Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 4, 1925, p. 3

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irk qkori mown hi im li personals limehouse i matthews spring tonics for your horses cattle and poultry the old reliable royal pttbpie stock specific royal purple poultry specific royal purple calf meal royal purple laying meal we iho tarrj hit other itovul purple bpcciflc tuiip cure hutnt lionm nt gall feed u f lin ul li h d j matthew g local news hems this waa court dnj carnival at arena saturday horticultural meeting tonight phone 258 for fifth and chips bear the baroness thursday night shamrock supper in hum church on friday to fra ru club a meet ins wh tie lield hi tlitf council chamber on thurdaj tvcuink march 5th to torm a uijle club ntjvr up to date mnnta havt been built in the armor and rifled iiud ammunition are ou imnd if ou an interested attend thin meeting coaimmtiwaa mat members of the- executive of the u niton conservative association met at milton on saturday after bead alex ihriib miction bale i ooon last the whole count advt iu this mane there ib aometbiog rood at the rex theatre tonight esqneaintt council will meet od monday 9tb at 1 30 p m the ladies hockey club will hold a concert on march 13th hear prof dale in the public library tuesday march 10th acton and georgetown play hockey at the arena on tuesday evening next admission 25c and 15c a meeting ot georgetown con servative association was held in thecoancil chamber on saturday evening bev dr dickie ib now perm aneutlybettled in georgetown at the home of mrs joseph thomp son guelpn st big range of all the newest in ladies hats for spring wear at the mioses clandges upstairs in the hebald block dont mias what will probably be the last carnival ot the season at the arena on saturday night good prises see advt mr j w collins will hold an auction sale of household furniture on march 28th at bis residence in tows particulars next issue i am prepared to do all kinds ot shoe repairing prices reason ftbe e holmes gnelpb st op posite methodist chnrch 2628 tp fanners wishing to purchase good stock will do well to attend alex inglia auction sate at lot 14 con 10 bsqnesing on march 11th e m bmellie below horval is having a clearing auction bale of farm stock implements etc march 19th bead hie advt ah is issue every citiwu who is interest- ad to the beautifying of our town eboald attend the horticultural meeting in the council chamber at 6 oclock tonight w a bailey is back in his old stand on main street and is prepared to give all customers the very best in harness and leatber goods at the moat reasonable pne all members of halton chap ter interested in the work of the good and welfare committee are requested to attend a meeting in the lodge none next tuesday c nmg march 10th at 7 45 sharp the boys from the armenian borne will give an entertainment in the jams st collegiate ineti fcnte toronto on friday evening marco 6th they will be accomp anied by 8dpt maclaren and his tac john bagwell one of the early settlers ot peel county whose in- tereating jettera written year apo re now ell represented dr anderson m p and other speakers wcrt present and addressed the gather mg on the prinnpal questions of the da tjk t wotm prof daleof toronto i niverbily will rive an address on the rom an world in the earlj dajs of bristiamty in the public librarj on tuesday march 10th at 8 p m prof data is a pleaaidr speaker and gives thib edn cut tonal address in an interesting manner co and bear him hrtloltul hhtlat tnikt owing to the inclemency of the weather the annual meeting of the horticultural society was postpon ed to meet tbiswedncsdayovoning march 4th at 8nni at tho coun cil chamber election of officers and plans for 1926 will bo dealt with you are urgently asked to attend a iomngton secretary pld 10u ul ot for having liquor in an illegal place a norval young man was last saturday fined 400 and cost three months in jail by magistrate h p moore at a police court held in georgetown it ib a most rep rehensible thing and has stirred up the community because of its character this man brought liquor to a private home and gave it to three girls 1g 17 and ib years of age declared magi 6 1 rate moore the fine was paid butkmtn wedneaday march 