Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 14, 1925, p. 4

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f till ii dltlll- lows hliim 1 ilki im 1 itu lijt the best wintertime treat- is aejndancei of heat t jm m winter time is the time o year when i man and his family appreci ales the bountiful blessings of perfecfheatlng it jour home isn t properly heated you ought to call ufe up on the phone and let ua figure out with you just what s needed our prices are correcl j w kennedy son hardware plauiblng heating honaa phone 189 shop pao notice it has been reported that the quality of the weiners in my red hots ice cropjarvesting iraclial methods sukfrestw lor laritfmorbre ire may llr t- orinil in mould trtlllrlal i on i- him l cut ihr llllkkn imll null tjuklng t to r 5c are of a cheap grade we ue only gunns tip top brand which are hard to beat mark clark bakery and groceries aim it 1 ik aim or this school to prapanyoong poo pic for bnalnaui to tclfi uiem training in oontjneroul sffain umt will be of dlnot banaflt to tban in whatnt una of work thay mj four courses of stndy stmokraphic bookkeeping secretarial teachers train inn individual instruction brampton easiness institute anderson blelk brampton om coal brit d l w sctanton coal in all sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j walkins nerval sntion phone 62r24 tho tarmirb mum rclj upon the ponds rivfrs and lakes clone by tor pplies as it has not been found practicable to ship 1c by rati soon sections ice is uot available then are few if am hbdle-rt- i r large and pun enough to freete ier to sumcttnl thlcknias farmers id makt their own ice wcataer pirmitting by making a few ice moulds cloio to till well and gran ually free tip c thenf tull or b mak ing a solid block or ice in a metal lined c ha tuber bj pumping into it a llttlp water every day or no and allowing it to freete solid tw uty uk of ice each ib indies square aud 12 inches thick wunlil make a ton of ice as stored tin- artificial loml facturlng ice on tlrrfano is to make an artlflclat pond whire there ib an abundant supply of water available from well or sprink and the pumping is done bj power or hydraulic tain the area required to produce a ton ot icl is not great diptndlng of com hi on the thickness of the ice if tin probable f reeling will make lc 12 inches thick but thlrt five square feet of pond surface is re qui rod for each ton needed the usual imthod o harvesting tht supplj of ice for the farms is lo rut it from some nearb pond stream or lake and haul it home and store it in tin- icr house or some form of tnclobiire where it will cover detp with dry sawdust tin source of ilp should bi free mm contain i not ion and clean of d and older vegetable matter harventldk the t rop the method consists of the follow lag operations 1 cltaniiir off the snow if any by means of a suitable form ot scrap tr thi snow is cith r draped off to the shore or pulkd into windrows dopcndlnfi on thi aire of thi area 2 marking off the ic into squares or laying off tin field this operation should be done accurately in order to havi blocks of tquu sin and cut straight and ficu to inaki handling and packing in the liouai ai economical as possibh success tn this depends largil on g ititlk 11 first line straight and this can be done by stretching a lini bi iwn n w stakes and placing a straight i dm board 1 or 14 feet long alont the line and marking ihr ici with hand tool or hand plough alon tin ide of th board the board is moved jiqiii ob the marking in dont plen by piece after mark lot in one direc tlon is complttid it is necibnar to i sublish a llni across the an a u hlch is at right angles to thi aral dlrec tlon probably the best way to start this is by ubinj a carpi titers large quart made of pieces of straight edl boards 10 or 11 feet long and tied across the corner to hold them cast at angli of so once the drat llni is markid straight and at right angli s to the brut llni the rest can easily be marked off properly cutting the ic the let is cut both waya by either a horse drawn ice plough or a clr cular saw driven b a rasolln en hin lh whole mounted on a sled pushed along by hand the latter method of cutting is very satisfactory and is economical when cutting la doni on a large scale as is the case with a larg ice dealer or group of farm era harvesting their ice ccotftr ativtly the in held is usually hit in om direction with the machine and lo a point two or three inches of the full depth the long strips one wa are dt tacli d from the deld by striking into the saw ut with a hiavy cliiael and then pushed up to tho loading ilatform and there cut up into blocks by a hand saw or by the chlsu in case th field haa been cut both wus b the ice plough or power mw when a small quantity of let lh haiteskd thi cutting is done by saws lxmulliik am packing the ice tbini arc