Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 11, 1925, p. 2

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ill l i hhim 1 hrttm mumagu nod ikdllii r im ilirel for t ihe follow- rate- sllr marriage sk dialhi so illodli50i 10c pr liir ulra 1 i l died cowdy- early sturdy 1925 at the carnival tllltp wllh ii kooli ilulilullim 4 lit lite earn 11 nl in ihe anna an sal urdav night notwithstanding the disiigiocabh wnitlm a largo n inn bur of those prciliil apiictirld id l oat umi and thoio weie 11111111 r- 1111s nrltlj ui well s romiial frnt una among the oullts worn i hulie gents and t hildrt u prowdt for t xmi mlituit on t roads 111 tin township if i urn irik li liu ir 1u2 and that n it ijiivv be now rind hi luul m lirtw a fmuiro of the thi broom linll game betwd all hluks and hobos i til til jim l i chupli 1 1 gov slrert uelpti murrain 1 go dy wife of tin late thorns lowii 11 her 82nd jaar nixon ai milton onsuinliy minhuli i92s edna mai unj lielotd fc il m e nhon brown ai toronto w i hospital tu moradav manli tl lh5 job brown general io slewuitlov funeral wednesdav monimg by h m tram lo toiicnli 11 1- in memoriam arrlavaru in loving memory ol 0111 dear daughter and muter mm appe yard who passed away m irch kith 1924 worthy of everlasting lovo from those she irfl behind ruilh 1 tr- in loving mcitior ol mi diar 110 ther mrs alice hg march 2th 1922 beyond this world of haujes far btjoiid this world of mn ivc shall find our musing loned one in our father s mansion f j r diiigbu 1 mn tuck a wernjsi hoht national costuine- kenlntr gruu forhuir best comic costume lorfes ruddy harry hale moat original cusluine gibbons mrs jlone beat lad clown kiinn donald btst gent clot herb bcntl best cost inni sjkch obiloary mrs ldnx hio the death took place at her ie6i donee martin street milton sun day afternoon mar bth of fdoii may lang wife of councillor m e nixon who passed iiwaj after two weeks illness from priqutnon 10 deceased huh well kaowu a ml highly respected she wrb an active member of hoot presbyter an church tho 1 o d e and other societies she is banned by her busbaod and an infant daughter the funeral took plane on to erf ay afternoon to george town cemetery mttb tuos gowm relating to the deceased who thft beloved mother uf o teemed neighbor mr wm qoudj of liimehouse the gnolpb mercur of saturday lost contained tho fol lowing citieens learned with deep re gret today of the death or mrs margaret gowdj widow of the late thomas gowdy a former mayor of the city and for roanj years a prominent manufacturer of guelph and gno of the oldest and most highly respected re si dents of guelph who passed auaj at her home lhg glasgow street this morning until three months ago the deceased had experienced the beat of health the late mrs gowdy who wan in her 82nd year was a daughter or the late mi and mrs thomas moore of acton and was barn in that town t married to the late tbomas gowdy at acton 60 jcarfl ago with her husband to guelph where sho had lived tor the last fifty years id tho house she resided at the time of her death she had been a member of dublin street methodist church tor man years and alwayb took an active interest in its welfare and that of its tix ious organizations until the time of her illness surviving arc a family of soven sons and two daughters joseph guelph thorn as toronto william limehoubc alex a kansas citv s m guel jib angus toronto edward j buffalo mrs j b rojnnlde guelpb and nettie at home a stepdaughter mrs john kennedy ot thib city also survueh bor husband predeceased her eleven years ago the funeral took place from the family residence 116 glasgow street on monday at a so o clock to woodlawn cemetery a service beipg held at the house hi 2 p m an abiiiidnnto of gon i miimi iih niiplillid li thurston n a rem hand during the ovemog tin prirei awarded b judgi murray m donald were ns follows brut dressed ladj- wimtu icnight mrs louth ret dressed gent m mbiti aton w ioiitti iiori of bropatby bo exl btsl drossod girl dorit bj kenfcub brother cbunciluiau utanor wnghl best dremd b01 lan wright 11 mil ilia for hi 111 uie towjisii of 1miiobiiiw bo uuw mud the nt il thud limes and passu nil car ill hroun uslit that luti grunted to introduce a lly luiu ti npikiint an oorhor