11k4 a morning prayer muur iui i nmlil koiii hut in 1 fnrn 1 lie i hu ii lit foi i 1 tin and lift mj in hit l tliei iijoii an mj kinili uim hun arm i ipiiii mnrrir i n ul jminim i thou me tbrouli duppst nirp i kuuu i ir 1 but follow riiee knlnrre n mkhui loid l a wuj lo holi ni i tin r in in deed deliver me from imtt and lkotr prom solilalinohr nnd fried thou art ruj lift firojl nit in 1h love that when the dn i utiiptntiotm i must meet i shall not want for strength tn rise nbote i dishonor nnd defeat tbon be thou mror mo throiigb the uvo lotih d that i may know whatever cornea ib bent and when the minuet fiulea to tni lirbt 8 rev bring me hate home to rout madeline higuns 1 three little words you 6fteo see are articles ft an and the 2 a noun is the name ot an thing as bcdooi or garden hoop or swing 3 adjectives tbe liind of douo as treat bmnll vrclty white or brown 4 i ob lead of nouns the pronouns stand her hair inn face your arm my han 3 6 verbs tell toraething to be done to read count laugh sing jump or run 6 how things are done the ad verbs tell as slowly quickly ill or well 7 conjunctions join the words together as men and women wind or weather 8 the preposition stands before tbe noun as in oi through tbe door 9 the interjection shows sur prise as oh how prettv ah how win the whole art called nine parts of bpeech which reading writing npenkinf milton the flrat of what is expected to be a btnng of plants across cana da all controlled from begina baak has been organized in mil ton ontario as tbe milton wood impregnating company with the block owned m begina the editor or the reformer left on monda afternoon- for a ten day trip to philadelphia wngti and new york at lorooto he was joined by mr w d orogory whose gneat ho will be during the trip at a special meeting ot balton county council held here on tues day of inst week the most import ant business done was tbe passing of two twenty year 5 per cent de benture bylaws granting aid to tbe town of oakulle in the con amotion of the high level hnilri on the toronto hamilton high way nnd to meet expenditure or highways reformer start on monday at guelph business college cuelfh out approved courses individual instruction evert cmduate located it is a fact there aic good femuner ative positions awaiting you when thoroughly qualified a l boucii priadpalulprtprietw h bhoyaulns fulrw standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes antomstieally screoncd m loaded coal wood select tramp for domestic 1 nnd threshing purposes i smithing and oanne1 coal in fact irawry everythmttto b f b i coal a wo yard john mcdonald phone 11 georgetown mmtl fire insurance j h ejwebt cchfekwa a wmne ot lb rkwrcit con i writing- inauraoee are you protected vtjvj each of the 107 years of its business lfe has added to the bank of montreal strength and capacity for financial service on the 3rd of november 1817 the bank established its first office at this the beginning of its 106th business year the bank through the medium of over 500 offices located throughout canada and newfoundland in great britain france the united states and mexico offers unexcelled facilities in all de partments of domestic nd foreign banking bankdf montreal ihul asset in excess of 465ooooooo tin jwj erwingoldbams meat market three opportunities how many objects in this picture begin with the letter b ths above picture ci mm in 11 ourowr of objt jlnnl ng itb tl lie i idler are all nort j df ttl pttitf wtlh the lcin- and n for ih nolhlnc i hidden be il makr n hit of all he obit the plrturr the n- whli h in he who lc family join in 1 the no mltn any 1 1 iriy c 1 fur ihe llfly mi lint the r h hu larrt rwt list t llnibli f objrrts ihown in ihlb plcl rtinjr ll prim con 1 ihmii ntxund prlae and an forlr 1 tm iff n m 1 hike t boy 1 down young and old join in the fun grandmother v poormt rlttht tour ability to irprlm to fin 1 how large an get with a few minute iw nnd try it then send i oc the bin nrlirn observe these rules t astj mu mtbim r rhtm ufra la ca t- ah ima at tk papn tt u wrilf xar rlm kud nnit osr tummtj wktv tkr plans i a tj mt mil mm ikstaati shhi ttrtstm dltlm a da m atw hrytifaalfj or ad the prizes 1 