Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 19, 1924, p. 3

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smattitews al this turn of ihc year vvindom dp l iu s mt ih in hi ip in tin bud die oiih that an ill i ly r hfmiliok tin i ilort mi 1 health or on community nyals creophos lnccllenl both as pii venlive in ion nyals laxacold tablets g to hrcnl nil ii frcbh cold and rejfave that krippv f hiik mid fflb nyals p1n0l b foi tin oumii ifjh djmatthew drugs tuid stationery e local news hems taxes are due f pay jotir laxett this weck- nomination nixt mundnj municipal b lections dec ltd firemen n boll now eraevc otir senior and juuior hotkey teams have ommenced training a d urn tier of itema crowded out ot this issue mill appear next week hockey club euchre iind dance id the arena next tnesduj even rag nov aothj st paul h w a will hold a taasaar at the rectors nor al on thursday nov 27 th oranfieinen s hall and mippor d the arena thin friday evening nov 21 bl don t mint it major grant was at acton on monday eveumi and gave an ad dress to the young people id kooi church mr e r maglourblen hue purchased dodgic- shavinfi and hair drennink parlon aod ib now fn charge j out armed 1 nglitth cups and saocere fine cjnality boon china in pleasing tolors from 75c up a b willron it councilor g w herring too had the mmfortune to have hid rirbt wrist broken when cranking jtissar on xhuratay last lhe froptol tho curling rink at the arena has been bricked and ib now quito in keeping with the other portion of this fine building a meeting for the purpose of organising a euchre club will be held id the arena on thursday at h pro all interested please he present mr leslie waddell an old hirh school boy gave an interest log address to the ouo people at knox church mild on monday evening j e breadner of lot 14 oth lirfe squeaing will hold an auc tion nale of farm stock on wednes day dec srd full particulars next inane a number of members of credit lodge af am attend ed walker lodge at acton on mop day evening oo the occasion of the ttajtof ddgm pen i old jthn lawn bowling club hold a anoceeafnl euchre at mrs mc leod s last thursday evening thera was a large attendance a delightful time and delicious re freshments if you want to spend an en jo able even i ng attend the hockey cmb euchre and dance in tho arena peit tuesdayeveotng nor- 26tb first class manic and good eats provided the methodist mission band will hold a tea and bale of home made baking and candy in the sunday school room oo saturday nov 29tb trom 8 to 6 so every body welcome 2t misses adama desire to wind up their business within the next three weeks and are offering the balance ot their stock bafetfea there flowers ribbons and velvets at greatly reduced prices up st georges church annual bazaar will be held in the 8 s room wednesday afternoon dec 8rd when the women s auxiliary will display the years work consist ing of a splendid assortment of xraas novelties and many other attractive lines see next weeks hrrald rubber boats repaired by a new process we have nothing to give away but can give you more for yonr hard earned money than uiy ahoe store in ontario shoe ihlibb 2 id 1 10c un beaut 10c 4 pairs leather laces 25c pairs ootton tan or black laces 10c rt pairing- women s boots half soles and rubber heels mado to look like new 1 i have dob all sizes of the finest cushion bo lea and rit ber heel boots that nionej ran hu tor men and women made special and other hoots at all prices nu can bu splendid boots at from 2 60 to 8 b0 repairing while jou wait at ronoy a the nwn that deals in nothing else but boota ttboes and leather no overhead a i pen be to woiry ub and we are always on the job cupltaur muoni7 a cbapttr of instruction for rojal arch mahout vuvh hold at kitchener oil monday no lolh