sjieral devices used for loading the ice on the sleigh wagon or niotur truck depending upon tha amount o ice belnj handled the main object in this case is lo get a muchnnlcal outfit that is cboap con- venh nt to operate and which will save tht handling of the ice by hand a small hoist or a horse power drlv it ts advisable to store the ice on cold dry das as it will be better for handling and will keep better aer storat the cakes should all be the same site and bt evenl cut in order that thiy may be packed together with as little air apace aa possible any spacts should be mid with small pieces ot ice the more compact the mass of ice the better it will keep there should be fool itwftfi buiuiift behind ewy flame and smoulder in ember lies the constant danger j cottflaoflficn tob ftounoafff sdfe the home insurance company elmer clhompsfm insvradce service georgdowa frellrance x w kennedy georgetown atnt for mhucoi ihe siroegem om ire you protected r shavings and filling proceeds the same material should be packed between the ice and the walls do not put sawdust about individual cakes of ice pack the lee with a little dip toward the centre o that it cannot press outwards against the walls after thi i ihr uple of feet o sawdust put over u top o a c hullelli 30c on cold storage is tree for the a 0ng r r ora bam peiartrntnt of p lca o a c ouulpti new term january 5lh ims guelph business college weslcra ontario s greatest business couefe herald blpo odelph indivdual itntrucltoii vortetn equipmenl ihnmw fnpencnced inmruciorj 1 spernl coicw fuhhe send id jour regirtrattod today jnauarj 5 may bo too iftte slielffl wsdiess coluce a l wuck prtidail ui prafrmw atcil hrvinimv good shoe news foxs januaryclearingsale boots shoes and rubbers after ajarge chribtmas tiade we find several lines in stock about sold out and also find that we have too many of some lines in order to keep our stock clean and up to date it has been our policy to hold two clearing sales a year one at mid summer and the other in january and by ao doing we are able at all times to offer the public strictly uptodate footwear at the lowest markqt prices this is your chance to save money womens shoes 05 57 pairs womens bifib krude shoes in patent it id calf and suede leather in oxford or strap styleb sires in the lot 1 to 7 regular valocs op to b co womens spats high cut popular shades regular values up to 2 50 sale price 159 dont miss these 4u pair women s shoes in strap or oxford hi leu mndoui in itttcnt suede kidridii rail lerithers regular values up to 4 ofi sale phce 395 cushion sole oxfords ib pair womeo s cushion solo tmordu flop kid leather plum toes and rub her heels rpr ulnr aluo 4 60 sale price 245 heres your chance 1 lot of women h boots and oxford broken linen sisps hi the lot i lo regular valner up to c sale price 198 womens house shoes 71 pniih somens slippers in juliette and cos btjlcs the balnoco of our christmas htolt sizes 8 to 7 regular miiiph 1 gil and 1 98 while they last 100 mcpherson lightning hitch hockey boots inatp thp pripps- sizes 6 to 11 sale price 359 7 boys sizes 1 to 5 sale price 350 other styles on sale boys sizes ll to 13 sale price 295 for men 295 boys 245 womens 3 to 7 sale price 345 mens high grade boots slater and murray makes the beat in tho store regular values up to 0 50 sale price 695 mens boots oxfords nen up to date stj les in til nek or brown talf and putonl lenthi i fteciilw nluen up to 1 sale price 595 mens fine boots 193 17 pftirs men h lino hoots in black or brown calf several styles regular aloes op tosq 60 other hues on sale al 295 u jjs5 williams work boots for men on sale 359 boys boots several lines greatly reduced shoe polish boys moccasins shoe packs 2 ill nugget lion brand 10c tin 17 pairs lolbt let sins 11 11 qo half price oz boy your childrens see our windows lor prices vmltiu02kv imaiav hurlbut shoes reduced 100 a pair vul ww cq1 11 v ww get our prices on rubbers all new goods and first quality all lines heavy snag proof rubbers greatly reduced terms cash no approbation money cheerinlly relunded il goods are not satisfactory main street ft j ttiv next door to phone 147 kkm jt jj post of f ice georgetowns leading shoe house bucks choice meats andfowl for the holiday season we handle nothing but the best at the most reasonable prices georgetown phone 28w peoplh prefer to tui known goods from mehqanth whom thij inow adm rtiainc mrtlehnn arqithioted uill tin buing public this personnhtj in print ts the greatest builder of ronflderfi there is it teaches the whole community to beueve im totj and tour soodb to thimk they have a keed tor your goods and to buy at your store moreoiei people expectto be asked to shop at your utoro a messagr in tht gkoimiktown hsrain carries conviction right into the home let tis shoto jou what happenn when an adv ertisement is an invitation i bovine