of hilua tor the lowmliip si ml th it mild law lie now luidllie hint tinn carried carton he that lilt it liiu to appoint an overseer of high wain be now read the wlimd and tlilnl tunes and passed and that tin blank be filled up with the name of james vjicltirc of the tun 11 chip of esquesttik carried carton brown that a rusolii f bropatby be extended to william gowdy in the lonsof his mother in rit o mi li h umi i i i itin iinuui lili tin- him 1 il 1i11 iiffn iiiljiiinii lii umi iinuui 11 111 i til oftll it i imiill auction sale i housfhold hjumtlirt j w collins v cki s sat march 28ths s mr walter kiggs curling the teturn match between the run ilea and hot dogs was plajed the urlinp rink tbursdaj night nd resulted in another win for the hot dogs after a very hard fought contest owing to other attractions in town the game was little into gotting started the granites blamed the earthquake heaving tho ice on the ooe side for their aat defeat but the only e cubo they had to offer after thurs day nights game wan that in as much as that the losers hod to play for tho oyster supper and that the majority of scotchmen were on the hot dog team the ould have knnwn better after tho oyster supper a verj enjoyable ejvening was spent in tnoadieoibhninifaliiring oar id friend bii brown sent tom bowling up aloft amid the rigging to look for sweet adeline but found that his bonny lies 1 the ocean therefore we had to ghaht him an encore but when he started to sing scots whae hoe whom wallaci- bled bfssfy said he was all going to seed so we had to tuch him to one side swore he would leave town and go to hamilton bo being a good felltlt we let him finish his solo after we bad bent for dk mab eli lis and found that his left lung was still going strong few songs were rendorod b the curling quartette which made a great hit mayor dale after a vorv appropriate speech was asl cd to present eanh of tho losei with a bag of marbles kiodlj donat ed by b y wamyss of s and 10c fame m as much as it was thought that they might be a little mort successful at that game aftoi singing auld lng syne tho parly broke up evoryone declaring it war on of the most enjoyable evenings thoy had ever spent there is uo truth in the rumor ihat mr brown ib considering b offer from the metropolitan opei company glenwilliams on friday march lilh a nuui her of our ritirens gave nn invita tion dnuu which we understand was an enjoyable affair the river crrdit m behaving well so far tbife spring but we know not what ma happen anj day mr clarence mullin has re covered from his recent illnew and returned to his position mr gordon mullin of toionto spent the week end at ins home here mr ed bhidd who is working m toronto wan home oer mie weekend rev or dickie of georgetown punched in the methodist cliurth hereon sunday evening hverv one was delighted with ins srr don t forget the 17th of march entertainment and supper com aud enjoy the eveninj good pro gram isupper in tin chimh and entertainment in the town hall our hockey team lost 10 guirge town 10 the game last ria by the b 8 i owing to illness some of our good players were off the team miss am beaumont ol alt m mfit 1 or at tho homo of her grund niolher mrs s beaumont the quarries and brick yards ex pect to be running to full capnnl spring millinery you are cordially invited to inspect our european and new york models including all the latest styles and colors jwssesjlaridge herald block upstairs georgetown saturday treat peannt crisp is a good fast seller at 10c lb pure sugar and fresh peanuts made up into a nice crisp taffj saturday treat beautiful cieamy caramels in chocolate and vanilla regu- lar 60c special 35c lb quito a number of our ntieni hae boeivui with the grippe lt the vqutig peoplos league wtu wojl attended on mohda mghl mi- george talof hatdled tht subject of the evening which wm missions in a manner peamng and j council to jack b brown mine instructive to all present loss of his father our lau auditor tbeiglen conservativearsociil a valued township official and ijion will hold a meeting m thoibnt a copj of this resolution be tiwri hull leit monday evening sent to jek r brown lamed mahlctb mrs dr mcniven leslie- carton that pp ho of alton will give an address grinted to