Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 19, 1924, p. 4

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scandal oft mlcrinu un imitutb of n n born lit do joii mr think of un wmilfi wbolhir jour infliicme buliinte cor koimi ilcncolent notion or bnnetiil if jon meet nn iiriiftinunrp fiom nviir the hltlcl or itauht 11 mou out hoiiip friunl to rrol do joii iiiilhlion in it mint jiter ulouh toll in iidiute rthpinulink 11 niouolij t rou ii uow m it mint j mi iro not look lorwollr or enaeruor lararthing cheerful td toll should ill natnrej scnmlnl jou biippen lo hear inclined lodunium another a tot oer do you hasten itwn wimi baud b an tho u mutter of hfo or death longing tbo detail ngnm lo 10- to the vorj lrnt person jou imp pen to meetr u it not winer with kindly hoart ever to choose tbo merciful part aud ewi report so prone to grievo loleas it is proven decline to bo hoc iorhann there are momenta where on 6 must expose and aa needful warning some evit disclose but life in tryiur enough for ua all to proclaim without reason an others downfall b m pasmore new oil burners for pacific coast m otor cartcrmce tobcsitii fictory mum havt i vo qinli is it must be ih ilii nt i mst be accibsnll educational heelinfl tbe annual mewtmtf ot the hal ton county branch of tbo 0 b a was hold in milton on not 5 or the purpose of discussing the edu cational hyetem of ontario an interesting and profitable program was giten whic bro mticf dibcusatod resolutions were paesed recotu mending a sen ond years normal course for teach era following a two or three yeai teaching period that religions in structicn be part of school enrncu lum tbat latin be made a compul sory subject for teachers certifl cates or taken off nmtnctulation examination tbat one year bo taken off high school course and added to public school coarse the jollowiog officers were el eoted for 192g hon pres j m denyes pres d hartley vioe- pres f ford see treas m a campbell directors c c hend erson acton j b mckehzie georgetown mrs f c wilmot milton j b turner oakviwe mrs stanley dvnes burlington norman wrlggleawortb eaqnea wg mrs inglebart trafalgar mrs geo gastlc nelson mrs elsloy nassagaweya heviolrt service ib both wher r you o you will find expert tilvrolet sttvicc readily available jver two thutisind deilcrs jjraes nel upply shops in canada carry uuime chevrolet parts author ad liilwoill dealers ind service tdliook arc to be found hi every to ninny irvrolci i the fastest selling i ndarj uule of cai in canada i ii is bat if d by oil hifh stanj oil hifh stand vould epext ot b for a litmun i buudcrst lsdr mcumn bioi o the clyde but the recent ing ol the janauian pacific princess kathleen frorn the clydebank brown arid company illustrates ho business traffic and industry of the oni ards of john e increasing buslnesa raffle and industry of the one has affected the industry of the other the launching of another vessel the princess marguerite will further illustrate this shortly during the past few years the thousand milo tnp to the land of the midnight bun and return to vancouver has attracted thousands of tourists from all parts of the world kuny of these appreciating the industrial and commercial possibilities of thin country ot vast natural resources as much as the scenic splendours havaestablia themselv there und have drawn othtw in roe oertn caums unu rtund uffnt ol whom plays-a-inntn-thg-further- tangwapexialitati development ot the land the same thing applies to the provision of 17 1 rooir yukon ao that especially in the summer und in the fall when the big game and fish are fair spirt there is a constant coming and going on the princess steamers that plv the inland puss nee- ext year there will it s expected be a demand for c still more frequent service in response the i anadl an pacific will recruit from its triangular service and the new steamers will take up the btrvleo thus relit ud ho in hwiflc tween vancouver victoria and seattle this route is also becoming increasingly popular the present cull bunk for vessels whlcfaro able to transport tl i uutomi i es ot those hundreds of tourists who are fmdini the alone of vancouver island well worth while the new vessels twin srew und oil burning will be when completed the largest and luslcit ships operating between the three porta being copal i e of sustaining speed of 32 j knou altogether thi re are five decks four ot which are given ww to the use of the passengers whilt a large space on the main ill ck has been provided tor tht transport ot motor cars and other freight accommodut on is arranged for j25 first class night passengers in two and three berth cabins and ior over one thousand di y tf the accommodation is tl i the promt nahpnnd irppnr 5eckahaving private bathrooms attaihetai d two berth calms on the boat deck havink pr uti