Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 29, 1924, p. 3

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tlik okonilktdwn llrhmd l tw1kii with personals 1matthews flju at this lime of the vear wisdom diitates measures to j nil yi tin- bud tho ciiiih that aie aliemtj assailing the iaj comlmjt ami health of the iminiiiily nyals creophos jrj in excellent hntb as preventive mil cure jhyals laxagold tablets 1 v g ni n fresh cold and relievo unit m ippj feeling mid v ivyals pinol fat bho cough jt 0ri djmatthew drugti nnd statiowbry local oleivs items rllnllowpnn fi iiny races nt brampton katnrdny thanksgiving day november lolli lectin v 4lb in publico library no rebeknh euchre nnd danrf- friday evening- watch erwin ft fioli window tor specials thin wo oier nooo people attended jitrectsullc fair inst saturday tho front of uio mirllbff rink nt tlie a i eon is being bricked hoots and vegetables lire a bountiful crop in this neigbbor- bood this onr mrs w c besscy won first prize an lady driver at strectsville fair lost saturday sleemans brewery at ruolpb was lined 1000 this week fur sell- intf beer oyer strengths bbbi grado ot rubber heels put on inent or womens 50c a pair h j pox georgetowi tim royal winter fail open in the coliseum ati toronto exhibition grounds on nov 18th the night school in tho bank of montreal rooms on tuesday and friday evenings in being well at tended james russells general store a fergus was broken into on monday night nnd 8000 worth of goods stolen the hydro line in being 1 from milton to cnmpbellvillo the latter village will aoon have electric a euchre and dance will be held under the auspices of lol no 08 in the town unit stewart- town on friday evening novem- iter 28th tbe guelpli cross country run and road raceassociati again to the fore with a big pro gramme of road races to be held ontnanlbivintj day 10tb novem ber a successful rooial and euchre under the auspices or holy gross chftrch waa held at the home of mr and mrs leg row charles st on monday evening there wns a large attendance and everybody bad a good time a wellknown and highly es teemed resident of chinguacousy died suddenly tuesday morning in the person of john 1 poyntz tho residenco of his daughter m albert breadner of tbe first line weit chinguacousy orion lodge ot oddfellows will pnt op tbe first degree at weston lodge on thursday even ing autos will leave the lodge rooma at 080 sharp all oddfel lows wishing to go to weston are requested to be on hand at 015 sharp dont fail to take a look over our bargain tables before you buy your fall footwear yon will find the latest styles in reliable foot wear for men women and child ren at money saving prices we invite your inspection h j fox georgetown it looks as though tho chan- tauqua movement bo popular for several years h pretty nearly done ittlodeflpit have been tbe rule in many towns thin sum mer and guarantors are jetting tired of meeting them tho first of a series of 1 co in re h under the auspices of the local connril of women will- ho delivered by prof cdlcmnn sub ject the ice age in tbe public library on tuesday evening nest nov 4th tirketa on bale at matthews drug store boo our mens fine bootb nt h0q and get a surprise da- foot farmers favorite boots are made specially for roneys trade and nn boots re day foots make unless stamped dayfoot on the bottom and the mocuhnrkon shoes have a beaver stamped on the bottom these boots have stood the test foi 00 y ear other makes of plow boots as low as 2 we arw cutting down the price o- wo mens oxfords 1 repairing wo mens boots half soled and rub ber heela 1 w give you the beat valne in ontario in boots b and rep the job jrooc main st georgetown 2tp won golf shiblil inmicgoir rtliili competition on the links here mut owen wan winner or the- shield nnd mrs o t mckay runner up in the ladies eent in the mens event mr r y wemyus won tho shield with 0 l herbert runnel up the consolation competitions nre not ot completed boy a tako wavlnlna the arena company have been put to considerable expense through thoughtless boys running on the roof of the aieua tbe men have just completed re par and jn future anyone founyi on tl root or many way tampering with the arena property will be pros ecuted this is positively the last warning and offenders hereafter will bo protccutcd to the fullest extent of the inw lnjnrwl la an to aocldant while returning home from visiting friends in trafalgar on sunday afternoon the car in which mr j h mccnuiey iwas riding tiifned over on the hth line and he received two broken ribi otherwise severely bruised tbe other occupnnls of tbe ear escaped mjiry we are pleased to say mr mccauley jb progressing favor ably and hopes soon to be around mo potato shortage alarmist statements in tho brit ish press predicting a shortage of potatoes iritue old country are discounted by harrison watson canadian government trade co pi rn london there is no present prospect of a shortage of potatoes and if there are any op portunitiss for canada these will come later on in