Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 4, 1925, p. 4

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tiir ri ohqftown iimiahi fpiinijain itii lobfi tbc old kocumqchair of od t 1- lab in buld ed with rutbimt- ol fallir an ll tuodk id ll- anlt liulun ror lmitinil lfii line tj ivt altbuuh at j one iiidp it it 11 bih thy of ptar in a room alls beo- our fiist rortik riwir hun atsdau in oar wee botue of dream dow we painted bright scenes of the fatar a to melied in traoos and h and hi it has bra arbal w made i ofrn of its bw and are oh ibe dmun of tbf ltrwrr toule abalo j sjubcw room ilw old rocking when mar of daj toilsome and oc isle and iu fret and ila csue wufa is in lb old rocking chair and roamd ibis old nt duster of lontb arisen our spirit woold lomm bat to dj the old fjuur is sym bol ot the pesse and coaleatmeot or borne 11 b a oo friday ntoins jariaa the milton short coarse students m aeneultnre and domes science atoned a most aurjeessial le deb ratio i function 1 by about tiro b from the nctnit or lb girls of the domestic scteoce dak nnder the direction of miss shorbeed their teacser and as tasted hy aome of the ladled of the cttsmnutr were responsible for the nhaunag and arraogiob of the aaena that the girls an well trained m the art of preparuig wad wiin an excellent repasi xemntified br the deukhtfal ner m vhtdb they arranged the tables and served the u the atodenta and their guest ftuanbled at seventhirty and after partaking of a very snmptooos past hstened to a twj interesting r vtueb had been ar raaaed br the dassea mr alex moclairen ot georgetown acted as entertained the and e by aaany witty remarks and ty ttnim llr mcgregor of bojs ebus proposed a toast to sdentaand it was ably re- i to by lbs walker of the daabestic soenee jcusa mr r r fleming balton county repre villain i in a few well chosen re- aaarkn expresaed his creat nleas- nxe m h no many of the yoatnai people taking the coarse ur b 8 danean director of ag- raoadtaral b for oo tano was the chief apeaker of the ereatiag and gava a very excellent aattresa on the extension work earned on among the junior farm en throogboat the provtooe thief addaeaaes were given by iiiiain at the more distinguished gaeata namely mr- bole dr r b andetaon mr j at deoyes mr j irrwg judge eulou and mrgaatle all the speakers axr pleaaore at bemg wore most delightful i j iinaiafd with the achievements of the bays and girls after the speeches the audience ware privileged to beara i tereataaf debate on qie subject tfimjnd that competition is of baorexalwetothe farmer than co operation the affirmative was ably lad by mr fred walkei and aarmarted by mr clare wil ana the uuatire was led by miss merries cartwngbt and she was by miss sybil laghtfoot alter n i finally b which snowed that they bad spent considerable time and thought m preparing their r much deliberation tf hy decided that the the n dwrnag the course of the evening the girls class presented miss sh with a beubial boqoet of flowers these ishort courses are being mrj well auended by the farm boy and girls and this year all i ton n ba one of the most soecesp fnl cnoraesra the protince a ancceaafoj coarse n only made pas aible by earerally armnixed worl ob the part of mr fleming the e and capable agncouaral i by tanons latereated farmers and farm or i the district com why dont yon attend cbnrcb asked the mioister of a non at tendaat- well ill tell yoa sir the first tone i went to church they powred water in m lare the second tame they ued me to a w man i had to keep ever eiooe tea said the parsoo and the next bote yoa go they ii throw dirt jet yoa ex thta a xery aad ease very sad iadeed aaad the doctor 1 very mach regret to inform yon hai ynor wifes mind ta gone casapmaly gone tm not a bit karprsacd answered the hosband sbe baa been gmng ne a piece of it every day for the last ufuwn a carload of wheat sold at atrammpaha awa for l81 a baabel fcrruag the first days trad nag there m 19s the highest mark earned lor wheat amce 19s0 tb rajrra of bigh pnom be- iac aaaiatained aboald be waoonr agsmt to has bnaen feneralty he disrrft expect to lose his hat anymore than you expect o lose the roof of jajar house in the next