Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 11, 1925, p. 1

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the georgetown herald pifty i it lllfi ydah of publicaiiun georgetown wednesday evening march uth 1025 ivafito 2 00 to u s the georgetown herald j h moorl pnulahar tuid proprietor ualr an ad i an ww paper aasuclatli the automatic rapid electric range passenger sunday uoihu vkht puaaengor mail passenger passenger pafisonser passenger mail passenger sunday going north mail mail going booth mail mail ea8tb0und dally trmla no 2 6 04 a i 1004ail 612 04 p u 8 2 04 pm 10 4 04 p m 12- 6 01pm 11 8 04 p m 1610 04 p a 16vi2 01aro train nob 1 r ojhce kennady block la roy dala in obargc ot oeorir a o heir barmler sol cilot fc office m ii st georgette hour 9 am to 5 p n open weineaday and saturday highabdson at co bamitera sollc ion and convctancci offln oniu block goratow toronto officebank of ham hon bld ciakbncb h wiggihs n cbarjre of georgetown oftce xortarmc tataatmanta uonmr to loaf tsuerome ias dr t h marceixus phyalelan jnd surbaon medical offlcer of health onioa houia x to 4 and 7 to i p to phona offict and realdanoa main atraal south oppoalle praabyteriao church dr o f w ross pbyaician and surgeon mill sire i georgetown i e honm surgeon grace hoip la toronto ob c v williams phyaician and surgeon office and residence queen s south pkomases office houra 9 luaw 13 nd68p to lao by appoiotmeol r watson dl s m d s ota hmro 9 t a exeap thanauy aftanooba w l hkath lm ddl dantiat otdoa in law block on door nortl c otrtlira carrlao taotorj bout a m w p m ahinslseir d0 ohxrofraotic office mt x4ar iftt 1 pmibmt qntaat iq jra xparalmo office in bailey block next door to j n o nelll qminwlttnn and spina analyala pre at office omcihouaa wedtieadaji and sal urdaya iltol2aro 2 lo 5 p n and i 9pm other hounby appo nimem phohb office i50w and readence 24 enj fetch uoaoaad ancuonmr for hal ton paal rjlanwuuama port office bale conduct aauafcuitorilj and at onabl rataa ordara toft at oaotaratown herald ofllo will r j a tract clark township of fcqui clerk 3rd division court tfce leading fire and l le co a repreterited inter of marriage licemtei stewrtton oni coal best anthracite coal always on hand nuu and stove coal smalt egg coal largestzed pea coal delivered to any part of the town also coke phone iso f rogers co georgetown cloyers andlimoth radio westtnghouse radiola and king neutrodync t sets always on hand i i satisfied customers are our best boosters i we will gladly give you j a demonstration in your i own home j n oneill son i georgetown garage and carriage works ontario 4rtf jijhj j j yy real estate bargains if oil ant to become llw pro 1 srvei rot m sluci o house on 1 1 it str z conveniences and tlso clectm fire ih nuncr nf i lirn it fti tt nl i 1 u i r ri s h hotilin i j we also hmi listed inir bnr f able pr res nfltong tin n a qncrf hrni on h th on i r 2 limimn n the into dan re 1 fun pr n ml ho so it i in n rlhr t 1 nlf f idt til the hn util tonf ton of hti s for li t nil joj o i heard tin not that ouu 1 ng have jtii litar i la ill of llio bqj ijoutlir aatl londiwe hear it iui front the hornet that we vi a call from tbo mmi in tbo in ik tag lonimandink ittlontion froui von itnlhs ol the training of lofult r rtuil thin ih tlie call uo onjot let is ut dereat at tilt outm t tifi a rel krun call ft am tl a till w uhoim kioum iiitlbl re ineinher whefj tcmpud lo ft itch them aabauce rbat moft hoyn who no wrong lut ihiiouh and all that llicl s i chance jut a clmnce to make good in tl t battle amid nil tbo htrife and they are pleading for thin v lit you krant it will jou nncr tbo fill of the bos armenian boys enler- tain torontonians ninety lads iroai georgetown farm visited toronto last friday ancd in character excellent in eiecntion and istronb m human ap peal tbo entertainment given id jarviti collegiate labt friday oven ing by 90 htdtt from tbe armenian boy s poim at roorgetonro proved a real treat to the largo audience that aim oat filled the auditorium attodded bv the lmyhbh nqd hwilhnrl