mr watson opinion within bin knowledge past experiments made in an en- deaor to secure an outlet for canadian potatoes in this market havabeen unsuccessful bi tfcaatr wednesday oct 29th tin nut starring douglas fairbanks chnpter 7 o ruth of the range comedy royal pair friday oct 81 times have changed starring william rns- boii comedy the daredevil fox ncwb two reel western saturday nov 1 bean brum mcl with john barry mo re doing excellent work as the beau com edy neck and neck hod go podge novelty reel coming bobinhood starring douglas fairbanks hoonablua outp nw hutaa innpootor floodyof tho excise department toronto inspoctoi roovely and chief mophereon raided a bnsb on john d mcdon alds form in nassagaweya twp est nf milton last week nnd discovered a moonshining camp ith still in full operation and soy eral barrels of masb tho whole mtflt was confiscated tbe ofllc- ers failod to find mcdonald in the meantime an analysis will be made or the mash and it in said there aro likely to bo some inter esting developments this is the second illicit outfit discovered on this farm tktj eajoysd barn due the fine new steel barn juat completed for mr albert dol son- lot 23 fith con west cbingna cousy was the boene of one of tbe moat enjoyable events in tbe his lory of this section when over 400 frieoos add dejgliborb enjoyed a barn dance on tuesday evening in the flue new building splendid supplied by campbells orohobtra of cheltenham while william anderson of hornby per formed the ju ties of floor manager a bountiful supply of delicious re frcshments were served by the ladies during the evening mr dot son was heartily congratulated on hissplendid new and most mod ern barn erected in place of the one destroyed by fire a year ago stook tra1 wimtil ly 100 head of cattle and 50 pigs were killed or so badly in jiired lhnt they had to be destroy ed nt he early hour last saturday meming when an east bound stock train incluiing a car of wheat and of cats lert the track on the cnr at the fifth line east crossing near malton trnftlc held up nntil a late hour in he afternoon before the wreckage id be cleared from the track fortunately no member of the hurt hut the snf- hjojowb futf the rebekahb halloween gressive enchre and bridge will be held in the arena on friday even ing next oct 81st qards from ti80 to 11 kofresbmeotfi dane ing from 12loaoolock first clans music iviecs will be given fm beat halloween and comic oos- turaes everybody welcome d- i 60c and mrs ho arnold of mr and mrs ale kunimwm of acton were visitors in town on sunday mi and mrs in wo don of acton whited fnoiiln in touii on ilny iilhterof few days fenng of the cattle many dying and others injured sohadly that death was a merciful release made pry deep impression on s crowds that gathered at the scene of the accident during tb daj there were 294 bead of rattle on tho train which was going to montreal there the cattle were to be exported to eng htod other cars were loaded with hogs the joss of live stork and destruction of- freight pars fi ijtimated at 2gjh0 mr and mis 1 uakvilte arc upend mjhmn mr lome krv spent the u mr and mrs unrvey willson of mernton spent the week end at w nwillsonh mrs j e mimms of reach villc is mhitmg at the home of her son mr li r miimw mrs hilliard wilson and dangle ter may of acton wie guests of mrs w c himsey on sunday di willongliby nnd mrs neck of uiiolph wero guests of mr and mrs j a willoughby on sunday mrs h ornhnm and miss marg aret elliott of toronto spent hut week u ith friends in town and vicinity mr and mrs w j ross retui ed to town just week niter n pie ant trip through the west and to the coast mr van elouton and son hlwii mr and mrs ijastiau and mr bach nf rochester spent the wet end at w h willbons mr and mrs a devereaitx and mr harry dcvqeaux motored to st catharines on monday xo at tend the funeral of mrs duver- caiixs brother the into c w de- potie mrs king and mr iordon bar ber left on tuesday tor jackson ville florida where they will join mr and mrs f j barber and family who motored through to the south mr and mrwnormaospeigh6 and son royce lert on monday morning by auto for california thence to vancouver where they will make their home they have the best wishes of georgetown friends for a pleasant trip and prosperous future mr and mrs f e fisher and family leave this week for crauj burst where they will reside they were good citizens and tbeii removal from town 1s regretted the best wishes of many friends will follow them to their now h ere an dtk ere oh food than amhiuii the police aro looking for a tramp who called at a farm house op tho 11th concession of egre- mobx near holstein a week ago d something to cat tho woman wbo wan alone in tbe house at the time gave him t meal outside tho door after fin siting ins meal be forced his way into the house demanding money when the woman refused he struck and choked her and threat ened bo burn the barn tho wo man escaped and ran to a neigh bors house all aboard their won a good attendance at he musical farcecorn edjf all aboard