thhe thrif im th lim i i oul i i i iki f il ii ti n tin she i h and uls f hop kl ls iii i 1 iii ii till ittl ami wnuli1 r 1 1 morning v hi outsit wtitn com jt fur i il l in dtlaj llor oirt it in t lit i i il i il inn tog dui loc mijtis uml i il- j i rifito slip pajh lift h ill no iti s f toutit tbt putr bo it the hlood ol i hi lti i ik dux ping down each drop ahull jrajt a iub foi her crown 3 j duuuu li irk in sulcjphu milton the roanj r n is in town of mrs m e nimiu will tlgrtl t udingly to k irn of bir wr trri ods illness with inerlinoniu twt trained tmrtph aro in utt iidniici mcb c mianhum of lcihbiif aed so j euro slipped on llio in tuesday and broke i i r ht k near- tbe thigh sin tn hilpleb 10 tbe cold boiiid tunc before n neighbor came along earl cunpbotl a jotini firmu of nasbhiiiu j1 tom nhi t lull with a peculiar nrciih tit tl t tin i day ei was tjinj lu umi n the stable when one if the i- slipped on the oni i it tl xir mil in ailing one ol iu burn t n in tedthe ouii mnnh irk- mini ing a tcerobsl hull l n r tl ten stitrhej tn close hli linn il greallj from loan of hit i ri form or twukarm lucouu tu in the january number of tin municipal world thm question it- aaked ir february 1921 the teachers in this municipalit wen 1 for incojme tin at mid summer some of then re ined and refused to pa tbo tix tt itinfi that tbeir income was rot arm enough in 1024 to nhsess the answer in the municipal world ib that the proier income to nsttcjh was for 1923 that if not onlj tbe legal thing to do but tin com mon sense viewpoint ns well thr assesbor could not tell what th teachers balancn for 1021 would bo in februao of that jear bi cauao when the teachers were te engbged in j int ttitir wtlnric might bo increased or in so mi cases decreased canadian national rallwa s earnings tho pit l irniiigh of tlio anatli an national kulah tifu r pi niont of optrntuif iihiihis a inounlid tu 17 41 1 m 1124 i uml i nun h gmng thu iiiiralmri difthof tho h dining tl t ir win urnouniiil to lay h iir m w llornkii i i urninn an i lhidoit hit hi ii mirth xhon it wl lit l n i llllllf llllh ik ch i n ditiuns tn 1 a iin illei t rop ltd in i mtl lllhth if till ctllliphii 17 4 1 jot as ioiii irctl uitli prettcdinii enr ttonum hj jii r itiiig ckiiho were nil ii nit of 11 miolu i i lilt 1 f tlloho lcoihi llllr u i hqj iiiiountini to tit ill j i to pio lured hit i n il ligiirin for the ear art- opoiatinn itcemiih 121 23r5hmlh2 55 10235201 it jh7u1 ucirease 17 g4710 ot operating kx pen bos 1j24 s183j 1031 07 1021312 711 hjh decrcaat sww007lll not r venues 1d4 m7 2ii 2fil 4h 1028 20 410 bl otf lit oreum s 180 807 00 j he results by regions m i 121 central rcigiou oieratmk rtveuius m 14 r hl jo f opoiatiug oxpeni tn 131 171 is net li4i44l 7 v catem region operating reiinuet 0 ojh 27fi 20 oiirttint npiiimf jb7 mi2 g2t 00 1 licit 1 11 lol 4l atlantic region 0 i rating uiiiiies 20 721 10 151 oixratidk cpeiikec 24 2cg j03 7h deficit a545 004 24 united states lints operating re te butt 34 313 681142 operating expenses 28 881 527 17 net t 480 102 2 the preacher who can i reach to i lease er lieflrej ihabchooi teacbor who cun mhtiuct to plenso everj inrtnt lhoasiraa ranter w an pieiibe cviriatroit the mi chant who cun please atrj bu and the tditor who can plraie bis subscribers arc nil dtud a plating bans thornton s supply the uahtj a nt lui most reasonable pnees gall and give jour fish order carl oraeis do liverod eeo tuesdai and tbursdaj eveniuc imi now looking at it from your witea point of view don t you think it would be a good kitchen sink outside of the added conven lence of the thing look at t from a health standpoint talk it over with your wife and then talk it over with us jwkedyson hardware plumbing beating hmm pho 189 shop pfcou 5 notice tnke notice thai 1 the lou c tfeorgelctltti hn uatrr si en lo um tsjos nlwalk i stlmii bndje tbecofo n wtm s15ft h the npecu tme r a t f f ti hhle hrdrou it unci ptonncim govcrnnien thi hpnihl raleper fwl fronia s 0 1 concrcle pnemenl an water an mill slrcrta from guclrl s m o hf 2h lt rvemeol on mill slrtct and a n hal tie ol i work m s452s90 of wh ch s312 1 he paid by thr corporal on thr fw rate per pot froi 1gr i 194 2 the et mated i fe i me of the oh x a court or re on ii be hdd o hehdayff mar h i9j5 ai s odor poi allbe council chamber for ihf- f poae ol hear n compla nis nit h the acmrarj o brlw dated february ibib 1925 j f l heath oerk h ereani dth ere l-wpv- an unusual co inurnment passed through