Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 17, 1924, p. 3

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i hp lfllt pidws iii i1m 1 christmas shoppers personals rforval i he tlunrful f itevohe 11 n hi 1 aiilet artiilc mlf sipi lllll ulllol kliiiih f s i whliglit j mid hi minimis ul hand iw olfgailie id j matthew i statiomhl vi aiasaqbtssisb local news items tin sleighx mo running one week till clnihlinns township noniiiiatioiii ih done j our cbrntiiiiik hhnp pihk jet community t dilutions tree next wednesday night picsbyterian sunday si tiool entertainment this fyidav evening at tio mi hoes adams art cloni jua the balance of their hats lion i ijuality at 2 bo ltp norval public schopl annual conoert arid chimtmvi tree will bo held on friday doc 19th at the herald has rtrened haoil noma 192g calendars from w t evans b v king and the mutual life of canada at the 1iucbre club matcli nt tbe town ball lout evening the town team defeated tbe cnr ijiim by 110 points warden barber of acton is entertaining tbe members ofcoun ty counoil and friends to dmnci ul tbe miltqd inn this evunmg we wish all customers a very morry chmtmaa and ti happy now year j rooey the people s family ahoe man main st george tow n 2tp the rebokabs wilt bold a eu chre and dance id tbe arena on friday evening december 2gtb admismon 50e everybody wel come all ladies interested in hockey aio requested to meet at tbe arena to night at h o clock tor the pur pose of re organizing the ladies hookey club a lady ohoppor in town last monday told the herald that georgetown merchant badxcopt innally choice christmas goods at reasonable prices two georgetown citizens were pen all red last week one for a peed ing and tbe other for driving with only ooa head light it cost thorn c and 2 respectively an omission in the report of tbe golf presentations lost week was mrs 0 t moka was the runnerup in tbe ladies coinpeti turn and also received a prire santa clans arrived all right last saturday afternoon and there were hundreds of delighted child ren to meet bim be dont look any older than he did fifty years ago goloshes for mon women and children what could you more useful a complete line in stock of tbe newest style that arc sure to please get yours early i j fox georgetown a new sedan occupied by two travelling nalebmon from to i onto waa little damaged neither were the men hurt when the car plung ed go feet down the mountain side below speyeide last week uhia ib georgetowns year for the wardenship and we bodpeak for reeve- molntyro that courtesy at the hands or the members of y county coqdoii that has been ejtjj tended to other municipalities i2j the past flowering and decorative plants for christmas begonias oideraiias chinese primrose free a i a geranium nnrcisaos 0 alia asparagus feraa palms ran neveria and other plants c w papst cbarleb st it it might have proved a very serious mistake allowing the amies j at tbe ball to be filled on the cation of the concort last friday evening bad an alarm of fire been turned in we wonder what tbo consequences would have been the ladies of georgetown nrc invited to a demonstration at a m g randy s all this week given hv mibr allaway representative for c w sillettcoa mafiie rak mg ponder etc at 8 orlock enih day n practical demonstration will be given tbe orangemen dance bold at stewarttown recently am of the roost pleasant events held in that section for some time campbells orehebtra supplied the music and fred morrison was master oc ceremonies a bounh fl supply of delicious refreshments were served and everybody hnd a good time auctioneer kerr con dueled 2 ery suooesflful farm sales inst week one for john mdhtyre t where everylhiog wedt at top not prip a th bur nale of clayton beswick fresh cows ranged in price from 100 to 120 the herd made an average of n sheep brought 85 each cats brought 6fi c a bushel at boll coni charlt- si i nt mritiil ill i mis a hark ivimhk i town ami vuintty lt- miie iviirhiui of tmonu ivisiled will mr anj-wr- jlirunl limi a the rtl mr nd mrs el 1 ln n j t i onto vi gu- ol mr anl mrn lanv ptifd vik rl j mrx j a w iiiuklih ol tmnn lo u i- it viilir in inin irlir jy mr tsi hrou ul ctiua hmiit a fen iis tliitiii llit- rrt 1 ll- bum ul in- fllifr mf w hrnoli rc4uuil robentktfoa t v n cutni al iheii biht rititilnr meeting mif hi deimuboi lotb tln ladieiar knot derwrnl hikii wl did honor lo the her dm ilior or thtnr late belnve1 rhim r ro k f ciimcron b pre n an jerboa ul ail ntmg mr i mneron with h witrjrr john iillje ol uilttin iriud wm in aleniurinni i m to on thiirlj h mcnu made the herald aphanl pnblio sobool xu eaurtjtlaaai lulnl hilli lanl i pupils of the georgelovo public school ill give their an il christmas entertainment in assembly room of the ttohool frida