Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 29, 1925, p. 3

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tlif flpuekirio eager to work for you whether j oil nap the full in m fit or not the telephone got s right ahtitd rounding up potential customers in an e2rwiutumg market 50000 new telephones uro atlued 5 early wu can holpyou liat those in any section who might prove profitable customers if ou wsh c on rural lints then are over 125000 you can now do business with by telephone the public health ciumdb ar kqantd to comply witk tjaa pnui hjth aot not ce it hereby giin that nil res dei is of georgetown are requ red forlhw h id lion ther cellars dra a a ds styes water rlosui out b iii gt a i endan and niblic tiave ihe same completed by ihe llccn day of hay nexl on wti ch dav the san ary inspector w ii comrnr ce a kcneral inspection nd further take nplicc thai the sect en of tlic fubl c health act pro tub i rig ihe keeping of hog between ihe 15th of may and ihe 15th of november except n pens al least u feel i on any dwell i g ho ibc and so fl iron ai y ilrect or lane w ill floors kept clear from all land rig water and regularly clear led w ii bo blnclly enforced all cilueni are earnestly re oiled in keep their prem ses rondanlly ileal and thoroughly do nfc led i ero dalp mayor of ihe mu i c pal ly ul gcorgetow apr i 22nd 1925 2t township of esquesing sanitary notice notice hereby g veil lhal all resident of the townsh p of esques ng are re quired forthwith lo clean the r cellars dram yards p jf styes waler closets and other oul buildings and prt i set and re more all d n fjllh manure or other sub stances which may endanger ihe publ c and lo have same completed by the 15lh of may neal on wb h day the san lary inspector will commence a general all residents j re turn tot if requested lo keep ihe r premises lofslantly clean and ip a thoroughly aan tar condition notbno p g sly is to be erected with a 60 feel of any dwell ng house rod jolin h smith saniary inspcclor eaquesing april 2jrd 1925 2t j sanf0rd sheet metal worker ul genera tinsmifbing stewarttown ftose 81 rl expert fence builder why not have an up to dto wiro fence wbon you can get it at a reason able price yearn of experience enatflea me to give you better values than otbera prompt 6ervice and right prices j gates cedar and iron posts nl wais in stock wben you want an thing in the above line just call wire delivered anywhere j h smith phone 8rl8 stewarttown take notice protect on w ih rah an ed conugied sheets ai pre war pr emw iris co d eting the mnrovenenl tw uindr ri for lb si nc o use ih sell a d b y ihe oil er plac i worse take mock and i se mlk wilh g lbr s ncla r 10 1 1 p r ni i geo gelown sieei t uss brns gar agcs u kils of iiiiipi lnks lighlntdg protecl on we erect whal w hell lo ibe enure sallsfact o of the put fire insurance j w khwedk ccugdem ag ail for none of the roeg si eon diei wnling insurance are you protected here and there lth lie f i loan 01 j1000 000 f r colunisatio to be authorised by the quel i it- islature this snsoi it is also in tended lo ranc ihe bounty to set tiers on the acreage cleared at present the go ernmuil glics a bonus of d an acre j will be ralaed to ts on aire the province pent s30 000 in this way in toe last fiscal year tho amount of butter exported to japan through vancouver during 1924 was nearly twice that of 1h23 according to figuros supplied by the japanese consulate at that point tho report shows that in 1d24 the quantity was 476 464 pounds as compared with only 20sg36 pounds in 1923 total cheese shipments to the ums destination last year amounted to 2 686 pounds us gainst only 40 t 1b23 a recent analyals of immigration according to occupation of imrni 7 grant arriving in canada since 1020 a hows a steady increase in the n tio of agriculturists untt domes tics towards all othirs in 1921 the figure was 35 per cent it was u per cent for the fiscal year end tag march 31 1922 47 per cent for the fiscal yenr 1923 24 and el per cent for the nine months april to december 1924 one of the outstanding features of the grain commission board a report for the season 19 23 wai the tribute paid to the excellent service rendered by the canadian pacific railway in handling the western crop though the company bandied 106 000 cars of grain it re ceived only six complaints about lack of cars from the railway and commission combined in u23 24 with an even larger number hand led there were only eight com plaints orchestra from the canadian pacific steamships empress of france and empress of scot land when they arrived recently at new york and btfon sailing on their round the world and medjter rsnean cruises which the company starts annually from that port broadcasted through wjz a forty five minute programme of selected scots english welsh irish and ca nadiun atrs while the montroyal on her return from the company a cruise to the west indies broad casted british and spanish music through wjy of new york information furnished by j prank callbreath packing contrac tor and general merchant shows that during the 1924 hunting sea son partlaa sacured 12 moose 26 caribou 28 goat 31 sheep 15 black bear and 11 grixtlss in the tele graph creek district of british co lumbia of the caribou the larg est shot by j j sartorl of brook lyn ny has a spread of 47 inches is 39 h inches lung and has 7 points the largest sheep horns were 41 inches long with a spread of 31 inches and were secured by a d stewartof new york the third annual eastern inter national dog sled derby run off at qubec on february 19 20 and 