Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 29, 1924, p. 2

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m wi s vft l kll church w h wllson jmiversary e large congregations listen to gj splendid sermons by rev j a cranston ma uniliitakcr and licunhdd emit aim tii main fcl or t fatal auto accident robert cleave killed when aole upset on seventh line stfmwmwaifitsyjtsfmm krcpjrftiavt i r for uicii mini hi mimliiy iilhl i l i i in tkv i a r ki hoi tin town council etecuons this year will be held monday december 1st the iminnim olclicm- in ieorrptown will bf ifdil tjn jim on monlii ditmlxi lit uul nuimrmtiun ill li- 1 id otic nfk gtirluji v at 11 speemt innclihk of count il on tnurhday pwimm ul liu- fol ion iun motion h i urnid 1ob1 lij limib cionoed liy ilomnftoi ttiiil the clerk bi m slrunud to iiriimrc u hj law fur tho hoiamhof the m it ii in im i mc tionu on lla hrnt momlio u i etnbt r l uc i nml mh hlb cli uimiiis nfle win i hei ins let purl of the 17th hk flume hniltor u i liildrpti lit n iilim liir and joint lieirn of clirtil lie haul in purl life it con turnout on iu tli ono kenirntioti miveh llie cunts ul tin enerii ion llm hut kone before we re incurs ti aihil lnii bun ni dmiilisln j b thou ubolntd in oie us and fci are sowing for the flit u r we are the iiotliul or tlie imhl in lutcllcit banuccr c inherited jood and for ii- to hold to the tfood mid discmd tlil evil we ahold liu tenth of lihirty mid truth hi fur the tjenorulion that iter we nro hwiib mr clef to lu to uphold dodliuei luiid marked hj the inborn or lliowoj mr and mi who hlotid for truth and nihteonk urnclown paved roads opened two pavemontb on the crntli and second line itoadt of trafnl ifnr tfimihhip tlnlton coiintj were opened 1 an i siturdtn by i l squire deputy minister ol highways in the abnenu of hon cor s hum who is ill mr bijiure lirht declared the fnentli lino road open here whcrcnjion tbu entire parti umhistin of tra fftlfiar towdship couneil hauoc county conneil oakulle lovr and township councils i conn cluors and township olbcmlfl uuii so vera olliiru anions tlitm tin niod who hae been in olinrfio of the road construction wrju dmc dovn tlio road in uonu filu tut to oakville and tin nee alonf tli toronto- 1 am ilton uijmay to the second line rutul then opened tim pi omumon thru went oorth on llit newly opened road to palermo at winch point it turned east back to 1osuille where at b mloik pcrnl of tin ladies of he mllaue served a inn ljt in the innnhhip hall to the 175 who hud bicn present it tin oppninrs joiniminity miiki ictl bj w r dwr mi feature of tho eien iohr eiitertaninient w htle ad tltehhch ro tfmri by eorpe hill mcr mpp judrf j w lllliol itoevew h mnrtkn of trnruljnr mayor a h forhter of onhill- and w d oieiiorj while mif irnnt an old lesiihrt jini an in oiuhtmi aiiotint of life m in dn ti let half a mi tin ao stewarllown the ceciuisiuk wi ilalloneeti bonal win iidtudtil mini tin iimuy lewrl deikiied costuun s ontnbuted pot a littli to hie in jojinent of hil oenlnn nml the judges lind no eas tusk in mal mu their deiisiotis mish simple and mu 1iarl biskc won the prii for the bent tune eontni on nmr about nitoniobile annluil lie 7th line below lloinby sluliuu jiihl a little tliiu hide of wheio the lement road httirts when r ilwrt jioiivu one of lmimstnkn nioml eateemed ntid honorable yotnm men wuw altnovl loxtadtl killed mr cleaie wan rotiirnitiri from toronto in bis toiintik rur iiuotn pan led by lim wifo anil two t inld mi and mrs waluir tlionipkoii and her two children while tra lllmk noithnnthe seventh ltu int meut toward home mr cleav turned out to allow an appi oaehin ear with very bright head iikiils to piiux when hm cm- not too e i line to lhctukuuf tho road wlinb in i too wide at lb it point capsized and rolltd down it 14 foot embankment lie waninhtantly kilted mr anli more of deorkgtown who wan jiaa hidk it hm ar noticed the ai r idoot and htoppedtind with the bhhibi anee of othr men hfteo the wrotk d lar up and roleawd tho other oerupnnth who escaped with a n hi r of bruises and a ho vert nhnlmfi o wns thirty eiht ind the eldeiit s s jameh leave of he watt well known mtfiwn hi ni illustrated university lectures in the public library georgetown november 4th prof coleman geology the ire x age jmnuary 13th prof mndll the cnthedrala of ngjland and france 5 february 10th prof cornish cftnadas second s story northern canada march 10th prof dale the roman world in t the early days of christianity j tickets for