4 feet of clay a cecil b demillo produc tion with an all star cast chapter 1 ot the fort eth door comedy hansel and gretel friday mar 6 empty 13 and starring norma shearer and jack holt comedy jonah jones with lloyd hamilton hodgepodge hi flibre saturday march 7 matinee nt pm sinners in silk an am us ing comedy of the ultra modern yonnger set starring rleanoi board man and adolphe menjou comedy saturday morning fe lix the cat cartoon fox news coming monsieur bcaucairo with rudolph valentino the quake on saturday evening disturbed tho fowl of one of our pi 1 1 ten a so badly that tho commo tion and noise they made caused their owner to conclude that thieves were in his hen pen he secured the door on the outside su the intruders could not make their exit and immediately summoned the neighbors when the neigb bora arrived armed with ahotgnns automatic pistols forks shovels etc- and sorrounded the building the police were sent for and came on the scene in duo time affr a council ot war ih held it was finally decided to rush the place then they drew cuts to dotermi when exposed to air tea loses its strength and flavor salada m mim ca hbo for that reason is never sold in bulk your grocer sells this delicious blend try salada of sunilt jlunit d shell y in detrc mrs v t lliii btn wrilini tu n pi i mi to the hcruld withea to be txnicmbt red to 11 old friends in geurfiiiowu ami ulinilj at the recent unsi ivnlniy of umt txaiuimtuoub nt loionlo dotolhv kvlcof noivi harmony aiii mid job are puin jiasst d her ilii honors ictntnlhrj atil with honor tht is of mias mmthcvv ulluth ii to fit i ii willi uiihsii phi i it hum where m nncih m succumb to injuries albeit bninburn oropnoyir of lht ilrtimpton jiui died qn bun- day as the result of ihock and in juries received about a week ago when he fell on the ice injuring hip he waa in his ugth your in politics bu was a conservative living him are ins widow uno son nnd one daughter mr taa bauromai the baron ess de uueck will to morrow evening in ibe town ball make a number of startlfng level atious she had some terrific o itencacee she wij tale her audi en co through tbe yearb of horror following tbe revolution there ii be a lucation box at the iloso of her talk there will also bo some community singing tickets io cents chnrch news methodiht lev dr dinkie will prcmh in the inorningat 11 o dock when bis subject villi bo tho ruligiuu that wins the pastor ro mr tald well will occupy the pulpit in the eemng at 7 p m method uit sundnj school ml mediately following the inorumg service unionist sunday school nt 10 o clock r0 olirjht li ro walter moffat of milbank will rjreacfa at both services in knox church next sundaj st ufobges culticii lenten service to morrow thursday evening nt b o clock when the preacher will be tbe rev g f pasbler ltb rector of st barlbolowews church toronto childrcns oervice iq the afternoon at a oclock services on sunday next will be a celebration of the holy communion at 8 am mat- tins at 11 o clock and evensong at 7 p in confirmation clods on monday evening at 7 80 p m mbttbllbdltrtbvr who should take the lead in- thu star weekly was the great grand hazardous undertaking and tho lot lather ot mrs dr gollop george fell to the chief with his trusty town automatic in readiness he bravely come and bnng your friend- approached throw open the door to knox church on friday evening harebfitfa though it is a sham rook sapper the scotch and eng tab will be made quite welcome good talent from toronto acton and oeorgetawn will provide tbe program bailey brothers have moved to larger quarters in what waa formerly hal ton garage on mill st customers wilt receive lhe same prompt and courteous ner vice as bereto fore call and smt these expert auto tnnchinmth in their new quarters tbe debate between milton w4 ashgrove cfo lfwo club bich was announced last until march 1 a club bold ifaeir meeeingat mr e hrr mans on thlirsdav march 5th mr bowel i nerval will seak on cow testing and low and behald the supposed thieves hod vamshtd the cock crowed thrice and it was nil ov sprnc ikmbmxt the mianes clandge have a big oge of all tbe atnnmng new hats iqkii latest spring style also a ryvi trimmings now is tbe im to boose yaur spring hat lpatmra iherald block otnmllaj n gren the the