Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 3, 1924, p. 1

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the georgetown herald f1ft hihti kkr of publication fteoretowti wednesday evening december 3rd 1924 tbe georgetown berald vmu mw cjhk tsmtkisu hjim kast mail uii r puenke pawenkcr sunday uoihc wktft lwurdr mail piurfeaeer iasaencer pasenficr ltstfenger mail rvsswnyr sumi ooihg koktii maul mail maul maul uoino aoirrii 7 lha 9iu 10 lua 11 loau 318pi 0 19 pm 5 42 ii 7x1 pm 1m lolba- ill pm 4 6a pun 6 18 ii 712 pm a16 iim 1003aro 800 m 11 s3 7 84 pm tthnys rktboum duly no- tl0iaai no 1 7 il am 4 lojhiuti 33 21 ara fi 1401 pun 5 lil am 8 2m pm 7 1si p in lo m pm 9 s si pm 131- gjh pjn 11 531 pn 11 hjolpja 13 7j1 p m 16 1004 pm is 921 pm 181801 ajn 17 1216 am train nc 1 ran 4 ruo daily eycept directory hilton wallbmdttc dale ch at own komhk bwioicr soschoi etc osboe hoi cc ho 9a lo 5 p uebcsdar ud salardat cvoimgi bunttcn soilouw ud cfrnwr toccm wd cukkxck h scents de t ml c r w rou ftjmal ssrcooa mj1 stre ct pfconc 22 ea hone satoa gmx hosfhtai ml c v wulums ptljcuil d sf f wa1mi bli au mds r l heath los dd ira c 1 jatbact clcrit t of esbesmg cferfcm lracoxt- tl liiifn fvc u4 lite insun ladies shmw uceluk uacouon nuk urn snsoik try as oar prices ax reasonable mrirsjillilieo jlinltn- 1 noted tor biblntrade maimed and superior enplo menl n ice enter any u me catalogue free fowl wanted i w pane lw bathe for u w a of knpoakrr abo brl pom let lfreeman phme mw thl stalwart heart notes and comments d brill co corner main milt sts georgetown 0 tobacco and confectionery store our everyday special our assortment of high clabb chocolates cant be beat at soo per lb your choice of any make of chocolate bars 6 for 25c h druks main st georgetown stoves whether you need a range or an oil heater we can supply you from our large stock be sure and see our cosy home quebec cook stoves and happy thought quebec heaters marvel quebec large size roller grates foil swing top 1900 r h thompson co georgetown creamery cream wanted by the georgetown creamery highest prices paid wool 1 wool wo want jour wool anil will in price for it cnll us up befoic scllint wool nijiel muket georgetown creamery co m saxe manager hydro electric system 60 watt lamps 4 for 1 oo guaranleed lamps ii unit v 10 uk w ill i urn l u khi unit nidi i i iuu nitu jhltthl xilm irons guaranteed 1 year 475 hydro irons guaranteed 5 years 575 orders inlcen for ranges nd appliances ol all bucks buy where you are assured only the finest of young beef and other meats georgetown phone 28w the quicker better method of stable cleaning with one of my toronto utter car- rien one man can dean your stable at fast at three in the old way do it too without the unpleat- antnest and must of the wheelbarrow method dump the manure into a pile where you want it or direct into the mantirimprcader when owntd the toronto litter carrier hat several tpecial feature i know wul appeal to you let me explain the advantages of itacham pull why it tumt on the smaoett radius itt unleakable bucket and others i have otber toronto stsblt equipment which will make far dcuer and hc t tic btmr profit ak as about it si wdl i ban nam batrmbot etcnton f n for uw ubo w j alexander georgetown pronto radiodeforest crosley dpporcsl the tather of rmlii in i iosle the inrfjerl maniifnctiirr rndio setw in llin world here me some prieep oirsl crosle fin lulie net reception up to 00 milei on lieail i luini- 19200 lulu iiiiiiliftei for loud monker opt ration on tlie alioe 12700 tin croslej tnrdeu fnrnialllnk result usiiiillj ohtninol with live in tip seln in boliil mnhoaanj ease lloofkt i ikhl lube riiper ijelroiljne lieepption on louil hrieaker saiooo prueti tin nol include tnbeh natterjh head phopch or uei i il kodel radiophones priren ailhin hie hjhlii of nil one tuhe set 14 00 tan i t7 00 thiee tube set 42 0o tom tul wtih71 tube- plionh lifttlenei and aerml elia a tv it lint tenet ploi lubes ind in fut erjtbink in radio in htnrk pome and dear set- operation speights radio and supply 1 quelph street aisclaitfnt tor 01 rant and star gars make canada dry farmers are urged a rpholujiiaivlo be submitted at llio annual meetinit of the united farmers of ontario to be held in toronto this month urgrs the im on men t itt linrd labor nf alt bootlehrtrs no less than nine niotiotih toiubinu tlie ontario tern liernnre net will lie submitted lit tho mcctinit tlie foreigner