rradlay a7pj value uith its success based on selling quality at tow price chevrolet now has greater quality than ever before iup j chassis from radiator to rear axle new quality features of construction that you ould expect to find only on higher priced cars nflil dot f cv greater beauty and com fort open models have many added re finements closed models with fine fisher bodies afofj fimsli in beautiful colors of the wonder ful and enduring duco that retains its color and lustre indefinite and withstands seven est usage see these new cars today i s v king denier georgetown ontario fori vud n t ii public school report hoik wing is tbi iublii sdiuul tori for jauuar and j ebruarj br i lomsn i itlanl willie irntl llaj nilitoit irta lhoniison mirou rob nnon law clurlfsou oeorgl sargtnt uolcn tit niing mudele rl hrwin antno frceiimn charla dun sun d leorke crosi glads b henrj niluo loli lean hulhtant marjone ouu il jik k armstrong jack duncan jity stinndcrh to t pi hall fditb lost frank lor u bo hugh mcnally and ivan wright bert tuck i leunor treanor and inamcioiry dordon buikhold mark colliur sr iii hon lviljn aalimon dna ilnah 1 lorente hrandfurd lifltu burkholdn kthl miunhull jack maelaren patti rell donmuu a1umiu bolger and gldyn wcton mar grilmm pearl blair minnie sargent gilbirt dill marg irel urojuq 1 arl mccumbor jeteie tlill allien hamilton angun womjih harold tost elizabeth sponce hdii flora altotl gordon iii hon cameron reid nellie scrmgeour kelly mcnuily alter wood btnnldj allen jean tt irene mnlbollivnd marl nret denibod paee mary iceevi jim row eleanor mcmullcn irene arm stodr joaopbine hcatb ailem ion suorkford robert reetc jamcit ren dip hael barn ea waldo diggms rnent alcott ueorge chnphn elgie aroj fras mimms john mccauley dorm sykes cecil davidaon roj ward walter mcgiluarj br ii hon helen mcdonald helen bronn and kathleen hale richard ad am son itene smith and lome robinson billj mclnr en irene hall rosa poile alan mcdonald omar digrinu mary deenng k dilly muriel wright mi guardiob at the farm thoboj rived in loronto by radial and wore entertained at the supper mr in emanuol baptist church tbo program whibb would have mo orcdit to a canadian group demonstrated what may be dono verj hliort time with foreign children provided the proper en vironnient and instruction aro sup phed if canada bung mtb fervor by tbo entire troupe open ed the entertainment and was fol towed by an armenian chorus reu dp red in the native tongue of the bildren and by a humorous song entitled we aimeniao bojs in each ease t ho boja pang without any accompaniment but were led with great auefesn by hatch ig bakerjinn kgaart knedisan and jirair garabedian three of own number liter in th evening some sacred songs wore rendered by the bojs under the leaderbhip of kghavnrt kvodieak who also gavo a delightful solo onnig varteregian proved a talent ed sinfior and eloon of the boys joined very sweetlj in love i old bweet boot a folk dance in nhicb nino boyi perlormed to the exeat e trains of the mouth organ showed armcni a hapjjj playful mood and a flng drill- a truly canadian effort by sixteen lads demonstrated how jiuckly jouth can adapt itself to eiorotaea hitherto unknown perhaps the cleverest and moat appealing number was a playlet a seien rumn frinie house an nine trrot of hoo i und opposite the coiling mill thire ii alw a nnnl and a pit on this propertt a ni nci makintf npi tient for someone in room houl nt noral price jhwo for pari tulari applj lo e a benham urai tstatr acini h10w rtown phone if i ilo h0 j another clock special day kitchen clock strikes the hour and half hour light or dark wood 550 siocr kqii rymond nndlti a b willson jeweller nel 1 llotil mtg tihon hordltottn written by mr aloxantan tbq do votod armenian teacher at the farm and embodying a bit of tbe home it revealed the fact that tbe bojs are being trained not onlj in tbo art of farming but in cor rect and business like organisation methods a more pretentio is play arranged by tbe panic anthor nn ihowing a happj home bcone t prior to the