Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 31, 1924, p. 4

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is hi lm t dl r kmilt it mm 1824 a happy new year to all it hoa been report that the quality of the weiners in my red hots sc are of a cheap gra we use only gunns tip ml brand which are hard to beafl mark clark bakery and groceries j peohf 219 fight the corn borer how id deal with this ver troublesome pest ilougb urn field rborookhlj ltavt htobble ud all othes ltennja burled oto dent ro innlml o flint ttj a tnp crop aim it u th aisa ofcnolto prwpstfwtosuaa people fr- vsalna l rt u tnlmu t nouurtltl mmtrm tkt will b rdlrwt fcm ts tkea 1 kt 11b of work thwy sasy unumttr four courses of study stenographic bookkeeping secntanal teachers training individualiprriouon brampton bnsfaess lasfilnle anderson it lock brampton ont h lere and coal best d l w scranton coat in all sizes lso smithing and steam coal mrs j walkins noi vnl station phone 62r24 i sjib t j tint u ml em tun d una from tin klnrl we tnti unr liisimn murli lo lionrt we are in earnest about t being careful and speedy upon those cardinappnn- cipleswe build business n snyder cartr6eand wstwce hauling- f noted for bikhsrudo inntrnction null superior employment eervi i nter nnj timi calrlnrue w j elliott prtoljl a recent surrey of proipcctlsl pansion among the rain of nil ontario shawi that many j liana of dollar will be i mills and mill supplies in ims irding to thia survey mill drtores totalling 7350 000 are templated hmsters patronising territories m the alfoma district of the cans 4su pacific railway had a very ssjetesafal season in 1924 accord kg to a report recently issued mease numbering 173 deer number tawtym and approximately 7060 partridge were secured and the mmber of hnnters ran into several thousand the figures quoted in dodo those for kipawa tern is training mstuwa sturgeon falls pakesley sault ste marie chap lean sudbury schreiber and nlpi ton all exceptionally good came more christmas trees were ship pea from nova scotia for the 1924 festive season than ever before ac cordinc to figures jnst compiled twenty two car loads from tern tory bordering the dominion allan tic railway alone were shipped to ontsiov points and approximately 150 car loads left the province cen rally a splendid season of winter sports it expected at quebec this year as more and more people are becoming interested in these heal thy recreation in canada and the united states in connection with the activities of the chateau fron tenac the canadian pacifics great hotel in the ancient capital a num ber of new features will add to the attractions quebec has to offer a record in simultaneous radio brondcast in canada achieved on sunday night december 28th on the occasion of the first anniversary of the radio department of the canadian national railways sir henry w thornton chairman and president of the canadian national system and three of his vice presidents messrs j e dalrymple s j hungerford and w d robb delivered short talks from station cnrm montreal this station was tied in with cnro otterwa and cnrt toronto by telephone circuit and the amplifying equipment at the two latter stations completed the broadcast as though the officers were speaking in person fiom either of these sta hons the same evening the same speeches were delivered from the other six broad caatins stations operated by the cimdiart national railways in moncton winnipeg saskatoon regina calgary and edmonton so that the messages received a dominion- wide circulation within the space of a few minutes in montreal the speech of mr robb was delivered in french as a compliment to the french speaking canadians but it was translated into fnplish atnlt the other sta bona not directly tied in with cnrm never before has simultaneous broadcast been attempted on such a large scale n canada personality in print merchants whom m nrqnnintofi wild peopll prefer lo bnj noun oodn they know dvt- rtislnd nml tho buy i rik public thin perfonnlitj in print i ttio rcatckl builder of ronflilen there ih it lcacliu hip whole tommunity lo believe ih you and yotjr goods to think they have a meed for your goods and to buy at your store moreover p ople expect lo be liked to minn nt jour ntore mefinnfio in tllf glohgrtown hlrain carrion ronvittion right into tho 1 time let tis show jou what happens when advertisement is an invitation ladies shampooins marcelum and cueijnt mams an sdiceiiic try ns our prices are reasonable mrmrsjhuuico apalitmatsrkm2a fire insurance these lududb- tntercrub in legist and international competi tlons in all winter sports to be held tinder the auspices of the recently formed prontenac winter sporh club whlcb will award the zuccciuf fnl participants with trophies of various kinds and attractive cold silver