Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 26, 1924, p. 3

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fr ibs hrtbdar orertixe dswfom 7 n ordootoldjr for hers lady dnofold s5 gotf tbcsxf clip x fi fiw the cbaaxfncw gift that is coveted by all let ft lacqnerred color flash yourbirthday greet ing to delhted loved ones its supersmooth point suits every hand no style of writing can distort it also see duofom de luie in satin lined gift case at 10 and 15 d j matthew dkogs and stationery local news items i firemen a ball election next monday g christmas in our weeks tine ih the week yon pn your sliopenrh nnd shop in rcorgb- town prebbyterinn s s entertain meet pnda dec 10th georgetown will have two good hockey teams this season getour supper at st george a bazaar wednesday next g so to 8 v the herald has a nice line of greeting cards at a reitnonabk price watch our window for specials on friday aod saturday lrwin goldbam george to wo will have no up- to date fire alarm system in the near future keep new yoat s eve open for the event of the season the firemen s ball the peacock school will bold a roncert at ballinafad on dec 10 particulars later dr anderson m p of milton has been confined to ins room for tbe past two weeks but ib now convalescing j it brondner enqueuing will bold an auction sale of farm stock on wedneadaj dec srd soo advu in tlntt issue the second instalment of tax ea la due and paable at the col- leoters ofllce waterworks build ing 28th 27th aod 2tb nov all members of tbo curling club are reminded that their membership fee la due and payable to j d kollj or j l thompson on dec lat anniversary services will be held in aahgrovo methodist church on sunday dec 7th morning and evening suodai school enter tatnment jqec 19th w george winflolds big auc tion bile of farm block and imple ments will be held tomorrow thursday nov 27th at lot 14 2nd line esqueaing commencing at 1280 oclook knox church guild entertain pd limebonsa young people on monday evening the tailors put on a splendid program and were afterwards treated to refresh meats by their hosts tbe o ochre and dance at the arena last night under tbe auspi oes of tbe hockey olnb was ooe of tbe most enjoyable events of the seanon there was a large croud good music and dohcions refresh meats orion lodge i o o f degree team and a number of odd fell i visited albert lodge in toronto last friday night tbe george town boyb were highly compli rciented on the efficiency of their degree work tbe methodist mission band will bold a tea and sale of home mode baking and candy in tbe sunday school room on saturdaj nov 2fltb from 8 to 6 80 every body welcome 2t bee onr novelties in cbristmae handkerchiefs in boxes also our spanish lace scarfs at remarkably low pnoes we are running the remainder of our felt and velvet hate at half price misses clar ldge herald block upstairs i have a car of pea bran com ing in tne feeding value of this bran has no equal and it is worth go per tent more than tbe ordin ary bran it will be sold for s4 ter ton ofphha ear call or pbone order w c bebbey pho 1 georgetown milk jtiht 24 shopping days before xmas we now hae xmas goods on display inoltiding an excellent linoof watches clocks jeweler blue bird pearls wher ware china ivory ebon leather goods fountain jxns and ever sharp pencils etc winvite ev erj careful buyer to inspect these goods before selecting their xmas gifts a small deposit will seouro any article ttll xmosdaj floyd e tbe gift shop h mens working boots from 2 to 1 we have proved our store to be tbe beat place in ontario to buj boots shoes irnd rubbers bring your repairing and see tbe solid job we make and actually sore you 25c to 40c of your hard earned money and yon con have your work borne with vow- -always- on the job we don t care where yon buy your boots let us repair them j roney the reliable shoe man min st georgetown 2tp location