anonaveeting of the g fell minion vll be held at homo of mrs b p lawsoo thorvday aftrnoo march fith at s o elook all oiethers and inter ted fnendi art cordinll invited to be preaedt glenwilliams the danco riven bj the blues in the town hall inst friday night was largely attended and as a huge micress splendid lustc was provided bj loud s or chcstra assihlcd bj crnine and sandernoo of terra colt j cam the popular floor mannco in charge the ladies served n delicious supier another dance is looked or in the near tutu tbe ladien aid of the method bt church will hold a concrt and uft oi church and ioiireri irt tlif liatt here was considetabli noise in hen pens when the fowl were disturbed bj the quake on saturda the earth qnabe was fptt quite dmtinctl by our citicene on sat urday night and there was a large attendance at our churches on sunday celebration of tbe holv com rn union at bt at ban s church at 0 b0 am next sunday and after noon hcrvice at 3 pm mr joseph a mcmaeter of de trait micb attended his mother s the late mrs samuel mcm outer tonenil last week mr smitbdale or dundas ont was a visitor at tbe borne tborsaa mcmaatr terra cotta a number of the friends nnd neighbors were entertained at silver wedding at tbe home of mi and mrs e simpkms on mam at on tuesdty evening feb 24th tba event being to celebrate tho 25 tb anniversary of their marriage there were about fifty guehts preb out and all were treated to a splendid supper complimentary speeches were givpn tho ladies of tbe social hour presented them with a silver sugar bowl and spoon holder combined with dozen silver spoons and an address hicb was read bj mrs thomas webster the friends of terra lotta a bo presented them with silver butter dish and knife i l simpkms received many other useful presents and all jmn in wishing them a long and uappy married life after tea they all went to mr h logan a brick real d an tripped the light tantar tic till ttifitsee sma hours of the morning terra lotta orchestra furnished the music while n icnm was master of cere monies we are oorrj to learn that mr j coulter is on the bick list again aod sincerely hope soon to hcai her complete recovery mr and mrs e oraj imo moved to toronto where mr irn has secured a position as clerk in the dominion stores a number of our joung people attended a social part at tho home of mr and mrs john hand erson s and all report a good time mr w e townwnd went through the ice while skating on tbe river last snturdav and had a miraculous escape from drown fwftn faitoiv k tot the n in uoiuwn nlsc i uid lafil hhois iiojtlinih good in the hot line tone h it wdl stt il ur low vtiltinh it haul for othei t to ik inlown j itontj thu people h blmo m in inui st iitolnwii hepainng january i clearing sale at the mens store ma lp ye kraft i shoppe i i high time to select your spring hat a and you will find we have 4 just the right hat or you in the latest style and i smartest color a wonderful i selection j shapes or every type of beauty j moderately priced f you are cordially invited i to inspect our millinery i j saturday march i4thand i i following days- i m h finlay t phone 03 j i t collections we bandit colledlsns only no siieunc nothing too old small large oi hard for us to tackle 34 vn id tuna oolco no lollfctlon no chaitol kelly aiken collectors orkdklll aad owu sonad olurin ordit auction sale of frm slock impleneits grain and bay the under si rued hr received iimri i linn e m smelue lo sell by publu nuclion on lol h 6lb coil weal clnnkuncouiy nt hop su knd a thursday march 1 mr john town send lost n able drtver last week facts about optometry if dr c c fbyi optwbdrlsl bo 13 or the sebies farsight is probabl the mo romnidt of all errors ot visioi nature is able to overcome tbi defect in man cases especially in young people which explain why a young person ma suffi from far sight without its beinn usnoud but when tbe muscles of the eyes overcome far bight a creator strain than normal is imobed on lhe eyes ind very serious condi tions may result being so pre vnlent and liable to be over rooted far sight is a common cause of headaches and other troubles to be continued next wed wi jinri wo have a surplus of fall nnd wintei kood anil in order to rodnre our stock wo arc offering special ir dure