Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 3, 1924, p. 3

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thk ifnm kjown tilruli dll sealed in aluminum packetfc salada t xi l hmo 1s always pure and fresh so delicious try it today nslup nominations mnn day dec 2th how about a community christmas tice this year general sossious and cotmly court will open at milton net tuesday the regular monthly meeting or town council will bo belt on friday night r wemyss has boi ured the booth privileges at the arena for the coming season j l clnck it son whipped four oars of stock on tuesday from georgetown station the arena in being flooded and if the weather keeps favorable there wilt be skating id a feu days if you bavo not jet done ho ou are requested to pay lour taxea this month and savo an nd ditional g per cent the last regular meeting of escjuesmg township council for the y ear will be bold on monday dec loth nt 10 oclock a m waterloo school chustmaa entertainment will bo bold on wednesday dec 17th every body mited to be present do your mas shopping bore our stock ib the very latest a small dopont will secure nuy article till vmab day floyd s will the party who toolc an umbrella from the arena by nua take the night of the 0 ran semen e dance please leave htirac at tbe uoratci office oor hockey teams are bound to bo in shape tbia reason dur ing the past week they bavo been practising on the pond at die credit and at g ion williams boots of all kinds jnat in a largo stock of childrens txxite no thing ovei j alrto hockey boots and rubbers repairing for every body the lowest prices in ontar io j roney 2tp will all rebekahb who wish to contribute jars of fruit for the barrel to be sont to the oddfollows homo please leave same at mibs delia thompsons n g guclph st by wednesday doc 10th john mnlntyre lot 6 4th line krm will hold an extensive clear mg auction sale of farm block implements grain and bay an wednesday dec 10th at 1 o clock terms 12- months ii j korr auctioneer it i have a car of coarse bait coming in put up in 100 lb bags wbicb i will soil at lit per ton cosh off the car or per half ton in hundred ib lots hgc per iwl w c bcbsey phone 191 georgetown we thank our surucribers who have remitted their subscription during tbe past month there are others from whom would appreciate a remittance and would again auk all those in arrears to kindly remit the reading club will hold its opening meet n iff at thn home of mrs matthew on satnrdny nevt at 8 oclock all memherfc and c members are especially requeued to be iireent m costume hn ijuire of picsident or members the 8t georges players had an enthusiastic reception nt tlii town hall acton on monday even in when the played what hap pened to jones to a cnpncitj audience the piano solos bj jack cnchlon were ninth apprec in ted misses adamjlclomog mil wile is still on good duality felt but 1 40 velvet hats range from 1 05 lou05 colored velvets reguli 2 75 for quick sale 1 per yard feathers included jo lliis bargain offer ribbons 6c to 26cy ril come and get a bargain up j tfflason and riseh factory ti ranch guelpb offer upright pianos aelow as17i ctauliful- new uprights regular 410 it jsfio phooographs superior floi models 78 the greatest vnhn known do ring tboir anniversary sale pirty years in the music business ask us for list of extra ordinary values that can be had or payments as inn as 10 sh nu 11 monthly mail a caid today ranging from 1 ie sj the gift bhoj the acton iodl will hold l years dance in the acton town hall on thursday jan ihl the hockey season hasamved already the fans are telling our teams sue going lo vun fresh b i salmon and all kindti of smoked lish at the cast end meat market t w faimth from now on for a few iths there will be little conges tion of parked cart to bother any boey heated garage space reason bio rental space for a limited number of cars only j n 0 neill a boo in rage so mo of our local radio fans report hearing voices and music fiom france and lngland dining tho past week horses on thn htreeu will i lecjuire skates with yvhioh to igate their wny our the hmooth pavement at last week s session of duf 1 comity council the was r snd 25 per inalt st alhans church social at glenwilhams tomorrow evening dec 1 tli good program and re frcahniuittn admission stu tbe hand serenaded the mayor reeve and electc 1 councillors on monday evening thoy were right royally reroived nt the homes of all don t forgel the big cqneert at victoria public school s s no 12 whaley a corners on monday december 15th ltai f v qilton teac her the second and third degree ii be evomphllcd at orion lodge i oof on monday evening all brothers are requested to he pros ont