Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 11, 1925, p. 4

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i uv for those who love i live for tlioao in lii li mo whoso lioartu ur fond mid true for thi liuum unit mihui ubuit mo anil unaittt n iiut lao for tlio niirniiti ihh tbiil b nd im- for the luil b khi uisimiul mi fur tlio brirlit bonesltift hi hind and tho good tlinl 1 ntn do i livo or those who low mi x for those who know mi inn for the heaven thut sunk ilmw and awaitu mj spirit inn 5jfi for tbo catim- tint i lm u nltifc aaoe for tho wrontf unit m i d nit once for the future in tin iilnm and the good tluii i mm in if we only had time if we only bad turn through the dsybbuo liiiuri to think or the sick iuid sn it with how in if yre onij hud tunc for a ton wordn of rlieer to tho one left bereft of h loel one ho dear if no only had tune for the holp leea and old in our mad btrlfe for funic and 0111 groaning for gold the world would be bitter and i li uulin by doior for others if bad time blanch on i ft dw there ih 401110 chance thai the municipal oteis isu that will be made this jeur will bo taken ni the htaodnrd for the imtn that wil be nard in the not dominion clec tlooh and nhat would ton lp do idr with u wife at jour ujje don aid inquired mctavisb just to bide wi me and wheu i dec to close my ijen replied donald aweei taid mctnvili 1 vc bad tvra and tbc opened mine new book makes r3kakcf of history tells slorj of in ttlun pacific kailwav and ttuilding of jtoimnion f erred to the can adianliuifii itul wnj us canada on whetls grtal as it is the tana r i ion pacifa would be the last to no 1 prnpnate such an i appellation it can i be truthfully said i however that to understand the re- history of hthe dominion one t g ha beth must know that of the canadian pontic now at last cornea a volume well illustrated with photographs which presents that history in its most palatable form that is in a form emphasis ing the human cue tor the ro mance of the canadian pacific rail way by r g macbcth the ryer son press toronto 2 50 the author who has a number of historical works to his credit is singularly well equipped apart from his literary skill he has the advantage of having lived in the canadian west all his life he has always been in close touch with the canadian pacific though he is careful to point out that he has never been connected with it and has written and publinhod his book independent mr nlncbith here traces the nmn ing story of the company s devrlop ment into the world s greatest irani portation system of the steamships of the telegraph and express colon itatton irrigation hotels and bun go low camps of its war service and of all its activities with a wealth of interesting detail which illustrates the brilliant administrative and or gamstng ability of its executive canadians should be proud as mr mac beth reminds them that their countrj approved the construe tion of this pioneer transcontinental when the population was only 4900 000 though the umtd staus had not dared to undertake a similar road till she iad ten times that num ber the frightful difficulties pan tical technical and financial through which the company s sponsors and founders fought their way to victory rawell summamed for instance it is recalled thai sections of the line north of lake superior cost 600 000 a mite to build and a muskeg east of winnipeg swallowed seven tracks before it was conquered the author shown that the triumphant accomplishment of the work was es pecially creditable because it toak place in a period of immense depres sir william van home general manager and later president that nan of tireless energj vision and determination is the central figure in the volume and there are many anecdotes illustrating his versa tile character but all the other great man it the company mount stephen shaurhneasy beatty an gus and a host of others receive their due lord shaughnelsys fin words the nharehaldrrs and direc tors of the campany have always been impressed with the idea that the interests af the company are in timatelr connected with those of the damlnian and no effort ar expense has been spared to help in promoting the development of the whole ceun- try are amply backed by the applii n wax means ni iuit itusihtry j ir ilunis llaspli slruwliorrimji rn taiuauicmi r lb tin inieornriije murnmlmunlu aprn ol pineapple hi il cyr rant iellv snider h tomato oup if lleins cream tomato soup al inor 1 ornato soup i for pork bintm 10 15 peas 10 1g tomaloch 15 spaghetti 111 potted meats it r sardines hi 15 c ilhtnnl powder 10 lo markiclark bakery and groceries aim it la tie alaa or uu ukeol to pranw tdu poojus for tulaoai to inuiw a traisdak in ooauaaralal adtmlra tkat wul b of dlnt feasant tn tham lay wksunr 11a of work tnay may four courses of study bu dographa hook keeping secretarial tiuehers training brampton bnsiaess institute andursunblockbrampton ont start on monday al guelph business college 0 mooter bu quel pi oat lor ibobouth tblunln by individual instruction fron business expe1ienced instbuct08s coiirsebskcbktablal rookkelpers tenoiralukrs cheipb business couece rrndtinu r are in dcmnni a l boiick principal