Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 21, 1925, p. 2

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mptttwfaile 111 lmj iw h willsonj undsr taker nnd i lioonsted embnlmor iain st oaurfltob esquesing agl soeiely faxr zr bad splendid ye with s- 1 sxt t o hal balanceold officers i llctlmltd married died uranltocu om 71 ycri amonlt leslie- auorton i te i x town council ocorfietoun january 1 1 1926 council met with major dale in tuo chair iteevo mclntjro ami council lorn afluedhurat kcllj campbell uuncsn lonfi rind bin el a j present commumrntioiih wore received from board of railway commit hiorwra of caoadn langs binkloj norwich hamilton gporge horrtogtoa georfttowu georrc town fire brirade clork was instructed to wriu board or railway commmsionerfi of canada biriii depart hipi i toronto mraera smitb tonp and henry corke clerk maijnstructed to adver tise for tenderri for assi tor and tax collector moved b long hiundid bj camiihcll unit the foilnwing be the ulnndin comimttfcb for the year 1825 the drat named beinn tbe chairman of tbat committee finance and special committee messrs long kelly null mcln tyre btreels and walkq- mehsrs ash eohorat campbell and long waterworks and fire henart duncan mclntire and campbell bnildidrs and property m dear barclay duncan and abii en burnt chanty light and police- messrs campbell kelly and bur clay prmtinq and contingencies messrs kollj asbenhurst long ibilubtnal mcssrb mclnty re duncan and barclay carried moved by barclay seconded bj kelly tbat albert tout be fire chief for tho year 10iu at a tnlarj of 75 and annus duncan depot fire chief at a salar of slfloo carried moved by dunrnn bcrondcd b campbell tbat tho clerk be in structed to advertise in the geor getown herald for on assessor and collector for the town of genrrc town for the year 1 1125 assessor to put in ins book complete by april 30th applicant to state salary expected tenders to be scaled carried mod by barclay seconded by long tbat j m mpore bo reap pointed a member of the public libiarj board for the year 19iil lfllifl and 1127 carried moved by barclaj seconded by ashenhurat that dr watson be i teappomtcd a member of the hifib school board for the i ears 1926 2b- b7 carried moved by dnncan hpcondcd by i barclay that the regular meetings o the council tor tho year 1025 be beld on tho first tuesday of each nod every month ilurmfc the jear cnrned moved by asbenhorst seconded by kelly that e column be reap pointed pound keeper for the year 1025 for tho weit fide of the town namely west of mam and sooth of guelph streets and that wm ward be re appointed pound keeper for the year 1925 for tbe east side of the toyn namol east of main and north of ouelph ste and that the same wm ward pro vide a pound carried moved by barclay bccodfipd by long tbat the clerk bp instructed to bcdd s26 to the ontario muni cipal association for 102t in order that the miimcipnlitv of george town may become a member of that association carried moved by campbell neconded by meohurst that tbe clerk be m strncted to write lanks bintlej a norvrick to tho effect that tbi council baeuiken up the matter of taylor construction co for extras und liao decided tbat be is not entitled to im carried moved by kelly seconded b ashenhuret that clerk and treas urer be paid tho sum of 20 ench for preparing interim snmial state ment which was not included in their worko former j ears car moved by long seconded by kelly that the following ticcoiintni be passed nniiul meeting of tin ipiohing agricultural society at held in tint oum il chnmber or salurdui nfurnoun last the presi ilent hen pilch in tho chair the ticssurer presented th ffnnneial slntoment showing a bill on hnnil of 372 il lieing i ol 12b ill during the jeiir nomiig tho olcclion of ofllten fnuliu uid tbat the hurcesti u fair was largely doe to the energy and ciccutive ability of tbe retiring president and moved b reelection mr joe endorsed the romarks o mr fouls but added that mi petch alho bad the tac titty of inspiring tbo directors with his own enthusiasm and movea reelection of the whole board foults witbdrtw hiu motion and tbe board tor 1024 were re- elccted tbe following ofllceii appointed auditors r- c mccullougb