Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 8, 1925, p. 2

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al til sti1 ibs town council council met last ctluiug pm with- mnyor dale ni tbo reeve mclntyre and all moi of coonctl present minutes of the previt logs were read andcoollfnieti commomaationn were received from smith stone federal eleo- tno co general accident assur nee co j d kellj residents of mud street south re bettor street lighhting secretary pubho library board hoflpital for sick children municipal road spraying oiling jda international motor truck george h power w 1 dick can adtan national railway m houbit riootreal and toronto incenerator co mr snrymgeonr addrcaaed colin cil re a ground for foot ball mr robinson addresseil council re coodition of cbapol fat cast mr vannattor addressed council re condition of ontario street near bis property also condition of bridge on ann st and lighting ol said street 1 p mcenory ad dressed council re the same mr bailey asked tor permission to put another gas pump on mill btreet moved by loos seconded by barclay tout mr jbatlev he kirco permission to put in anothei gas pomp on milt street under the direction of the chairman of the street and walks committee carned moved by campbell seconded by barclay that this council do lay a croesing with cement blocks not in ose across from mr kehjtfs residence carned moved by barclay seconded by donoan that mrs c c roc be ap pointed a member of the public library board in plane of mr c w papst resigned carried moved by campbell seconded by kelly that we do now adjourn to meet at the next regular meet ing or at the call of tfag mayor carried tbe list of accounts pancd will appear in our next issue conservative club visits georgetown members iron nvrtb tonnlo entertained by local association some mill uiomberh of orlb toronto liberal consei e hrtotinliun wore kuchu of 10 itxal iihbocmtion ou pridaj em us t the party armed i a npecial radial ar about 7 jkt m and headed by a highlander placing the pipes paraded down mum klrtot and bark to the tuvii mil whore a largely attended nd iiithutiiatilk meeting watt held the proodmgs openedwljt ilr henry corke vice- president if tbo ualton association intro duced mr w j darby president of be north bast toronto assoc n tbe latter taking tbe chair tbe hpeakers included dr an derson mp and mr george bill m p p for ballon and tbe wing from toronto w ralph a a jordan j m 8kelton ei h ball r j clarke president of tbo central liberul conserva tivo association w j beaton t gibson george hodgson ant james robertson the general tone of the addresses was one of confidence that tbe party would recover the ground lost in tbe last dominion general election the feeling was generally expressed jflo that the mingling of members of the two assocations had done uoh to promote a spirit of co operation an enjoyable musical entertain meat was put on b the visitors messrs sbaw jeffries rrl do rand george hermitage witb sleigh as accompanist mr durand responded to a vote ol thanks from the halton assccia lion and mr c e tinsley invited the halton association to pay turn visit which invitation w accepted at the close of tbe meeting tbe visitors were tendered a luncheon and a joviarsopial hour was spent before tbey left for borne at mid night after an enjoyable and profit able evening spent with the mem bers of georgetown association and their friends public school board april 1st 1925 board mot in tbe board room with mr cncbton m the chair and the following members present mrs evans messrs mackenzie kentner and harnuon minutes of last meeting were rend and con firmed moved by ixentner and iiarn son that the following accounts be paid as read g b bayers oareuking c oq w frampton repairs 2 00 j b mackenzie fuel 8 00 n b tuck repairs 12 j6 mokay bros supplies 1 25 0 c campbell caretaker 6 00 d j matthew supplier 8 00 hydro electric light 22 mrs e c thompson sub stitute teacher 120 co mrs c e ruddy teaching 25 00 carried mr mason caretaker reported that some boys had broken win dows these boys were not school boys the secretary was instruct ed by the board to write the par ents of tboae boys informing them that they will have to pay for the damage done to avoid further trouble tbe board tben adjourned ball holiday keep oni pliu pn of luiii on tlmrul itlu noon v hum lolii lo the end n bn 1 i w 11 wlllsoil it v in d llviiiiihtoik u k ti