h proprldor shotalllbk euslnd standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes coal wood j select lump tor domestic and threshing purposes smithing and gannel coal j in fact icarrj erjthink to be found in any up tn da1 i coal ind won i yud joan mcdonald j l phone 12 i georgetown w y v can be obtained from advertising jdgsw 1acsuils in the herald if in doubt tryone panys deeds xhd ulf suthui inakra a statement which is verj a propos when he saya the cauntry and the railway in such a case as this must tand ar fall together each is necessary to the prosperity of the ther hence for one to attmpt the destruction of the other is practically roundabout but effective way for st sac to commit sttkide fowl wanted i n pcyin ibr higher prp total kiuunflitrroulir also 1ml pn r ii a kinds ol wik hdrs mid nl r mrifreeman phone 220w otsoreetown coal brat d l w sctanton coal in all sizcf also smithing and si cam coal mrs j walkins noral stion phone 62rx4 canadians malt pilorimaffe to holv citv 3wf8ro w a w georgetowns leading 1 1 7 obacco confectionery f store liortlon canadian responnc lo the papal dull promulgating the holy tear universal juliili is according to reports of transportation companies operating between i llm uroim assuming umxpeclcd pro- dian pacihc offiiiuls rtport that appbea mm dilation mi the s s minnedosa chark red lj th hone tours incorporated to carry holy iui nii runs t boniiaix this hummer arc steadily pfuinik m irom all o r can idu and the utuud stalfi and thai t hi canadian contingent will be accura panicf by mjn di tinguisjieil mi inbers of tht episcopate clercy and nlirious ordtrs his eminence cardinal louisnsxain tit gin of quelwe has sonified hn inten tion of em illy on the minnrdosa as have sevi ral other i of the chur n canac performtd jnd thu papal bull formally announcing comminti mint and inviting catholics the world over it asscmbk in komi has been issued the purpose of thf great jubilci as set forth in the papal bull are to hv tho year id expiation of sin and ptaci throurh thi unity ol all k nyn rhanlj the opportunities o j assistintbl pressive pentecostal ceremonies i and the special audience afforded them by ills 1 holiness pope pius xi art powerful factors in j the di man to visit the holy city i the minnedosa sails from i monlreiil and on board i he min quebec on may 6th next one of the first bailings from the st lawrence season for bordeaux where the pilgrims will disembark and continue their journey by rail stop ping at lourdes carcassone marseilles nice and genoa en route to rome this vessel has accommodation for seven hundred passengcrft and in view of the special ion rate quoted for the tour it is expected that the minne- dosa wdl carry a capacity passenger list although born in levis quebec in 1s40 cardinal begin la well known tn rome as it una thtrein 1866 that the present hi ad of the roman catholic church ih canada was ordained to the pnesthopd in 1kk8 he was created bishop of chicoutimi and in another three years archbishop of cyrene and coadjutor of hm eminence cardinal taschereau in 1s94 he took over the adminis of the diocese of quebec bang elevated to thi cardmalate in 1914 canadas new link with alaska nd adventuie it hs pro- ykled the theme for 1 1 thrilling tain of rufttl lata and iheaiimnf potmaof north umuidt buteventhiphildiyolthe chechakoand the aourdhiah iidone the brief but at live apaa of the dinftmui da magiewi antt ll ldy lou s mat ten of hmond rrlcmioe the lure of alaska haa not wnnni but la appeal int aa ever lo the hrarin of men and wi wherein bit of rorainrr lurks and that moans to evnyone alaska ta no longer a fur oh country it i a vary near neiflibor to canada it will bo rvtd nearer ihu mmma mr j e dalrymple ttlffic virtprouohit of ihs canadian national railways has announced that conunedcwf on jane 22nd the cortipani mil mauurate a weekly ateanuhip aainrtee between pnace hubert and alaska and tha the oo- durnlnt ataarashipa praire george dtjsmco rupert which hive already mtmahed a reputatai bnnf among ths bealappoiansl venda on the pacific coast will bat engaged in i hn ncwaervioe comg north ward the akips will reach pnnon rupert at 10 50 on wednoaoay ibdnubg rollowiag lbs monday of aajl- tng from vancouver and torwts wil be rrcn an opportunity to see aomrtlunf of thai anr paofie port aa the ateanter doea net ttattfitr a aordaora tnp nnri i inc old ant new meilakila and t km an old hudson bay pwl allj will tmc at ketchikan a typral auskn lcn ul at the it of tht mii t the stikneki i r- rlrd will i junes tie of aloaa and n mlrm city with nd lnlrndenntn cudlwh vhich have ftiade tki counlo n the way from wrangeil lo n the s fmou tu andvolnwi clnr mg ample n this far it skagwa ram and wll clock saturdi ihcatnneiee- dnlncl oo the aouih bound jounw the ateajmen will reach vancouver at rune o clock xedncxlay niomina rak btf a comnlrle ten day round tnp in addition to th- alaska tnp the tn weekly service belitn vantouver and pnnce n will iv maintained and kly at rvice to anytn ptland canal whjl w es put tht ajpauiahtnent by the cans u weekly a eahauial k the a migniiirftit sen loyngc 1 the inku glntncr one mile wide and ninety ftitks long one