windsaona tih the unexpected that okmrja happens ask us about a wmastann pducy elmer c thompson unruce sctvim srargetowo keeps is cars movinc but she cant ma kb salaps ton really ought to try our liio nod goods if you werent in at the opening you think they wore fresh from the farm peaches pears plums raapber nea cherries straw borne ft pine- apple pens corn tomntoealgold en wax beans fstc pure baenberry 3nm 4 lb tin 90c glass 85c pure orange m armalndo slas 75o apricot pineapple red cur rant jelly smders tomato soup 15 heine cream tomato soup alymer tomato soup for pork beaoh 10 ifi 20o peas 10 15 18c tomatoes 15 20c spaghetti 10 0o potted meats s or sardines 1015200 custard powder 10 15 25c mark clark bakery and groceries aim lib u aim of tain ekaal to prar yamac pepla for amla i to s4otkoat a tnlalag u ooatnanial kkaln tkat ill a of afemt koaolt to tkast la wkatarar lln of work tkay au fooroonraesof study steikkiaphic bookkeeping secretarial teachers training i nd i v id uslp mttructi oa brampton easiness iisutnle anderson block- brampton ont start on monday t guelph business college bu oulph oat for ib0b0h6b tbainin6 byiswvibuai nsttncnoii frao idsmess expeuewce0 distiiictors couwssecretarial bookkeepers htenoohalherb 611eip8 business collese a i muck frbtdpai ud frrltr coughs brftnchitis cols vit ubn the tatioriuml uir sctvkm offi- rara of tho cam- dun natkhwl kul- wayi ananblnl m ual recmuy ooe of the bfrt torn wound the lano ubbrm tbe boaffl raomattbeotowal qffins in mcgill simt u hhai lacy wmhl dgpt infer from ihu tbst mist writht u oae of tbota mac4ine buried bsatx sod tuuneritd bertdf intbafakatbatsbe nntatobekomn hbooqott hk turly iko dl thnt hr wiuitcd u tnim could notallonl eofti ho to busuina a luiol ihe bouhl stpniij rihy luokn inul iuukiil litncll mis wmht 1- tbincil her fltm y b at ktcnoirotihit in hi oilux fit alii r nty b i hicks f ourand m1 whro she was m sometime why not this time red rose is good tea passenger man appointed to railway executive the orange pekoe it extra good try it 1 you ikltlct i v ny thanka that women ibould take buaoto world bat ruber one wbo bo lievcs u a sirl maru out to carve hendf a orccr she should stnvoto attain the hictiest pomt possible in that career if a rirl intends to get married said mas wright she should marry young hither prepare for mtunoge or prepare or business in tbe farmer instance learn home economics the bnonrct end of nuutaguik a borne and arrange to meet proper young tnen but for business it is ihflertnt one cannot be a successful maker at the tame time i know that in my case it would be a dangerous thing to jmt me in command of a kitchen stove with this bncf introducboo to miss wngbt in mind picture the surprise of a lactorv traffic manager who strode into the offices of tho canadian national grand trunk lines at detroit the other day and demanded wheresthe general car distributor show me his office here i am im the general car distributor it was miss lucy wnghc sitting be hind ber ntatlv kept desk from which she directs the pwvemeut of some 15000 freight cars after the shock of surprise had sub sided the factory representative forgot what it was he wanted to tell and 1 lstened instead to a satisfactory cxplana tton of just why the cars he had ordered had not been delivered appointment of miss lucy wright to ihe important office of general car dis tributor by the grand trunk came as a btjcaeiirpnse to michigan railroad men ita believed she is the only woman in america occupying such a position it is her duty to keep on the move the bousandi of freight cars on gratidtnmk tracks supplying the demands of ship- siers an idle imght car costs ihe railroad 1 a day and there ore ls6iu or more cars on the division though many rail road men and ship pers were skeptical when a woman was placed in chaise of the distribution of dales she said i the intcrviewir audi moot going to 1 still ntnin privuexra the job paid 5 u week barely raoufh to pay her fore between the city and her borne on the form but it gave her cs penence and at seventeen she went to work for the grand trtrak except for two bncf excursions into other busmen she has been with tho road since in 1120 she aent to the oakland