21 was a tremendous success twenty two mushers and then tefems from man parts of canada and the united states competed over the 120 mile coarse the race uing won bv emlle st goddsrd of le pas man who also won tl is years derby at that place the lost days lap was run through a blinding snowstorm which gave the thousands of sports visitors from canada and the united states who vitneaaed it a vivid impression of normal condltiona experienced by mies outfits the dances custom and folklore of old quebec are still alive and show no signs of decline thousands of persons recently witnessed- per forma nee of these at the monument nat onal montreal and joined hearttl in the well known choruses which have made the picturesque aspect of quebec world famous the piledriver tarxan is rap idly neanng completion at the bc marine ncouver bc and will be ready for launching soon this piledriver will be the largest in the world it is being built for the sidney junklna company faplrte in the construction of the new pier b c for the canadian paofftc rail way erected at the cost of 1200 000 one of the handsomest marine ter minals of the canadian pacific rail way was recently completed at vic tor is b c the terminal houses the central offices of the british co lumbia coast service of the cana dan pacific the mam bull ling is 122 feet long el feet w de and three store s high w ih a fourth storey rected centrally over ftutsis will never again rival can ada as a uhvat exporter accord ing lo l h tide professor of geagraph at iondon fngland un vcri t he believes that grain growing m future lies with the canadian farmer russia cannot properly supply its wn needs pre war export of wheat was purely ar tif cial drawn not from a natural rurplrjs but from the needs of a v r poor and ignorant peasantry a twfm per cent increase in the but nisi oicr the dominion allan in- railway nervirg nova scotia mi the appro mate summary of the summers travel recently given bj f g j comeau general traf f r agpni of the line this rs attri billable lo the growing appreciation of the beauties of ule annapolis llley and the charm of the r vange line county among tourists every the strand nlriudiiokliit cmsir lively hlylrtl mult la illmfngulniicl by fine tailoring unl lu net aortic alurdy fulirir devi lotted in liurdwcuruig i iirlinh tmed the mftvivd i irknbli vnlu ut ibs my greatest thrill in sport being an account of an aaveature which overtook ozark ripley on the nipigort the oxford f the rnniirl cus grace of the oxford striken the popular nuti fur hjrin youll want tl suit of this hnrdivturinn suiouy and you cant bcut the ulue in the oxford 929 50 d brill co georgetown perhaps you are using good tea we think red roe extra good wonf you try if red rose teais good tea the same good tea for 30 years erwingoldhams meat market special low prices on all meats watch our window lor these special prices quick delivery guaranteed main street georgetown phone no 1 ford garage in georgetown our sales and service station is now open for business and a firstclass rne chanic will give prompt and efficent service tires gas oils and all ford assessories always on hand h a coxe main st north formerly browns garage it pays to use martin senour red school house paint ftr barns and outbutldtngs tthfts no egual wrrta o kami on hqafcwj for tr bootdtit home minting madc ttabv j w kennedy son georgetown k ripuy ft many yean i have hunted and kilhdail kinds of biggameon tht american conti tient except polar bear and i base taken most kinds of fresh and salt water nme fish but the greatest thrill i ever ex peril need during my th rly years deolion to out door s porta catno to me this summer in july on the niplgoti hiuerln the rapids just below the canadian pacific brldgo at nipigon ont it all huppebed late in the evening tho trout at thia point are tho most fa mid and largest brook trout in the world but just at that tim they wire not striking aa usual on account o the txceedmgly cold night how ever i decided to go to the river to try out a little split bamboo halt casting rod i i ounces that 1 had made for casting very light lures it would he a revelation to myself and other anglers to take trout in this manner when fly costing is tho vogue the water under the canadian iaiflc bridge and below for a quarter of a mile at uast flows like a mlhracc i attached to my line a small weighted fcacher casting min now just to see if the little rod would ehuoj it at the first try i shot the tun at least 12g feet across the water toward the west bank and in the o posile edge of fast water tl e ery instant that the tiny luro struck the water tho second of the only tuo large rainbow trout that up to then had ever been taken out of the ntpigon rose and selred my lure he was a monster it seemed an impossillo accomplishment ever to lund that fsh with the little rod and tho f ni ninepound test casting line tht tlir 11 that came in that approach mc darkness was incredible the falling of moose and gnuly bear was tame in comparison 1 worktd m a bad light nearly an i our nnd in danger of falling into thut kp avft reach trying hard to liad thjt ilsh out of the fast water whire iht current would not aid it into ihe long upfltrcam swirl on my side the oi ly thing that helped me jij that fight was the generous supply of rilid tine i had in store on my reel to help perfect thumbing of it i worked up and down those rapids in despair and hope and as the uhtms of the strong leaping fish directed yet tho thrill of trying to land that whopper leaping rainbow with that tiny rod waa something i