put on by local talent under the aaepinos of the oddfel lows band in the town hall tues day evening tho various parts wero well taken and many fea tures received hearty applause wbilo the play throughout caused tcb merriment nnd many hearty laughs were indulged in by the audience the play will be re peated tomorrow thursday even ing when we behove n packed house will greet tho performers norval hydro has been turned on and wo aro right uptodate now about thirty- live homes in our vil lage were jllominated by electricity fnr tho first time when tbe hydro juice was turned on monday even- ing it ie certainty a great conven ience and our citizens ae deligbt- what we want next and must have is b few streetlight norval branch of the womens institute will hold their regular monthly meeting at tbe home of mrs harold lyons on thursday nov 6th a good attendance is requested as mrs inglehart the district president will be present a paper will be given by mm ry claridge there will also be a good musical program all indies are cordially invited to at- glenwilliams the dance under the auspices of te orange lodge held on friday evening last was largely attended splendid music was supplied by thurston and king orchestra iicious refreshments wero serv ed during tho evening and every body had a good time r pnyne of hnttonvillo conducted the service in tbe meth odist church an sunday night a successful halloween social was held by the young people in the methodist church on monday evening messrs a1hiw north ttamia wheeler and james hepburn ipent sunday with fiienn lington mrs lome cooper who has been qniteill is improving a number of young people trom toronto were guests mortbamnrcbmcnt and attended tbe dance on friday evening mrs j a memaater vipited friendf in dejtroit last week a nnmber of toronto friends i si ted at tbe home of mr geo allen on sunday the earl of litrim irih peer who hai bn tuuringcanada waa much truck wilh the resemblance between northwest ireland and the maritime pro fin cm with their wooded hills mtidy beached and plentiludv of fmh nnd game bb play- trounda for the toumt what in believed to be the target lalmun ivrr caught by hook and line in waters adjacent to vancuu- vlr uc was landed at horseshoe hay howe sound recently by a c cohen the fish measured four feet one inch in length and weighed 64 pounds it took 3o minutes to land il irwin s cobb the famous amer ican humorist has been hunting in the st maurice valley served by canadianpacific lines this isby no means his firsttrip to canadian hunting and fishing centres as he is s keen sportsman and has visited the wilds in ontario quebec nova sculia and new brunswick among the paaaengers landing at quebec from the canadian pacific liner empress of scotland je- cuntly was miss margaret bond- field mp a member of the cabi net of the macdonald government of great britain mlas bondfield is in canada to study conditions as they affect female imniigrantu some interesting facta were made public by k j liellelsle superin tendent of tho fisliand game de partment of the province of quebec when in montreal recently the province now teeming with wild lift he ays mainly because of its conservation polujy whereby pre serves are rented to fish hnd game iuiih on the- understanding thai they appoint wardens then are 6uu such clubs employing a uitul of over 1011 wardens the transcanada limited crack transcontinental express of the ca- nadaln pacific railway completed itttlast run ofthe season on sep tember 17th and will not be operated again until next may the tram which is the fastest longdis tance express in north america cohered 758748 miles in the season or three times the distance between the earth and the moon in its 238 runs and corned the equivalent ot u 50 00 passengers for varying dis- thc new wing of the chateau lake louise the canadian pacific hallways hotel at lake louise on of the choicest beauty spots in tho rockies is now under construction to replace that portion destroyed by fire some months ago it will be a ninestorey fireproof steel frame structure of stucco brick and stone richly furnished in the best style of a mountain hotel and will contain 280 bedrooms bringing the total in the hotel up to 3fl0 the hunt for fur is extending northward each year according to officials of the hudsons bay com pany and revillon frerea they have already despatched their steamers on their annual tour of the northern posts which each sea son are being located farther and farther north as the field of the pelt hunters is extended into the arctic the hudsons bay com pany now has a numerous chain of posts in baff inland and other area north of hudson strait facts abonf optometry by dr c c ny optohdrisi gnrgdvwi phmk 27 if o 4 of the series the studies which the optome trist moat master comprise the anatomy physiology and pathology of the eye which includes its con struction the functions of tho or gan and its importance aa an in dicator of tbe general health of the patient the detection of tho many devi ations from normal of tbe eye