perset utroni itagd toward the close of tbe ctenidg and included a number of clever dress cobtumen i love canada i lor jo lote m present home for wli thank you were tho concluding words of it graceful sjneih in one small boj told a bit of hi sonal bmtorj four of bis radchgiuo similar speeches each emhodung hoiiefullnesi tlldt pres on t i tb rath ollcction hnh7 mchrobian read the storj of the good samaritan und rev ira i lerce swriury of ho armcn nn rel ef vssociat on made a brief appeal foi funds hftrop drihnmhii ii heat i in a recitation nnd a bit of taiimnille wbk injetlid int the riii when a qroup nf lion perform d nciohdu miinla en imr in lli fnriinnr of a tjramid tlieenlerltinnonl ns lirn igbt lo nn artist c tlose bv the leeiin of on flat hi lira r han the sounding of tbe btrle nil b meitr 1 leh gflettan and the mi tel nf ok of the mnle i if indet hie i alerst of isn tc knk or an i n 1 tin arn enian nnlionnl nntht ni ir ii o img arteres fnillj 1 sf the ki clotted ll f 1 ogmni h means of the film exph tionh ibat were w m tlirnufitin it the eemng nnd the h farts of the spprtntore erp touched ns the read the tors of tbe reunion i anada of john and his brothi who bad been crunllj separated i their native lnnd the sflor wnf pticcredcd bj h picture of the brothers and nn impressive el ns reached when the boj s stepped out from anion a their eorarad and bowed gracefullj a- the nnd encc applauded dail globe notes and comments tin uh iiuim liihetiltj in cobourg in miii l ir t n irrearn jtiht ai is tl hi n man other towtih do itrt liovsiver tbo ml htus u luoi od u now i ol lector to takl omi nnd uiniiti the collectors roll ot 1u2 ml that tbe coat incurnd up to 100 ho takeu from tin satarj ot tli tilt ctor of that ymr itltllut ro bh i is in a rising inrkit so tlicv iaj and yet that 4 just the tin wltn it is most ditliiult to decide lhoro is al wns the expectation that prices may go bicber dihd furmers aro luan larj to day as to whetbt r the should yell their wheat or not the man who can give lufal e luhin has a chance to make lot of moun hj acting upon it then are no iiibnietb jn ijiu wheit market uov one man t s ih us good as another pass dons green jim sargent evelyn hoare mnx froeman frank dowhursl jack baunders mary arnold lawrence colo ash fieeman jack tost alice walker etbol hall harry wright ethel barker robert bmerson may tedder r tliol speocg muriel whitmee barbara toat jr ii hon edith bullivanl da id cnchton rosb duncan walter nornngton annie hall nolho slaynard flojd hilts lfllo francis jean hill frank gregory kathleen maje beusn hilts margaret harton crdun wnuht david bne rrock lorusso brock pass reginald hoare i mi mc allister percy baxe mnna scrym harvoj allen tred grnce dean mary edwards ruth beaumont bessie wilder marg aret maud jim ritchie book ii hon j emmerson n jepson m litimer mccum ir m long h smith pass len ing m maes c le e cvans l sanderson f graham m buggins book i hon g hcnrj rcid d russell pass f denison h armst onf n herbert k mckenne ibi class hon mnrj gleadall annie loiusso erwm hilts and rubboi varey jim alantinc gor don outran lor marj tost llarrj dewburst and fnc nornngton cuyton bradley una digg ll is not iiiificult to under st ind the complaint of tbe cana dian butincbs man about taxes the lexaudrn hamilton in stitutc in tho current bullettu if he is in receipt of an income or 20 000 he must part with 1 00 or nearl one tntb of it to the government assuming him to be married man with no children in the 1nited states the man su siturtted paj oow a tax of onlj 3h 017 go going down tbe scale anadian with a 16 000 in 3 muht jiny 1 870 in taies across tbe border his neighbor pay hut 637 so in tho 14000 income bracket the dominion oiti tax is 1 090 nod the united states citiecnu 447 60 on the income of 8 000 the tax collector demands 870 in canada com par ed iith tbo 127 50 exacted by tho tjnited states rerenux6olleotor in all of these caseb canada a tax es are double those of tbe united states in tho lower incomo brackets the difference is at ill more m arked a married