sli wer baths the accommodation through mt hai bi i n ai mi k with the greatest care tor the safely and loml rl of tl t passengers and is of a uniform stand ird t ro ikh ut while the accommodation or thl oil w n i fn i substantially better than is reouirid lij n pilm i n roth vessels will be nlucul in irw irlj in uj the annual bonl the bell rang and father faced the turkey he circled tbe bird warily looking for a bold aider able cautiod characterized the first few minutes of the bout spite of the fact that it was being conducted under carveas carvocan rules suddenly they grappled thi turkey a tough opponent elid out from under father and tbe two went to the mat mother referee log from tbe other end of tbe table wub ao annoyed by tbe spot ting of tbe mat not to mention tbe cjbato tablecloth that she awarded tho first fall to tbe tur key warming to his work father ecgorod tho famous drumstick hold on tbo turkey twisting merciless and savagely attacking with a carving knife which be declared find not been sharpened since tbe iron age father pressed his ad mintage and succeeded in serving three guests but altbough the turkey was somewhat undorwcight he was fust and slipper he broke thi scissors hold father bad en b breastbone with the fork am cleverly upset fathers gums a water into auntie ma s lap etpurred on by comments from the ringside which were becoming exceedingly caustic father brew aside science and resorted to brute force he got a stronghold on his adtersary and did not relax it un til tbere was a helping of turke on everyone a plate then the mctor released his grip in order to serve the neck to little junior yon arc on ules checker board watch tour next move tho surest route from your present position to suc fsh is via a tboroogh training at guelph business college 2 complete eiju pmenl bun i ess expeneiicrd tnrlr morn 4 spenal fac 1 1 cs for locn1 ng grmli students are now enrolling for january term register today by masl pbone o office call phono llocw guelph business college qnrtmar bids onslpb a l bouck principal and proprietor 41 s v king georgetown flour ihoh patent i kings choice i bftalt dour 1 national 1 for pnlry i whole wheat stono milld ask your dealer apple barrels ior sale wheat vented hiuhtst price paid chopping and oat rolling wbbrowneco norval flour mills norval silver flat ware holmes edwards silver plate inlaid solid silver where it wears in all spoons and torks we recommend this line to anyone wanting flat ware to last for years to come call and inspect singer and raymond sewing hkohinn neodle nlwoy in look a b willson jeweller next to hotel mcgibbon uhcl i own garden of eden an apple a canadian ship 15 000 saw wlatar fair figures given oot friday show tbat the attendance at the ontario provincial winter fair at guelph which closed last thursday wag slightly under 15 000 pmd adrois sions the admissiou receipts at the fair for 1924 amounted to up proiitnately 3 000 vlelut qua bn complaints have been made tbat certain persons have been shoot mg black squirrels in this vicinity lately this may bave been done inadvertently but hunters should understand tbat the shooting of black squirrels is prohibited in halton conntj some persons bab lately been guilty of hunting on sunday the dame and fish euos apt contains this clause no person shall on tbe loh s day bunt take kill or destroy anj game or nse any gun or other en gme for that purpose another ctaobo tn this aot say no per son not a british subjeri and no person not residing and domiciled in ontario shall bunt take kill wound ordestroy a r 01 carry or nse any gon eicept under the authority of a license too many yoong people de pend ontbeir father qmonej tsk ing them tbronrb this world and their mdtbers prayers making merytbing all right for the next ttrt of kn led at expected denouement a room steward penitent but lirae appeared before the officers sulstituting tor angela with laming swords if it s an apple you re lo ik ng or i think i can find it for you he volunteered it ii oked like just an ordinary apple and hat ith the way the women passengers are olwajs wanting things there was no ay ot telling about it vou know hon it is i had brought a dish of fruit into that cah in the morning all the toss started and when 1 was taking out the dishe some time afterward it was only natural like that i should have made a mistake i picked up that apple and soil loi v gasped the investigators thnts where ou re wrong declared the steward sy said that ne apple was one of a pa r turnphnntl it found a soon as 1 heard of the broukhtfromquernahthctamtiona sitcofthcfs icnof lrd that api le 1 followed its trail back to the paradue at the junction of the tigris and i uph itrs pantry and thence to the cold storage room and this in mesopotamia i as plnred in rw r ikf an apple rom the