which prevent its proper function ing the form and character of tho various lenses which wben placed before tho abnormal eye cause it to function as nearly as possible normally the preparation of these lenses and their accurate adjustment to the features of tbe patient so it will be seen that optomot is very valuable to the public both train health and an economic itand point to bo continued next wednesday to farmers t turnip and vvgatauaa fer sla i have a large quandlv ot good swede lumips for mile al very reaioiiable pnre mtcr cabbage carrnls pamnif lerj- and pofaloei pnim on applici j brandfont bo 41i georjjelow phone s r 24 how about your root asbestocote goes over the old roof and stops all leaks give it a trift al in s a lull line ol harness etc deering and mccormick machinery and repairs for same oils and greases s second hand engines h barnes km street after you have used salada green tea you have standard by which to judge other teas salad a is the finest produced intheworld try it free sample nf green tea updo request salam timito saturday treat peanut bar 25c lb hotter peanut liar is not made yon will aprrn with us when you taste it made with loin of fiesji pcuntiti iterular jide per lb saturday special r 25c per lb butternut roll 29c lb here is a real favorite at a real low price rnnde with fresh butter and rolled in peanuts 1 tegular 40c lb saturday special 29c per lb weekend chocolates 32c i dont go home saturday without n pound of our week- end chocolates llard nnd soft centres hogulnrlo nnd jioc lb 32c per lb t weekend special i harold c black main street georgetown 1 rennies grocery specials for friday and saturday 10 lbs sugar 2 shaker salt 2 lb raisins it patricia soap and sgobottle shampoo for quaker corn flakes 8 for kxtrncts any llavor 8 for jolloil for cheese per lb r sugar 2 lbs for we deliver d r rennie cash grocery phone 151 for quick delivery house phone 273i dominion stores canada lalckst hi 333 e is economy in numbers as well as strength and in order i to fittingly celebrate the opening of our three hundred and i thirtythird store a special itsfflf real bargains for thirtythree i cents it listed below remember too that all orders of 3300 ire will be delivered free best cooking onions 10 lb for 25c lux large pkg 28c fresh currants 2 lb for 25c bovril cordial nled 1100 snnkist oranges doz 39o lard in bnlk lb 23o bensons corn starch 2 pkgs 25o eagle brand condensed milk 21o ginger crisp biscuits 3 lbs tlbbvs pobk beans 3 tins triscuit 3 for bulk cocoa 3 lbs i vlb tin richmellow coffee aunt dinah an molasses 3 for ooc 1lb pink n salmon 3 for ooc 33c fancy biscuits lb tills ons oats rolled oats 6 lbs potted meats 4 for jutland sar dines 4 for shirriffs jelly pow- desrs 4 for 33c special for halloween pumpkin f r fig jam q ioc biscuits lb xjc ish- valencia cake ot allows ilfc lb alt bread small loaf i raisins 2 ibt bacon lb 9c pore sliced oq tiger catsup jc quart 79c 25c new goods new goods si to liandfa loel rnric its and skirts of tweed suitable for lad all wool flnnnel plain n nd small heck san toy in all the new moo giey and black rolorw hi nav sand c a- i f4 all wool flannel plain colors at 175 per jil i alt wool chuck sport flannel at 2jw er jd ih all wool hi1gn coloth black mu hrmui fawn oiudiinil red and copon at 7fic per yd 01 lloriiphpiin new colors at 17c and 2 1m per yd silks a nice range of mock and colored silks in mescaline duchoss pailette taffeta crepe de chine uubnlai pon gee and canton crepe from 125 to 1150 pei yd hosiery ladios silkllomurj kay nor make colors bronn sand camel beige grey navy black and white 150 to 200 holeproof silk uoso black ami colors 100 to 200 lwhos cashmere hosu 7fie 100 and 125 gloves ladies kaypser silk gloves 100 to 110 ladies suede gloves 75c to 150 thursday bargain day mcbeanco forsters cash anp carry store a foltlilneof choice fresh groceries provisions etc fruit in season roblnsoi bns ail neilnas cbmelales pronounced the best by an wbo have med inem swills cooked baa aad cored meals al right prices forsters coroer jobbis victoria sis georgetown is your subscription paid if not please il grandys r specials in crockery ss clover leaf caps and saucers per doz- 225 moss rose caps and saucers per doe h76 moas rose s plates per dok 400 moss rose 7 plates per dor h50 mosa rosa 0 plates per doe 800 mosb roco 6 plateb per doz 225 moss rose 4 plates per doz 200 moss rose soup coupes per doe h60 hoes rose oatmeals per doe 225 moss rose fruit saucers per doe 140 jugs each 50 75 and 100 moss rose covereo vegetables each 225 one 97 pieoe dinner sot with english china cups and saucers on sale 2h00 amgrandy phone 75 sadalacuoi saaraaletd prompt delivery silver flat ware holmes edwards silver plate i miaid solid silver where it wears in all spoons and forks we reoomntend this line to anyone wanting flat ware to last for years to come call and inspect slnarar ui hnyaaond sowing mokinb koodla 1nf in took a b willson jeweller net to hotel mcgibbon geoiwhtown

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