refreshments now is the time that ihrist is approaching to hate a radio set installed ask speight s radio id supply luelph st george town for a free demonstration 1 no lfl rboiiefmk will hold their aonctj concert on the evening of december lhlb pm gramme given by pupils and young people of the community keep date open what would make n more suitable mas presentthan a ladio we have a complete line of wslinghonse deforest croslej and kinn hinncr neutrodyne sets ask for a demonstration i n o neill son see our novelties in chiiat bandken hiefs in boos also spanish lace scaifs nt remark nbly lowpncih we re ruoning he lemninder of our felt and c et hats nt hnu price misses ilaridgi herald rnck i ptans fire enrly sntnrdny mniinng ompletd dehtrnied the grist saw and pinning mills at c dm ihe oldett unllw m ork they eie imnisl by 11 m reesorill in nl minkhnm had been openited by iliw family for nenrl a iciilun another radio from santa uaus dear children i am nn- on my way to wpiumf store oenije- lonn got i hnsi d with a pm i nt ndef atay from them bill rufim one the reindeer fell and twisled i leg it nns a little sore lor two three days but is alright ngai expect to reach georgetown eu od night jlaua startd rira tuesday morning lire stnrted n tbe sunroom of mrs warner bouso in esqitcking liiwnshi caused h a mouse matches nni a celluloid comb setting lire to lin bedding nnd mntlrrs with the asmrttnrrf nf neiuhbors the hum mg mate nal was tiircosfiill thrown out of tbe window il m lnrl all of milon tin will hi held lotucirrow n cifneterj milton thirteenth at chicago o a c jndgiiif leni seiond n tin li iudjing competition in aiui the cbiuiho wintii 1ai list yeai dropped to thiiteinlli phui nnlest on latuidaj llir im nebiasu ainc nlminil college wce awarded the tioplij th i 2v poinu al be ita aiieitltural colli m line elecnth with udl points ami lie o a c inuti thirteiihh uith i iik bank offiolaja sentancnd tho two home dank ilncctora charles a barnard ami clarence f smith hoth of montreal on icted of chargtw iiudei the cai a lan banking act arising out of the lome hank failure in l12i weic ncn terms in the outaiio lie formatory h judge toatsworth inrcl sets 1h months and smith c months sid ney ii jones who was the imnk iditoi was gutn i mnntlifl and nlence on ocean g smith tic untant was sutiended by a dccihion just iiniiounecd h jildso justin tbomns i liohinsnn inspector loses his aftioti against the township of aledon le going oer a bridge n hoi re propeitj of robinson went through the flooring and had to be destroyed hence tin nttion foi 120 lite li party is to pay ls n costs delaj in cntcrmi lie n is the cause of the lust suit li mckeown kl m pp a jwarod for plainhtf and w i morph for the defendant where popple grow bulletin n pu tonal pupoi published in glasgok scotland in ta poppy day ishiic euntniiis n pbotogmph of die urine nf lieul ol john met rae in imtrui cemetery frame the tosh at ihe bend of tbe giavc wat decoial poppy daj with wrmuis of poppies and wound with 0ick made of poppies cntlerni nth is ption irne of lt- ol john m rae author or in thn ders fields which was tin origin f poppy united fur men anniuj convention the annual convention of ihe ufo will be held dining ihe week ending deci mhi i 20tli massey hall toronto will hi the venue of the miiin lonvenhnti the united id the i nited im pie will hold bprcinl mhi foresters ilrlll i pc ii eel monday deccmln at the i fo bmldini llll street toronto on 1 ued tie held the anntinl meeluii t rtited jarmelt coopi rali pnoj lmili il in mnnei ii rt will ommiice weil morninfr deeemlier 17lh bei thtn wednsda ii i i i hiilmndn omedy dn icaliice jni phijing n donll i ait clinplir unl until o tin range comedy 1 mrliss 1 ol fridnj dec i hi nrl frnn the novel by rolhn m lav vvul an all star cast coin lllm i oxtords fo news siiunng dc h iuli i i nird hutlu i idy for hqlit oi dnvs of olivt iii blade frolic well ilmiti li omedv id coininj they ccmhl nut by n vonl nod n anniversary sen clmrrli on undsy dei ilev i v liiunnn fads about optometry by dr c c floyd optometrist georgetown pjione 276 no 8 of the series main st iu nine are the public actual nei d uf optometry lint pircentnge of tbe people 1 he better from a health anil eoiy standpoint for seeming nd of optometi lint iinitesirnhle results usual ly follov the possession of n error of vision what percentage f school child ten mn id be bette for a i opto inctricn examination and beeom mg cin ijiid with g asses hat kfefeta of vision are the most c mm on mill how c an the public i inst leiulih he brought lo a re all lion of thei need f glass til car ami ntbei a ihiects will be dlbciism 1 111 futuie ai title tol low the ncaiofully to