mdor the direction of it l comp win downing qtandbupctmteud i of wellington district jul n haptei of deorgetown c erophlied the work of the most f x client master decree exubluak good wunvr the lver ready wnflunf mn hint co of toronto ar now hibiting then washer in tho cook building on mill sl and would be pleased to have von inspect it this company is pajmgthe oeor gotown foundry co mir 1000 per mouth for castings tho foun dry now employ it- 17 men wjtha pay roll of 850 per week lhej make tbreepi a rlerh of nil thn castings used by thit lompanv and expect to got the balance of r work so in buying nn eaa washer jou are helping a george town industry that needs help and is employing georgetown rem bu tkutn wednesday no 10th dick turpio s ride to ork an eng hsh dictum chapter 10 of ruth of the ranges corned the young tenderfoot friday no 21 tbo arizona express melodrama with an all star cast comedy bone lie ad hodge podge novelty reel saturday nov 22- the arab directed by rex ingram starring ramon navarro and alice terry the tno that made icaranouche comody lodge night with our gang fox news showing some good pictures of the british navy plastlgrams on friday and saturday tho figures appeir to come out of the piture glasses are absolutely necessar and are supplied tree terra cotla tho terra cottn b f 0 alt w 0 held their regular monthly meeting at the homo ot m aod t l leslie on monday even tug nov trd nhon the following ifllcers were elected for tho ufo pres mr andrew mr donald ice pres mr fred lvtmb sec treasmr t l leslie for the u f w o pres mrs andrew mcdonald vce pres mrs i a die it sec troae miss m monkmnn asst sec treab mrs r s leslie during the evening me burg t l wilfred and lloyd leslie lnter tamed with music a geography match wan held which proved very amusing after the usual refresh moots a short rnd pleasant time as spent in cards facts about optometry by dr c c toyi optoaetrisl torgettwa pfcme 27f ko 7 of the series speaking of the economic valuo of optometry if the optometrist oui at the expense of a few dol i are equip a patient with a pair of glasses which will increase that persons valuo to bis employer or to the public or to himself the optometrist has rendered a service in valne out ot all proportion to its cost and as errors or vision are al most universal and as the opto metrist is ablef to correct them in the majority ot cases it will be seen that this profession is an im portant factor or can be made an important factor in the progress of the country to be continued next wednesday another radio message from santa claus dear children i am pleased to tell you that i am going to have a wondetfnl assortment of toys this year and to let you know thnt i will boon be on my way to wemyas store tell jour moth era to join the mas flub it is tho eaay way to buy kmm gifts be good hoys and girls good night santa clans announcement we msh to anpoupce that we hrtt i a complete line or wesfinghouse radiola deforestcrosley radio sets now in stock we aic also carrying an up to date stock or radio batteries and parts etc we will be pleased to demon utraui any of the above sets at your homewithout any obligatiooi to buy ask us for a demonstration jnoneulson gftrifttwo itmli it u i tot i u lli k lights i im siturul fimit niiltctlos in the ih raid ollit i vryhndt t lul ik ml lli ml il in r wii tr i wlmt gulph monk llu p ttitinrs al iph wintu p ui mc n tiic lli following neil jiiiks v sunt on then ioiiioimi lii i i hi old mule gill oil ft male ird nod young nml mid 1it youiif ic male in a vi i htroim t iilsh b i nnk surk ufmilltr uon 1m and lui s miicioy iuicu ind m l tuniei uou lr un a nan ot sod diieki nhuh ik sui for site a hiund eaqaalb coanotl at tht meetiok nf i spiesuit ountil on mdntlny llu i inrk is nktrncted to mil a imiliiimif the