Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 7, 1925, p. 4

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we know a tot about pipe fitting and every other branch of the plumbing art w6 know how to install in your home the proper plumbing fixtures or to do the proper kind of repair jobs at decent prices we know- that you will be pleased with the courteous correct manner in which we will handle your business j w kennedy son hardware plumbing beating hodu phone ibb shop phone za notice it has been reported that the quality of the weinera in my red hols plumbingandservage sjmms kcciimm ended suitable lor kurfll homes 5c are of a cheap grade we use only top gunns tip brand which are hard to beat markiclark bakery and groceries pllosf 229 aim it 1 tha aim of m envoi to prepare yonna people for bnsiaeasi to give then a training in commercial affairs that will be of direct ben en t to them in wbeteter line or work they may care to enter four courses of study slinojcrjphi hookk lpmk becritarnl rtbilwrs training brampton business inslllnle anderson hi k hramilon nt i fh sep work i sm plpi lor carrying uway tin i symuui lh lf raril ouislde irr guoil system cuinpleu can slaed li u uct that ii will i a til n iii hum willi very ii it it uitlut or reiulrs ll la one bf tha tim investments uue can make it will uv you il worth while iki ever day for a tost of about kmi ctnta a djj llgured ud interest hid ilepn elation lu lln i hyslut bui idln i o a t lliert la installed a lompleli plumb iiil syaaui 01 irspiclion of students ami visitors inliresttd in this work it di monstrous the simplest mtthod possible of putting thl various parts togi thr tliirtiby sating both mater lu mid lubur to ihc grtatist possible ditrir 1 yu interested drop lu aud see it and maybe we can assist uu in getting that veryncces sary iqulpiutnl in jimr home mod trn plumblnt smco dupdhsl to perfect tin pi urn bin system just referred to ll la necessary to build rome suitable conn t ruction for disposing of the sewage and waste from the home in the country tula inuat be cither a cesspool or septic lank the cesspool may be all right for a time in porous grayelly welt drained soils but usually it la a menace to health by contaminating the water supply or becoming a nula am- whenever ll overflows the septic lank la the modem method and given good satisfaction as a rule we have a very one working or demonstrating model of it installed on a large l ln the physics building and it la very uieful lor showing people just what the sy stent la like and bow it operates the septic tank it consist of a large concrete tank divided into two compartments by a vertical partition the sise for a single house u about 4 feet x 8 feet and 3h feet deep this tank holds the sewage long enough for a certain kind of bacteria to destroy the solid matter when the liquid accurau lates to a certain amount a non mechanical affair called a siphon empties one of the chambers into a system of field tile called the abaorp lion bed laid shallow under the ground any remaining sewage u de troyed in the soil by another kind of bacteria that live near the top of he ground in this way these friend 1 bacteria are enabled to do a verj valuable work for us this la scl enci applied to a useful purpose wc supply bulletin and blue print to anyone wishing to build a septic tank all necessary information la given in these and by their helpful suggestions any handy man can build ll cost for cement siphon fittings and tile amounts to about 6i the tank mi be located close to the home and the tile laid under the lawn or garden fitennlon work of the department or physic the extension activities of the department of phyalea assist those seeking advice or assistance in con ncctlon with the regular branches of the department s extension activities including installation of water and sewage systems lightning rod lnstal latlons drainage surveys farm cold storage alio construction aotl freeie mlitures blue prints of septic tank installation hydraulic rams pro tec tlon of wells small ice cold storages types of ice houses water supply sys terns and farm plumbing have been prepared and are now obtainable up on request from the phyalea depart quelph solomon says would ft hum h vn hi tlh hi i thiol ii nil day think of th 1kb tl all that thnii think of lh kooil hi nnil thy fiain think oil of uijitll would fit thou lie hui cake ad onw wnj think of tin tor tliuti iiirli dm think or their pain tin their loan tin li otri all that tbe liau to lo or bear thiol of then li ftaio think or those around tin not bo in calgary and banff to unite in carnival toronto to florida con turned from i iitje d roaring through the fabric in oni pot anil wt wen afraid ofn blow ut with onlj afe pipoptiiitih ie founil tlm londx rcniiikikbl good and tbo bi inrt of it oei nmooth pavement from thr lirwl day p in now nrk stiite up ihpi other pnrtirs hciided for floutlu anil nu wo kot furtliel hquiii tin umbel 4 increnitpd until ill ri were mcorcb of them kk tbiourh georgia there wcrp all nortn of