to onnp orphaftmce am members of ltd no tjs r fncmlr wishing to gic am donations to the bale in md or the loyal true blut and oraugi or phnoage an requested to kindl leave at mrs riht mcattiiey h nr before dec brd w m nel long firvmu lutd two calu last wcdoesaa eipnmg tin lire alarm rang for a himnoj lire n main st wlm h terminated ithout much damage about 12 bo on friday the brigade were called to the provincial oating mills where the coal in the large bins next to tbe boiler room hod caught lire the hremen made a record run with the motor truck the tire was extinguished without much damage to property hbld skoooufoj bll the annual ball and suppei nn der the anspices of l 0 l 2 15 was lieid in tbe aicna last friday cv notwithstanding the bad weather there was a good attend an co and the occasion proiod an enjoyable one excelloot music was supplied by ampbcll s or septra while robert mccartney the popular floor manager bad charge of the dancing an nbund ipply of tasty refreshments terved during the eycniug wfct happened to joa the st georges playqis who so iceessfiilb played two comedies at winter promise to surpass themselves in the presentation or what happen end to jones un der the able direction of miss e pen son it is a corned full of fun and action and a hilarious time s promised to all who an fortunate to obtain tit kels for thursday or friday nights there lug demand for litkits which can be obtained at matthews drug store beats resered mjor qrut at boyhood chnrok major lochlan giant or george town addressed the members or knox church guild at their meet monday evening in a very entertaining mannor his remini scences of the earlyvdaya from the timo ho came to acton from scot land sixty years ago were verj to te resting incidents respecting tlio church in the pastorate of tbo late rev lachlan cameron and dnnng his residence in anton were full of human nod keen interest the large audience onjojed cry fully tbe majors recital alton pre press x thmtr wednesday no 2i the pro digal son story by sir hall came chapter 1 1 of ruth o the range friday nov 28 man s mate starring john gilbert comedy yukon jake starring ren turpin fox news saturday nov 2 the law forbids starring bab peggy comedy mialit starrink clyde cook hodgepodge noelt reel matinee every saturdaj at 1 p in wednesday and friday nt 710 saturday at 7 lo coming fighting blade with richard barthelmess ah a crom well ian hero pappy olrl eaurtatnod the members of the women s institute entertained the oung girls whb sold poppies on armistice day to n banquet at the home of mrs rojrtrerwin last week af ter all tad partaken or the delicious rorreslinftnta mrs martin near meed the following toast list the women s institute proposed bj ailern oront and responded ui lij mrs 1 c campbell out conv ttcc proposed bj gladjs hour and responded o hy mrs d liv ingstonp the king proponed bj eleanor maw and responded to by mrs m near thp torj heartj thanks of the institute wan con vejed to the girls for their spleu did work aflei winch the hinging or i lie national anthem brom this pleasant occanion to acliihc ladloa coat big reductions are being made on our entire stock of ladio s win ter coats including a flnq nai6rt ment of teddj bear cloths and silk marvel as prices range from 7 0 np thoie who have still to get their coats will find it prollti able to make an pahj choice while range is good brill a c the regnlai meeting f geor getown women s institute ill bo held at the homo of mrs i sinclair charles st on wed flay dee 3rd commencing at 2 30 sharp report of contention and j other business eer lsd re quested lo bring n christmas sng ijest i on personals li s iil m ill on ii i fi i itnik ui mi m i h i moulin niikli i 1 ih y i i il li ll nl h in i ul mr und mi it i nut il rni onto wi i w it m thwi mil mi lull ki of i kill i ki t mmiln uilh hn u k in ms siuiim il ml ii i m it il vulh ho tiiinl mi i iff