atciajih for ik iiirjuihi of in imsiiig the purrhaw of llu buck building in suui ttnu n m i tviislnp hull to in hi i m the il bmldipkon thursdn no 21 at m ii in lfry nili iyei should lie pipricnl lhe proji 1 1 ih a oin mcndsblt uiil a mectiug foi h unilni purpose was held in 1h1 tit no ai lion was tnk u full re port of cnnni il miuulc net msiic personals mis i 1 ilnk i ilini m nls 111 whs nu n h wiihim niiikham mi d ii fn mis iiihi bulunlst mmk pitutli lit toronto w c ihhop in tinu un 1 upmihv mi i th irl j sott ol urn i liomi ii i he vi ek i mi ind mrs u it wntsim i ll i ilh f mi wat s fall mi- y hut i loiml j h ttiiidd llu mifoiill nrdlllk at wutillnii iuhi eilnchihi night it v ii v uul mis 1 dwnrtls of lonml mi a hnmci niigtna i ill were vseck end visitors at dip llottii of mitrinrndeiit id wards of llu aruuninu farm mi- c lliompioii cilehralcd her hjhii bijthdaj last saturday ml iilirtuncl i niiinhtr of uln lives ind fritnd mrs riiomp- t saturday treat j daisy caramels f nmyir ik hi ihh mi john mohii from detroit ih sm mling ii few iilayk tins week wilh ins ixibtw dr miallhttr mr siohu who i- in ills lhl cnr was nl une tiim in tho hour null and salt lusincs in huron county when htont hour bread vvas used itisii ad of tin 1 1 tm nl man rclini d but less nutritious product mission at st georges church week days 8pm sunday next 8 and lam and 7pm is is a m r line uiiauu i in t hocolnc mid auilla flavors pun croiim and gruiiulalul siikiii mi usid in the uinliiik of thin line coiifci tioncrv saturday treat 25c lb weekend chocolates another hut lol of thocol iti s foi this special assorted ii a v or hard and soft centres remcnihcr if von nu not ssliliidwith the ipiahly and the i rue your mom j will be ri funded 1 week end special 32c lb very special humbiksat 20 ib wauli qui vsindovvh for other specials t6y satmii wt bivi hold drupe trout oranges grapes and hatanan i arthur norrington mssioner rev cannon sherman i good farm or sale or exchange j i close to georgetown soil nice garden loam well watered bv spring cicek has acros hardwood bush largo orchardlg acres fall wheat fall plo ing done large basement barn good frame house ten rooms in mediate possession can be mvpo of this proputy price for in mediate sale 9500 wjlvans6go what happened to jones a farcical comedy in three acts pronleitysi georges players it fit town hall georgetown an thursday and friday nov 27th and 28th 1924 caste op cqaractrrs jonea who travels for a hymn book house bob corke fbenoeer goodly a professor of anatomy bcrl thompson antony goodly d 1 bishop of ballarat h most barker richard healherly ivngaged to marjm r dik hoc thomas holder a policeman i ivrty baplin uenry fuller- superintendent oflhcsanitonumi william bigbee an inmate of the siuuloruun ynl brant ford mrti goodly rhencsers wife miss pen son cissy ebenezers ward irene thompson marjone ebenceers daughter dons barker minerva ebcnerer s other diuighter winnie knight alvina starlight mrs tnodly s sister hilda ribj helms wedish servant girl eileen bradley ptu t hao at halttiews drug store admission soc all seats reserved 51bk weekend candy specials our lowing the isumicrs moirs chocolates to htich nn cit nt thai n rreasmk far beyond our expectations q r jou have not tried these delicious chocolates take mlvanuko nr nnr snh on sat unlay and you will bnnorc mian phased with the pnee and quality satqrclmyb special price 49c per lb week had chocolates reg 40c a r nei ih tor ijc peanut crisp reg toc er ib for ai watch our windows for other bik specials hot drinks are tho order of the day we have them hole agents for tbe famous betty brown candicn kosy tcorner kandy kitchen f j deverson ask for jpsnsm2nin salada creen tea it is much more delicious than the finest japan young hyson or gunpowder sold everywhere free simple