ootlita from a iipuii built on u ford truek to oxjicnbivo cars arrj ing ciinipmenl tin a nailer hub in every taee hip dielingiuhhuik feature won boipn imndlet anil sdit cnes parried on nmnidm boards or whprever pirp thpj could tick them for tb- mosl pnit they were a happy cronri out for n picnic wo got to know home of them b pnamug them se era timex as tbey would make their atops at difforeot places to up we carsfe1 our toronto nainn plate right through and the oritur tano license plate and a great many people nnoke to iih on this account seeing that o had come so far as 1 naid before p nil pnjoied it but all voted that they did not want to do it aguin at lenet not right awaj erin mr and mrs duotao camphell and mr w moore of flint miph were vibiting with the former k brother mr wslter campbell last mr f c mclean of st john n b is tbc gueat of mr and mrs j p bub mrs mclean iau spent the past two months with her parcnt we are sorry to report that misa k reid accinently fell on the ice at tbo back door ot her home on saturday evening fraotunng her hip and utborwiso being severe ly shaken up she was removed to a toronto hospital on mondnj advocate fowl wanted i am paying ihe highest price fi kiodi ol live poultry also best price all kinds of junk hides and wool 1 deuce next lo implement shop m freeman ihone 230w georgetown eoat pent d l w scranton coal in all size also smithing and steam coal mrs j walkins 7 elliott noted for infill grade mstructioc ind aupcrior employ merit serviced knter an linn catalogue rep w j elliott principal ladies water ng the garden remember that a good sosklng once i week is more benedclal than light sprinkling dally be judicious in your use of the hose leafy vege tables do not mind having their tops soaked as well as the roots but fruit bearing plants and vines like tomatoes eggplant cucumbers pep per aud melons should not have tha tops soaked at all it washes away the pollen in the blossoms and is apt to cause blight and fungous diseases don t water the garden in the heat of he day walt until late in the if moon and when it has been given good soaking it will pave time to soak into the soil to enable you to rak- up the surface easily next mom i rip preventing the soil baking and ronservlnr the molature regular os kings for the ever bearing straw berries and other small frulu- f lowed by mulching will prolong the fruit bearing season and improve the qtjllt too much watering of grape rlnrn tends to cause an excess of cane krtiwtb but a reasonable amount ik desirable there might be an excuse for us- 1ns an interior sow if you already ham her on the place but we can not think of one single excuse for er using an interior sire lntu breadars mate animal whuaa factor determining traducing ability art known to be for high production shampooing marcelling and curling fbizzng and singeing try us our prices are reasonable mr mrs jblillieo ftppolitnmte ptwpt mil fire insurance j w kenkesy cmgdnm a to jj reyou protected luainj bound evny flame dnd smoulder- byjenuw lies the constant danger f conflorofion nmikiltr sdr thb home insubahci company elmer c thompson bnraafte service getrgttowo banff imratdyucty one conjures up visions of the bow itiver jgy alley sunny akies warn days lxrursmns intc thi snow capped mountains bwifsjhwjlri the oh h kmj imnts breekn mid bathing rfti thiro are a thouaard pleisant ft in summer time comparatively fc iny idea of this mountain resort in wintir i hi thouirht at thin ncason rjoi us a chilly leilini pcrliips y t lifter all having insure what in iter plan tould bt found in which to spend a lonu or short vuration afur unov fian fallen cold certainly no mort io than down on lh pljins where what windi there ir hwccp uninttrrupled shcltcn d bj the rocky slopes on practically all sides liikh nnd with j dntr utmosphtre the frost there rives an irimiforatitik touch that stimulates life nnd nctitty where tlitwhire the country bleeps through the winter ak ijuiixc is lo thi tait so perhaps even to a greater degrtf is tlnnlt to the went tht home of winter instead of eoinft to shop the little town of banff comes to life with hi coming f anow one event and omnjnily i ffort follows the other and a lone list of sportine iiclnnii culminates in hehruury with a hug ktvin ilay curnivitl in which all citizens nnd hund ilf if enthusiasts from all parts of tho world take pnt it will only lie the cast of a very few years nnti insls arrnni ihur trips to take in the carnival nl personality in print pbopli prefer lo buy known goods- from merchants wbom 1 they know advertising makes jou acquainted with the buying public this iieracmnlitj in print is the greatest builder of eontlden there in it teaches the whole community to believe in you and youb ooodi to think they have a neifor your goods and to buy at your store miinotet kdile eppetto be asked to thnp at jour store a nuhhiimin thr gi oiimiown ilminn amen conviction nght into hip homi let us nhow ion what happens when dvertisementisan invitation where they play golf all the year round i scenic selllne