j 11 jiluoh 1 it c j bmk 11 ik p kornuj u 1 mill in millard to mis m s 1 id f r waurn m sm 1 ml rennius giom j 1 u t urwjn gnuuui 1 1 1 1 in a r wright 1 11 i illi c c riowl a hint hit w a hnle it ili n h brown itn ll 0 h wiggina ft 1 in mimiii a j w konnoli a son j 1 hi e r mdglomtlil l rm 1 e c thompson a m g illli dominion store w fc nil mark clarv m ciii uu dr goltop h mi lont rams a tin- pi vii play in tbe mollotiint c uk good friday ccr mg htniie at n oclock boots and shoes you i l 25 to 40 per conl jta i work boots aud repairing 1 d fironeyn the josh that ki tbe money in jeorgetov n i h mr w a millar bun dihpiod if bis prpporty on main lot to mr l restuo or hamilton linn u one of the largest real i state den that has been put through in xui getown for a number of pnr the sale was made b k a hen ham real estate agent deorho town we make one bid for public favor we promise to place m you home or in your place of buai ntis high character plumbing accessories that will serve you in a satisfactory manner we iromihe you that we will serve you well in a repair capacity and well dnswer phone 25 promptly j w kennedy son hardware plnmbing heating houu phona 18b shop pka26 j fool ball as an n on need in a previous issue re b foot ball club for georgetown a meeting was called to be bnld in che town ball on tuesday march 24bh at 7 46 p m to consider tbe adriftabiluy of form in r a football olnb in georgetown mr a her bert presided after a lengthy libcnssion it was docidpd to organ ice and the following were elected an office bearers president d mrlntjn vice pres e rigby ben presidents- mensrs lalt tbompaon wall me willoughl mokenaie col brown dr wil hame vice presidents messrs dickie duncan uufibie rone creel man and watson treasurer r b foul is secretary a robinson on saturday april 4th a match was arranged between tbe employ ees of smith stone and coating mills to determine n ho were the beat players for tbe regular team to enter the gaolpb and district football association league there was a selection committee present to decide after tbe mutch the game was clean and result ed in a dra of 8 gbalb eacb out of the 22 players who lined up tbe following were selected to play on tbe regular team goal dnncan full backs car son and tvw burnt half backs srrjmpeonr herbert latimer forwards hale staccy simpson atokes smith tbe boys go to acton on satur day for a fneodly game with thi acton team and we wish tbem sue oeas the time will be announced later a8honof ci in at a well attended meeting held nt mr j hulls last thursday night a foot ball club was organic ed officers elected and practice will commence at once there is lot of material for a good team aod we have no doubt the boys will put np a creditable game this season glenwilliams the service on good friday at albons church will be at 8 m when the story of the cross to redheads setting will be sang ter day there will be a celebration of the holy common at 9 80 om andchoral even song with special music at s p m special session of the sunday school at 2 16 p m and the sobol will afterwards attend the sor vice in tbe church in a body and present their lenten mite boies a nursery stock farm ib to be itabhshed in tbe glen nn the bell arm shareholders were here is week 0 miss myrtle marchment mibs gertrude marnn mr p black and mr b lie tar d spent sunday at march meats easter services in motbodint cfanroh on april 12th rev dr dickie will preach at i p m snn day school at 8 p m and song ser nee nt 7 pan when a short ad dress will be given by rev mr douglas the boys are catching suckers in the river credit these days mr and mrs appleton of boob eater and mr and mrs small ridge of brampton called on glen friends dunng the week mr wm scbeok of tbe credit valley bottling works is now mak mg the famous orange lemon and lime crush and has purohi ed a fine new reo truck to doliver the ggods y a meeting of the glen athletio clnb will be held in tbe town ball on thursday evening april 9th at 9 oclock tbe stone quarries are getting busy and expect a good season bpwltao clnb at the annual meeting on april 2nd the following o beers were ol ted for tbo year 1920 hon preaj w kennedy pros dr nickel let vice pres- 0 t mckay 2nd vice presb ilarnaon sec treasj l thompson oampb committee j j jib bons dr heath o t mckay r y wem6i j b wallace grounds committee dr nirl dr heath john jackaon s hi rison m curkbon l r date membership