motor c ir co taking churfei of all incoming freight at the pontiac plant there she ob tamed valuable eipencace for ber return to nulroailinx last vror as general car distributor miss wright has learned that her ut calls for other things besides the mere distribution of cars bhc i much to learn t know crops and crop u ditions a bumper wheat harvest means a shifting of freight cars that affects the grand trunk as well as every railroad i n america id the same manner a failure ot the california orange crop will in fluenco the routine of the general car distributor sffcce weather conditions are of as much importance to mres wright as to tbe brier an early iprcccdentctl low cap iain spring late fall e tempcratur ir fall ir ihewne the all learning to respect her ability born on a farm miss wnght was born on a farm near durand mich and at her fathersdeath when sbc was eleven she took active charge of the family at twelve she was managing the farm success fully incidentally learning the funda mental of him jhicydtttes girla who need advice moat wont lake it the other will succeed anyway the worst crime a business woman can commit is to dlvulftc office secrets dont be an automatic sten ographer anyone can run a machine a tlrl who merely typewrites will always remain a sten ographer one who learns the business the is in will become a private secretary one cant be a successful business executive and an expert salad maker at tbe same time there isnt a position in the world that can not be filled by a woman aa capably as by a man a barometer a corner on wheat or com or even of eggs may mean miliums for the wall street speculators it means trouble for the general car distj of wheat up cars arc down and cars are r the formers hold on when industry revives the cry of car more cars dins the earot the cor distributor and car distributors are expected to ibrsce these conditions and be prepared for them because of her training miss wright was certain by the middle of june thnt president coohdge was to be reelected business was boom ing early in the year and the cry then came the rise in the fortunes oflafolkutbui ness men becami tightened and ship lang fell of dul arl june buu ness had leaded that coohdge wa sure to win and im mediately the cr for cars rose again and 1 1 bos been com ing louder and more insistently ever says miss wnght its here and the wwroe insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 86 geoegetown stop take notice that wo will h an die your troublesome no ten and ac counts on a strictly commssion basis no collection no crmrffo we place fu yearn experience at jour disposal and as9omc all your collection troubles send ub your liat wo trill do tbe rest no note or account ib contttdercd too small too large too old or too far away wo will tackle an honest debt kelly aiken collectors oeangeville j m aiken mfir ref sterling bank of anndn owen sound joa jkellym georgetowns f ending 7 obacco confectionery store we have a good stock of cigars specially wrapped for gifts 10a 25s 50s 100s cfgat- ette cases cigar cases all kinds of pipes from 50c up to 1000 tobaccos c1eall kinds boxes of choice fresh chocolates chocolates in bwlk maple buds burned almonds brazil nuts maraschino cherries pineapple liq ueur walnuts etc fruit and mixed nuts r t t t dominion canadas ukmovn retail ckocerls save money every day 1 whether its monday or saturday you are alwayb sure that the prices at your dominion store are ttyt standard i of economy in groceries all prices are set at figurejo live you the inaxhnum c are not raised and lowi i shop at your nearest i p4g and gold soap1059 choice large meaty prunes 2 29 excelsior or excellence dates329 bassetjs lportal ore candies in- 39ofclk camp coffee essence shelled arkqaiu wa1huts 25 muscatel 9 nee raisins 0 honey bar biscuits date jam biscuits special blend coffee eagle brand blueberries 225 23 55v 15 ford garage in georgetown our sales and service station is now opcli forjbusihess and a first class me chanic ivill give prompt and efficent service tires gas oils and all ford assessories always on hand h a coxe main st north formerly browns garage forsters cash and cash store m ies1 provisions etc vr it