montreal recently in the caic 6f the dominion express com pany n hen six rocky mountain sheep were snipped tn austria to form part of n loologicnl exhibit there the animals which are valued at 1600 came from the national park at banff alberta alberta farmers have recently been shipping a nc commodity w the market during the past few years there has been a considerable increase in the number of bee keep era and last year 1gd keepers had a total production of nearly 60 000 pounds of honey valued at npproii mately 16 000 the exact number of bees i- not known contract for aeroplane spruce has been made between vickers lim ted manufacturers of aeroplanes and frank l buckley of vancouver b c tbe spruce will be lorted on tin queen charlotte inland and milled at the buckley mill at port clement on graham island and at burrurd mill in vancouver the contract calls for the delivery of two million feet during 1925 canada leads the world in automo bile ixports in proportion to produc tion il nestle wlci or ownership of motoi vehicles or to papulation not relatively but absolutely the auto mo bile exports of the dominion are only exceeded by thow of the united states since 1920 the motor vehicle exports of canada have nearly doubled the increase being from 9 8 per cent to 17 per cent of the auto mobile export trade of the world a special train of forty two canj containing nearly joo head of slock for export to great britain arrived at the canadian pacific railways east fnd stock yards montreal re cently these added to shipments from packlngham ont toronto and other point in ontario and quebec made up what cattlemen claimed to be the irreatcit concentration of canadian enttle for export in the tola tory of the trade from the yards he cattle ere shipped by special train to the ship t iide at st john when the round the world cruio pasiptircn aboard hie canad an pa cifio itramahip fm press of france reached fjrypt recently the were cntertninrd by fnani khattab a imminent si c k holding aulhontj nver n inrc number of mages lone th p unfortunately the heik succumbed to a sudden attack of heart failure the visitors from across the atlantic before returning to their ship were permitted lo au tend the funeral which was con ducted in the desert with weird and impressive religious riles an ex pcrience few world travellers he bitv en 300 000 and 00 000 cona dlans and american of norwegian unpin will gather at minneapolis and st paul in june next to cele hrate by a great national gathering thr hundredth anniverr of the isrlmg of the first organized party of norwegian settlers on this eon tinent president cooltdge king haakon of norway and lord byng oovtrnorgemral of canada ban been invited to attend netting of some forty norwegian orgamia lions divine service by the bishop of oslo formerly cmtstrania field f porta musical contests and historic pageairta will make up to pro- dominion stores imlted canadas largest retail choceks we satisfy a million people every week satisfy them with the consistent savings they are able to make satisfy them with the quality of our goods with our service and a general buying satisfaction they cannot obtain elsewhere you too will experience the same satisfaction by placing your net order at your nearest dominion store large smyrna hgs 2 1 1 ib 5 cts cbolce h xtd candy tx arnmraoi biscuits ik ib ptfe frys 23 no ot 3il cocoa 15 tea our teas arc specially blended no 3 tin shortening easif1rst or domestic 49c special 65 ib soriye salmon si 35c jib tin 19c toy pail peanut butter 23c bulk macaroni 3 lbs 29c walnuts are nutritious try some but bread shelled walnuts 49v bordeaux l special blend coffee 55 lb shirriffs orange marmalade 41b rc tin 07 lib jar 363srores satisfying a million and more customers weekly princess kathleen makes maiden voyage on her preliminary trials the princess kathleen built at the cisdeabanlc yards of john brown and company for service on tl n im ban pacific run brtween vancouver victoria and seattle accomplished all that was i xpt cted of her and tl jnjidi an engine ra and other officers who conducted the trials and who will bring thi and a sister ship tic in i marguerite still under construction to vancouver expressed themselves aa being entirely nathfit i will a siwd or 22 knots the new steamships will considerably reduce time between porta built with the object of fcpii ding up and affording even better and more convenient service than la now offered the iwo princesses