m i ills 25 off all furmsliinss including bat shirts underwenr tics otl ordered clothing in order to keep our work shop gointt nnd our ataff em plojdl during the between reason we nro ijuoting special priceh profit mtcridccd stock well assorted in lino blue ind gre series pin stripes iotch tweeds eti all orders are hand tailored in our own workshop and include lirtt class trimming piiarantpcd style and fit placo vour order now and save motiej readytowear clothing evorjtlnnk in this department at half price including vouthi nnd men s suits andovercoats must bo cleared out no matter what the sacrifice it will be to yonr interest to ml nnd inspect our offerings and replenish your wardrobe millar co georgetown phone 126 only a tew pieces ot pyrex let we have decided to leave this wonderful bargain offer open for one more week for the benefit of those who could not get in on it last week oblong loaf pans 1 75 for 1 29 double loaf pans 2 40 for 1 97 utility dishes 1 7g for 1 39 250 tor 1 99 i ijt round casseroles 50 298 1 jt ovnl 2 50 199 2 it 8 50 2 9 i qt baking dieh round 1 75 for 1 48 j b pie plates 125 for 97 8f 145 for 1 19 six sded pib plates 1 7g for 1 4b many other pieces at similar reduced prices i we do all kinds ol electrical wiring bomb ing furnace and sheet metal work r h thompson co phone 46 i dont miss this one fancy dress carnival a fancy dress carnival will be held in lhe arena georgetown on sat march 7th suitable first mi stoti prizes win be awarded lor ike itllowlig best dressed lady- gent girl and boy best national costume best comic costume best lady clown most original costume best gent clown special prize will be given lor best sskkmsrhlrt s i wmaysflssssigstosi groceries special dominion granulalicl cant slirar per bit st55 o lb ti lit uivi corn ij nip 40o i lb iho tomato kitcliup pint bottle 17o junrl buttle 34c ninubtll h tomato mid eiietuble soup 15o dominion vimtablt soup 10c itolw oats r ib fur 2so blue bornth uo aeedlesh raisin n pt r jikl s4o blidtd itlhtus per pkl 14o pruni 1 1 lb tor 25c seedlepr ltaiina 2 lbs for 2o lvlos j olden bvrup in rut hizi 27o little chip marin ilade 24c lntfe brahd condoosed milk 22o lariiation milk baby sua so ivisebud cherries 4j oz bottk 33o ftvicbud cherries smull size 15o qiiwttrcorn flakes 10 iliuvoood ale aiftl liifier lleer larfie sie 150 standard quality tomatoes 10o aylmor tomatoes 18o avlmcr gold medal and wud uoho bweot toui 16o maple loaf crusader peiu 15c queen qualitj eet pickkx 32c queen qunhu sweet iickies lare size 49o jell o a for 25c swift s quick napkhn boap 4 for 35c bom mo nnpthn soap 4 or 25o life bouy boap larre sibc i for 25o comfort boap it for 1100 kmfi brand bantam corn 4 dominion sweet corn i lie the above prices for cash or produce mcbeanco georgetown bailey bros garage we ore now located in larger promises formerly occupied by the ualton oarage on hill st and are prepared to do all kinds ot auto repairing get your cars overhauled and greased for spring we do it with the alem1te system batteries charged the best gasoline and oils always on hand bailey bros georgetown phone 7w rennies grocery 12 lbs oran surftr 1 ib pail shortening cbecso per ib plum jam 4s toilet paper 6 rolls tillsou s a bran pkl black tn bulk per lb soda wafers per lb prunes 2 lbs for we deliver d r rennie cash grocery phone 151 for quick delivery house phone 273i grandys grocery specials aunt jemima pancake flour per nkt aunt jemima buckwheat pain like flour per nbk maple syrup per bottle beehive ijrup per tin llemr spaghetti he r tin 20c ioc 75c 2046o if 8085o koc 15 2030 6rrc mo ncola or tcrmhoirnhm k n nd all m ol si 00 cl cuer it mil oraih t d alw 1 1h nwanil pufr lhe 1 ml s ml rra will he nld rrd 0 o wlc- rran he i i better 2 t r tinier cm- ml e truth vv a wi- clerk bfnj jtlh broom ball match all blacks vs hobos swill pl 20 mioutofl i thurstons arena band in attendance h sutlii nlll 11m h admission 3sand25cts iu prizes ran be eeeo in matthew s drus store window clark a pork a boa sardines ier tin hiiwer snnekn iei u mte pel tm 10 15 1 a 26 10 16 20c 10c 825c balnon lb tin salmon hi lin shrmips tuna hiah lobster 10 15 20 4 250 80c 40o 0n a m grandy i phone 75 sillslkflm curulecs rrh mricn r

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