com m 1 1 te o dr nickel e a benbam l r dale j b wallace di heath j l thompson a mens rink tournament will he held on the 26tb of may a home the first thing to own there is a deal of truth in longfellow s old lue pint r- motto eacb man s chimney ih liii golden mil stom it holds secrets of luipiiiucsn puu mid don leu tun nt un known to the renter owning your own homo hcs a significance and sutibfaction to life that only those who have ept new ed it tan appreciate we need attractive onvenioiitly arranged hornet with all conveniences to lighten housework and for the lomfurtand happi ness of tbo family at a modeot first cost so that the payments will not take too much of the turnings of the breadwinner our 1926 sixroomed home is deiigm d to nuet ail these eondi tions we will build tins house on lie lot wi recmtli inirtbuhcd on tbe cornur of mnrdock and albert tts and hell you a complete home ready for you to hang up jour lint und turn on the light for the modest sum of 2700 00 kor the family who want more room e huie plans of an h room twostorey house which we will build on the lot ut the or ner of queen and mnrdock sts using i ug lim k and finished itb oak trim and floors for fjflso 00 we also have a plan of n house winch liai a ery large linng- room with a fireplace and a sun room opining from it winch we would build nt the corner of queen and mm ds k sts mid sell for 8050 00 call and let us explain plans terms of payment arranged j b mackenzie geargretown and acton erwingoldhams meat market specials for this week fresh made sausage 2 ih for 2r loinsof young pork per ih 25c legs of young pork per ll 2uc shoulders of young pork per hi 22 streaky bide pork tk watch for special prices in window quick delivery guaranteed main street georgetown phone no 1 at ute kutes tlieie ern 4i present at tbe rifle ranges in the armories last night tbere is shooting every tuesday evening and everybody is welcome the high scores last evening out of a possible 40 were as follows col g o brown a w norton c braodford w w roe f varey capt a j cummmrb a powell sgt d latimer b coleman c grace hot coffee and aaodwichen were served at the cw of the shoot tbe eaquesing womed a in stitute will bold their regular monthly meeting at mrs j r thompson s bome on april i7tb at 280 a special easter program provided all are cordially- invito ed note cbarjge of date it pays to use martin senour mapbleite floor finish afothtng itke it for hardwood floors it wers ike iron wnle to head off montreal for ftm booklet home painting made easy d by j w kennedy son oeorgetoyn smart jewelry for easter diamond rings in white gold the newest settings and moderately priced see our delia pearls the fashionable choicer alao a variety in other makea in differ ent colors that are very smart a b willson jeweller ncit to nol mrgibbon okoroetown mmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmm new adverlisenienls 4jltiaturcs x new glory wi in new k thirigs i p up the home wall papers our spring shoeing of ne s wall papers is tbe best value richest- artistic designs most bcniitirul color litels we nave ever shown paperh that will give join borne a omplete new de oration paper t from 8c draperies neu draperies of imrinin effecth a larpe shotting of different draper falinci suiuwile or nil htv iph of drnpinr tlese combined with kirrb curtain hods jou rmi nt little oosl ip jnur nindona an enlne neu dreisint window shades sluidei stmplied in nil bi7cs and colors plnin or trimmed la e or ini rtion or combina lion of two olors a few good heconds at 75c floor coverings iongoleum linoleum nnd oilcloth rugs and piece goods brimse axminiitei and tnpestrj rugs supplied exceptional value for quality goods quality value service jacksons b georgetown all aboard lor easter 1 the easter sunday promenade of fash- ion on the sunnyaidc boardwalk laabont to take place but of course easter fashion parades take place in many cities and towns throughout the world where there are proud and particular women who care georgetown as usual will perform her share are tou prepared arej you in a position to take your place among the well dressed and leel that you belong there is et time to drcsn up m raslnon s lnlcst attire the modest of the outlay needed will euiely suiitiho ou uolou we ure offonng a few time suggestions but why not call in and look thingiimer then decide for yourself hi ik uiniu auu vaiiluu 2495 1500 thin 1b