and jobq u biog- harn secretary j a tracy ass t sec mrs tracy treasurer p w cleave delegates to association of fairs convcntiou ben petch and u b fouiib tbe fair will bo held on friday and saturday september 26th and 20th 192fi is purel a p rsonnl ipioatiou io difference how otheis sliiiid lie tiistiin tilth anil tun r should ik guided li then conscience and not liillueni d by tho fiction h of othiis neitli i does it iimltui what lews the i listers of kno chur h lnorm town liavu on this u ation mi douhtedly these men mmeixdj be iee in what they say hut bj hould this he u guide for otln r o go hj now when the hrsl t otes wore taken on churth union t was decided that thort rfliould be no further action tnken unless tho presbytonana eie entirely laoimous on tho question 1 leave the matter to any fan mind ed person to decide for theinaelvcm aa to whether iinyiltgttninilntatnr or not our friend also lelln us that denomoationiilism fosters rivalry and jealousy now 1 think any fay thinking person knows that pertain creeds oi forms of church government tbat would up peal to one person would not ap peal to another therefore f e expect to add to the membership rolls of our churches we must have ndividual denominations in order the entrant e t hh union will tinirbrrtrittnialtrinnnrrrfrrift-irritt- sliongly oiunu kiiilieit cluni h oi g iinalion hut iivtlu i 1 hionili the midium of tliplwelie pinih goteh ulitchtlip apihtle lull l vimillv diienbetii us in lh liol nf itcvoliitiitnftiid wjiyhhi l niii foi the entninre of tin lw tribes of isiael standard anthracite scranton coal in all sx7ea coal wood hiikl hum toi ikm in and tliuilui uikims i 4iti t ttrvr m d f- f n iii in f li i lyllni i j hi fiuiml in in ui llu coil imi wml yiid mil the mill muhii z john mcdonald ihoni 12 t georgetown obilaary william antiioh alter being in poor health for the past fourteen years william anthony a well known and re spected resident passed away at his home here on thursday jan 15th besides bib widow ho leaves three brothers james of bisques ng joseph of buffalo and andrew of georgetown the fnneral took place on satmday afternoon lost when the remains were interred in greenwood cemetery tbe service being conducted by rev mr cald well of tbe methodist church tbe pall bearers wero john an thnny w atkinson b atkinson toronto herbert anthony hut- todvillo l atkinson acton and w c anthony georgetown st ovarta wa the annual tea in connection with the babies branch was beld in tbe schoolroom on thursday last a large number of members with their mothers were present and enjoyed the bountiful spread and the gifts provided mrs h francis was convenor of tbe com mittee which consisted ot mrs f w knight mrs w h tost mrs dewhurst mrs roe and mrs weston h marchmeni s w t 18 00 h wwets 18 00 18 uo h 1 90 david bell ww on it w pat cullen ww t 51 david bell wv tx b 00 h marchment ts 18 uu h 18 00 bell telephone mun olhcc 3 01 town hall j on chief arckidenpf fi w f l heath expresr is f rbfiere a co uoal jfbn ballantine wood 23 50 t 00 hh thompson sccounl 9 91 j b mackeniie uxounl 11 5 hydro electric w w offla fire hall 2 06 75 town hall 4 74 power stall on 96 town halir 4 51 street lights 498 00 geo henry wv sis etc 9 00 carried xaa aad eatartalamaat a play entitled miss molly will be given under tho auspices of the woman s auxiliary o st stephens church in th oningo hall hornby on friday evening janow 28rd tea will bo served from 6 to o clock admission correspondence mr editor there appeared in the labt issue of your valuable paper a letter from one of yonr es teemed citizen a on tbat very im port ant question church union now the writer is very strongly in favor of organic union and his advice to tbe good mem bers of knox church george town as to how thoy should vote on the question is undoubted ly very much for union as one who belongs to aobnrch wnich hoe already given its verdict on the question a congegation which has been carry i or on the good work for a period of 10 j years and which by a vote of practically 9 to 1 has decided to remain as it has been still a presbyterian congregation i take this opportunity of replying to some of the statements made by our good friend as found in his letter