cedrtj id children who has a 5 000 in come pays a tax of 120 in tbo united states the man in the same situation and circumstances pays 87fi0 while tho 2600 in come man in tbe united states now pnjs no tax his dominion ighbor pays 20 hence them is little wonder that agitation is continued for tax rod notion al though the comparative rates may not he known ppcalob noober o a plylot m r lor called tho harming corporation aseo fleanor wright albertstap loton hael walker pass godfrey coll er gordon hale dorothy sargent jack ham hon holen ritchie primer honors marj reitb wilfred murraj marion dill mnrjon hilts bsthor brill walt colle jean mcgregor primary clftsshonorsglenna she josephine poile kenneth fdardh ictor wemjhs ettinl dorotb mimms ian mckonzie john ross equnl roj lace jjace equal ifrank bolner bilhe braish norman barker lames i mmerson inn sparling irene slarrett eq ml hnrry allan rtitl davis live bailej btiwart maclaren lmraine lat doroth mcnnen arthur rullivant equal isftbelle hoare ernest h de fred armstrong robert fonlis equal rett keane carter mlet arpy clnss- far w ilcox clifford armstrong arthur armstiong fred johnson obituary hunk i hi v m frank h scnt del 111 lomcon mondn he i 1 s ite d tor eirs from isthmi in i i i i been on lined lo bm i d i s i l time ih ns in h hfl c it ear nnd hnd stent hie hritei part or i s lift in m ll t he f married hen to nn ei on i imirhtcfof tbe late r i e i mis who s r ip hi i lb t o 1 uirh tern misn irssiean 1 1 tijori both of windsor jl besiob was liked an i respc tc i b all who knew him he is tm anplican and a in tuber i grace church ictnlwr ijflts choil public school board mid met at 8 p m on march with all members present mm utesof the last meeting were read id on motion of mackenzie and mcnally were adopted as read movcl by harrison and kontncr that the folloumg accounts bo paid w it watson 20 7f l coleman 76 00 hdro electric com 2 27 tbob liisoo 17 60 macmillan co of an 82 67 car nod communications wnro received from tbe snperanuation com rots ison re occasional teachers and from w m morris re delegates to trustees convention in toronto in easter week moved by messrs harrison and mackenzie that mrs evuub and kentner be appointed dole gates to tho trustees convention toronto in faster week also tbat the fee nf five dollars be for rded to w m morris see treas of tbe trustees association four dollars to bo applied to tho delegates rogibtratiorwee and one dollar to the subscription of the trustees journal to be tient to tbe chairman carried moved bj mcnall and kentner that the board now adjourn car horticultural society al a meeting of citizens held in the council chamber inst wodnosj day ooning georgetown horticul ral soeioty ns n organized for the season of 10ii with the follow ing ofllcers hon president ii r minims president j h willncc vice priridentu l ilutt secretary treasurer j d kell 2 year directors a l bquires mrs groat mrs dale mrs hcc dcrson mri rigb mrs l r fletk bert lucas 1 car directors d l mcln tre mrs mimms mrs ross mrf matihe wm ahhenhurst mrs p coffen a nornngton children dept uihh oung l ss hint miss frtrnier tin 11 rl tiiltunil societ are de ir us of 1 n iik everj house lioldir iti ihlt join the society f r 1 u ii is helm to m ike our t m more atlr nine and tbe pro- in ml i rnuient grant beipr mbcrship gives net finds for tlo bis illness politics 1 i the tin rcmcut naftfl eur chami ion si- nff ctel his tr it mlv when in conner took place wcdneala church to i frrsvepn u s rector rfli nnon lucted the ser cs mti cilion of the ton tin t let will shortly n awe public iit llm for litel nu 1 ank th it uoiit is iht n tl is i imc organ injured with saw r ch ii ies spiers cf erin hsp pencd with a pamfnl accident ono recenll while nt a bwmg htcslmr h barbour s he aoct dentallj got his right hand caught in the circular saw all but cutting off the index linger and lacerating the hand in several places fjn loubtedlj the 8 which mr spiers was wearing saved him from euen more mver njnry

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