Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 18, 1925, p. 3

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tint oicnniik limit hhiwh lit personals matthews 20 off au our boxed stationery a chance to secure stationery of best quality at a substantial reduction sale continues all next week temperance convention d j matthew dhl ham stauonlr 101 local news hems carnival fob 27lli ash wednesday 2glh firemen s hall mid nippe ivtday nifjht one differemo between deal and taxes is that death iiu t peren bet good usod lieavj hob sleigh first class condition i n oneill a son the vote on i burin uniun at union chinch was ahli i mon 4li udion ml a man always talk louder when ho known he in wrong than when he knows he in right esqueninx township 11 adver tiaidk for a road superintendent mr wrigrlesworth bavink resign rd bonham tho rial i state man in offering borne choice prop ertieb for snip rem his tul t in this issue women are queer now hint the sloppy weather has armed vvt notice that several have discarded their goloshes we have prosed otrrhplvew tho cheapesteiore m ontario for boots shoes and repairing j roney main st georgetown ltp hornhy presb torinn church has declared its opposition to church 110100 the vote standing 11 for union and 83 opposed a st patricks tea will lie riven m the public itibrar on saturday march 1 f th by the local council of women at tho methodist church on sunday evening visa hill of tor onto rang a nolo wbich was approc iuted by the large gathering there will be another fancj dress carnival at tho arena on friday evening feb 27th watch for full par ticu tars next issue warden mclntyro of goorgo town reeve appolbe and deputy reeve brown of esquesinr attedd d county council at milton en terday the regular meeting of tbc local council of women will bo held at mr e c thompson a office mill st on tuesday feb 24th at 8 p m if you purchase a ticket for the firemens ball and suppor on friday evening you will assist to install an up- to date fire alarm system in town jljhe oattvillo record paid a high compliment last week to the gregory theatre for tbo chaste and high class films which are shown by mr gregory a new brand of moonshine whiskey has been discovered 1 is called block and tackle yon take a drink walk a block tin are ready to tnoklo anything advertising it todaj th great bmlder of every huecoasfi business according to bradstrw eighty four per cent of all flrrr that fail are non advertisers a writ baa been served on tl county council for 00000 dan ases by mrs robert cleevo whose husband was killed 111 nn anto ae cident on the 7th line below born tytast fall there was a large attendance at the old tymo concert which was repeated in the ielhorlibt church last friday evening the local talent again delighted tboir patrons we have no objection to people of mature age drinking boor elf tboj keep it to themsel but any perton who has become no ionian to soil or fine mtoxicntiut liquor to young bos and ricih h morally insane and should lx placed in confinement the euchre and dance giver by the daughters of st george i church in the anna last friday evening was wt ii aintromred mid proved one of the cnjovnble of the season mr m m of toronto v as the pianist th ladies served dihcioini ipfrrsh menfs during the evening credit auction tale of 200 cord of hard and soft wood 100 cords 4 ft length balance 4 lo h f t at lot s cth line emiuesing on monda febraars 28rd at 2 p m aeven months credit on approved joint notes per com pei nnnnm off for rash a neilann proprietor p t salter auction eer measrn bradlcv a edardsnl the wilhatn oampbeli co havt opened a store on yonge 3t toron lo where they give dnil demon titrations of their celebrated aoto- matio blectno cooking range the new model sf this household hoc eesity is already quite pop i the women and there i- n lug dp maod for it jsnlenusb palmut at brampton ill hat 11 dm night hue mils rmd know foi what 1 bet lnlunull 11 lonii li iiim 2 hour 10 am till iii j in i 1111s 1 00 ltp halton chapter ldt niht miiiiuih and guests ait 11 pustid to present their invitii l on anli tin arm mg at the an na in thursday feh llth members il the cuift who iiaj not huvi re civ id invitations an vveh inn in any 1 asc laird y hold dud the sad nctvs wan mtivid tbib inoimngbj mr j p reid that ins llrollilr mr l reid had passed awa in chicago last night aftei tiro nti ks illness tram paeiitnaniu r in e peeled the