1 nibunc anm will imhn um fltlt op i pilr imiribi ta he libit bddw nv if to ph 11 on nut 11 two tot u jot u ml ml pn 135 ssoo fjtoda w pru 35 500 i 1000 1 m cms 35 500 im j 4trm 25 250 500 su pro 20 iso 30 9 flspn 15 100 200 ilk prit 10 75 150 ilk hot s 50 100 c- otk pn t 10 00 lotlipnu 5 25 so w 114 pru 4 20 40 n3 121 pra 1 is 30 s iii is 20t roct nubunc 2 10 20 21st is sttk j tnta ibdnnre 1 51 7 50 is 1 la iht r at a or for n prt ottmd the ian uhii ei uc4 prtis- will or paid 10 tsw ud itsvisrl you can win 1000 3fif there are three 1 000 frizes subscription rate- payable tn advance the mail and empire anywhere in canada by mail ssoo per year delivered by carrle boy tn hamilton ss per year dl dmia thn ntrr op lloul imroni hj rll a- ih- rll sp tujne in ft kural koute nrit- il u r lid ri nlh tlm 1 1 t u mltlpin subscribers hr s ir u od a morft4tthtt pvnlc mmattgrr dttju special prices fob saturday i i s i i ii s 1 1 ii i m t im t iii i 1 i it i ii i ii t i sh ii i i i i t h i i in 1 1 ii get your poultry here v quick delivery guaranteed main street georgetown phone no- 1 hydro electric system curling irons guaranteed for 1 year 200 6o watt lamps 4 for 100 guaranteed lamps 40c and 45c irons guaranteed 5 years 575 irons guaranteed 1 year 475 ordi rs taken lor ranges and appliances of al office town hall direct from aberdeen man h nil h 1 1111011h ruined vwh khi iltrnim m 1 lb tins ilil kimwrid i lei ring in 1 ih tin soo llmldodlh in 1 ll unh 111 n in lunmlo bmm i pilhtcftlnl itlolll 1 llhll ii iniiti shuiiuch lh a i for i nusmiliuii hlkllllch lldlsl mrlii il 2 putting up pickles t in i llioiu ii i in kick w kitti ik tqi iiso hlnrn ttwl kqoii vinttnr wi vp just koltcn m a ktinpl of nit a liolco nicklm in liir bolli tin i ijor and wli to wine vnriotici anil will hiiro ttio lnsl rciulla oior time rist of iiicklint siiiih nionlho nn nnportniil imrt dfour slot k nown dnjn r clarks bread if on want llio bent liread man oy din buy phone 22i mid oit wnnon wi mil unio used jou mii hnrvi no other wi imvc not htioond ojr iiph jolly rolli todkicx licit i tli bint nits etc 11 mutant borauho wo did not bell em i ik we riit tho befit of niatonnln and skill into tlicir dnrtion mark clark bakery and groceries ihonf aaj bucks buy where you are assured only the finest of young beef and other meats georgetown phone 28w flour high patent ings choice brud floor national fur faatry whole wheat stone wuad ask your dealer tomovies by bailey i garage apple barrels for sale wheat wanted highest price paid cropping aad oil boiling wbbrowneco yb a drive to and from this shop is an economy drive if you spend some money with us you will save money in the course of a year let us care or carand it will render you a faithful accounting phone 7 w the mail nd empire toronto canada learn to drive this carj it pays to advertise water in mrm houses hints ah at inslallinjt in the rural household thenrrl voa m tnjoj ttlh tw method it affhculiurml t ollem helv 1u luinliifc onrka j 1mb ltril b intarl dtrpartllt of there aro two nmlil nource of farm watfr aupply namely wll nil spring f4hibard wer and rain water noft amono thlnkldk or in lalllnk n modro wanr sybtem and uiumblnk in in honjo ahould aurc tliat hln walr supply 1 balu pltntiful and sardy proutcted jrom all poulbk aourcoe of conttmlnatlon much mor wah r will be uaed dally under modern than under old condl lions or service about 30 gtillona par pigeon per day tho ullce will help ygu ask the o a collcki to aaatit you in solving the following problems in thla maltr of water aupply 1 how to incrcaso tho well and bprlnj huppllea o water 2 how to safeguard theee lupplle from nurfaci conlamlaatlqn 3 how toniake more uao or the lain water supply t how to get that one aprlqc wulr runnlnr through our houac und blablim by installing tho hydrau lie rum i far the spring i umpluk and carrylde water by hand ia too ox pensive at modern raten of wages la very inconvmlent and is wasteful of time and energy no one likes the job it la rapidly koiiil out of date wherever people art- kitting acquainted with the more inuderii puinpint and supply aatems the compression system the comprtsslobv system la the most popular one