Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 3, 1924, p. 4

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uahy has tini io bchool international dogsled derby for february i i n i i ui i in 1 i w h nlkn ii i iii i liiith ulll lili il in a v in b iilllt i i film filiii si i 1 u- 311 kilj 1 ii nlni mill i a 1 iliu i 11 if millimi i ii hm ul i i if il lontliiihm np oik gli r limehouse ml mis ii miiislm i d1 hi mil 1 11 1 in toronto om similar silionl intiiliim jojd bj nil 4 couiaarolal failure iherc mri i idiiniitiuiil fail mis in tin dominion ilm in the wk twlnl no llnt toinhiieil with 7j 01 liidioriisiiondiiik week or 1iblhi mhi- dmi rciioil lo diij loir nr llns weik failures 2d win iiportotl l queboi ro inn ontario 12 sisk il iipihi nnil hntili olumbiii 1 b hinahvurl i atid 1 inch in mhiii tnliii alt ilit mid inihh scotin ctiinkpmllo chit t or police luia i in ntd ni tn ihp town about 1000 in linen iiinic iiih tinnoint uk lit in luix liint ilitbbpr booth lepnired bi it m procibs wo hnve notbiiir to nc iimj but ninrio jou moro foi lourhftid enmnd monej thi iinj hiiop at ore in ontario shoe jiolmh i in 1 10c tnn benut 10c 4 pidin kallier ineer 2fic 6 pairs i uttpn tan 01 hlnok lncen 10e iu pairing- women a boots half soles nnil rulibi r bids maiio to look like nen 1 1 liie now nil aires of uip lines iimliion folou and rjb ijir lieu boots tluit trionoi enn huj for men tind women made hnenial nnil otlifi booth lit nil puces i1011 in bill splendid boots at from 2 fio to 1 id uepairmr while nn wiut 11 l ronej tin- man that dt iim in nothing elfce bul boots hiuks and lintlm n oerhend pn to woirj 011 tin job hip used pens per can lurlj lime pia lomntnih icr enn holbiouks iihlard 1 lb j ii pmwlci in runt nappiih 2 fur hill inl rs i foi oifint 1m i ilish itienkfit tin lb pin hum n v llnu oioknik piks hri nuls tiictiiel soiiiini nuplhii boap j for fmeh soup cbipffpt 1 lb ciiatili hoapli for iluntol piilimihio oipo urn on infant- dtli sortp foi bread and baked goods llic rifcht fonntila foi making ood hill ad good flour d h mil i ilhi pn h snll nood ilrend our in pud in uijit bpphuhp it ifi uiiidi of thi 1 iwlil iimti rmlh and in tliptimit it i lb hot bund hint ran he baked trj hnr iii tilth himnil mark clark bakery and groceries ltbgav requires an automobile owner to be licensed satetv rcquirci that he be fully in u red against fire thtft col usion property damage apohty m the hom ihsuramct cohramv buy k fnm elmer c thompson insoraiice service georgetown dominion stvlulo limited canadas largest retail orocehs look first on the counters you wilt alwayi find cogntcr til ym priced but these c look thcie first ion crai 1 rlhle 1 bryjtrtit aotli ml huky icajrt ire i in a huiac to i ho lily or quebec ona reads that anion othtr ihlnrs quebec celebrnlid fur hi home races which for more than a century wire or linizcd and kept golni by the wealthy oldccrs of uin british crack regiments blnliontd there on sarrtaon duty and that the organization or the quebec turf dub dates bnck to 17s9 homo racing iu still a boo- konnl nllnctlon to tlic ancient nty the ial mett lirlnkh hories und melnt enthusiasts from practically nil oir he eonllnint and has done for jears but the nalhc quebecir h inclintd to inthuse more over the iroltlnk roeca hat take place when the snow is packed hard on the conrhi then there uro horses hj knows unil renlly belonr lo him horses from wiy hck perhaps one has only to attend a trolling meet tn quebec to know just how much or the true sporting spirit is inherent in the french f anadlao it is nol aln ays tho one who has placed most money that is tho most ocl- terous as ihc trotting hurb near tho post rflclnj is in their blood they excitedly shout taclr faiourltcs name and wave their arms for its encouragement and if it wins all right if not all rljrht its a darn iood horse anyway f il is perhaps tho enthusiasm for the race ihown by the people ot quebec that is responsible for the ron ttnuance of the eastern international dos bled derby htld annually in ibnl city the derhy ti niipporti 1 by winter sportsmen from nil 01 1 hit ldntlnliil and mirks are made from all pirla of ttii cuntlnlot upon which snow fullm lo slay for ii11 siiou but hithoul the aiippurt ofthe eoiln- of quebii lie nl oul i not in ihe krcit buccuhb it is on uio thnl ilnji for which the derby li scheiluled eermiu alio 1 m di clnrei a holldnj and els an rlosc lo lb slir eri sunil as ih poinlblo for the trowd indvinn uil 1jlb enmc pnntink borne it li nol so much the lsilor it thi hntcaii tib ii li jem baptiste of quebec who liners tbi m in this seasons eastern intermllonal dol sled drrby has beca definitely scheduled lo tike place icbruarj 