now i am sure we will all agree with tbe writer when he says that knox church george town and hundreds of others throughout our dominion have reach ui a very trying period in their history now our friend tells u s unit if knox church george town goes into tho union ft will go forward as it has done in tho post and its session and other offic ers will function as they have dnne in the past but if knox church decides by voto not to enter tho imon it will go into a now proa bytenan organization and will em burls on nn unknown sen accompan ied vitb diflioult navigation now i don t know how our good friend cflmo to get his imagination so bndly mixed u knox church georgetown or any other preflbj term n congregation in canada vote out of union they will still remain prnbj tcrtrins and will form a psrt of tbat grand old pres- bjtermn chnrch soch as has besn in the past and whose record speaks tor itself through tbe great work it linn accomplished in christian world but if knox chinch vorgctown enters union it will then undoubtedly embark on nn unknown sea and perhaps vtrv tempestuous one as well be cause it is beyond the power of man a mtelleel to know what til i it niirkiitiui votmg nit i itii t ili io give it a fair trial aro not natisiled they mubt bear in mind lhat they may t ilrnw themselves from tbe united bun h hut llity cannot take their ihiirch property or church funds with the tn these continue to re main hie prnpeity ot the imited ch u i ch ajain our friend lay great stress on the fact that the ginrrnl assembly on several oc- r nions endorsed church cnion by luge majorities nod that the dividual congregations should fall in line accordingly but i wish to remind bim that the general assemhly although it is the high eft court of the preflhytefian church yet is not tbe chorcb the individual members constitute the ghnreh andno other conraa the pover or aothonty to deprave them of that right and where they have had tbe opportunity bey are asserting their rights by vote in no uncertain maqder again tbe writer refers to the atti tude taken by members of die ns won and members of tbe board of tea of quality salad a is blended only from tender young leaves buds that yield richly of their delicious good ness try salada today stocktaking sale goloshes and rubbers ladiea 4 buckle golouhea lndies rubboro birh hcet miasea rabbore 11 to 2 childs rubbers 7 to 10 mens rubbers mens rubbers roys rubbers 11 to 18 ro s rubbers 1 to 5 boys rubbers boy s ueev rubbers 11 tn 11 roys hoav rubbers 1 u 4 overshoes men s arclic overshoes 1 bnokle mens arctic overshoes 2 buckle hockey boots boy s hockey boots 11 to it boy s hockey boots s to gj men s hockey roots 4 fit for ladieb hockey boota 1 00 for ladies hockey routs 1 75 fur 880 69 19 11 in 19 145 195 1225 290 1239 285 359 325 290 work boots men s kip wnik roots ladies spats bsdies spats grey brown and black is buttoi and 3 bucktos only ladicaspata grey and brown 11 buttons onlj house slippers ladick kfd house slippers 1 strap only 1139 125 mcbeanco georgetown grandys grocery specials nn jell or imperial jelly powdem black tea in bnlk per hi silver gloss starch 2 pkus benson scorn htarch 2 ikis star ammonia it pbgs raspberry apricot and plum lati lb tin pettit s closer hnriej 5 lb tin dates 2 lbs seedless raisins 2 lbs libby s kraut per tin impbell h soup per tin cream wheat 8 lbs coin meal 4 lbs- rolled wheat 1 ibt new advertisements january clearing sale at the mens store muiiilui luni l sin plus nl i ill mil wimo in i ml in iiiiiii lu iidiitt iiurhiiiik vw mi ulxiiiu vpn i in iluiiumik olt all luiinliiiu in hi link hit ii- liiil- nmt riwm tii i i ordered clothing in tilel til kiepniir vwik klijtgiin ou1 urn hit t in pi ims pmtu m rilne1 toik ilt iurtenil inn bli titptrvrkvi pjll oli irtvvis i t all uli hiuil imlmid in our hvvii vvorkshiip anil n hub- in t ml flour high patent kings choice bread floni national whole wheat stniio m tiled ask your dealer apple barrels for sale wheat wanted highest price paid chopping and oat rolling wbbrowneco norval flour mills norval ladies shampooing marcelling and curling rizzing and singeing try us ear prices are reasonable mr mrs jh lillico appointments phone 242j readytowear clothing i