and bronie medals the name of the winner of thr david prises for literature award ed to the writers of the best french and encliah books entered la thr competition for these prue have juat been announced by the mm mittec of judses in the frenrf section the first prise jl ooo went tn abbe camille roy for his book a ihombre des erables while in the english section marjorlr grant cook iron first prie with her hook another way of love the most successful year enjoved by the canadian pacific crest lakes steamship service in freight shipments since ibis is reported bv mr duff manafer of that service for the season lately closed the whole fleet of pacxace frelrntern for the first time since the qut break of the great war h- heen constantly employed d urine thi seven month in which the lakes art open a feature was the very large increase in the export flour busi ness some 7o per cent et the 300 000 ton of flour carried eastward by the service having been destined far export october was a partlc tawrly good month the ships hav ing transported in that month 58 wo tons of eastward bound milled staff and grain alona r ontario dcpartmtpl the mithods o control ore situ pie inexpensive and not contrary to food farm practices says prof l caeaar ot the department of loluoi ology ontario agricultural college to get a clear idea of this ptt 11 is aeceaiiary u kvep in mind that tbu borers winter over and remain until the end ot slay in any part ul tho com plant a bo to ground large enough to conceal them hrace tlty will be found in the stalks stubble cobs or any nmnants ot tbe crop kit lu the bold or elsevfherf thty will ulau be to same oxtent in stout w4m grow ing among the corn lonlrul meas urea therefore consist malnlyjn sd treaung thui tnat the borvrs will no destroyed it there 1b b nllo this la easy fur all that is necttiiiar tbin is to rui iht crop low nsllo it pluuch the stubbli undir completely und not drap it up naln wbt n cul tlvatlng thu lutllok staines and feruienultlon kill all iht borers that go into tho silo and ibf ploughing dntroyi all littintbi held provided tit rythlnk ix kipt unialh the plough umj tvtekl tboroogbly it there ts oo silo or it ibe silo will nut bold all the mm the task u somi times a little harder in huch cajwa thf qeld must bt thoroughly ploughed after tbe crop has been re moved in addition so mi method must be practiced of disposing of the stalks and ears or cobs the best plan is to run all of them through a cutting bos or nhreddrr feed the cot tie all they will eat throv the re mainder into the manun and haul this out and plough it unuvr before the end of hay if for any reason tie stalks are fed whole the uneaten portion should not tw thrown out in to thi manure but should be kept separate and drawn out and burnad it la belter lo bum the remnanlh han lo plough them under bceaus it is bard lo cover them complete with the plough tb kreal point lo keep in mind is hat no stalks plefj i ot stalks or ten cobs should be 1 ft above ground in thi held or along frncoa or in thf barn r the barnyard or anywhere eln moreover alt burnlnt or ploughing must bu complttml jy ttwvnd or may for oth rwlne u bort ra will bauri into uintl s 0 around lay t thf appf f lines in n boura 5 mutuns dally btloi how would you like to be called upon to prepare a meal for 125 or more people in a kitchdi 21 leet long and a little over 6 feet wide in which four other than yourself were working and in nhich all jour stores and supplies were kept you might consider it a fairly tall order and yet day after day many men are doing this very same thing at least three times a day tn the kitchens of the railway dining cars which render travelling hotel service across the continent in addition to the space mentioned the kitchen and dining room staff hne only a pantry seven feet by an in hich to work yet aho has not wondered at the seeming mapc aith which the waiters produce at very short notire the tho ceat of foods ana drinks cooked sndjramished to tempt the most dainty appetite and appease th most hungry the key note of this remarkable service 1 of course system and then training investigating one finds that each class of food has its own refrigerator and tost each refrigerator and icewell each draer and each of the innumerable lor ki rs are so arranged as to permit of ready access with the minimum amount of lost motion everything has snd n in its place the seperate refngera tors being provided in order to avoid kbsorptionofdors from the pungent variety of fodituffj by thie of a more delicate qu hit ty the cooking is done on nhrouerin the case of slfaks fish and htm or- on the largo coal range dairy products and fruits bistared in the p so try where allur glassware and crockery kept i card wllli isiutarsps caanamag many tlmca wtlb ascb set of bills