nl green iea upm request s1l1m totorti new goods new goods main st sole agent foi fam n hmkksgllclh phone 89 j rennes grocery ih pail pun lard lib pail shortening black peppei pr ih pmnes good size 2 lb 10 ib granulated sugar bran tlakes 2 for molasses 2 tins for v dates 2 lbs for tomato soup 2 tins fur wl db liver d r rennie grocery cash phone 151 for quick delivery house phone 273i 1924 taxes notice the 1924 tax notices having been sent out the second instalment ts due and payable on november 262728 i will be at the new waterworks build tngonthe above dates prepared to re- cetve taxes e mccannah collector important to tax payers by law a which c into force this year gives the collector no option id coi with penalty if taves are not paid ondattr indicated notice stop take notice that we will handle your troublesome notes aod counts on a strictly lotnin ssion bams no collection no charge wo place ii years eipononce at your disposal and assume all your colleilion tiouhles send uh your list wo will do the rest no note or account is oohidcrcd too small too large too old or too far away wc will tackle nn honest debt kelly aiken collectors obangevillb m aiken mgr ref sterling bunk of anadn owfcn soi nd jos j kelly mgr specials tor this week at clarksons oo l m d i f ii ltm cramilalf i mifcar lvcllokh corn i lik i shrwlrtcd w ileal 2 fur hulk new dales 2 ills su lawrvnip torn starch besl new ookim fiks 8 ii s f nniphell tomato smi i pi tin -atio- hew peels cirfrants seeded and seedless ftala- im california ioeburg head lettnoe celery grapefruit orane banana ndlfimonb alo foil u frtomeoclr ud clbmttw orderk pmmptlv delivered pillar if clarkson hand ultivls uiif- of ivvlki miiullii fo ladies smiknnd skirltt ml il llhtiiijtptvii and nm ill h 1 tin lv in ill ii ncv colm him u iiaw sand tuiiin guy m li i k i all vvnil lluuil i lam loiois il1 7j pu id i ill tvonl llink sorli imiiiel nl 2 00 i yd tn ill iv ol eim loloisblii hid htown fawn u llu i 1 iiil vil 1 hum tt orsat i an i l er tl silks a mtc uim f him k an i oloij 1 silks m meshiilu duhess pailftli iltla reh icchiue hubutiu i ttt auik union cip fiiii 1 2 tu i 10 i il j hosiery ijodiek silk jtosiort kvj koi maku coloii hrown sand camil boii irij navy lliuk ml vvhiu 1 r to sa 00 holeproof silk husllihuk undolot 1 00 to 52 00 liiulits cashrni ii host fn m on an 1 sl l- gloves lndie uaynci silk giqvcs 9l 0 in 1 10 ladies such gloves tot to 1 0 thursday bargain day mcbeanco georgetown is your subscription paid if not please forsters cash and carry store a full llnf op choice fresh groceries provisions etc truit in season robinson bros and neilsons chocolates pronounced lhe best by all who have tried them swifts cooked bam and cured meals al right prices forsters corner johois victoria sts georgetow erwingoldhams meat market special prices fob saturday round steak roasts 11 lb sirloin roasta lie lb porter house roasts 20o point roasts 16c lb brisouit boil 7c lb choice shoulder roasta 12o lb rump roasts 14c lb get your poultry here quick delivery guaranteed main street georgetown phone no 1 grandys 2 lb dates tor fancy table fifcp per ib laro pruuea per lb 21b seedlens raihinn kxlra fancy valencia rilsiu pi i hi seeded or seed leas uaism- j i phi imperial jelly powdiih i jmkiik f r nu jell s packanrs foi benson s coin url 1 fm silver loss stui ii i f 25c lu 2 foi 25o sut a nmunii i fm black bulk lea wi ih black liihllit in pi rib bed ros orange pi km leap ib iim teaiicr ih 1 coltee pei lb 2gc go go 70 v moo 0 a 80c 0 a 70c 1 a m grandy phone 75 sanstadlh gwrnle prompt delivery clearing tire sale to clear our remamiuk lk if pilnc tires l k n in el prices 1uvh 30is r 1 ii tranlccd 00ft mil s i8o0 a 1 3650 phone 26 f sinclair ttru rrpaic shop gloroh 1 own

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