introduce a b iaw to township council stcwartuiwn march 9tb 1926 tin council met pursuant to ad juinmcnt the reeve in the chair members present g o brown t l leslie m j carton tho ntes of last meeting were read and conllrmed brown carton that treasurer pa a h cross man 76 hrs shovel ling snow at 20c on his division 15 20 david dick terra cotta dog struck off at court of revteion m 1021 2 00 statute labor paid and informed si 7c total 8 75 alfred thompson ink and paper for auditors 4gc nathan dredge balance due on his road division so 7 in 1924 17 4k carried rrown leslie that treas pa i l bute map and team 24 dnys hauling cmders to cinder path at noral at fi per day 1250 ctins mcljuughlin 2 dais spread 1 tin cinders nndf saning ditches in norval 5 co lohn h smith lanitanj inspector plarardmg and tumigating dot fl 1924 to march dili 1925 carried leslie csrtdn that treas paj the reeie and deputy reeie the sum of i2 loeoch pay and e jienses attending good ttoads con vention pen 20 and 27 tnrnrd iti own lcshi that liu le fund to h narracloueh eleitnc i lit ln on rami for 1934 4 93 leslie carton tbat the treas pay bell telepbone 99 r 11 and 18 r 22 4 58 n devereaox shov hling snow sh hrs at 20c b go hanj bssej fili ds gravel at mlk- 4c n ieereaux 4fli yds irawlhoc fh7 total j89 fw car lush carton that the tieno nay georgi leslie travelling ex pensep to guelph and milton of taxes 7 howard hume refund re dog uxes error in assessment 2 1 appclhf eipense 11 ecnnng hi uw u 00 carried nrlon leslie that the conn cil m j l standisb and alfred thompson 20 each for their ser uei for 192j carried brown leslie that a resolu of sympathy be sent from this 23c lb sweethearts special weekend chocolates this is a wonderful value of fine chocolates and a low price weekend chocolates 32c arthur norrington bole agent foi smitosn chuckles fioc lb alsi woman s bakery college st toroulo main st phone 89 1 if youd like a little better tea than you are using please try red rose red rose teais good tea the same good tea for 30 yeart try it organ recital linen by mb c franklin leooe organist howard park church toronto assisted by mrs ada richardson leooe ltcm soprano and tho choir in the methodist church georgetown on tuesday evening march 17th at h 15 oclock 1 old hundeilth choir and cong regit mo 2 involution 3 orgm spie lion from lohongrm wagm act hi bridal chorus praer i choir safe in the harbour from wigm tain s organprelude anil fugue n 1 minor- j s bach i ocal april lorn batten 7 organ- allegretto in b minor gmlniajt k son of the bolls prom the chimes of normnnd 9 organ andante 1antibile from lolin conceito tscha ikosk hi oeal a the crorts hnrrim wc bl snkis le speak 11 organ a serenade j gounod b allpgretto wo blcn holme 12 organ off ertoi re in e flat lefebiire wele is choir mar of dese ruling night i o hnersnn national anthem admission 50 cents keep the home cheerful the cost is only a few cents a day you can have bright cheerful rooms for a few cents a day wall paper ou- new tilling wall paper- show a ningt of beautiful paper mimhlc tin all loom in lolmuics that will hurmomre wiihuii style of furnishing tliii jinjieis au t vciptimml num s si it it rntttrnn from 8c i mil iiji draperies a good uclttiion of diaper fnbrtrs that will suit any window tmitmeut i iiim dint ii used with our kuscli curtain rods iiiaki lov y window i tfii is let is help you sohe our winduw draper prohlnilfi floor covering ciuptl siiuiuis and rugs linoleum ruts and pne m oildolh mats 25c up furniture ag wanted prodi cakci bieari and v i i f lotal advtrtlini 11 pirt of the service we orovie mitjblo agtiili wnle for pirticulirl browns bread limited jr- new adverlisemeois add a chair oi roiker and mi evtra pice of rurtntuic lo tin loom it hame- tht ap lieiiianco of a room taking into consideration the life and service jou get a good pair of itotkir and chair all mer leather upholsu ltd would cost von about a icnt a dm let us show iu the low ost of reliable serviceable fiirnitme quality value service jacksons georgetown bankrupt sale -of- boots shoes and rubbers men s blaik calf uluclior cut bouts goodcai welled bolt s and rubber hetls siis 0 to 10 3 41 and 3 95 men i mahogany calf blucl is oodear welted sole and libber hef is just the shot