will bi wit out j nhudow of d ubl the most elaborate yet tastefully beautiful vessels operating on the par r c oast thirp hundred and nxtyeight feet in length their lines were upeaslly designed for the service to which tl ypui le puiand tho who havi ion the new vessels describe them as being beyond comparison with anj hers of their km hu dnksnn gien over to the sccommodstion of the paascnkers whoso private quarters and ill e room jrc in it i tcioua and luxuriously fitted up the princess kathfeen sailed from the clyde on uary 15 i xptri tig 1 1 mplete the journey to vancouver in about thirty dayr her route being via the asorcn ft rat indie- in 1 the 1 innma where she wtll pick up fuel oil she w ii be placed in passenger service sow w- is your subscription paid if not please erwiiugoldhams meat market fresh and smoked fish youll fmd us m the bring your pall sad gel 2 lbs el saorknal ftr 25 els paone book so t choice fresh and smoked meats of all lands youll always know just where jo go keep tins in mm 1 una t n inli lirtfl mil nnmlmr irntnotin t mind qeorqetovvn oht phone i7iw nsnyder cmmeeahd osnttx hauun- t cortomco toronto nolpd fn ltilli utiul nixr or rm loj ifnl item fntr ani i mi c ntil h e free j elliott principal coal beat d l w scranton coal tn alt sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j walkins nonal station phone 62i24 always in stock quick deliver main street georgetown guaranteed phone no 1 i forsters cash and cash store a pulj i in b of choice fresh groceries provisions etc hti n in saso robinson bros iod ncllson s cmwiiib prmgacal ine bl liv all who kivt tri mm in s tooiird mm ntcttt mcajs at rlgat trim forsters r joh vietoha sla omu aewright butcher main st georgetown rtmn sktaln fmtlfi georgetowns i eading 7 obacco confectionery store we have a good stock 01 cigars aptciuliy wrapped or gifts 10a 25s ms 1 00s cigar ette cases cigor cases all kinds o pipti from 50c up to 10 00 tobaccos of all kinds boxes of choice fresh chocola 1 es chocolates in bulk maple buds burned almonds brazil nuts maraschino cherries pintappk liq ueur walnuts etc fruit and mixed nuts h druks main st georgetown ford garage in georgetown our sales and service station is now open for business and a first class me chanic will give prompt and ef ficent service tires gas oils and all lord assessories always on hand h a goxe main st north formerly browns garage another clock special 8 day kitchen clock strikes the hour and half hour light or dark wood 550 sar m lujranoftd newlus a b willson jeweller ext to hotel mogibbon forflftou n bucks meat market we handle everything in fresh and cured meats courteous treatment honest weigh prompt delivery and best quality meats at honest prices try our sausage and cooked meats nnlly otiubt tn try our cn i i ooilfl if nn vrerent in at the opining jou think they were fruhli from the farm ii uliu peam ilums ilaspber cs hi rrit h strav berriea pine apple peas lorn tomatoes gold tn wax hmnw etc ill e iinn vxro jam 4 lb tin 90o rlasa 85c i tire orange marmalade filaea 7oc ai niot ii pea i pie red cur rant jell snider a romntiboup hem cream tomato soup ftoc lj i hi r i omnto soup ii foi 1sct pork a- bean a ptio tn mt toes spaghetti potted heats 3 ai sanlinca custard powder 10 16 20a 10 16 18o 15200 10 20c 25c mark clark bakery and grtocorfes plione 229 aim it la tka aim f udi adaool to ptvptu yammc poopl tor aailai to klttfcaa av tralatlac la ooauurilal aavaiia taaat wul tm ef aurae watflt foot conrseaof stndy stenographic book keep inc secretarial a toachers training i nd i v id ual i ns traction branptoa basliess ih8mc anderson block- brampton ont start on monday t guelph business college for tioioml tlumiw by iiwiviivu nsrtuctnn froa 1ushess exteiuekei hstuctms coureob secretarial sten0qr4phbrs eilelpb iusiness cttuce graduates are in demand a l wild prladaalahrrtarldar ha shnu rilna georgetovirn phone 28w georgetown creamery cream wanted by the georgetown creamery highest prices paid georgetown creamery co7 m saxe manager standard anthracite scranton coal in all sixes automatically screened and i loaded coal wood select lamp for and threshing paiicabm i smithing and cannel coal in fact icarry everything to be tound m any nptodate i coal and wood yard j john mcdonald fowl wanted i am paf n the hub cm pnea fcr ah hi nda of i ve pouli- alio best prm fcr n liirda of junk bidra and wool rcai lirnce nt 10 imptcmral abop m freeman phone 230w la dtew mr mi aatali hulbto nmtm