only a representative hat of a few of onr spring coats one particularly moo model i carried out in extra flue pol ret fully lined with contrasting shade of canton crepe and trimmed with silk braid and canton crepe in across a word puzfle de sign marked at then tbere is a pretty coat in sand velour tbe collar cuffs aud inside of fronts of which are carried out in a hnrk shade tnmmed with nitty fine brnid this is also fully lined and r ablj priced anyone looking for something diftet ent ii sure to find pleasure in nn e olusie model of pearl cbarmeen full lined with cerise canton crepe beauti fall fashioned and trimmed with cerise orepe an3 squirrel a coat one can tin 3000 a group or polanne coftu juhi i full lined and nicel trimmed ntraps and buttons or stitching and bi tonn these coats hro imite veri rewonnblv priced at 10 an4 tbere are also new silk driio most ly in crepe bark satins the at let and shades are too numeious to desi nbe but ix i representative of fashioned latest firitx j these arr art rt aftn priced from newest styles in dress shoes made by some of canadas leading shoe manu facturers we are showing a most complete line of dress shoes including many at leu in light tans patents kids and combmn tioos effects stylos include the new elastic gore effect b aod instep headings a ran go from 285 to 500 550 tabs ant ijuibe- cine niiii 1050 850 to 1800 drehses for iort wear some of the ver nen jumper froi lr in all wool snorts material arc ffq ca priced at fvatfu suitable bloaseaun inrious shades to jjtr 195 s 295 sdk hose in all hie pmli ihaden boys suits in tweedb worsted and serges all hir- from bqis thoo8 hi ark and ian rcrt 1 to 5 at mens high grade suits ranging in price mens fine shirts liang anil arrow shirts with or w nut separate bard or softlcollars mutch nen material n and lindes priced up from pelt hats new shades a stiles specially priced at 495 up 275 250 145rup 145 295 ron caps line all wool materials nan hhrntes and all prices at 85c d brill co georgetown for sal vcrnliftnltil ittihi lioltl lutnilln 0ele lok-iiv- ywlm hciiwlt for stlo or to h anto of sal dodge imiriik 1922 modcrt al coo iiion with new lire apply l herald li for hl heed go ran ood a- new pne re i nnahlc annli i u l1 1 for sale k uh happy 1 hougjif apply lo wm m miu dl 1 our bom in t llu ru on mi eu oi tj w i for sale or to root ime liouic on hmcry si i rn ronvemene good garden in flhhenai on losse may i si apply 10 l roll forsl horil ion iruli slake body l iliotk absorber new urei in on lhape f bradlay iform for sals goo1 clde mrr and a firii c chde colt mm two yean old will asli orcredil will be given lo telu or would irade tor a iresh con good sued road or nmirt horse r vannallcr r r 1 ann si geor truck for bala all around apply w schenk small i reclory for sal or wis tlcap mrn1 see rev mr mayei to rant one iiouhc lo rem oi murdoclt slreel apply lo h t arnold georsetown if i ooaan tlokau iprnal cw union to fngland 240 for 23 day personally conducted inp w t evans aueni for pos cunard an chor nnd anchor conaldaon if satuoc eff iure bred bnrrl plomoulli roclm jl or 11 s k while lcgliomi mated ftith male from pedigreed bred lo lav lock 1 50 per 1 1fvrev land george j251 lei farsala urable lot on queen ilrcrl qnnlowii llaht lualdeaual st our uppormnlj lo nccure a dmirablc h lf ap owner j b mackeon mara for sal good mare weight about lf0u ib donald quetp bl i uk to raat nk bouse on mam st ten lujhta water good ujlyde 2 ii tl hatoataa ea for sal riom rare bred plymouth rock ben ol a good laying mram 100 per letting of 11 eggs or s7 00 per 100 egg apply io i vsaiior maple ave george- ton ii phone 209n wood for sale i rj ho e hardwood 1 75 per tingle ord aki ml wood at j wandedar r il- it 1 00 per ingle cord orders mavbclpfi al rcimj h reed mill rphon ilir4 j hrandford box 4 georietowii 0 upholstering draping l will lirni lonnln iwo ueer doinf id oflice l li mer piano for sala rr ihlr prlt appl al itrraldllfticr vegetables ice blotk of mlhj 30c block of let u have your order for smiih phone h4 r t j georg tv 4 peter pan drew largo crowds to the ros theatre last satnrdaj nftcrnoon and evening it watra splendid production and was much appreciated bj mant ot our cili ren patrons can alwajs depend on oregon o hnn getting tbe beat procurable in motion pictures watch for anltliincementorfutore plaja at tie rex jheatre

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