19 20 and 21 bl as in former years the distance lo b covered will be 120 miles at the nte of i0 milen mort or less each dav fcjirl brires wlnnir of list years dirby with the ontario paper compinys team will defend his honors in the fice of much competition an american leam won the rold irophj in 192 and ii is expected that several teams will tr to regiin it for the inllcd slates possibly flftein or more tonns will try lo keep it from going irnm the imrder in eluding one or fire alaskan husklei which is hr-ln- entered by two icglll btudcnu thk li headed b dan jo which led three teams to ilitory la three swespslakes tn tho yukon district lst year yon are on lifes checker board watch your next move the surest ronte from your present position to sun pss is ia athottoogh training at guclph business college 2 complete equipment 1 lluuiic rpmtmrd lnilnrlri 4 sp loctn j btudmtsaro now enrollinf for j no 11 ari term rortutor todsy by mail plioug n ollice call phone hggw 6uelph business college o am bar bldj gnolph a l b0uch priadpal and proprietor fire insurance j w kennedy gwrgdowo ariit ot some of the stronrit eom re you protected for sale mortgage jn town hcniitifiil h room buck hoiiip with all rnnonu ikp lawn koodhfiwon price 4250 terms 500 downbiliin this propertj is worth 6 000 onmr leannr tnwn a number of beautiful brick bouses 11l low rc 5 roomed cottage uith electric lixlit and tonn nut lioiihc ami garage good pardon and fimt tins irm 8 nrranfiod to suit piinhnher aiho ii iininbpi of rhoue one huniliid unil lvo for particulars ajili lo e a benham real estate agent phono 164 dsl baking pourdei lb tin lf cholae sooltoyo salmon 35o jk itto viotory sweut jhlxoj pioltlos iu bulk 45o quart flour treat polluted water 2 so1 pkls callforhia suiu os seedless raisins 25c mincemeat it is f de1jc10us for your pies jj 29c no 3 pail pure lard 55c t0 p peanut butter 24c p biscuits s ib 33c alt oakville brand orange f 4 gt marmalade 9c choice meaty prunes medium 2 size lb 25c dominion stores iu co valenc gs31bs2sc n rux citron 59c lb shelled r walnuts 49 n urce assortment l c candies soib acake21 fine new cheese 25 km corn 19c 1nterlake o toilet paper c r1teg00d on j ti en maltajhops hioh iatlnt kings choice bi hour national whole wheat si ii mill j ask your dealer apple barrels iok sall wheat wanted j iiiuhlt prill paift chopping and oal kolling wbbrowneco 1 norval flpur mills norval aii soap 10 bars 63c is your subscription paid 9 if not ple4se champion swine breeders of western canada ford garage in georgetown our sales and service station is now open for business and a first class me chanic will give prompt and eff icent service tires gas oils and all ford assessories always on band h a coxe aim it 1 the aln of thi ohool to prepare joaae people far bailuout to irivethem tralninc iu do mm e rctl avkln thnt will bs of direct bone hi lint of work thy my four courses of study i ui hi r- i riininj imlivulunl mtruitiin brampton business inslllule anikrson iii hk liramptun ont coal beat d l w scranton coal in all sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j watkins noial sntion phone fiiri- issienliic ii b boiiinjt or by j addfig a diinfectaat i h- hjptxlilqrllr how li ukr mil j pplj m nlf troubles bproul- 1 uhmt lnjur1 for hrti wbou u krml sllmftr when wills tiatt becoiui polluttj frum iiinfjltur m ipbki r dntltau tie caun should bp round sad r tt o thai lli troll bit nliould not flu wud r ho polluted should be rlirlliird bftorc bflni used tor drinking pur poms stcriliiatlou may b uccoinpliahed ilttiir by uollldk he vmlcr or by uil addition or a ull utile dlilnfrclnt tht dlaluffctkdt moat suitable cor tlilx purpose u a li puctiiuriti solution slock hypmtfilnrlh- for h puri fication flila fiydochlorill a6lulluu may b tinjiared untl appllid uh follows 1 mu om half pound of chlorldi i f linn jj per ri til available rhlurlne with on pint of water 2 add nutlkient wntir to makl i mujuji 3 ulhmilve 13 minus or ul soda we are in earnest about being careful and speedy upon those cardinal pnn- t ciples we build business georgetown ont phone i i7iw f nsnyder cartage and distance hauling- the six boys in the photojjraph weje winnmr team n the boys ind giru swine cluh repetitions in western cnntdn thu is n distinction in itelf thr club number 30 and kave membership of more than 500 caeh pnir of boys represents one of the three praine pro ince following the provincial competitions in western cnnndn they were brought to toronto the canadian nnttonnl rnilwayi to compete nt the royni winter affncniturtl show for a cup ik of the croup mr robb it of the canadian national rail emcnt in developing wine hus mown in the photograph were