funeral will tube place here on fndaj fc dboe bt olbbwullub don t miss the dnnct m the town hall gleowilhams on tfi da feb 27th given by the lojal trut blue anso lation adrhia kion doc tach rtfiesbments ierv ed kvcrvbodj welcomi conio and hae a good time at o h a codsoiituon pujoit guelph and north toronto in tcrmedintch playotf at the arena fieie on thurrda evening teh ll da in a coiled at h lb- adnnaaion sn and mli this should he a good fsbt game as both teams art out to v don t 1 nnuaf mt of dsprtmntl eiuu the timotuble f do artmcntal examinations liecn 1 hmied by iho uoparti education the examinations of the middle and upper school be gin on june ll and end on jnlj 7 tbc loner school examinations begin june 23 and run to june 2g hear the baron oh everj body in georgctovv n w ill int to hear the ce lob rated baron s de uiieck a tolk on her per sonal experiences in tho town hall an thursday march gth coming under the auspices of the high school bhogivestthrilling account of her expeuenccs m rus remember tho date fiftieth annivenbtj tvtler ll d one of the best known school masters in on la no and veteran lospectoi in the guelph public schools is receiving congratulations from all over the province on the occasion ol his illtteth anmversar in connection with tho luelpb schools which he celobrated rtcenll addrud armenlui baj lastthnrsdav night major dale delivered nn address to the armeo lan boys on the subject of govern ments he first dealt with the ion government following the line down through the provin il government towo government village and police vlllago govern ment it was quite interesting and instructive ind apprtt tated bj all those present spsotnl optical offor high grade gold filled hpectacies ind evii glasses with host flat ipbencal lenses for onlv 4 00 all other style of frames and lenses at lowest prices eves examined by mr uugbson rormorh optical plrt lor rents toronto end tei for henry morgan co montreal tho best optical work to be obtained and at moderate prices one day onlj thiirsdaj fehrunrj 10th close at i p in cotneeanv 1 j mattln w ding gist georgetown baz theatre wfdndaj fth lklh- wine of youth with an all htar cast chapter of jealhcnlo kings comidv trnnic jam fridaj feb 20th- the clean heart itdafilfd fiom a m ihonsnovel starrin percy t and mnrgnentte di li molte comed pigskin nn h t benny fennrd light piduns saturday feh 21 tbi fight ing covvaid ndaed fiom mag iha hj hoolb tarkmulon star ik cullen landis maij aslor id lrnist torrence fcli the t iiuoon v news larr mon corned comiiih little itolnon cm n with jackie cnngaii a d visarn aftoaraa u a three weeks tiarantme nn iv birds brought into flock m and 1 those returning to flocks from iowk was advocated bj ur r watkin or the ontario xetennarv college in ao address before the 0 a last eel buch action should be largel effective in pre venting on threads of diphtheria lipenmcnts have shown avian diphthinu and chickenii to be tbc same disease panned by the same ilternble virus individual treatment of infected birdi been beneficial vaccinntioi proved valuable in eintrollu di sense when established hut had not shnwn up well as a prcv two thousand delegates allend h vwi to dai 1 lag meeliog ol ontario h n itl mv is 1 iuiit prohibllloa union mi uilha vmm i l lut l f ll oilaiiii 1 em ivi 1 111 till- m mlk j 1 1101 p 111111 l ui 1 li v riiimnl in 1 dilv th ofo innl of hit lw 1 in tin nmxls if nmithoiiml dili mrs iolm mi di mill ak iii sit lilli- kflh r 1 ill loillllkl this liv wilh 1 mis 11 milton mo mm f 1h nw iilimi of tin mi m it 11 xos uf ilaili vlmi n lit wi k oiitarin pioliitiiimi i 111011 ki k ihtrntiiiris an rum all put- nl tin mi m i of loionto spin tin uil in 1 ill if bom i11 mi ihomiis i- lwail nl pilm mis pun lenv is a m st m the hotm 1r mi and mis one 11 mrs fl a ouol pun- wa the guest nl mis i l ihniiipsot mihs i vii wmlill hits ititiiiiil pmt llnpt llospil il uliiiesh will train im a mna mis j w stuptltmiof kiiliiloii spuit a few divs with mr iml mrs h i btapllim mi h l wilson luionntint it the dank of montreal is inking trtaum nl at 1m titooiiieral hos ihijfis of the stratford hocktj team spent monda at his home mr liotiei lson laullau ill ht ilrews colle toronto as a ek end visitoi with di mid is mccoll mr and mis lilfow and family moved to toionto inst week thur many fru nds in town regret r lemoval li and mis william wiley ir il home inst week and are now fortahlv settled