garden of eden arrived in montreal this week aboard the canadian pacific steamship mellta vwith it came the atory of history repeated after fix thousand years and a reprieve ior sundry passengers who bad been threatened with irons trial in the ad mlralty courts and what not the apple came to montreal aith robert j casey who was a pamenger aboard the mclrta mr caseyiaa well known member of the suf of the chicago neb and among the books ol his authorship are the land of haunted castles and the lost kingdom of bur gaudy he was on the ay home from a tnp throuih syria to damascus and bagdad taken for ihe purpose of lathering material for another hook s from ii i tradle ir the log of the r days out of cher jritb babylonian bricks ard o 1 mmfte human race and did not f uht until the ship had ijeen bourg then it disapoearcd the owner complained to jfamander t lew i regret this unfortunac irsnle t jid ihe cnpnin but of course you must hae read the notice o the card even yon as you came aboard thf conpany w ii ml i responsible for apples and other aluablea uiles hi j art deposited with the purser as it ptnnd ut pres nt this looks like a matter ior the apt hate t ur ll ot course we lhall sec what can be done bout it three women named eve and a man nned w illpm adams on from british columbia were found on the passenger list and they fell under suspicion immediatelj attempts to estabhahvlibu were as fruitless as if y had been before noabshullt the ark adafi n adr m d that he was the tenant or a cabin on tl rame dirk as that i occupied by tke iipplo nftd he as summoned ft r an inter- new with the captain he was a terhnical pniner when tht ueliu reached belle isle and might line been landedin shackles at quebec had it not been for an un mlng i dmcoered it one of thehefs had been in juj licfor me but i was determined ent mht out after him and found the apple it s in here and null n mufcnifcent sir he titled a napkin from a large paneiappkiwuioe another apple later found concealed in a locked trunli will be presented to the field museum of chicago thr tri from wh th thi fru t as pickid has recently i en designated as the tree ot knowledge hy the brush covernment suhslsntialing an arab legend ol long ftanding the document authenticating the clairts ct queriiuh as the site o fden is a record of court marl al a copy of alich a as brought back with the the cue i point sxhat of thomas rogers a sergeant in the british flying- corps stationed in iraq s n e the armistice rogen climhing ihe tree to have h s picture taken liroke off one of the branchea and was arrested b the arab police thescrdict fiirts h in guiltj of having broken a limh frorae tree of knowledge in the garden of eden and flies h a fine at one month pay a lighter sentence than that visited upon hi re mot ancestor for similar offence h ow good 19 your best recipe if you have to bake it in an unnhabli rangt for more tliantoytan happy thought ranges have given canadian women more than 300 000 of them unequalled satisfaction they are wonderful bakers easier to use i isnr to keep ipick and span more economical and have many labor saving attachments that you vill appreciate inspect one this week without any obligation on your part sold by rh thompson co georgetown the greatest service the least attention theres no piece of farm equipment that gives so much service over so long a period with to little attention as a good windmill that why i recommend the toronto self oiling windmill so highly lot of toronto windmills have given from eighteen to twenty years service with practically no attention outside an occasional oiling and are still operating satisfactorily every day n the toronto self oiling windmill 11 gears operate in a bath of special oil affected by neither heat or cold every bearing thoroughly and automatically lubricated new oil is required only once a year if you slrtsdy own a toronto windmill 1 can 5lve you thit iclfoilini fttlura by merely inter itnpn the htsd nd mini your promt whl moit toronto windmilli loo on be rnttit abtolutcly nil reguhtini in opcratkxi kjitfueis w j alexander georgetown cnt taltnnj wit hulll any ulnjmlll selfoiling u3nt3 windmills aim animal temperatures interesting figures relating lo larm live mock horse rr llrlalhelj old blooded ioullrj have mlahfml teoipem- ton- hikii rriiniar imllraist hnr- wintering 8h sim in hi- ha inner ui irlbuted or unlirio iriwrtmnt asiioultura tufomn1 the teuipcratures of dumeallc aal- ias an or interest i that each luns i us a normal leuipvratur hirjii ihe bur liibhu than 1ui eeptlotia ot coui a few aufiiiuls i ihher or luwn se to all rulea ami may be normal al l tlvll little it 1 uis aim of thl ahaolto prpare youo poo pin tor baainoui to give thorn trktnint in oominoroibl nffaif that will bo ot diroot boneflt to thorn in whatavor llns of