed by mrs norman h bpeikht to sell by public auction at their resi deuce main st north on friday october 24th nt 7 oclock p m the following solid fumed oak buffet solid famed oak dining table 6 solid fumed oak dm in chairs solid fumed oak library table solid fumed oak easy rocker wicker arm chair wicker rocker fancy table white enamel bed with spring camp bod and mattress new card table white enamulcd kitchen cabinet 3 while enamelled kitchen chairs white enam oiled rocker crown huron range with ootwahulfrouu 2 kilcbettlables 2 bur ner coal oil stove tapestry rug 10ft in by 9ft congo eum rug 10 ft 6 in by 7 ft 6 in kitchen linoleum new grate for fireplace boiler z dox jars pickles 50ftgarden hose lawn mower garden toots kitchen utensils and other articles too numerous to mention ben fetch auctioneer for sale beautiful 0 room frmo houw na john st all rom nnicncnh oak floors newly decorated throughout ifood tnblc and ben house a oib pretty 1wd and different kinds of fruit trees price 28o0 beautlfpl 6 room brick house on guelpb st near high school all conveniences hardwood loom and fire place beautiful groundd and shade trees this is a very pretty home and cad be boufiht very rea sonable with small cash payment balance on mortgage at c a number ot beantifa brick houses at low prices g roomed cottage with electric light and town water inside ben bouse and garage good garden and fruit trcoa price 11600 terms arranged to suit purchaser on the highway 9 room rougbnast house stable and acres of good garden land and fruit trees price s850 60 acre farm m 2 miles from georgetown price tsooo a snap if taken soon also n number of choice one hundred and two hundred acre farms for particulars aftpl to e a benham real estate agent phone 1 auction sale farm stock aid iapleaeau the uodrnlkned ha been mitrurtod by leslie bradley io sell by public auction at eiu ball lot 12 con 6 lsqoetui tuesday october 28th at our o clock the followmf tlonieigray mare 8 t jp ay nor yra bay hon 9 yr roan mare s yn catllegrey o due apnl 5 rami due april i ml en due april 7 red lor may 1 tray cow due may black cow due june ft red cow due j ik p jn 3 mitt 45 p jf rom 6 i sheep 0 good breeding mjr hameu mplrmenii- deermg hinder 7 fi fflowrri il peler hamilton seed di 13 disc lnier hav loadn- din aide rake mccormach dump nuke ann mg mill cllivatbr 3 wti aarrovmj farm wagon and haj rack bimflldmc 7 plate u ol klngbi culter katra 1000 lb root pulper leuflkr top boggy inianlily lum her wbite oak inaple and pmej lurnips mangolds potatoes several cords dry hardwood rook stove healing itova termsall mm ol 15 and under gih over thai amount 10 month credi on approved joint note 6 per cent pr annum off for mh povltr roots r lot aod wood to be canh no renervp a the farm n hold mexander clerk ford garage in georgetown irvice station is novr open for businc and a first clan me chanic will give prompt and eff icent service tires gas oils and all ford assesseries always on hand h a coxe main st north formerly brown garage will he get to your customer first certainly not if you uso long distance but can you afford uit nak of dilaing we now handle uniaidcr- ably over one niilhiin long diatance cnjh a month because they enable mer chants big and utui to get results immwl mlely statiflttlol authontich tell uo that nowhere art the ad- vantagea of lour diatance more thoroughly ap- preciatd than in ontario and quebec ib there anything so quick and dependable who lire thecuitotneri you could ii today iyou could reach ihem call them by long instance before jour compai un doei i eradicat10n0f aeeds oopcritive bxpchmenls show how it may jle done ii li r nnlul hiiv thistles and tltili linwi linn sttlplialo for milslurd aixitliir ilnii for killing 1 hitch 1 kmlej popular in tho lulled malm i ri1 urii t unlarlo utarttnnl ot as u result nl teli yurt ejporl ii iits hit followlnk inothdub aru re linn lid d by tin ikpartniint ot buuny of urn ontiirlo abrlcultural t iuo lultivi destroy fcrewnulw lit iuh urasb i ui id uuill about the or j ii rutiuluu ovlr ltir- cjuiutly with tht rulllvaior sofla w ptliu top down and thus weaken luoth tinn apply manure at iiito l ubuul lvlut tons por r u2 good loads cultlvatu the muri in uiuioublily and wltb a ubl mould bourd plough alltcutly l up tli