today the idea in this the hard or aoft water kb the case may be pumped lnts larte strong air tight metal tank to about two thirds full the water compresses tho original air id the tank and thereby produces sufficient urtbaui e to force tilt wstpr out of the tank through a pipe line that con nects to the slnkn closet bathtub ilc in the houa- the pump may be driven by hand gasoline engine windmill or electrle motor or any available power the last named mtans is the preferable one becauet the pumping is carried on automatic all is qulit in operation economical of apace and a froab waterllne that supplus water direct from the well for drinking purponea mi be install cd the style and alie of tho pump required dependa on whether the well is hhallow or deep the slie ot the tank depends on toe amount of water required about the place an oulflt large enough for tbe ordinary alxed family or household coats about j176 00 piping connecting 8j stem to well and to the fixtures in the houao being extra what you may knjoy with thla 1 have complete plumbing system in your home that means hart and soft water on tap in tbe kitchen both showerjir both and an in door sanitary nalcr cloaet which will dispense with the outside privy these conveniences stand for com fort convenknci having of labor and time better hiailh and greater eftl dene or ntueas or work and onoy j understand thin from tlio start wo tako our biibinpsr much we are in eaineat ahout j 1 being careful and speedy upon those cardinal pnn- tuples we build business t 3 water under pressure is very usutul and convenient for washing the automobile washing outside of windows cleaning doors in cellar or slab lea putting out flrls if reached in time 4 no longer any need pump and carry water another burden la rolled away different makes of thla system are on exhibition in the physics building o a college uuelph they are properly set up and in good working order drop in and ace them work und get mone information about them it ft oraham phyalca dept o a college ouelph ge0o3ct0wm ont phone i7iw t rsnyder i cakttteaiid wince hauung- ford garage in georgetown sales and service station is now optn for business and a first class me chanic will ive prompt and efficent service tires gas oils and all ford assessories always j on hand h a coxe main st north formerly browns garage coal best anthracite coal always onhand nut and stove coal small egg coat ulhlng uucka after hatching in about one day time place heforo them bread und milk mixed together and a pan of sand and water be sure your duck lings get aand and water at starting ducks will thrive if water is before them all the lime u la their nature to want water after a few days on bread and milk add bran or one corn meal or one cracked corn to the bread and milk always use milk to mix duck feed aa the ducks grow older feed cracked corn and wheat at younger agu corn bread and milk is good for a change in feed tet the ducktt have green feec jlso if you do uoi want thenf out of pens gather green feed yourself for them do not keep ducks abut up except at night ul them in the creek and watch them to keep crows away be careful ut turtles in creeks ahio when ducks are near feathered out feed whole corn inlxid with some cracked corn then at last whole corn and wheat altogether the nlll not want to eat it at drat but do not feed them too much and the 11 eat it feed ducks three times a day like ourtelvaa keep their drinking water aa clean m poailbla they want water rlght beside them when the eat uuchi can iwlm in a few weeks if jou stay and watch them allowing them to be in water only a few mlnulea do not let ducks sleep in a muddy or damp pan to a considerable extent on the ram and his condition depei d ih quality condition and vitality of the lamb crop everything possible ahould be done to maintain his thrift at the hlgbaat point especially dur ing the breeding sesson large shid pia coal delivered to any part of the town also coke phone 180 f rogers co georgetown prevent fire as far as possible through lite- preventive mtaiuks prevent financial loss fay fire with sufficient fire insurance insurk with elmer c thompson imrakt service gewfelewa