work they may four courses of study ra hirs iniininf brampton business irjslltule an it rton hi ik hrumploii tint ih tiormul tunptralun ranire tor i 1u0 4 in lull 1 wlilchcov- case prett well ween a uitlmat a tmupi rat lire kot 10j 1 lt cttu b conaldre iinul not that ttiert la aom ml inlnp i ro be i onsldert d normal i in pi ml u re reading between i 104 the plia nor trial ntltr can be looked for b- iuu i und 104 some indl- iuii hlhh and uth n low but utiiitl hlthln lo denrvm piriod cf hulll im tibt ii ry bleb normal alur h 106 7 to 108 i such alurib an njoed by poultry llh could not be endured by domestic animal un i few da coal beat d l w scranton coal in all sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j walkins nonftl sntion phone 02i24 ford garage in georgetown our sales and service station is now open for business and a first class me chanic will give prompt and eff icent service tires gas oils and all ford assessories always on hand h a coxe main st north formerly brown garage jiint imilprttttin il thir trom the slnrt wetnln oiu husinpi much we are in earnest about f t being careful and speedy f upon those cardinal pnn cipltra wc build business t qedroetcrwh oht nsnyder f aumseand msnwe hauling- t coal best anthracite coal always on hand nut and stove coal small egg coal large sized pea coal delivered to any part of the town also coke phone 180 f rogers co georgetown hluli retiirrnturch indicate 1evcr anj di t lulluu from the normal iuu i la taken aa a source ot nation hoarding hi mat ot b of our uuuimtle ndinmla hlgli ii raluris indliati feverish eondl mlillt subnormal temperature ul decllni and weakening olih enllwiiliial to a point ot travr aanser lirn it 1ncf we jel hlcfcer illicit in lln vininb than id th lltlf 1 sicm1ibod dpt of ualou o a colli gp guilph winthtlm bust iter tolon should have a voce llae inougu been keep la a nturall pnten1 place evt ry spring bwkiipura bad from j7r lo 50- ot thilr coloniea iwve died during the winter or art r weak thin la no rtasou wly winter lows shuuld be blpher than or z provided thi tnrkevpec 111 pnpare and puck the 1m- pro- rl bo na iruf krlc millen ol ontario a rlcijtural college erj o ion j should have owhil tlii llrsl all p is lo make aur r culon iiuh a queen aa it la lull to rijimn now queeslntt lull h sl ould hi united with mow iiltih u quei u i lace a sheet ot wtpuper on tup ol a atrong aueen- the of ihe quetnlesa colony o lop 1 fax thein for a week ami tli i shake uu ti e- into the lower broi libut ibi r and nunoie the upper broodeliuiubi r it is taken tor trant- iil that no aluericun foulbrood ezlau in tht upiarj olherwiae colonlea nhould not be united but rathr da- stri i tht uuei nlrss colonlea ami i onti if dlsiasid llae huokkin tlees llu ntlt tst in to tee that each col uii lios bnmcit nt beta to cover at ltasl three frames on both ai4ea u xuiiitui d on a cold morning when ha btes are clustered this will tnaura enough bees to come through tha wlnur pruvldnd hie htarea and prw- ttetton are adequate a very tsa- liortaut factor of wintering la th quthtlon of food many beekeeper uh ecr colon ivo or olteea pounds of nuiar syrup made id u pruliorllon of 2 of sugar to one ot water and ltd in an inserted feeder over the brood frames thla la don in many cuiies regardleaa ot th amount of stores the colony haa bvery colon should have at leaat is pounds of food to euaure aucceaafttl wluterlng and an opportunity to la crease in strength in the spring keep in a naturally protected ptwcsv bcca should heepi in a naturally protected place of winter or a hoard fence should h erected around the apiary to form a wind protection colonics may be packed singly two in a case four in a case or in any other way desired by the bvkeeper threo or tour inches ot packing should be placed all around the col ony and not lias than eight inches ou top dry leaves planer abavlnga or cork chips make aaltafactory packing material if tbe beekeeper will see that his colonies are put it a for wirier in good condition lite winter loss will be drekible- fteleet sir t it ihe dalr herd it n low testers and poor tooucvra a bull from good produxlcc snd high testing ancestry should be eobrn if the females are too legty aelect a male that is compact and close to th uround if the sow u rou in the shoulder and short in the side select a boar llh compact well muscle shoulder and with length snd scale tha foundation of any enduring stricture whether of a burnem a farm or a life is thrift rrbuldlfc is not nlwars necessary te make mcit farm borne attract paint and sl rubbery plantings will work wonders prevent ibe as farasposshle through fite- ptewntive measure prevent financial loss by hre with sufficient fire insurance tntuvii wm elmer c thompson f lasuruct scrvta w

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