had never conceived possible it began to grow darker suddenly on the left bapk i saw a big black bear take to the water and awim deliberately toward my fish despite that terrible current evidently he took it for a cripple right off that rainbow sensed hia presence and darted for the east bank ai fast as i could real in alack and the bear kept his course direct tor him leaps from it finally gained the stretch of upstream current with the bear only a few yeards behind him that bear did nqt become apprised of my presence until he made a lunge far the fish missed it as it leaped out of the water and then scrambled for the bank to get a better survey of his expected prey that very moment he got a whiff of the man scent wheeled and scrambled aa fast as he could for the thicket of spruce along the sheer hillside and then the thnll of thrills oc curred in the darkness aa i roughed that spent rainbow and brought him along the coarse narrow sand bank where as he waa far too large for my landing net i fell on top of him and held him captive wifh my hands and bailey bros garage we are now located in larser premise formerly occupied by the halton oarage on mill st and are prepared to do all kinds oi auto repairing get your cars overhauled and greased for spring we do itith the alemite system batteries charged the best gasoline and oils always on hand bailey bros georgetown phone tw collections mkdims oily smdlu nothing too 0ld inrgo or bard for us to tnckle no collbcl io 0 niutll- kelly aiken c0uectms orucvtuitrud owes sound ice itt half i lock of so lbs hk blnk oi loulb s let uji hue o r order f i hie com ng sejsoi ire del irred ever day jh bmll phoi e htrll eore- mrs a bailey icher of bai ju tenor ba jo gu la lawaian gu inr at mrs sm th i si gcorjjelovrn every w dnes 2 13i bringing the west to the east i emoras until victoria with dome of hduhs of farlumrnl on rlahii jatrrjam hw oi lake loas and chatoi r tooxlita th wolrtrin pm iirhr rocklmi strall in ih yofeo valkr aewright butcher main st georgetown not the smallest part of the educa uon or a canadian teacher should be a knowledge of the domi nion derived from personal contact with its sst areas vrhen in addition the west is brought home to he hut by a tour cocnng most of the formers points of interest commer cial agricultural and scenic then a very valuable addition to one s knowledge of ones own country has been coniummated this is the object of the 2uday tour of canada which is now being arranged by the canadian teachers federation in repetition of their very successful aimlar trip last that cily august 10 it will be under the personal direction of professor sinclair laird dean of the school for teachers macdonald college quebec the journey out and return will be over canadian paaflc railway lines motors and treats and stopoven vill be arranged at points o interest starting from toronto in the after noon the train passes throush a land of beautiful labea the muskoka region reaching sudbury and con linuirg through the big raroe district of northern ontario and skirting the shores of lake superior for many miles hefore arriving at port arthur and fort william the twin dtiea where most of the western grain is stored a day is spent in winnipeg the centre df the greatest grain marketing and inspection point in the empire half a day is spent in regina and moose jaw la reached the same day then on to calgary where the last of the prairie country is covered and the foot hills of the rockies commence passing next day through the gap tho gateway of the rockirs herc the roadway is hewn through the solid rock banff is reached on the first saturday of the trip at this point the traveller enters fairyland banff is the head quarters of the rocky mountains park a region of 2 51 sou are miles cohering mirs lakes ana mountain scenery of unsurpassed grandeur the vek end is spent in this district drhes and automobile trips here make a pleasant contrast with the train journey and the wonderful inghls will live long in memory there is lake louise an exquisitely colored limpid mirror of elar era and irnow crowned peaksand the brilliant blue of the sky with its argoiie of fleecy clouds mounts stephen chancellor and sir donald rise into view as the creat divide is crossed and the marvelous oho park u traversed canyons caves valleys deep gorges paaae twinkle past the train in its journey w hich is so me times alo ed up to admit of a more luting impression the scenery is ao perfect that to avoid missing any the train does not travel at ntght and continues its journey at dawn for 250 rmlea it passes through the great canyona of the thompson and fraser rivers and the long day of fifteen hours is one unbroken pas ture of delight vancouver is at last reached and a short but interetting boat trip is made across the straits of georgia to victoria with a panoramic or beautiful inlands bays snd rocky headlands and the sno capped mountains of the coast ranees and the olympics a a background the return journey tak a us throuph ihe cascade mountains ind the kelowna alley to nelson nm mercial centre of the kootenai district an tuerntght journey en h at lake windermere nhere afler a tnp to the camp there tn a motor run of 104 miles over ihi ienl com pleted band li in derm ire h khway through bci aspirin k v ncry saiur day sundav mondaj in 1 tues ia tour full days an tak n t ith the above then commenrei tl iri acres the prainri to the ha i f il lakes hich in cached ia i im n i and saskatoon to lake oi the ndi district a full 2 hnupi s s enl among the sights of ih s v n lerfi 1 lake