equalled to ihc psimhlatire which his led to thr land nnd the tiptodilcnens of a iiikn kiofla he ivirsrren li ic north paelflr roast throughout famed for a mild equable climate choicest english beaut spots ippellitlon of a 1 it tie bit of old fn modern wertern city baa combined lo one of the principal tourist cities of i ihc entire year ictorin which with it suburb has n population of 60000 is also thr ctpllal or british oliimbh ihc icelsktkc t ulldlnks forming an tllractlvc picture for the new arriwl dlscmliarklnt in the inner harbor the city located on the soulhrim extremity of adcouler islind is i practically in the same latitude i montreal toronto winnipeg nd other raslem cllles et because of the mnrm japin ctirrenl thnt fringe ilrlthb olumblas ronsl metorlfl en the jenr round n rllmnle iinilrpashed in the dominion the mein tempeuture in inter is i2 dprreef nnd in ummei- 61 coilpled with thlh is in average yearly rainfall of only sb inrhos less than half thf nenti precipitation on ihe idjaconl with ibis salubrious climate o honor ports nre porslhlc ibe entire jear file or six golf courses helnj i ihl le in nnd sreund the rllj ror the tnrkorlsl no onlj mclorl i hut the entire vnncouicr jsllind provwcx drhes of tarylin length into s ti rrltory that has been named a thousand miles of wonderland cmtrst of ill these is the famous malahat mountain drhe ninnlnp noilh from lclorin and rising to more than 1251 feet ahove the sen level nffnrdini n ilr ot ea and mounlain inexcelled in and around mctorla are ruffjclcnl loutis nltrnctions to keep the newcomer busy for many days these in i id the butehart sunken gar dena transformed wllhln the list dendr into a writable fairyland of flowers shrubs lawna roses waterfalls and lake the asirophyslcal observatory win tha second largest telescope in ths world nja 1 coo d rtoille banff as they now visit new orleans in march for the mardi gras or fasadena for the rose tournament apart from the glorldus scenery it is s perfect winter playground preparations are even now under way for the next winter carnival this to be held from february 7 th to 14th inclusive is planned to be the greatest yet calgary enthusiast have damded to cancel their own carnival arrangements and to unite with the banff citizens to make it a success a very comprehensive program of sports haa already been drawn up covering events in curling skating snowahoelng ski running and jumping ski lorlng tobagganmng trapshooting sleigh ing and swimming in the hot sulphur pooh tor none of these sports could the setting or the conveniences be excelled for ute adventurous visitor lake minncwanka offer iceyachting dogsled racea are a never failing source of interest these races are often run down the main street and as in other sports it is often a case of the best dog being beaten as a great deal of comedy la played it often happens that an over anxious or jealous contestant grabs an opponent in any convenient place and in the ensuing mixup any old hound can waddle home an easy winner but ita all m the game and the game at banff ia the outdoor game with dancing cards or concerts it hich each one plays a part in the evening j photograph acrea ot beautiful parks feitiiridc beacon hill park virtuill in the heart of the ctly in ihe summei more than a hundred shady beicbes and romantic tittle hays dolled jlons seventy miles of water frontige lure the hollda maker some face ihe strmt of jinn de kuca and open to iho sweui of the piclflc ocean tides while othera are almost landlockedlth clear unruffled waters travelling lo ktorla from the mainland i one of the joys of a holiday spent in the capital city an 83 mile trip through landlocked sheltered vaters past evergreen islands brings the traveller from van couver frequent service oo palatial steamer ot the tansdlan pacirie railway is afforded to victoria from vincouver and seattle direct while i further steamer to nanalrno affords an optional route rail connection is made between nanatmo and victoria as a further development of victoria si a winter resort rhe rilnl garden an elaborate amusement center is being erected ne n tlm 1 mpress hotel itwill be opened tar victoria day celebration n it vlsj a steel and concrete structure wilbssooft square feet ol glaie i mot surface the central feature or the crystal osrden will hr i hur- mill water rwirnmlng pool the largest on the pacific coast nearby tbc empress hotel overlooks the inner harbour ocaled in spselons grounds beautiful alike in winter and summer vrlth idbcs lull trees and other shrubs and flowers this deservedly popul n hoelrr bas been the temporary home for thousands of visitors to the tourist from the inland cities spec ixl ly victoria iffvrds a splendid opportunity to view the everlnlereatlng scenes ot an ocean pot pntctcally all inbound and out bound pacific liners max a victor a port j ot call on tbalr way to vancouver and seattle in this sray the victoria i visitor is bronght closely in touch with the raotamaati of snipping lo nd i from auauuk sad tha ortaat a column miiit swine