nit aus ni wsit- 1 ui iii lioni r 111 i dlllkllllt ml- ctuihmm 111 llllllhvwiii i lull wfllv mi iimi mis w i itoss immd to loriuitii inst wl 1 in u ttlslmx nruiiii mini riicnil fol ion iiimi in i itt hui i f in dlorval nnrvil ount liiils i uill uitil ui uic lf pphmnmhiml a nix ntwkal itciu is lo in ill i t lie llieu nciimii ttumii- inlilitt vmii m el al llu liiinii ol mis kl till hllm oil llilirrlil ivi 4 a repent of the iiiim niton at 1m oiitn will ip ii ii ilsti a ki i pro gram afortlinl unilntion is i tdili i li til indus tin w a of si jlinlsiliiinli h i hii i llc on thin siiim afl nn on of k no 21h riinuienmig at i iiilixk tluu mill bt fnuc otk home made cool mi mid and also a tith ion f lifnli minis hfivfil i iniibnil j in i ted thanks l herili conij to the i itppa h of gioigitown m sun in thanks foi tbe honor they hint conferiui hi again 1 1 r liuj nn lo tin oflice of ree by ati liioiiilmn ah iu the past i shall lonlinui- lo do mj best in the interests of iln kilialit i liac ih linnoi lo reprphcnl siicirdy youth i dllwili ml immtr card of thanks -ui- okohiikidwn i nn shobllluk rql 1 standard anthracite scranton coal i in all sizes coal wood sih it lump for domestic f und 1 in i slung puipost u siinlliuig and caniinl coal in fil iiiui prjtbiug ui iil oiind in any up to dnli j co ihuiil wood yai d y john mcdonald phone 12 t georgetown announcement v wish lounuounpt thai wp ha iiioinpick inn of weslinghouse radiola wd l deforeslcrosley radio sets now in stock p me- ivlhii carrying an up to- date stock of radio naileries and fails etc wi will be pleased to demon stratp any of the aboto sets at loin home without any obligations lo bu ask us for a demonstialton jn oneill son georgetown oal xmas b under the auspices ol w a of st george s church will beheld in the parish hall on wednesday december 3rd your xmus wishes may be gratified at a moderate cost with santa claus moat useful up to date and attract- ivc gift the taney work table presents xmas novelties of all kinds and hand embroidered pillow cases buffet sets towels centre pieces bridge sets children s clothing flan- nelette garments woollen goods aprons and rag rugs horrie cooking of all kinds with our specialties home- made bread and candy the fish pond filled to th- brim will he ready for the children afternoon tea will be served till 5 pm supper served at 6 you are cordially invited to visit us wednesday afternoon x december 3rd for sale in town beautiful k room buck i10110 with all conenicnrps one lot nice 1 good garden pi up m2m lerma balance on mortgage tins property is worth f000 owner leaving town a number of beautiful hi n k houses nt low prices i roomed olta w ith it 1 lnc light anil tow n water inside hen ie and garage good garden ami fiuit trees price 11600 tprms nber of 1 bout liunilrnl and two hnnhed acr piiticulars anplj to e a benham real estate agent weekend candy specials we lmi just recpned another laige shipment til the ammn old stl liouu lind belli brown candle- and t llicmij tin coupon are koing tlipie wll ii tnemlter in man a boon hj christmas ilap win reicned iur lirst ouixin ipi bolps are don up in 12 1 mid 1 hi sips moir i ciesconl chocolates reg i or fur tjc our week end chocolates rei 10 a wc 2t assoru d salinelteh reg 40c nr 2c uotne made hn ho rock toftoe 2 ii we invite jop to come and look nvpr 0111 laigi stock of fancy boiea and christmas nopllips nu are weknme oranges banana mixed nuts and grspes sole agents for the famous hetty brown candies kosy korner kand y kl tchen f j peverson m i oim tht 1h one reason why salaba green tea is used more than any other brand is because the delicious flavor nevervwies try itt free sakrte 1 crlen tea upon kequest saiada montreal saturday treat neapolitan iudg is a rejil specuij 01 this week i trv it rpgiitur i0 i saturday treat 25c lb peanut bar taffy a wfltidiirnl aliii foi this weil just ft inn tntt and lots nr peanuts