in season roblnsoq bras ul neusns choctules prtntuieefl ibc best ij tu wlm live triti iban swills cmm ban crtl neils al rlgbl prlcts forsters 1 logs wanted h druks main st georgetown we are paying cash for elm maple baaiwood pine hemlock and oak logs highest prices paid for good logs awf also do custom sawing and will be cutting this week bring youi logs and gel youtlurnoei home with you georgetown lumber co phone 250 v uoward wq howard wnpflo appoidqnent aa general eaocutlva aaalatant baa been announced by e w deattj c balrmau anj president of tho can adian pacific hallway mr howard who baa been assistant oeneral passeuker apent auoeeeda f 1 watiklyn whose retirement was an nouueed at the end ot tbe year mr howard is one or the younger ot tbe companys officials although bo entered its service twentylive years avo bora in chatham n3 he joined the canadian pacific forces as junior clerk at st john n b in 1897 and two years later was pro moted to the position of travelling paaseuger agent since that time hla promotion has been rapid and be la well known throughout the east as a very competent officer on two occasions mr howard has been in charge of the train placed at tht service of the prtnce or wales by tbe canadian pacific here and there the follow 1 nir apt comment on the careless motorist and his ulti mate fate cornea from the boston transcript if a freight tram at a crossing hits an auto fairand square theres the freight train wheres the auto echo answer where trees at the rate of 20000 a day have been planted by farmers in western canadadnringthelast 2 years according to a report of tha federal department of agriculture a total of 160000 000 young tree the report shows has been distrib uted to farmers in that section in 1905 canada has entered into negotia 1 1 ons with germany for a trade agreement which will give her the benefit of the most favored nations agreement- bxporti to that coun try very nearly doubled during 192 and at the close of the year ger many was practically in the posi tion of being canadas third best customer a cooperative shipment of poul try to new york city encouraged and handled by the dominion poul try service alberta branch brought good results the ship merit consisted of two refrigerator carloads of turkeys and the ship pers received 5 cents a pound for their birds the new york selling price being 41 cents a pound among the interesting books of the season is canadas great high way from the ftrat stake to the last spike by j h e secreun c e published by thorburn and abbott ottawa dealing with the early history of the canadian pa cific railway the volume contains racy reminisce rices of life in con tr action days as experienced by the author who was a member of the companys engineering staff salting from new york on jan nary 14 the emprcts of france palatial canadian pacific steam ahip began her round the world cruise which 11 to la it 130 days the vessel was gaily decked with flag and filled with happy passengers eager to enjoj the experience of a lifetime f l wanklyn and mr wanklyn were amone those on board mr wankljn recently re- ired from his position an executive assistant of the canadian pacific railway thriatreratyorthc blacks new zealand s wonderful rugby team hitherto unbeaten in their tour of canada win announced bj the canadian pacific recent 1 land ing at st john n i m january 81 from the comian tramhip montlaorier ihe teim will pro ceed across the dominmn 1 la cana dian pacific line t1e will make short itnys at montreal on feb ruary 1 toronto fcbnian 2 nmg ara falls february 1 calgnry february 6 banff rbniur 1 vancouver frbruarj 10 21 and sail from sn fiinrirn on llic 2th cnlrarl i knmc ir- ni n hill ln dance al the pllifcr hotel they will 1 take part in the banff winter cai val and will puyaeamifrnm v let us onre fix our expert rn gle eye on that sulking furnace and 4vemxit so that it will glow wjjti warmth instead ol shameless shivering with told what do srou say j w kennedy son hardware plnrowrif wattn h pkoae lbd skop pkaaa 86 notice to creditors in the matter of tba tsmuf af janahoara lata of ta tow of gwrguwa in ta conaitj of hal- ton widow daeaaaad ndtu e is hereby given pursuant lota