wiyllmik in i ins i ii urn ml ui lull 1 mm nn im ok iiuth- mid mens siiih umlmi runh mini be diiirnl mil in imki lml the siniilii it ill ik iimir mlnesl u nil iuil iisiut mi oil urirfs nut kplinih mini vmimikiih millar co llllle all phone 126 riiw ulkbclu tiiilorlnsr inn men purplxliliie aaeiii u r sluckwall llsddron tv co toronlo drrnill und drt cleuiilik georgetown lil lini iii xd 4mp 1 1nii librarian wanted j i ihomrvu hir for hale wood far sals timtwwxl 175 per ml mcii oodot j c noj dar 1kj h iiilc cord ohler- 11 l hihjry s rcrd mill i r i j ilrantllorrl hoi 0 v for sale 1 ony lw ufts ot linibtr in id tit i jr i fin sww 00 keiainil sl pjiuiti1 iiiofiijjr tor balrnic voolo tili iiibiii r exclmtirr 0n mri jnlm mnudinlt 7 oil mid ar f m forsters cash and cash store a full l1nl op choice fresh groceries e provisions etc 1 kl n in si io robinson bros and neilsoos chocolates pronounced the best by ail who have tried them swifts cooked bam and cured heals at right priceb forsters corner john and victoria st 3bbrse3 our mams are the fincst that mortev can buy oualitys fine the prictr ae wright butcher main st georgetown phones snop 196 boose 235 seasonable serviceable reliable merchandise at a big sacrifice childrens wear 2picccsiutswarm anrjserviccablcjfrl39 and up 139 3 4 piece heavy brush wool suite up to 550 values nr 330 s wool pullovers and jackctr reduced to 98 s wool toques from 39c up s warm wool mitts apd gloves nt a big reduction s wool toques fiom 39o and misses fine wool sport caps 100 and up wool gnimrnls all lines at a sacrifice jackets overalls caps saris shawls mitts booties etc men and boys wear i a m grandv phone 7s siusurfrm guruletf prmpl delivery fg 33 lrlbisiigilj mm- ill wool fine ribbed underwear up io 2 25 for men i hemy winler shirlb up io 1 75 and 2 it lor men i overalls up to 1 75 men i harm 2 50 lor men all wool panls 5 uu value men s socks 19c and up men s dm all wool jackets al a sacrifice boy s all wool jackets an d pullovers 98c up boy s oil wool knicker 1 50 for boy s slurls 69c and up 150 169 129 195 389 119 quality value service jacksons georgetown for sal si ui i bobnlklit lor il in lilt iweiuhorw appl io ma liiptu mplc av i to rent t ouuird iioum onicr i dith mid hu d sis ml lonvemencea apply vi mlroljjinmpul4lloiie 18ri3 viu rame tomplclr new hurl vidr tulirdct lor sale ipeighl- c md bntlcry hirvioe john st 1 7 3 wood for sal vi sol in 50 turds o dry hardwood ii ptcparrd to deliver any place ui or ji s h sing in ion john ford hlr kimml liouse oi mam si north so liieruinned home on kennedy si itn iifhli luwti wiilcr cellar and hen 1oufmian 1 once apply u whiioii main si nortli l honey for bala unit la per lb amber 12 l 2r pt r in im iwtniy thirty and nixiy pnund iih 4hu 5lver 1 vnricdos of ood appten islaoperbab or 1 per hair bk i 1 v i nailer m t george n r huke v annhicf ballinnfad i wood for bala ludnood body maple t2 in s1 75 per ik iiitd noil rails 12 m 2 50 am d lnrdood rails 12 00 per t smili phone hl r 13 g own hi 7 to lat id coliic corner of murd nisl newly decorated jhic ponwiiion apply to h i old georgetown tl 1 ice cutting i it iiepnrchaard a new ive plow and compkil oiiilit and am prepared to takr rorketown u auction sale oi sheep wood dhnod nit any length you rtm i lord st a load s3 w a single loal l c i hunki 5 00 load a free l4i llinjr hi every irjree cord order v kins lhone99r 15 1 tenders wanted s utl lenders ad ireised io the clerk 11 im ai nd up io jan j li 192 for b colic lor hihi aiicimr for llio ton i riinforihf ychrloja separ ifidrrs amesorlo put in hiimues ml looh ioihiieb april 30th 1s ppl n ioiaic cnurv cxjircled ii order louuli bjluivvujiuu2lai1525 notice to creditors the bukraplcy ad i hird ne prior thereto iiriiifr lake nolee lhat if o ny inrn a list ihe debtor tor ou ire in llrd iti rank proof ol 9 iron for trlon of lie t eij by ubsntion m of eclon 37 ot the d aci i ahall distribute tbe proceed of led ihirri havnj rrgbrd only o ihe m ol hhih 1 havpthennotee i d torono ihit ttih day of jan j ii isvrthomr- jmotfl torotiw rle lffli wih osier wade is etj fire insurance j w kennedy sewjehwi akeril for orre ol ihe hrth com vre you protected

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