of fare covering all meals to be served on the run are handed to the steward and chef they make out a requisition for the necessary quantity of supplies basing their estimate on the average travel and all food stuffs are checked and examined as to quality by the chef personally as they are placed hi the car and put into the receptacle provided everything is then ready for the preparation of the meal there is however a great deal of work to be done before the first call i made stock has to be prepared tor soup poultry and fish cleaned garnitures cut vegetables cut and many other things the chef sees that everything possible is prepared ahead but ill not permit the preparation ahead of such items as require to be prepared as ordered all broiled foodstuffs and such thlrijs as toast and eggs for instance must be prepared only la ordered as to the division offfutles the chef prepares soups saures cooks all roasts fry and grills all meats and general supervise the ork of the kitchen staff second cook makes all pastry nuddings cakes muffins and coffee thtrd cook peels sm egetables and assists the second eook with theolherwvk fourth cook is a general utilitj man snd does the wskhing of diihes pots and pans the fifth cook comelifctm called the pantryman cuts brad butter and prepves sslad grape fruit angejlctc this division f isfor permits ol the service maals lust as quickly as pumgert can partake of them and very often one intehln suit in the caaadla paojasdlnity car service will tnjoutntariy im bqmji u in jui leave msbble and hhr itrmiuuil baried ploughing down of th itubble and oth r cunt remnants playu a tcrml part in hi control of the borers bui to in pffwllve what la plough d un der must not be dragged up utilii when ultlvallnp the flt id but muni be l fl buried for if the are drai j 1 up man bortrs will i scape deslrur tlon an tiample or thin occurrn this car in a 0 id lo r uln couotn where much of tin plour1 ed ntubbl was dnuccd ilp in a toothed eultiva tor h fits nild orer 10 010 llvlni borers rr found if thi stubbl had been lift rovi red almosl er borer nuld huvc perished 11 nee tlu culthatinn of the held alioulu not b dim with a toothed impli meet but nith j disc and a disc drill it ponhlll used in sowlnc should how vr some of ibe stubble be b oukm up li will pay well and will n t i ki tnuih tlmr to ptek and turn ll th ploughing should be4one with a ld burrow plotinh and should b to a di it it of at leust six inches it nnr b lont lth r in lb fait or the sprlni lut if in th full thi- earlier ih b iter on ti ibe stubble cannot bt cover ed cuitilklel ulileas 11 is lirst rolled or dlnctd or both rolled and disced or in some rases unless a split log or lolbr is run ovir it to break it off or loohtn oi pull it apart thin is ckpetiall uui whin the corn ban bii ii plunted in hills or has been cut high or beaten down by storms dro dent torn and not pilot in ii pans of ihe county where hi lionia are lumerous ii will bii advisable for a time to grow deut corn inatiad of dint because ii is stoutir and bo withnundu attacks bcttir trau trap vvlu ue of benefit it will also hilp greatly in such plar h it a imp crop of flint tor ex ample suiutnosi- consist inn of about a domn rows is planted about thi middle of may and the planting of the main crop postponed until june ut or as late as possible with out running any risk the moths then will 1a their eggs chieo on thi arlj corn and leave the main croi larcely unlnrested the trap roub sliuuld be cul low in august and fid to the cattle and lhe borers pree ni thus destroyed dom stoi canadas larod start the nm all items inuominion f help you stsri hie new ycadj hi your gioocty purchases i for your new mixed aylmer and riverside pi 1 lb wmd tin baking r1chmell0 tea ceylon assam you will like it c lb try a i oe sample 79 choice malaga table raisinsfkij muscatel raisins 2 lb shelled walnuts va peanuts lb cooking figs 31b mayf1eld brand ba finest navel oe and florida i t ull a small amount of extra work for any farmer the corn crop is welt worth ibis and then tore we hope that each farmer will gladly do his part and ncniirape hla neighbor to do like wlsn sow that control measures have been dlsiovjred and made possible thr prohlim of saving tbe industry lies with the farmers ihemaelves shrubbery will new term january 5th iks guelph business college westeri talari s greatest baslaess ouege herald bldg qtjelph iqd vdual lnui t u mode tqu pn ent but ness esrer en erl lnsir cm spec al coure graduatr rtenviii i by bu net- pub r send in sour refiiitratioo todnj lanuprj ma bp too lute helps business college a l muck prisdsslsmifrssrtetor fori mi sales am is now open for i chanic will give tires gas oils i h main st north we extendi best in insi phoil

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