won by erwingoldhams meat market ing the provincial competitio nntinnnl rnilvtrtyi to con ind mrdals donated by mr w d robb who is vice president in clintsc of coloniznl ways presented the cup for innunl competi bnndry m western canada the cup and the two boys on sr left ind develops spbicial pbices fob saturday round steak roasts 17o lb sirloin roatts i7c lb porter house roasts 20c point roasts 16c lb briscult boil 7c lb choice shoulder roasts 12c lb rump roatita 14o lb i get your poultry here tho i the picture i left to n allxrt jone and pelrr wyl verreville al alc ue ngni nwn jonefl and r eirr wyne verrviue rti bcrta fverctt lunan st lorn ssltatchcwan w d robb vcrprident canadian natjonal railway r neefs st louis saskatchewan fraser mcquame and nelson shoemaker j rand view manitoba t quick delivery main street georgetown guaranteed phone no 1 coal best anthracite coal always on hand nat and stove coal small egg coal large sized pea coal delivered to any part of the town also coke phone iso f rogers co georgetown imcler of thin stock i r hat jlu ply rj 1131 fill n or an lire to makt mix idea two lolutloas rn 1 or crock and allow thi ui hid lo hi tli over night c lour off tin liar liquid from ulilte milliiienl into u jus and ull i boidia will htoppend and keep l in u dark placi this stock i irhlorll v i tontaln approil ild tin iqulvulinl of 3 pi r cuit dllurldi of iiiii or 1 per teat of ii b used fur drinking purposes atur tuiilttf allow to ntuud for hull ail liour before um i be kolutloii mi b addid iu nmall qumitltles to water ufur it haa bein druwti from ih mil or in qu unlit of walei in thi will or clntira may be i stlnintcd and the necessary atubunt of tin solution poured direct into on will und xllrred in kurm wi ii wstirs in onlurlo sua ctid of beldk pollulid will bi tixt d upon upplfcalion tu tin liutltrl nlfjtlcal laboratory ontario vrcul lural lollebi prof 1jjuiiih o a no pvotitunn r too little in ilk sour dlrly f n d dlrly pma diet from lit at or bud feidlm loo much so drinking ute from the fsclorj it ih u kojd pracilce to li ave thi calf with its dam for the i rat two or uirei dayn evm though it t plauned u rar tin calr b hand autumn born lulti s uailsll cucjpi dlriailon roubl due to cold wen ibtr buni an aid in privtnllns the sourlnt of food la adjoin in i thi stblu is if thi boriia an nol dialrtd treat tllli muhtlc polaati before the calf more than len days old dept of ii fusion oal outlpli n hcm sproutoil tlefore harreat la injureil for seed wlntir whiat jh less valuable tor and purpoma if it becomes sprouted bifon ii is harvtsud biperloienla win conducted in the meld hus baadry dcparliiienl at the ontario arrkullural college in which dlffbr ml varieties of winter wbtut whkb bad bitu mo rt or less sprouted in thr lie ida win liiltd for gtruiina lion tht cumpirutlvl injuries uua id by apruullni bifore harvest is la dicatcd b the following aventm percentajjei of the gernilnallon of the threshed wheat sklu over gi no un brokm 94 skin ovir jenu broken te sprouts onequarter inch long 30 and sprouts one lnili lont is the aprouted seed not only rave low er irmlaatlon but thi plants pro- ducid wen untvin in growth this information may prove very valuabli lu souic aetclons of ontario whtre rains have been frequent at the lime of winter wheat harvest this autumn uept of extension o a c guilph when to teed silage tbi dim lo tied sllm ii directly afti r tallklne or several hours be fore mil kin b if fed immediately bi fore milking the sllute odors may pasn thruufih the cow s body into tb milk ilenldea ihe milk may receive nonti ulnts di recti j from the alable air on the othsr band it feeding p doi subsequent to milking the volamli silage odora will have been thrown off before the next milking lombacfna orcbanl teats in w inter when the orchards have been cleared of upplfee there la time to go through the nearby wood and bedgea and cut ibe wild c berry trees and bushes which are the bivouacs of the tent caterpillars that raid the or chards la the spring it is a good time lo inspect the trees for borers and to put down mice and rabbit uards al the same operation tram pie the crass flat at thd tree base to allow a close inspectloq for sawdust from the borer a operations anrf then adjunt tlie wire nr paper guard to be la place when snow conies d ihe surrogate court ol ibe cooily ol halten intbamkttbr oftka eatata of elual iubc mill ut of tka towb- blp ofeaqaalhglb ul coaatj of hajtun widow dawuad ibe ud h ke dny of july 192 nl ihe tohtoii q rviic me prquiir i ti end by tlptvailnr ni ihr eilale of if hnkthn a mill onorheforrl lvol iv embrr 10m ihr r nam

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