lion 16 of ihe trustees act revised stalulcs of oomrlo 1914 chapter 111 thai all creditors or other having claim or demands ngatnsi ihe estate of tbe said jnne hoarc who died on or about ibc eighth day of january a d i92s m ihe said town of georgetown are reuuired on or before tho twenty eighth day ot febn ary a d 19 10 nd by post pre- phid or driller to ihe uodcrsigncd solicr- tor herein for charles ii hoarc ihe ad miiiiilrnior of ihe estate of ihe said jane hoare widow deceased their christian names mid surnames addresses andele scrip otis iho full particular m writing of iheir claims a utrmcnl ot their ac count and tbe nature of the security if any held b them ami take notice that after such last mentioned date the said administrator will proceed to distribute ihe assets of tbb said deceased among the parties entitled having regard only to tbe claims il 1 nniich iwl of which he shall then have that said administrator will not be tor the laid assets or any part tbere- any person or person of whose hall eied j him at the time of such dtstnbulia lurov dale solicitor for the administrator datmi at georgetown ihis zsth day of tinuarylws 1 28 notice to creditors in the hatter oftia awtata af ckrutopku- 1 rnaaau br lata af ta town of ooorsratawa 1st tka oonatj of haltoa c notice is hereby given pi tion of tbe trustees act r sc il4 chapter 121 that all creditors or others having claims or demands against we eatale of the said christopher j russell sr who died on or about the fifteenth day or december 1925 at the sard town of leorgetown are required on or before the twentf e ghth day of february o send by post prepaid or deliver to tbe un dersigned solicudr herein for isabella russell daid a russell aad chi istopber j russell the executors of the estate of tbe said christopher j russell gentle man deceased their christian names and surnames addresses and descriptions the full particulars in writing of their claims a statement of their accounts and the nature of the security if any held oy i hem aho takk notice that after such last mentioned dale the said execulora will proceed to distribute tbe assets of tbe said deceased among ihe parties entitled there to and lhat ibc said utoca will not be hahle for he said assets or any part there of to any person or persons of whose ilamis notice shall not have been received bythrmatthelime of such distribution urqy dalk solicitor for tbe executors datvd at georgetown ibis twenty eighth day of january a d 1925 12831 notice to creditors in the matter of tk estate f join applau ula of tka tsra- jtlp of eaqmsslaux la tka ossati hoi ton oantlasaaw rlsnsaasd noriit 11 hereby given pursuant iomc noii 56 of the trustees act r so 1914 chapter lil thai all creditors or others ing claims or demands against the he of ihe said john applebe who died jr aboul ihe 19 h day 01 november a- d 1921 k township of esquesr are rrquind on or before ihe twenty kb day of february ad l925toend i 1 om prrpa4 or delner to the under itfdjrji applebe the ad m m strain x of the estate ol ihe mid john applet gentleman de eavd tleir christian names and sur l addrefsc tn descriptions tbe lull pnimlrs u writing of their claims and vie the very heay summer innel is an ticipated by the can idian pacific railway during 1925 especially to convention on the picifir coist of canada and the united states c b foster passenger traffic manairer of the com pan j announced recently canadian and american railroads pect 150000 persons to attend these conventions some of which will be very large at least thirty itwnrd bound special trains and as mam eastward boand will be provided by the canadian pacific handle the delegates mr jester stated and banff and lake louue expect great seasons as so many of the travellers will stop off m those famoii mountain reaorta there will also be a verj heavy movement to conventions in east canada and the tatttru unlud sttto c tonga u aaxdar it noted for tiibtifimde instruction und superior emplomerjt services i3atr any time catalogue free w j elliott prtaip ladies suhnhmg hasceuiik anb ctirinc flume ud smceow try us our prices are reasonable mrmrsjiuilleo rlshartnmj

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