afternoon dec 19lb at i clock sharp a siucr oollec tmn will be taken the proewdi to go to chant workor in kllud u buh horold ruteribhikb while work mg for sam page at uoraicg i mills chopping down trees was struct by a bent limb ancltastant i killed ho vi as a son of mr sam ruterhaugh and loaves two brothers and one stater the funeral was held today to the cemeter at homing t mills enter law t t komi presbyterian sunday school entertainment and christ ian tree wtll be held on toeijaj evening dec 23rd a splendid program will be provided consmt- of chnruses reciutions and dialogues by tbe children e loca tion vocal and instrumental music by local talent tea senedjrom 7 to 8 a 2 and 15c children of tbe school free prombtatloa t fwtr r rossington hare wbo has succossfolly served the united church in dcnzil sak dunng summer jdh fall left for bi9 borne in the east on tnesdaj just before mr ilnrcs departure number of fnends gathervd for surprise party at the parsonage presented their pastor with a tot on of appreciation and spent tbe games mackhn times sosk entartalbkeat the armenian relief associa tion will hold tboir annual enter tamment in the town hall george town on tuceda evening dee 21rd at 7 so p m besides songs readings recitations dialogues fay boy a or the home onr new general secretory re r w fierce who has been a missionary tbe east will deliver an inter esting and informing lecture orybody come an offering will be received for the work eaqnatlak cobb oil mat the last meeting of eanriesing township council for 1924 held on monday with- all the hers present tbe bnainesh for the year wan concluded after a long session which adjourned about midnight the thanks hers of council were extended to reeve w j l ham pain re for the very able and efficient manner in which he had presided over that body dunng the past muus next issue addrnaa aad prautu on monday evening last members of knox church guild did honor to their former presi dent and co worker mr fred rd ho is now attending the college of pharmacy b presentiogrmft with an address and a beautiful pair of gold links mikh margaret kennedy read tbe address while miss aileen moore made the- presentation refreshments were served and an enjoyable social evening followed rutkuin wednesday dee 17 the rid in kid starring hoot gibson chapter 14 of rutb of tbe range edy paging money mrs i j ilubett bad tbe i fortune last suntia tnoraing lo fall on the icj walk and fraclure her urist her speed recover hoped for b her man friends while v isiting her daughter mcarthurat hamiltca last week mrs jesswt llepderson bad be misfortune to all and break lier wnst her nnmerous fnend wiui her a speed rerovety clnntfenews the sunday school entertain ment will be held na fndaj even- december 131b tea for scholars at 7 p-m- enlerlaininenl attt pm silver colleeuoo pkeijjttbl itev w m mrkav of toronto ii occupj the pulpit oa knot church next sunday morning and evening chnstm- rrrdoo and bvpnr d e halt b-a- of toi on to wnipreach in the baptist church next sunday morning and c- j buck has pcrchased tram h g clark son a choice pure bred shorthorn baby beef heifer this animal was bred and fed b mr r mccouoogfa and at tbe axe of sixteen months weighed 810 lbs the choice hei will be among the selection of choice beef for xmas veeb al buck s meat market mrs percy cleave for a nun of years an honored and efuaent teacber on tbe ttan of oar iligh school w made tbe recipient on honda last at tbe bands of the pupils and teachers of a beautiful set of silver knives and forks and i carving set principal ross ipnke words bejiuinf tbe occasion while mms ltllian kenned made the presentation fridnv plunderer gold and hi the lion december 19 the gripping star in bearli comedy 1 the mouse fox firemen e rail december hi give tbe boy an incersoll or pocket ben watch for im 2 at a b witlsons the december program al the rex theatre is exceptional if good arc you enjoying ibepuharcpuvs give footwear for cbulmas what could yon give more useful styles are snre lo please store will be open evenings nntil xmas ei j fox geergetowi we now have iore almond paste prepared for icing yoor christmas cake yon ran bay the long and tee it yourself or bring your cake to us and ae ill ice it for you d iiivtngstooe baker georgetown 11 see cur novelties in chnnt band kerchief in boxey also pantsh lace scat is at remark ably low prices we are running tbe remainder of our fell and vel vet hats at bait pnee mi clandge herald block flairs ll fintll rubbers leaibei high r p e wbth at ron v ii cliiuec chrihtmavcatph itul uith almond and biittir unit ln void order earl 11 liv tone s baker eorgtuivvn it inldivn sleigh ndiiig on the i miiiu should be vi r ran ful il is an enjocuble but dmieinuk iiraclice both lo ihemitheh mid