tuberculosis i rvh o iht istasc is slow i insidious and ihronfc miiikiiis xrirbnl mow mllk- u inn lutiiiir ffwtd ioat orlfiii iiirinf top spptlc 1 uf the nisoaae a slih ir cousli iatrrmltuul unu iiiun uoiui able when the reltloii an dual is tiiuuv tu rise quickly should li rtkld with suauicloll a cuugb uluiit- uliik aubtfklous ib uot entirely i au lerutli nor should us absence uiun that hit animal is uot tuber uilar lw uojilliine may bg gillclle md hi ii mai bi au untbritlj con iluou uiitl ihroiiic diarrhoea id a mir tnatn be ions in condition is fri iiijrkfd und the animal recedes in a ih in hide bound condition with aiulnn ri h mill rokli coat such j iii inn is an usual referred to as ultirn iii rf ma bi ehlarcemedt i lln imiiplmllo jandii huch as the 3iilialxillto or tli- drsoipular en iirsiinoi or nil uf llie lymphatic ilandi sliould alwajs lie considered ulli huiplclon slirbt bloauni ulikli uiaj be du to enlarged lands niti i rliir with the normal function lui of th disestlve tract should b n furded an auspicious since the or rntirlc glands if badly infected may csuh irregular action ot the in tea lines with bloktlop and constipation- olluwtd bj diarrhoea in caaea in rf lubrculohls is tfeetitib the tmni and joints the animal may iiioio with unnatural gait or ahow linn ikcd lp are vrected i tin rammar klrds or milking i niiualh in a common seat ot tuber i cular lesions hard areas tn i glandular substance paint pes on pres i inn which maj be very small or 1 tn involve the entire quarter ot ilio uddnr should be regarded with krave suspicion these painless no- luieh or tumors it present can be felt by ihe unal inexperienced in caaea n lieri tht udder is affected the supra inainnian lymph glands also become- miich enlarged and may be easily felt i 1omt mortem appounncn i the i flee la produced in the bodr tlnsuei are chayaeterlied hy the form- j htlon ot tubercules or nodules which in the advanced condition are of a vtllo wisli color and cheeaeuke con i intern such nodules may be single und of small sue or they mar he iiultt largi and in manaes the i inmmon seat ot luriercular lesions la n the following glands bronchial j nd mediastinal lymph glands the cenlcal p rescapular pre- pectoral lortal inguinal sub lumbar popll t al and mesenteric glands tho lungs and the pleura are also com u ion lucatlona for the lesions of tuber- uilosis in which they the lesions jinmr as haid lumps esy to see and easy to feel theso when cut into nrc round to be cheeaellke and contain a thick yillowlsh pus the learl llseu condition when the pteur covering of tot lungx and lining mimbrane of the clirnt or thoraslc tavlty is affected ii priaentn over us surface clusters of small round nodules pale creamy red lu color and resembling grape like manses common spoken of as pearl disease condition when the organism successfully invade the llvir caseous masse and tubercular abscesses are formed these when cut open show the characteristic yel lu cheese pun and gritty feeling on ihe passing of tht incising knlte where the peritoneum the lining membrane of the abdominal cavity is attacked the pearl dlseaae con illtlon is cbara t eristic lesions in ihe udder lymph glands ovaries kid i eys and spleen resemble the caseou masses and abscess formation com uon in the liver the oviduct the uterus tho bones and joints may also be affected with tubercular leslona in old standing cases tbe pericardium hsc covering the heart and ibe liesrt may be a posillon of attack by this destroying organism the work of which ta characterized by its deatruc tlon of tissue and the formation of tuberculea l stevenson director if f i tension o a c quelph a tbe septic tank it consists of a large concrete tank divided into two compartment by a tertlcal partition the alse for a single house is about i i il and 3m it deep thin lank holds the ewke long enough for a certain kind of bacteria to destro tbe solid mat- tr when the liquid accumulate to a certain amount a non mechanical affair called a siphon empties ona of the chambers inlo a yatem of held tile called the absorption bed laid elm i low undi r the ground any th- ulnlng sewage is destroyed in tke mill by another kind or bacteria that lite near the lop of ihe ground in i lils waj these friendly bacteria ara nauled to do a very valuable work for us this is science applied to a useful purpose we itipply bulli tin and blueprint to mn one wlahlng to build a septic unit all necessary information is ln in these and by their helpful ingestions any bandy man cantralld li cost ror cement aiphon stuns ind hie aroounta lo about sithe mnk may be located close ft th houbf and the tile laid under the lawn or garden h r oraharn a c ouelph li does n 1 pa tn tuxn cowa tarda and compel them to ramali in disagreeable wuthar it i asd to keep oow warm

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