lund niakluk the rluges nl o lnuila ayarl un tho rldkus ii ijuilui iaptt ut hie rutu of 1 h audi pi i url h u important at hi jjt umount ol rape he wn ii r it too little is sown the 4 nil wili not bo llikk enough to hi i hit mid 11 on thu li i inn d too much ts sown the i hill bu too cruwdid and not iv uborou l itniutli to keep jd ol tlm wltds tiov thu rapu i tin uiiti is huluckntl luulut to u rjultk eiiuiliiattun ol tho heed tin rupx is slow in martinis be lub uiuj gli u surt in tbo rovs iil hiub n clbsitult hand cultlvullou in lultlvnti tin rapi every woek t u li until it occupies all tbo guild mid niuk s fun lie i cllulvatloti luu nlbk ll whm uil rape lscut the coal best anthracite coal always on hand nat and stove coal small egg coal large sized pea coal delivered to any part of the town also coke phone iso f rogers co georgetown bu cks buy where you ar assured only the finest of young beef and other meats georgetown phone 28w how about your roof asbcstocote goes over the old roof and stops all leaks give it a trial always in stock a full line ot harness etc deerlng and mocormiok machinery and repairs for lame oub and greases 2 leoond hand enkines h barnes mill street auto mmbaile w bailey sairnrv garage learn to drive this car aft a drive to and from this shop is an economy drive if you spend some money with us you will save money in the course of a year let us care for car and it will render you faithful accounting phdne7 w w w roe insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 65 georgetown rldtsju up the last bin in uil tall unu put in with a mill crop tin folluulng year this iluuld nut l mcijituu f a good mud ut rape la bicurtd 1 with i mil bulphate to illitru muhtniil ui lerettl lrupi iron bulpliah or cop in ran can bt iuctlhhlull uid to dmtro muatard ii siatitlliii truln kiuioui injury la a ju in tiolut on should bu ap ikd ihih can bt prt pared by ula ujltijj ho lbs ot iron milplialt la bullous o vnir iiuti bulyliutu is lasuhid qulti rmdlly m tola water 1 i solution should bi stiuliiiil itroufeh a cbvcbu cloth an it is put mo thu spray pump tank this villi uiuovu dirt untl amull particles that r api to dot lh nunlta hue to pply apply on u culm cliiir duy just boon as tin unit tvv plunu in tbt i mb hiioh bow try it is virj lui loilunt to bprm iail it till plants in lift too loiir tlit tr atminl is nut titlt 11 j tuuvy ralu ilhlii 24 i 1h until utt the s u i cestui ry i ail tin bultltlo i ta lb iiijilnjld to spray riabi isd orttpolato bf rlki up to do thu of tl up lodott spray upllui lin ad cant attach ujliih da these aro 1 all i ut each round uilin to ai1- that tvtry uit ih tovertd vltb the hie rorm ol u que spray inn b ohtuliiid at any on j fc ho lit o a liiutlur plan kllllnr twitch 3 ridding a hucclbhflll en litll i ind of i u itch brass uu made ri inlli bj tin turin diputttnent of tin ontario agricultural coll k ou a tkld that was a matt of twitch atlttr th oat crop had t n nlnovid tin lund was so budly lufiiitvtl hut thi iltd protluc d a very hiuuii crup that sianun aflir thi oats w nriiiiovu tin laud aa ploufctud lltthtl and tractor dlscid tuui and hit n cultivated and hairuuid ltir in tlx fall this hi id mas ploughed with a doublidlsc plouhli tin trout disc cutting six to a yin inihin dvip utid tin nar dine tmhi to thlrtiun inch a tills brou loosi subsoil up and tbriw 11 on top or tin soddy iiijhh or roots in tin follow inj spring tin qi id was plum j o ulnt corn in tin clink row jjatiui lractlcall to twitch mudu uti appiaruun during un huuiuiur and tin uild without firtllinr pro crop of ulul corn for i iking we are in earnest about being carejul and speedy f upon those cardinal prin ciples we build business t oeovwetowh f phone 171w n icmeanowsiucehauunot f cold weather is coming be prepared m r ur blanker horse n a ii e hue ol jortuhlf bolh i ned and j i ol s n and do ihl t arne- whp and if- i ilor collar repairs l i in tho lnl i ii ail or barky which oi wi vlll tiiv r i for tlio mud hi sting of ins who it lid b tin aic to count hip drops it b inch of lime and i just ludiffunnci that mrhlui r nttlt cud and flour kings choice brud floor national whole wh stoaa mllud apple barrels wheat wanted w bbrowne co norval flour mills norval

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