series 100 single lecture 35c f un salp at matthlw s jjrtl stoiu i thihe leoluiee an edm ational in an illtraetivi and illiiiimi atinffav tein ilhihttatid in mime awti withtolmid shdi s the j subject imitlii is iilun dm hue at kliiij j ti tin iiihiii i foi inn of nm wbkiuaud wh1 be of k nt tnteiiht lo hi the profehsors i the beat uy with tint new advertisements a splendid showing ol new fall suitings and overcoatings on inland 111 iiibjidi nnlilu mil men eiipuble i the proreedh bo drfcy exprnsph in lonueetion- mlh th tim oinpetitiou for onr miiooi pnpilh on hi si i ul oi puhlie ltbrnr on by loml itmtiiil of wnnn n iii hi do w uppieeuite our hen lake are h litbonnk for ttie hkhlh idea h lnrit of hie tlcann ens or onlanit a noble heart it tin t the ttpiril of the i mild god these arc thi fallen lieir and with tho mod ern im protein nuts of tin day in oinfort traniportatton etc is it not reanonabli lo lxpettllmt our 1oh xhould be stronitei and bet ter burely i hhoiild show our kratiludfi to ood for all tho good ihioks we bae fallen hen to a kreul deal ol life iu made up of honttuilot life would be poorer without the bymna thoughth and experienced of men of tho pant whose nitmor acts lib an inspira tion nud touches the lives vf the pieftont wo are inspired to itvc btli nnd noblor liven uow much we owe to the grout nntmion arich nud their retards of the wwt to winch we arc beirg what n heriluko tho hao left ub in uie church of jiniis cbt 1st that we inikltl imo godly lived do wo miluc it ilh we ought to as children of christ the thtirth today should ilaimtbe child as heir to nil od lint acomphhhed we uin t bnj buhutiou it is a gift from nbould laini i clnldre of gad wu are hcirb iwyond nod manhious in the sky and christ has gone to prepare a place for us some of or etornit thnn we expect are wo liinaa hecometh our pri ilhb and heritage of today 1 uaall iie for god k g lor the li he would base us ine until woneo hun face to fapl and that will b gloiy for us in the evening mr lrnnston heniiou wai bustd on the 20th erse of llie hth chnptei of unah ir the harvesj is past endt d und itev mr cald j highly respected trntwlmehe has resided all his deceased wan a member of ash di milhodint cliiiu 1 ho was ho a member of ilornbj orange lodge tlie funeml on tiiiiifray afternoon which wbh condnctod by the orangemen was one of tho rgenteier seen in this section the services at the home nnd ducted b rev caldwell georgetown rev gndn thompson hamilton rev dong lam norvnl and the oflioers of the orange order the pall bearers arthnr ruddcll nofronn wriggles worth claton tiicl george come thomftfl browir mnrray brirden tho re wore interred in gieenwood ccmeterj qoorgetown the s m path of the entire com uoity is oi tedded to the bereaved widow anil families in their erc aad bereavement ontario endorses ot a giles vote goverimeai oatral while rnril districts sepport ot a protucul mtjorlty abnt 40000 tho plebiscite on thursday last resulted in a provincial majority for the ota of about 40000 while the big votes ot the ties gavo large majorities for ov eminent control the smaller towon and rural diutneta were al moat unanimous m hippart of the ota in qoorgetown there were votos polled witb a majorit 201 m fnor of a continuance of the o t a tho result in the three naids in town woh a followa ota go cont undin the abl a h cast ii music b the choir icaderahip of mr oohiumcr urn- v was emcptionall iii nml miv good and udded much lo tbo mi mrs i ikhiioniillll anil hiv hlzalieth bouathan that for the prossueness of he senue rinj bsl oo oslumis itn oak uw j waa prctnted to mias anj ilovi w f and hir partner the only dancing tbo cake walk riet wim eprerised that more couples did not take part in tins rnmhei adolightfiil progiamnx wiiafollow ed by an old time supper and mam remained to enjoy the diluting nl terwnrd the hddks hi mrs rohsey mrs robson mtssis rum le and warden were mmli appit n ii led as were aho the clmnii tej sketches by mr walter crnw mr mcquarne and mnstm chailn scry mg our and miss llli a mali lea instrumentals mr ri swell howea ith miss dryndwle and mr wullace played for tin dancinj tho w i are deeplj indebted t all those who cootrihuted in any win lo tbo sulci ss rtf the evinint nnd take this opporlunit of thank ing those frirndi lm so genetons i helped ihem in siipplas for tin snprr- m limehouse w ii id held in tin ilehlimei here on bundaj in t n our kilmi nu hurmi tteso dajn tu till null a polling booth i limchoue when tin vote was lukeii