in tins eoune tion is blamed bj the movers uhonl lejje that 90 per ent of the wolii tionh are triieeable to him and ne duifjl it should uot be tuili a iple matter for him lo take out natural i yation paperd a longer portod of refudenec lietueenarnvil md the reeeiit ol the franrbise irt uhkostod irnui suidnlnih- mil swept bj tbt whiiiin ween 1iih anj touchi d ii ttu ineltable cjinl junn cum lioh of cnmubi an i jit o at the kti ol lift lookiuh i the future full of hope loot and thei rnu to jmn and fill join imiikinatloiih or glorioub pohsibilities in ilit kilb promtsea jou are initio un der the lirht or tin oid of oil in nn atmoxpheii of praih und illip chnrelies all about us oxamplew of cbrifltian iuiiik liefore join eja tmiklit to k lo mil h li on ho and hai n vex mi fin il watered bj all the 1mm striams thai rise in it mi uu up it nn tafu ground which plmos jou un der hi jh lenponsibililu h lo the 4nnd in which uiu dm ii miuh peiletl froiifiou to wlioni uch is kiven of them shall mm b ut reij uirod 011 havt n oodlj heritage what use me jou kouik ke of it how jihclmrm egponsilnlitipfi bj bemi and true and upright mprcssion it i hiatiludi for tin that mink pus in calls for the i of the niunufar ii and nale of in in the dominion lother mot total prolubitdc lire importntu tomcating lii uoi of canada urrpd to en fori e the ik l and the farmers sun is rebuked hecniise it accepted advertisement of the modern i tjearue tther hiibttstuins are to do awaj ii the doctor s si ounce bottle inuiimirale avjslem of temp eranci i diication in all niadei of public and iiibii schools une resolution urkcs an mcreas i dutj on imj iieiauhe american i iiiik to pa j onlj 2 a ton liereas anndian haj roinr to the i nitcd stales paytt 4 a ton approval m iven to a nroposed on kiholino c cents a sal ion inr iirnid and the niirretttion made that motor in ensc fees il be tut in two the rural i it is conlcndid bould not hc to paj tii e anm o fee a the urban dweller as ouink lo the iditions of thoeountrj roadi iftht i 3 hx u hn nine i tlm mills in the jca plana coitesl puzzle i those who are endeavoring to ivo the puilc contained in the nno coulbl advertisement in lb in paper inst ncek will find that loiisible to work out the fourth c flower nnht band square that the figures add in all wnjs to 4 thm is due to nn error in the eutfrnwuh of lin pnrrle and was mlj noticed lj the aihertixer iter the ndveitisement had been pu hi mbed tins paper is in nn wnj respons ihle for this error and is mcrolj n opernlinj with tlie canadian si ilink agents in p ililisbint tlm lion ho that lis reader wil sue of tin mistake the lower rifihllinnd aquari iliouhl be 1 ii die ilkiire i plac tlie falhe brave bald wo hie oin prisi line eemuui leti whohnwid down uu foiists bo cleared tin lut fnims and built tin first houses who orfun ed the first chinches who es tablished the lirst courts of law itnrtcd the lirst mdiistritb and euernllv laid the foundations of in present mil ami retinious lifi ins pioneti work hius carried nn lit n in nn iimslanoes of jieul privntiou and lonelim ss and want and heart breaking it produced hard n d i tlmi anil women but thev great men und women and in gravis desii ved to he honoi d tin miivi of these fntbeih an notbeis of un counlij do man if tin in win pomintut in hi aftaiis of tin lonutij in thei u and minj of tin m ait ante rah unily diskiaie mil n t i 1 loiii your dealinkh with jonr feowmen mentnrj of our i euirrffot our fru e but soodnetis comes not whnllj from outward spring from mat consent and the hi art must move and the whole man must obej you must take attion jour wives ail the rood i upbringing id all the christian culture jou have enjojed have been to reach end that jou present vuur a living sacriluc holj ac ceptablo to god which s jour reasonable rervice at the verj outret fjft clenr ideas of join nlntion to hrnu acl on your own reiponsibililj and accpt linn as jour pcronul then vou will tealuc the id blessedntss of peace with god it is faith that saves not ightj faith not rieat faith but fnitb a httlf faith will teieive a hole christ ui t aciuainted lh god thro igh the luidmf of hih word read i eveij da we hiive greut cm 6uragt ment foi thus in the first ialm oilsuoid health will keep us from drifting into all kinds or d lusions and snarir it will strtngtbeu jou lnlclleetuallj spirituallj and morally then we must o lie j the troth mover foiget this thnst thoaiilhor of eternal