be c ontinued next wid nesdm campanas italian balm week llundieds of druggist- are makjng ii spicml elmpliij ofcampanas itnl imi balm tins week m has a lar ge r sale than any otliei toilet spec laity of its kind because it is a wondeiful preventative of red tough sfkin i happed hands 01 cracked lips lay in a qood supply for the cold weather no sbovelltnc reqnlrd standard ap4thracite 1 scranton coal in all sizes coal wood select lump for domestic z and threshing purposes simtlnni and caiujel coal in fnctlearrj ererything to lie found in nnv up to date coal and wood yatd 1 john mcdonald f l puonb ib i t georgetowrn announcement wish toannonnr that we have a complete nne or weslinghouse radiola vn deforeslcrosley radio sets now in stock saturday treat cocoa rock a liinntitiih vetj tahty th coooannt ip good 23c ib t saturday treat butterscotch hcul hnltesmldi tulh i14 likc riotln r mukos nnl so lllphl urn special 20c ib weekend chocolates at this price i htt ci weekend special j i value for the price e guarantee them ell ecjmupod now to serve you a i try our oyster stews we alsi we invite yoifto look ovcjxoor 32c ib ice light lunch have fresh oy 7 mas stock our f nl th orangls grapks and grape fruit- i arthur norringtonl sole agent foi smiles n chuckles clc ih phone 89 i rennies grocery 10 lbs bncar coffee grcjund daily porjb magic baking powdet lb wash boards pnch valencia raisins ib r room a fi string heese per lb ammonia powder 1 for old dutch 2fot peailine t foi d r rennie cash grocery phone 151 for quick delivery house phone 273i gdol weekend candy specials t package goods novpti and icci ranging from sc up come is romplrli- a nmml drpiwil u ilcurcg li for s ren 4k for y sole agents for the famous betty blown candies kos y corner kand y kitchen stop take notice that we will handle your troublesome notes and ac counts on a strictly t omm ssion basis no collection no charfte we place 14 vears experience at our disposal and assume nil youi nllection troubles send us your list we will do the rest no note or account is considered too smnll too large loo old oi too far nwaj we will tackle anvjujbest debt kelly aiken collectors 0ra nor villi m aiken mgr itef sterling bank of canada owen soi nd j kelly mrt w- k lol at ii o clock and iii v lewelt tiaralcnr the vniimei vtienl 7bo on mondnv ereniip dec hfh acinent will he hi id in the chnnli when n itrst elsss prn gram will be jitiviii bv the mali odist church clion eoneton nnd miss kathleen hpnrrow elo cutionist of ornnlo a pupil of oflen smiiev ifielinti nl- nl lose of piogmim vlnitssmn 1 and 20c i slock nt hjkiio t etc vc will be plcnued to demon it i in of the above set- al r home without nnj ohlignlinn ask for a del alio jn oneill son georgetown ont specials lor this week at clarksons xmas baking h lbs pustiv 1 loin 7 hi imi pastry flour lb pail rose lirnnd laid finest salencin itaims per i mest sjnmi lnjei figs pei shelled almonds v 1h shelled walnuts pi r ih piking molasses i tms for icing siikar2 ihs foi civernment extras no i eg almond paste a plg liheitv chemes in hen si p a bottle trnpef pain oianijes mis nuts celery hot rouse tomatoes orders promptlv delivered pticivf fifl m clarkson myl i yw2 il m m holeproof ffasieizf why holeproof hosiery vis a really sensible gift wii heenusc it i- in milirul ilseful and not too i vpuisivc 11 w uwi anil holepteiof ii siei s s ceiallv h e mtcd sou do not have to vi rn ilmiit hi shade hum nle hole oof li lit is ivheie incinndi thi v wll hlaitlj i exchange s if tu k sir ii holeproof hijstn is si t mil w luivi lfukpril i ik 11 l ik md mi 100 1160 l 7 sjoo porpal liispnul j ii ki mcbeanco georgetown lliability utt never fails me is the a greatest tribute you can pay to your car it is a tribute earned by every chevrolet an unquestionable dependability under all circum stances and a happy faculty of avoiding the repair shop make chevrolet a car to be trusted as any chevrolet owner will testify the reason for chevrolet re liability is that chevrolet is a standard fullyequipped car a product of general motors and the result of a sybtem of con stant refinement and lmprove- if you want a trustworthy car that is not an tipensive car we can be of assistance s v king georgetown ookmg fit he sieeetless llaisins i lbs uleneia raisins per ib mi veil cut peel lib pkgs choue 1 nglish oiuoue and i choice rnijisii citron peil cr dates 2 lbs soedcel and seedless itusn- i fancj lecieuned cutianlx 1 1 i ii nasnnth almond pisie i ih i ahrnsaimonil pni p ku 4 sultm smjr olnce che belloel ajn moore roft i hu- s e i w phone 75 sattsladiod goaraqlri 1 s m grandy xmas suggestions a m grandv prompt delivery

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