and ptoi d n l convenience 1 ins was lln hi i polling bomb or t id in ih vil lage mm thomah mh mrs i ii ronolds mish nittii owd mr walter rovnuliu nml mr l rence of ouelph spenl s itniriii m mr w gowdy s l mis nil of philadelphia und mr w gowdy of limehouse the wiioh morning nnd enoing h mrs ntller wtre much ap precialed b the large otiktcga lions the organ olunianob rendered at bolh set i iifs h i be capable oigunist mrs 11 h henderson were u pleasing ftulnre of the day s pioknim the pulpit wns pitllilj decornt ed ilh mtheui u ras for the occasion terra cotta the fire stnoo house on the luouutaiu belonging to mr p rog ers of toronto wan burned to thi kiuund on batuiday eveumg iksl ubout mncoilock thcongin of the llie ii unknown oh there won tjo enp n home tho timoi neighbors who saw the blaze were unable to save hie contents as the i in met made rapid headway there nan no insurant l and the loss will bo hea mi hugh logan bis opened anew quarry on tho farm lie tentlj purthased fiom mr cults and ib londink stone nl llie onr udir here a co hnve purchased hit dynamo in tlie kjwir housf here und n movid it to nnral lr frank biuiodeison has nr rued home from guelph boapilnl xiil in health s diiytdkou who is tak nl al guelph hospital mn j se ha relnrned church news sen co tau aj uli uji for hi home f roi mr and mrs h a log toiontatiiut snnilii with ftiends lihs rotlom of toronto is visit at h i home irs i i of lli e mnuntamia tldi wilh friends in uudon al cnrp members of tin 1iai t onlirmatmn class nnd members of the women s aiikilinij nel stinda tho an nunl armiblici da sermi es will bo held on sandal noembor slth an invitation hn lnen etended to the veterans of the town and distnctw attend we don t just sell shoe we fit them try sisfor satihfai turn next lime l j fos george the talk n the town oui s for women in palnnl i and sued at 1 jk ke hot cakes see ihem i hit all sizes in stock george lew n w nrk pasior nskod thr the devil hho kill suli bellnik i before ii ii j fo a ni question that question is not easil ed but it would not lw hard lo discover although loo numerous to mention who raided the doyil ward no ward no ward no 191 mo rmi h0 20 3h0 maimity lor o t a 204 tin result in other near b pol ng placet was an follows ota gov cont ilenwitliams norysl slewurttown limohouse acton milton c71 81 bmlington 0211 bh- 44assagaweya no 1 110 mnj no fi2 no 3172 the mnjont in fnor or tho ota in ualton count is given as 2hk9 but up to the time of go ing to pican we arc unable to get the oluoial figures which we hope lo obtain in timo for our next issue when the results of tbi various municipalities in hal ion will be published good company if yon have ajittk fairy in our home or a bfg one for that mat tor ihnt s just tho place whore n subscription lo the youth 8 com pan ion wil lit in when the jouog folks bring now acquaint ancea to the house yon are mighty careful to find oot about them be fore admitting them to intimacy in the same way you sbonld make sure whether tho mental friend a that they make through reading an of a kind to inspire them nr to destrn all tlie ideate you hae been at no much pains to implant try the youths companion for a year see how quickly it becomes an indispensable member of the household one of unfailing charm and constant inspiration the 52 issues of 1925 will be rrowded with serial stories short stories editorials poetry facts nnd fon subscribe now and re ceive the youths companion 52 issues m 1b25 all the remain ng issues of 1984 the com pan ion homo calendar for 192c sent only on refluent all for or include mcairslvlaga web the nbly authority roth publications only fnshfons 100 tho yoatbs companion com to on wealth ae st paul st boston mass subscription received at thif ofllcc anniversary services will be held in the presbyterian church limehouse on j are you contemplating buying a home in georgetown or 11 would you like to purchase a beautiful lot and build for f t sunday november service at 230 pm special music by knox church choir georgetown assisted by mrs netzler would you like to purchase a beautiful lot and build for youfsell ii you are we would like the pleasure of showing you something that would meet your purse and satialy i i y individual tastes we have brick stone frame and stucco homes in every section of the town some with t 3 t double lots others with stable or garage fam wuud small frm of so jnrr in vicinity n gpotkpiovv r 20 ncreii good rdii lend with or without buildings apply a herald