eulvat ion to all them that oh linn ijci thrifit be your ideal a gih thai is a complimeul in the oft jou reieive vou can sometimes see jourxclf as olhus and the view is not nl ajs flattering it may hi a in record or n gaudy tie or a book that vou would hate to have found auto bumped jou and jou iau l llj blame the giver knowing you well he oncludes that jon crave that sort of thinr on the ilher band his gift maj btle compliment a gift of tho coiupanion for instance it is n tribute to jour good taste to ii certain idealism he has pcrtenetl make up to the imp res sidu you give lhal life is rent and earnest and not merclj a gan ikittleo ou maj be sine jbody who thinks xlighhngl the gift l- w w roe insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 65 georgetown ignre 11 and 12 it and mure is replatin tbi ilgure 1 in now of thiserroi iliose re iwnaitik for the contest announce hat tnc corieil silution of the tirep hipiarik will be rim si dei ed hi itirnil solution or tin entire twie itttn lh lit tile clnkifig of iheitmli t iscvlended lo he cetnler 10th i2i anv who line misplhced lust week s copv inn j set ure il new ptoof of tin ndvei lisi mcnl fur 1 npphuil nl ibis lir stock jndclus self making life a uimc of kit 1 1 and verj httlt ik the t2 msues of 1125 will i crowded willi suial stones shoit stories editonals poelij facts and fun stihserihe now and n the onths companion i is such in 12 all the reu nimm ilksllob of 1i2i tin fllllt ullom home alendar for 1u liml onlv on reriueit all foi l 0 or include hi all mncnmi 1 in lit j ciiliij u ii ith tin it suit thai impr ts followd linn an r i or tin si siuitd spots n lie with stum s down b iluajcd and wet shnibs t mips milton iju 111 s mie of lions best known utilns md for manv s laretakei of the pontollm died inslsituiditv night from hit effects of a piriiljtit stroke doiciimil was in his 7th jtar was a number of st clan ikc no 11c a i and a 1 ah i launch conseivalivi hi was iv er of i veij kind of i ii mi upon nnj flowers time pisbeil liwnv at the hoi hci son in law n hjdu h bljlhe street munition batur day marj ii mnab i lecthani widow of john stt plictisnii of milton in ho a7 fid jeai dutas cd had been 1 a wt ii lnovvn and highlj esteemed i sidciil of milton ninny jeirs mid bit death is rued bv mum nlnlives mil a lnr i in i uf u mf inst i intbl uu tho both puoliiati the oulh i impnn nionwenllli ave a st boslon m i s ln oil li tock i be hi hi iilht roufc hams are the finfst that monfv can buy the oualitys fine the ae wright i butcher main st georgetown ptwock sbp im bonsfmsj it lowiimr le hih intl ih astienibliil at duninn c mpbell s moltnt net son in 10th und zoii assembled nl 1 t i meisnn s freeman trafiltar le 17th and lsth ah simbled nl i i kauris l mlreet i spiesinfe dec 1h and lglli asm nihil d at thns birds ieor rtcisistcietl am nals and rnsh jinres for the flnnl con lstn milton on dale lo be pl 1 masti cli irhn si rj mgi nnf at th owl supper and ion pri nl bet lie list he wns i ii receivid and heartilj encored i ever niuiilier la11 chrutms pajvel esrlj itemi in tic i thm tfiousnn in o ihei pnile are inailinf an tin siinl iiiimber c f letters and pai i urn at this season and if thej nil pili up togelhei the few dns it is impossible lo handled ami i in nils kiki mn 1 iii he dikitppointed nenlal points nn 1 s friends get join lni ing before the t n s lesliulu s i ovfr parcels shonld in all n be record j n k il n as in p sejvf tlie iinlents fi ins- damace it is if rnusnk write the wm is don t i ntil buslmis nn inck farm sold after ih yois mt luii firm at church huh vi si it hd bj tin 11 m inn fuulv to i n 1 1 1 iboul 10 i ars i 1 out of the fiinnlv i ti so i uceillj bj mi m inn thi present occu vi hi uk of i oi onto foi ibis inn ws tlu ik nl i ilu milluti iiiini j tini cu idn ml is i landmark in the m i tion cbril with negllcenoe ho llarkisc of slteelsvtlle iii ued hefoie magislrnli hubeil 1 iwfoid in the polui ml til biinit in latt iridaj on hnigi of wilful ncklienie whili vim n u dieted to be liied a jui nnl was idtased on itll hull hi n i- it i arnse from di nth of robeit widdill who was one of i nun win we wlndi wnssii br ilaikis- i ymen sir t s u export mild wnnll l itt full nl d small i uihi i pill on 1 in 11 i 0 in nl rev thm ma- the nldesi methodist r ortano passed av av at i h homi uplfih on snndav ink abruf illnesn the 1 h maaon was in his 95tli jeir

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