liedestnaus a dance and suppei will he n by the eniplojeeh of crei i is 1 jim iled in the atenii on tiiesils evening deceinbei 2iid tukels iic lveruimg ii m line biipe for big ason at the arenu if the catlier keeps cold mamtgoi will on evpecls to be able to itnnnuni e aaling in a few dfivh the ver latest hi walei nuin s fountain penh in untitled black id cardinal from 2 72 to f7 i0 ih clip or ring a ft willson two beaten radiant home id mandard oak in good ondi uon reasonable also eonaion table oi hardwood apply at mm aiuuih itp carving sett htumlesh blades silvtr white and ftutklluin handles frtuu 7 lo 1h a ii willtrm our mas slippers for women al 9c so and 1 9 110 viod derful values jiretty styles alvvujs iseful mid sure to please diop n and see lbeiii h j fox gcorgetovv n spr stanton of tin royal canadian hngioeer- ilaff of tor onto was in town last week and had a splendid now nfle taofe ereete1 it the drill hall t xmas mixture 1 mssimmtb8sismmm arthur norringtoni agent fin sniili j initklcgoclb phone 89 rennies grocery 111 lbs sinn siigat mixed nuts 2 lb ijeinon or omnfie 1egl jier lb ulnm raisins u lbs hoice stedlhh ritisins i ib gbuni seedid raisins 2 toi tut icing lb tin molii hi iic tin- new nu i ll wi diukr d r rennie cash grocery phone 151 for quick delivery house phone 273f vhen a woman buys for a man m rs snta uinih and miib simla llaui ton e careful when von bn rifln for a mini tbe tlnngh women givi nun at chrmtuihh tune have been the subject nf u lot at jokin it s hicaiisa so man vvotuen buy things no iiun would bu for himself ami doesn t want when a woman buys for a man she ueeds th advice of a inart and i man h store hkt tln is the best place to get il about tbe liral lhini vie would rec oininenil m ijolcproof hosier men buv it for ihcmselvei which proves they like ana in the bolidav package we provide for if it makes an ideal christmas gift plain and fancy styles id silk hi ik and wool lisle nod casliniere all colom from i0o to 1 i jer pan mcbeanco georgetown card of thanks radio- iffrto deforebt crosley radlola clei radio sets now is the time to bin our radio set for uhmtmns pay a de posit and have it delivered when it suits you as there wnl be a shortage about lhnslnmk time a few hi cesbories at bargain pneea clear tone detector tubes at sit rndi dutch radio tubes detertor and amplifier 4 7fi each thce come in 2u0 201a 199 and d12 all standard base ll guaranued mouej back if not sail af led speights radio and supply gdelph street also afrnt for durant and star cars w w roe insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 65 georgetown christmas gifts wc ha teful gifts for everjonc of the family call i and ace our stock of french ivory xmas stationery toilet goods fountain pens eoersharp pencils books tobaccos pipes and pouches perfumes j candy 4- cigars tinsel i we also have a full line of greeting cards and streamers belts candles for decorations i aftats tw colnmbii and brmiswlck phonographs records i w r watson druggist and stationer 3b saturday december im t guarded women surring bebe daniels and richard dn comedy good morning with lloyd ham ilton hodge podge novelty reel coming eternal city by sir hall came hlarnng barbara i marr and lionel barry more z o laitall oboui the oflicers nf lo l tt fien- rfetnwn for 192 have been initial led as follow w m a honey d l rec sec chaplin i mccartney h r staple ion p j deterson- p mrnall treat- r armstrong dc j mccartney 1 lert n brown 2 lect e mm reighl committeemen r mrcartny reeve c j cuiimings a lw a robinson tyler- r buchanan ladies and oenu kvenjiarp penlils silver and cold lilled new male from jl lo 5 a a will specials for xmasf call in and select your turkey or goose for xmas and new years special prices on all fowl and choice xmas roasts of bee lard beef suet and mincemeat smrirrnif hamernade saurkraat at 15 per lb or 5 lb for 25c mwlkmul bring yoar pail or sealer and secure some for xmas erwm goldham phone t main street georgetown sksshbfi watch our windows kshsllssilskffihs give footwear for xmas what could you give more useful slippers large assortment pretty styles moderately priced mcpherson the ideal gift for xmas sure to please all sizes in stock special price skates put on free useful every day shoes lor ihe whole family snre lo please always uselul special values lor xmas- mei spats newest shades foi and women 125 150 198 surd lo please rubbers goloshes what could be more useful for the winter months 5 large assortment best makfs spec iai prices rubber boots for the whole family we invite your inspection drop in and look around and be convinced that our assortment and vali beat to br found in town main street tvja phone 147 georgetowns leading shoe house

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