c 1 special 20c tb i weekend chocolates i this special needs no uitroiliktiun and wi stand by them for 4 i juality and frhhiiphs ami ir not latihlieii wih thiin ou can r tnm thpm anil haw mtr mom lofnntlid t j weekend special 32c lb wt ian and do rprp rpal lint tomato soup pork it beans 4 coftci koii 01 chninhilf m tad aluiost any little snai k 4 that we 1 1 o rapp print otangcs drapes and hm i t arthur norrington 4 le agent foi stnilei n chuckles 00c tb 4 4 main st phone 89 j rennies grocery t mb pnil pure lard lib pail shortening lilac k pepper per lb pi ones good sire 2 ib 10 ib t ran n luted sugar bran flakes 2 for molasttes 2 tins for not dates 2 lbs foi loniato soup 2 tins lor wil del1vkr d r rennie cash grocery phone 151 foe quick delivery house phone 273i 1924 taxes notice the 1924 tax notices having been sent oat the second instalment is due and payable on november 262 7 28 i will be at the new waterworks build ing on the above dates prepared to re ceive tdxes mccannah collector important to tax tayera bj law a which comes jnto force this year gies the collpptor no option in conn lion with penalty if lncs arejnot paid on dates indicated notice stop take notice that we will handle ioiir troublesome notes find ac counts nn a stru tly lomm ssion bams no colk etion no cbtrge we place hi years experience nt your disposal and uhumo all jour illection troubles send us 0ur list we will do the rest y no note or account is considered too tmnll too large too old or too jar awnj we will incklp nny honest debt kelly aiken collectors orangdmllh j m aiken m ref sterling rank of nnada owln sot nd jos i hell mgr 4 c nlc tor ibis week a ijptxldlb clarksons h ikgs iclln t ihs reainof win it i lbs seulless raisin 1 lbs prunes on n flakes a shredded wheal 2 pkftrrnn ftasps we are headquarters for celerp bananas head lettuce oranges grapefruit grapes alo a tnll ud of tobaoeo ciorm d cicaromo orderi prompt delnercd clarkson f altool flniiiic lilum nil 0 all wnul lhxk spoil lai mi m hm i0iois l idmal ud unlmii at til p mum silks nid ruiiki of itliuk and t olon 1 silks i mcssaliuc diidnss pulit jitru lnp di clinic llnbiiliu pop mi n 1 nil u ciiji f i iin 1 il lo t 0 ii d hosiery ladie silk llosiirv hiysn mike olors brown sand niind tm km muy lilm k and fthiu tl 00 to 2 110 llukpiniif bill hum bliu k nml olois 1 ikj tn 2 ho ijuiikm iisiitmii ii 1 arid fcl gloves ladies hisn silk fuw s s 00 to 1 10 lndii h suede olow s 7 it to si fid thursday bargain j3ay mcbeanco georgetown is your subscription paid 9 if not please forsters cash and carry store a full linh op choice fresh groceries provisions etc fruit in season beblnson bros and nellsons oneolates prononoccd the best by all who bave tried them swifts cocked bam and cored meals at right prices forsters corner john victoria sis georgetown the solution to your fuel worries nre are dollars lying about your farm in vrute wood which a toronto saw will ruddy bum into coal saving fuel its one of the beit money makers i know of and i can recommend it highly as a profitable solution of your fuel worms allsteel construction strongly braced built to last will operate best with a toronto engine built to run efficiently on gasoline or kerosene the toronto saw is only one of the many money making propost- boni in the toronto farm equipment line let s talk over the others when you re in town or wntc to me for literature w j alexander georgetown lorons grandys 2 b dales foi famy table fik pet lb lnri 1runrs pel lb 2 lb spcdlpss raihiti v xlrn pani nleiicia rnuuis per ib seeded or spi dless raixmtt per pkt imperial lelli ponihru s pukaps fni nu jellt psckiicps foi reason s coin stan h 2 for siher loss starch 2 tor luv 2 ror stai ammonia rlack bulklen black lndella red rose oran japan tea pet i coffee per lb 1 fn phone 75 1 a m grandy satislactloi gurantecd frompl deliver

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