wint is known as lhiinipai in younfc pirs body i i b i afftu t dla plirakinpfuildrlnvwblgh ifl the mus cular partltlqh atpurntlng iho cheat iiid abdouilu and is un important organ of rtaplrtitlun ibis spasmodla contraction of he dlupirnjm is simi lar lo hiccups in ptoplt ubw of uie froubk tim causi of the trouble appear u bu out to some dtnlurbance or tha nervm whlrh supply lb duphragm in man casis tlit lurvoim dlbturb- unco is tin risiilt of aom dtrange- iiihdt of thr dlgesthe ijsteui lnck of auolcii ul ixir isi and ovtrtoadlng lliumpshn minns pls ai t lines there apptars to b an inln ritid tendency to iii in iniiibl in tin casi of littern from pairidin d or ovi rfed sows when pin linoiiit utfecud with rouble is plainly shown by t ftanl hi rklm iillilt t lhc niovi and bod bmk and forth the n usually nwri igiravatej dint win u the htotnach is t only for it i t for jind auiiie fall to imentlnu nntl f raiiieiir larkily prtunlid by allowing thtm ixi nisi jnd jinldlni ovi rfudlng when hi bt oin affirm lliey should be uiadi to i ik itrrlsc in a iood lrf roon jilnn in sum- ini r lht ma lit lurtxil ont to pua- titre nnd allowed in raiifcc aboul badlj ufficled plkn miiouui bi filvia i of c i lu atom a ui l spaxms of tin diaphragm lo tin drops f 1 ilidunii lilyen fun or hi i- affectcd pljh bhuuld li light dht for a fw ddj lllingr so ui lo enci urn i brikil sow that of llu boar alt tlllcra wtilch u both bcxcs n uliou un p tin history of conslderablf valtl ipfrletire am obsmallon ro to prou that certali ouistuodlnt qiialfllih in cominou u strains or famillisofjiiogb of different brteds ralhi r tlinu slmplj breeds thi niacins hun an iood and bad in all our hreids consequently the probpullvi purchi mueli lofoim a ho c concerning th typi the quality and tin prolltkacy of her ancestry whi thtr or not ihev hovo bien thrifty and economic tfdirs and whether or not the bows have been good moth canadian hoi ralai rs can well lake i objei i the r which ihc danish breeders i ipirli ncltifi wjierc all thu above in formation ib available to the pros pective purchaser moreover every bretdlng hog must measure up to a certain standard before that hog la liglblc for aali dipt of extension o a i ollic guclph ke of urooil ows uuusuallv a sow is most proline whin she is froni two to four years nf agi and is probably at her beat whin about two and a half years soon aftir she n aches maturity she is at hir primi afttr thi sow has reach i d four or live years her powers begin to wjiii and it is not long ifur lhat when she becomia unpro- tllablt just how long lo keep sow will dipuid upon the individual propirl hand ltd uo litters of pigs a yenr c4n be secured fi gilt until e is uht ten i six inliis qld ilgs thiy i it wiiks is probably better auld be latlng ions before weami and be well able to lecun all the nourishment ihey need from ottir sources ihsn the milk bo they will nol be checked tn their growth by weaning many will b cepi s nice w hln a tn niter farrowing hut it is not best breed them until after the plga weaned or in eight or nine weeks the wiltare of thi sow and the utter of piita should btfcepttnr and the sow should have time to re cuperate afler raising a lust pls in fore undrvtak ikintk for dnlry don 1 forg t to wjbii lor at ti r i jch sipuradj don t siparati lln r orsi straining it don t fall to opmte t according to directions don t expect tin cr dressed new term january 5th 192s guelph business stcollcgc wcsltra onlarlos grealesl ii college ttt individual liisiro no j3modem i nmeni rgn rn nl nm i spci al courss grmt alct ir- nun i h i ncsi eridjn jour renitrntion to dny janunry mm be ko isle eiihra business coliece a l bouck prlndjil ul pnprlelor its your smallest annual expense do j ou realize tlul llu bmallratiti oi m the faulih budglt w the telephono bill i it overages only 1 kr cent a cartful tttutly if fanulies with inconii a from 1500 to s6000 a yeaf shown that food coata 43 ruil ami taxea about 17 clqthes 13 tplpphono 1 and miacellanpoua from 20 to 20 apart from the tune the telephone savea everyone the mind requires tho stimu lus of contact with the world na the body requirea vitammea isolation can not mean growth add a net intemt to your lift by catting ottui up in 196 no shovelling repaired standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically screened and loaded coal wood select lump for domestio j and threshing pnrpoaet bmitbmg and cannel goal in fact i carry everything to j be found in any np to date coal and wood yard john mcdonald phone 19 i georgetown z flour high pateht kings choice bread hear national for pastry whole wheat stone hlussi ask your dealer apple barrels ror iale wheat wanted highest price paid cboppidfl and oil ku1ao wbbrowneco norvat flour mills norval phone bell oorj municipal mtrl luht nnderstnn d this from tbo rtart we take our business much to heart we are in earnest about being careful and speedy upon those cardinal jpnn ciples we buiid businessj oeoftqctown out phone i7iw iri nsnyder

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