d n net and then th i i ws on lo rorl william rrnn tl nt the journey is contmu d ij i oat through laki super or and huron to port mrtroll whence tor nto is reached four hours later and he trip completed ll is difficult to concede of a more healthy or a more divcrsifid holiday than the one null ned aloic in addition it innirs hn e t the parti a pant the elorj of tnnida in a way that is unequalled in ra short a time no one can take such a tup and not return from it birtr aiser roor conscious of canadian nationhood and sueh an experience must of necessity he invaluable for those whose profession it is to teach thai next feneration of canadians h ere an dth ere i i u mineral fish und land re urces f british columbia will again bi itenslvely advertised at i it i i j i y ni coll 0 ig 000 r tulhmi dciurdlik to a state- i bi in l olui the un i r 1 i il company is perferlinu lit n f f the calgary si mpeitt this sun mer as part of a funhcon ins roducllon in which hoot d baon kill star this will molvc un expendilure of about f 100 000 canadian expurl to v rune in 10s4 were valued m 482 826 000 francs as against imports fron that country of 333264 000 francs there has been n marked increase in trade of late years which is attributed partly to the treaty of commerce snd the propaganda work of the canadian pacific exhibition train 3 prank ulussard of the south african irrigation association jo hannesburg who has just completed an independent investigation of tho agricultural conditions throughout canada has stand that he is per fectly satisfied uilh the passibil ities canada ha to offer the right type of settkr mountie the lend dog of tho famous chateau i- rontenac husky ttbm realixed i 200 during the humane hociely tnir day ut toronto recently he collected on behalf of this organization throughout the city and the tag that was sold was decorated with his porta it broadcasting of cop right songs in the united states is declared sub jeet to copriht fees or royalties just as much as publication by other mi t hods of performance this de cis ion uh ch has considerable bear mg on the canudmn copyright bui i om under d scunsion in ottawa was reached ai a result of a recent test casf in the united states approximately five millions dol turn will be spent in maintaining and constructing new highways within the province of quebec during the present year at present there are 2 5bg miles of highway id the pro vince stretching into all parts of quebec and linking up with main roads in the u s and the sister irovinces to the east and west r according to a report prepared by the merchants exchange of an couver forty two regular steamship lines are now operating out of that harbor the gross tonnage for last year bung 14 473 518 which is over a million tons in excess of the 1923 figures the canadian pacific rail way is now erecting a new pier there which will be one of the finest and largest on the continent the campbell ria company of white rock has purchased the en tire holdings of the james logging company of vancouver v hich in elude 35 000 acres of timber lands containing over tvo billion feet of logs a saw mill with a capacity of more than 50 000 feet of lumber a day three large tugs and a com pie to logging outfit a sum of more than five millions dollars is said to be involved arrangements have been com pleted to ship 200 books by cana dian authors to be exhibited at wembley this year a special grant has been made by the provincial government of quebec to provide artistic bindings for these books many of which will be bi french canadian authors that this is to be done ia largely dne to the initia five of the arts science and letters society of quebec city in co oon tion with the provincial government with s 800 000 milch cows 300 000 dairy farmers 1 500 creameries and many thousand cheese factories canadians are the greatest butter eaters in the world with an annual average per capita consumption in 1923 of 7 43 pounds according to d arcy scott secretary and treas urer of the national dairy council of canada the shield taken from the gates of quebec city when the ancient capital was taken in 159 and which was donated to the city of hastings by one of the conquerors general hurray wdl be returned to quebec after an interval of 165 jears lord willingdon first viscount ration will be the special emissary who will bring the shield back to canada salmonfishing in the eastern townships of quebec will be one of the attractions of that region when the gaipe salmon eggs brought to the proincial gn eminent hatcheries at lake m em ph rem agog are de veloped a numler of trays packed in ice and holding some thousands of eggs recentt passed through the canadian par i c ra tnay warehouse on the montreal ndior station for sl pa lin apd mont trcmblant miss p carl sle an english authoress of repute who recently took bp ranc lii g near calgary has i econn so enthusiastic about the west that she is planning lo brinic out girls from the old co intry to follow her example she found plenty of them willing lo try out this plan she herself harvested 7 000 bushels last year from the 250 acres under wheat on her 800 acre by winning the new brunswick provincial trophy competition of the t john ambulance association in march last the canadian pacific rawa first aid team from mc adam n b now have a chanee to compete this year for the monti xambert trophy emblematic of tht championship of canada in first aid the team has i record of four champ lonshlpa to their credit dac last june

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