in thir home on tin 1th line dons hill and mr william kirbj of toronto wire week 1 nd sitois it the home of mr ind s fred laws messrs robert mid ldutul lr win atttndnl the funeral of the late george sparling at streets ville on hiltuidaj last mibs glads bjkts returned 3m tnionio general hospital last wednesday and is now eon alescing at her home here miss greta thompson of blew rttown has been accepted as a nirse in training at thcwomen s college hospital toronto tier friendb extend congratulations nod mrs john a mcalpine or campbellville announce thei ongagemeit of their eldest dnugh ter bertha lsaholl to goorgo cur ric son of the late george and currie georgetown the mar riage to take plane quietly the iddlo of februarj always buy salada green tea the little leaves and tips from high mountain tea gardens that are used in salada are much finer in flavor than any gunpowder or japan try it i llihiihttillv till dlsi mtmlisuill t ntie toiisulf mill tin 1 ho the thxini olih intinlion of mi mittitting i u i1uii1i1111 mi aiiieiiilim nt to ihi 7 ptimit lmfc tin iilhi suit of 4 i r ini tin 1 tirimtnr of di leg iti s ale piisint rioin 1111 lotoun cnmmias knl till iui i d01 ilaiightii of tl 1 li and mis kniglt in mr milton ciiimmnss hot 1 of 1 was wqemeni7pil at st inhi liean cliurih wibt 1 orm major miicnnimua on hill aath the hndi who wa- liven awav 1 in 1 tuotlin mi in vnight and at lenili il h her sis ter mis cook atlueil in a vv hiti fit 01 golte dri ss back taffeta hat and numd a showlr buqiilt of ophdia ioso and lillic- of mil vallt mi s williamson smi- xrted the gioorn afler the tcro mon n leception was lit id ut the hnde s hninc after which mr and mrs cuiihiiiulb left foi iwiuis noi th superintendent wanted 11 km i r mtl turns p r n i sur pot lsqiii i r il id ui rfiod by ll tidrrtlin i i j a liv ll mrs a bailey r lu r ki grain wanted hh si prr 11 lor nil liit o a t noble noted or high grade matrix ttou id superior emplo ment serv ices enu 1 an tinn cativiogue free w j elliott principal itaxait elaatrlo sratan man and vaued are tho nloas advanced iegatding the sale of the cataract electric sjstem which recent 1 went into the hands of tbo receiver on tuesday last the offer made by the dickson jolliffe aa considered at a meeting of creditors of the company at the office or mappa mnpp toronto the oflkiul trustees who have for the past few weeks been guiding the companies interest to date we have not heard the rsiilta of meeting hut we understand the offer made was m 250 this appears to be small when the total liabilities amount to about 000 should the offer be accepted imto a sum will be lost how aver in such cases some one must lose and verj often the flrttt loss is tho casioat erin advocate qu for oakvilla except for the rati 1 1 call on of ratepayers plans are now complete wherehj the citizens of oakville wilj hava a gas service at a meet mg of the town council en mnn daj night an agreement was rtach cd between the town and tho strath agencies and a resolution was passed authorizing the town clerk to prepare a by law granting the enmpan whici is to be called the dominion fuel and gas tom pan a 2fi oar franchise and a llxed assessment of 1 a jear on its plant i ndcr the terms of agreement the company shall stall a plant capable of produi not less than 12 000 cubic teet of gas po da whuh shall he niiri plied to the consumeis within tin tow n limits at riot more than fl 2 pei thousand cubit feel at tin end of tbe 2 car lerm of the franchise the town shnll have option of bujing the plnnt and equipment at a price to be ticod by arhitiation or entering into a new agreement mlh ihe roinan for ki veirs flour high patent kings choice brand floor national for paatrjr whole wheat stonq millod ask your dealer apple barrels for sale wheat wanted highest price paid chopping and oat rolling wbbrowne co stfrval flour mills norval facts about optometry by dr c c floyd optobkltlsl georgetown pbone 27 no l of the series inle il is true that most people have errors nf visinn that are pe collar to themselves the character of these errors is divided into not more tlian three broad divisions these are far sight near sight and astigmatism a fourth class callfcil preshopta or old sight is nol an error of v ision it is a con dition which even the person with normal vision excripnces or lie gins to experience alone about middle life the optometrist s hbuii patient is numbered among one