of the inrgest and moat bcnutiful glucicra in the world i west tnkil arm a stretch of water from which rise grrnt ranges of snow covered moun tnina that awn in the aunshinr ihtrnt a sight never to be forgotten j the pnnce rupert v hit h wit the prince george will be used in the vancouver pnnce rupert alnskn service by the canadian no tiomlrnilvsmihtisummer these hoiits are oil burners and are among the bcttnppointrd vessels i pricificxottsl 4 juneau the cap- itnl of alnska n thnvingcfty up-to- iatc in evcr respect with many tights to interest the xisitor and ith fine rnotor mads extending into the mountains to famous mines and othcrpointsofintereit topcentrc an ahonginal of alaska in full ceremonial regalia and lower centre one of the many curious and striking totem poles to be aeon in the busi ness section of wranjrell wf haw a good slotk ol iiiis sp u ily wrapped for ils 10s lb soi iu0s t cttrcdais cigar caes ull kinds of pips fiom 50c up to iuu tobaccos oi 1 kinds boxes of choice vrksll chocotalis chocola1es in bui k maple buda burned almonds brazil nuts maraschino cherries plneapplt liq ueur walnuts etc i ruit and mixednuh h druks main st georgetown buckleys bronchitis mixture drmggisteptjuarcinteed oap jiqhtmnq jemedy frc9ughc9imm0ikhim is your subscription paid if not please w w roe insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 65 georgetown ford garage in georgetown our sales and service station is now open forbusiness and a first class me chanic will give prompt and eff icent service tires gas oils and all ford assessories always on hand h a coxe main st north formerly browns garage another clock special p 8 day kitchen clock strikes the hour and half hour light or dark wood 550 plumbing at ic apt to need plumbing or who haa a friend who needs some plumbing done ot aomc repair work looked after that our work is absolutely dependable x and that we can nurse any piece of broken ddwn plumb ing back to life if its mendable j w kennedy son hardware plnmblnfl heattag hooae phona 189 shop phone s6 notice to creditors in the hatter or the ctat of jane hun late- of tho town of georgetown in tlio county of hal- ton widow dweeaaad norn h is liercb given norsuant lo se ion rf of ihc trustees act revised suinles uf oihiro i9h charier 121 illc ate of tl j hmr who died figlhli day of january ad 192s ol the m d toim of geortfelohn are required mi or bcforejihe twenty eighth day- ol i clin ury a iwi lo send by post pre mid r deliver to the undersigned solci lorlicremlot clinrles ii hoarc uie ad mmimraiorof ihc eklato of ihe said jane hu ueijii2w deceased ibeir eh hums ind surnames kddreasea ajid de iiplioiis ihe full pnrluulom in wraing of ilitir claims m simemcnl ol their at held b hem nonce tbal alter such will dull bill l ihe assets o dirns cd among llie parties en lied 1 only to tho l hiuii ihe rlorli d idmim elsoi any parti re persons of v have been rec iveil climcol such diatribuior 1 vla dalf s idlor or the admmis ator a1h1 georgct own this 28th day of nolice o creditors in the hatter oftka ut or chrlitopher j rnuall sr lata of the town of oeorgatowu tn tht county of hal ton gentleman da- n sbo ik hereby given pursuant to see the trustees act r s o 1914 simpler 121 iliui all creditors or others having damn or demands against inc emhteollhesad christopher j russell sr wlio died on or about the fifteenth divot dct ember 925attbe said town of leorirelohi are required on or before llictwciily eolith day of february to send by post repaid or deliver to the un dirmjiied solicitor herein for isabella kuhsr dmija russell and chi istopher j jiussell llir execulorsiof the estate oi the siid christopher j russell genlle- man deceased their christian names and cites and descriptiuns the in writing of their c of ihe si and t ilioned date cccd lo dislnbile tin if any held ay ihera ml after such last laid eseculor will f the said muled il s will ni lulile for ihc snil niseis or any part there ol to any person or perapn of whose i la mi noti e shall not have teen received h ihim i the time of such distribution uiroi daii- v solniior for the execulora s1hli ni georgclown llns twenty klilli daj of january a i ims 128 ii notice to creditors in the hatter of th eatata of john applet lte of ui towa ship of eaqnaalng in tho const at halton gentleman tooauad niitii 1 ut hereby git en pursuant losec ion soofihetrusices act ra 1914 stapler 121 lint all creditors or others imvnig clumi or demands againat ihe efute of the said john tpplebe wbo died en or about i in 1 h dn ot november a i llilii mir townshp of esqueiin n required on or before the twenty k d ol febrmry a d l925to aeod li nsi prep h 1 or dclner lo the under- kid sob noi here ii tnr btirabcth r f the estate d jl pplet gard nnly i all i hen have elliott cor tonga and alezandar sta nocj for liirhfiindo itirtriiction ii nd superior emploj ment services writer an tinn catalogue free w j elliot prfncipaj st agar and raym a b willson jeweller neil to hotel mrgibbon thoitirluw n ladies shmip001n6 hakttlt and cubun frizzing and singeing try us our prices are h reasonable mr mrs jbullico 1 1 aspolataesls nstlu

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