foi spun i mei all f 3 9s 1imi woik boots iii black and brown grain and i ins ciau leathers sills ingulnr up n i ml sale price 52 95 mens iftnvy sunt proof hub hers hi 2hiikle and levilil hcav rolled edgt with while oi iid bottoms silling tikulnit at j 1 sale in 51 95 specials in omyt shoes in hkk and hrovii dilf iiixl pitoit italliers iiik and lu outrun slip pels and ofods ellini niii iilarlv up lo f i 0 silo rnp 1 45 to 12 9 wo ith i womin s mnle cinvvs slip pirs tovtitd luel illi fun v intni1 mil lil kid inn in i m mi 1 rilv lois biu ill ing rtkitlnrh it l hank nipt prin woninsulut iimiii ptnni mid oxfords with lou httls ui misses box kipblueheis with nilli minkaj wwri sol- tod slont ohm i for school mm ul hojs school boots m good stout gi am leathers made by the williams shoe co of brampton sies 1 to r at 2 45 outlis ami little ienu heavy rain he bool boots sies h lolojat 1 45 11 to 2 11 65 mms slut and mn run mule shoes in bliuk and hrnn tulf bills also a fi oxfonls left in ibebehnes saleni 4 45 to 5 95 v of fciliiu shoes hltb ixiniiiil lo it ft at 2 95 ul 195 lath nils and childrit- bliuk and biomi calf liliidiis vi itb se n soli sand rubier ik i u i be famous so lm sbo s foi hit kildit- st- r7 145 smn in 10 195 the funou- mnillnil sim f i hi hi n in lilikmi bi io alf and pil it leather si iu inuirh up lo 1 ii sile pnr 2 45 and 2 95 sid uk fit 1 lime h box loi tin rumfords shoe store main street georgetown for sals nud yuung holiieui iuw for bala half ll i ueorretowi work wanted appl ai hbsalu offim flouato ramt n r ol and murflt n i en cc a pajisiin mar islti a plytojotin ballaitli sr gcorg i lot for sale jouil uuildmp lot in gletii til will udli- reasonable tt hi marc weight abuut lt00 i in ia jll hamck apply lo john mi id queen si 311 tf cl uar for baj jtn yearn plj work nmgle or dcubtc ucihl aboul iouiki hundred a kytle main st if honaa to rant to rant collage corner of murd sis nchly decoraled e apply to h for sala tier little unl alio d apply o mr j r snyder 2l forsalo grand upporlumly lo se ure a silent alamo riimlwcrand li plant n ai loildmuu hh so amp battened ors22i w t fcvjni if to rant o man si en iral 1isaion eleclril lirhli waler goad lellnr a plol of land rom wuh lb houic able rem a hde 211 ti va for saja ijood wind cabtage 75 per doieu carrots 00 per big yellow cooking lur ncs s0rpcrba delivered anywhere in 1on j brandford pbonc 135 r i geo p o bon 490 hatchiaft ecsa for bala fiom are bred plymouth rock hem of a rood laying tram 100 per kiting of 13 egg or 7 00 per 100 egga apply log l walton maple ave george ton ptionc 209v if wood for sala verj choee bant wood 3 75 per ngle ord alio mixed hood ai 3 so and cedar rail at 300 per ingle cord orders mat be left at v 0 bescy feed mill or phone 13r4j brand ford box 490 george hon for sal cloier 15 per lb amber 12 i 2c per lb in ten twenty ihirt and nxljr pountl inn also aeveral varieties of good applca atjioperbng or 75c per half bag al a r vannatier vnn bl george ion orbukev b i wood for sal lurdwnod body maple 12 in s1 75 per ungle cord mil raiu 12 n s2 so cord hirdwood railt 12 m 300 per snglccord delmered lo any place n ibwn j h smith phone b4 r 13 georgetown vegetables vegd qi ably ol the iond we oflr you lei u ippl our needj n the above lioei r arthmrnl brookr motk mam si ii wood i ir lu oiid ml any length you raqu re hiiird s a load 53s0 a ingle cord rtnart1 hunks 00 load a frre load of winding ivith oiery three lord order murra urn i hone 99 r is if mrs a bailey i her of haujo tenor bano tia 1 hii an ai mrs smiths j ci si co every wediei ji 2 4 1m ice ii imk bio k of soitn wr block ol lh let m hate your order lor mu srnon ice delivered evcri j h smrti phone hi r 13 george notice lo contractors 1 ilh kn- lit mar m ilh 1 2p m to airange or mil ig up ih r in ihamber j atart townxhip clerl positively no 1v pnuini lhldren or a dull found np gsorcatowb luaar- olr proparty tt be procuted lbs dr mut he i bwrved o ihov u llj lt ftcf ihe ronii 4 hv 0ic0inc1l notice to creditors m m ward llrir laimn diil t day of april 19s amsoiil ler lh heurtaie il p bml tmsxek h pocdto dr the emate hav ilu it h cu h laled at toronto thilthdayol ma k u tt t otgoode hall toroulo

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