oflice tl i tea meeting lollowing monday evening november 3rd when a firstclass program will be rendered eommeneing al 8 oclock tea served al close ol program come and enjoy a pleasant social evening admission 25 cts wxnsogo i d brill co corner main mill sts georgetown special prices gold seal congoleum artrugs and bylheyard in effect during title writing contest oct 20 to nov 1 only go id-seal- congoleum art rugs weekend candy specials ethf loi rlwm rpe a 49c grain wanted hijchrm prior u hind f k 1 ootko umiht a l nobis p wrck tnd chiwoliilrs thr wiirr knd r 4il inj 0 u atiothet tjootl bitj slut lijjhi blr oranr drpi jo the aid reliable evatmi cnp rrjiilir w f kosy corner kandy kitchen f j everson profitlrtjr 45c i goldseal congol by the yard goldseal congoleum regularly priced 9 00 goldseal congoleum regularly priced 11 25 goldseal congoleum regularly priced 13 50 goldseal congoleum regularly priced 15 75 gold seal congoleum regularly priced 18 00 goldseal congoleum regularly priced 20 25 goldseal congoleum regularly pnced 22 50 izes at attractive reductions ranging down to he 1bx36inch rugs at 9x6 feet 9x74- feet 9x9 feet 9x10ifeet 9x12 feet 9xl3tfeet i9xl5 feet 795 995 1195 1395 1595 1795 1995 fo 1 for 81- ul lymuutb rmk n llrt lr at reombll j h hun r il i ttimr k n i che im up for 81 if mmikoliia apply john cm ni 1 geo fr 81 work home alao 12 vmisi ihsold j a imffeti ptmi torsmlm a iiuanuiy of mangold i u mips pol antl ppl kooi yotiii imrsr u c cunmn phono 1kb george- mcfurlanf furm on 5 92s apply to w mr u no for sal cabm utauuiphon wiiil e iron httl willi jpnnj and np bed inn chair rocker mcr apply k ic2l9w notice any prison having at counts finher ccmg are requested lo same on or before oct 3ll i king georgetown vikuuh aad fruit e carry a choice stock of reth lable ami iruil winch we sell at rronable pnce lelun rupplv nrdii in ihcfte line r marclimrnt bro b m si georgetow if wood for saoa very choice hardwood also hardwood nli and other mixed wood all ul inln ove 1cnihit all al leatonabje price satisfaction guaranlced j hraudfard phone ir 24 or box 49q gf orghown 9tl clou homj for sola r lie per ib amber 12 1 2c per m lucnly thirty and mly pound a r vannatler ann at geoike- r huke vanater bathnafad n wood tor bala hardwood body manic 12 in s4 pr ingle cord soil rail 12 in 1 per nintle ord hardwood rath 12 it 110 per mule cotd delivered to any place in lawn ii smith phoned r 13 gcorktown wood forsala i am prapared lo wll ill kind of wood ill a fool ioiik irl llaa maple 3 ti per ftiiikle cord drhereil any place in limit alio mixed wood single iird 2 ti aim furnace wood term si fully cash john 1ord lown lip to rant seven room house on main si north elclnc lighin lown water jood liable also 7 room house on tiuelph sit with wa ter lkhi stable and a tape near hiki school apply lo k a itenham real balale agenl georgetown f i tehders wanted tenders will be reieived by the under iigiird up lo november 20th for i he re reshmeni hoolh privilege in the arena grant sec treaa cieorxelowti ilea faraltara for sal sland new llr white enamel cot and mall rest new small baby i while enamel tol 111 fee iuartcr lire mime enamel hed with pnnk and mattreis white enamel dressing table inple mirrcr like new oilcloth rug 6 a 9 ft like new revernible nn 1 1 x 9 i 2 tl dition apply to lea rosiel rack si georgetown 2l private sale of bnsebm co4s uebei healer with oven new ft hole range near itevy 1 burner oil slovr anil oven 2 oil can kitchen cupboard few klcben chairs i leaf table new refrirer- alor bedstead spring and dresser a pianlil of beets carrots and cabbage also hard and soil wood apply nines day night or thursday rooming on prem ise bdth st r c cowles l upholstering repairing h mervhnger an experienced fumiiiir weeki only iall i herr this is your la opportunity to have tour grand old walnii urtiilure re upholstered prepare ymi porleil lapei tries silks and mohai be done in your own 1 left al jackson urn herald offie met order i o miitp iliimblo flat 1 ink mrttoriftl in roll form for nwi over tlin pntire floitr walrriiroof nai itnrj nwils no fftgtonin sulihffirtinn kimrnntced hj tliclmld scl two jonls wide tr m yil itoijiiliirl irtroil hfii 75e jacksons georgetown quality value service used cars for safe at bargain prins 1 overland 7 to 1 orpruid 0 ttoic 1 overland hh t 1 dodge loiinit i on tewnng i onl roadrrr riwtt ton tni k lwused mel nr e r- a 1 i l halton garage s v king prop

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