of these classes our nrl article will fce on far sight i to be continued next v co f yoam find as rn the i phone book so y youll always know just where to go keep this in mind th it vr u v i stocktaking i sale goloshes and rubbers liht- 1 imtm 1i si m ho 1 ulits rulbii hm i heik q mis is hnbber ii ii t avi lllld s lillllllll 10 65 january cljaring sale at the mens store t find we havca surplus of fall and winui good iiiid in oider co reduce our stock wo are offering sjiecinl int- olt all fiirmshingn i deluding hate i hi s slnris iindervriar lies eti ordered clothing in ordt i to keep our work shop going and 0111 aluff cm plod ilunng the between season we are imoting special prices profit sacrificed stock woll assorted in line blue and grej serges pin stripes scotch tweeds etc all orders are hand tailored in our own workshop and include lirst class ings guarantppd style and fit place vour older now nd s readytowear clothing lwrj llimg in this department at half price including joiiuih and men s nulls and overcoats must be cleared out no matter what the sacrifice it will be to our interest to fall and inspect our offerings and replenish nur wardrobe millar go georgetown phone 126 for 82 years i mufuainprincipleandprachce fflhe katnal life inanranoe com- pany of new york began business in february 1848 today it is in the foremost rank for strength and ser vice to policyholders claims paid in 195n payments made in 82 voara policy hold topolic holders amount- era have been pud a ed to total of 5112789875 m7imm dividends paid in 1824 dividends paid in 82 yoars dividends to policyholders amount paid to policyholders ed in amounted to 57627795 j4s2172s58 insurance in force in 1021 new insuranoeca total insurance in force tahlishcil amounted to now amounts to m48k7u8 j58m112 the oldest life insurance company in america the mutual life insurance company ol new york h r m1mms district manager geoftgetown ontario please gtoe me farther information regarding f policies of this company name occupation date of hirth adtlres l 0e0r6ctown f ont t phone i niw nsnyder cutoecmo usrutz haiaing- t for this week only guaranteed aluminum ware at greatly reduced prices i aluminum potato pots with locked handles 169 ri 3 qt aluminum straight sauce pans with cover 99c 6 qt aluminum straight sauce pans with cover 149 2 qt aluminum parcelled double boiler 99c 8 qt london kettles with cover 159 5 qt aluminum kettles with cover 139 i 5 qt aluminum sauce pan 9 139 i we do all kinds ol electrical wiring plnmb- ing furnace and sheet metal work mens rubbers n linlbiih ho s ituliliirh u i 1 i hoj s rlihbcri 1 to boys rubbers llov hnj 11 av kuhheis 11 iti 11 iha itihliers i to 1 u45 195 overshoes mbit mm hjaiiiic umrxliooi 1 biilmc ltl ooihiioos ioiuut hockey boots ta25 390 uo ho men ladi ladi liadil booth ll to 11 iiockoj dooth 1 to gt h hodev kootb t 50 tor h flockoj hoots j 00 for hockty boou o 7o foi 1239 285 359 325 290 work boots li n ivi work hoots sits l to 10 only 1285 ladies spats jjadics bpntb kit i btonn and blict if bo tlook and buckles oolj s189 ladled pats trey and brown 14 buttons onlj 125 house slippers ladic kid house slippers 1 strap onlj tl29 mcbeanco georgetown rennies grocery m lbs gran sugar 5 lb pail shortening cheese pi r lb plum jam 4s toilet paper 6 rolls til i son s ll bfan pkt black tea bulk per lb soda wafers per lb prunes 2 lbs for we dll1ver d r rennie cash grocery phone 151 for quick deli very house phone 273i real estate bargains j if you want to become the proud owner of a beautiful ecven room stucco house on hditb streat nt a low price with all conveniences and also electric fire place see e a bonham we also have listed a number of farms ind houses at reason able prices among them a o0 acre farm on tlie9ui i onccssion north east half uf lot 21 known as the late dan reid farm price 4khi a seven room frame house and nine acres of mod garden land opposite the cutting mills there is also a sand and a u ravel pit on this property a money m ikini investment for someone is room hotel at norval pneo 3500 for particulars appl to e a benham real estatc agmjt phone 1j4 georgi town 2 box 480 i grandy grocery specials aunt j aunt j maple u p i r h thompson co phone 46 10c a 7cc 20 4 so u 21 3uc 20c 1 20 a it 11 i in a an in l a nu loe 325c 10 1 a 40c 11 is 20 a 2gc a m grandy phone 75 sillsladlm siariolcw froapl dthtdj

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