Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 29, 1925, p. 5

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matthews s gillette college set in velveteen lined black compai i caii tractive gold border on cover a genuine gold plated gi lctte safety razor with i box and price gold plated blade box and t fv q i r uf the razor used by mil cents 1 lions of men d j matthew urn os una srrionfn local news hems f house denning time oct join lawn mower tih1j ooleyuiu bait for lishuu u minatiurt lliumlii unit daytvming moat of the fumem mound liero aro thiouyh billing ian t it nbout limo a coionu wiib appointed in liorgltowui spoual three picio oiihestra at the rev lhoaln tin viek georgetown creamer la uny mg the biguiat hire for butllr cnr relcu st all ro hind rl i noi inline emplm ll oil trim h oieriilntk out of win upcb ivit be hud off mam m j till i spn ik bj iho c dinn s uuo 1 it ivv u il w11h leai mu 111 1 ii hen unlu rim nition l tt in itltfd 1- tllf 1 suit of ms 1 in 1hk h depressioi re llt d ii 101 ucni tnitlic fron lie loial i i ivmiv vuds an eo e st mpi nrt hie lutim i n liner vvioti tin dcpillt icnt of ci mmindl isc at ott wu i ilnil out if ll vvil nitestn rj to hit 11 wniint 10 veil rut aie jou doing vuui pint to lb i make georgetown mori beau liful prill co mo ilianug all their ladna coats at nuiitid priced secure join tickets for the alinbtriu at matthews urng btoro a fire escape from tbo thud storey baa been trotted at thi higji biuool re mom bar buturda n tbe- laal day lor ibe big oiiiuliii of tbe block at brill s w r watson is oitirmg bouio veiy special baigaius in wall paper lu this isbul we notice socio professional and business men in townpoitiug new earn ibis spring rev j w pedley of loronto preached in tbo methodm cbuicb bere last suadq evening auction bale of household fur niture to night ut 7 p ui sharp at mra w a millar a maid st ueor ke town try our lorned beef and pickled pork we expect fresh lake trout thia week end i w buiitb butcher moaara j h onoill bon aro having a sprinkling ayatem in stalled in then line garage and buaiuaab block there are a number of nub aoribera who aro still in arreara or tbo herald ataio wo ask ou to kindly remit any taxes in arrears in qoor gbtowrj muat positively bo paid on or before may 15th 1025 dot a thib concorn you t p rogers co will close tboir coal and wood office at li o clock noon on saturdays duung mftj june july and august we mil clear tbo balance of tbo high grado stock at prices uu beard uf before in this count hurry burry to brill a chicken tbioves are busy again in this locality oo monday ntgbt dean leslie of the 4th lino lb ijuesmg bad about 40 stolen n h brown is putting a now show window in bie bakery and also enlarging tbe building o pio vide room for an ice cream parlor our mailing list baa been eoi reoted up to april 1st if there is any error in tbe date on your ad drees lable please tell us at tbe misses adamsail etook hats flowers ribbon a etc greatly reduced in prices for tuirk clearance during tbe next two weeks ltp li oi chouse women s institute will bold thoir annual meeting n community ball on thursday ma 7tb blection or ofllcers al ladles welcome wedpesdavs and saturdavu open till 0 ho p m thursday after noons closed h holmes shoo repairer ouelpb 8t opposite methodist buicb jt chief tost on behalf of the fire brigade wishes to lbank the members of l o l 216 and true blues for a douation of f 45 to warda the new fire alarm satcm all bandsmen and cot runs ate requested to rctmn all hal ton ritlea euuipment to the dull hall not aur than next luesda oon 1djt ma oth lapt neil cum mings ou are leijuestcd to aecuie jour dog tags fiom ibe tistunsor on tor before may 16lb aftpr thai date dogs without tns wl be rounded up at tbo oxpcuuo of lho if jou want a ticket for the minstrels on thursdu or rridiij night belter beetire it at once as tbo plan is filling up vei fist at matthews drug store ice delivered dnil b oeorge own tco compaqy arranro for jour supplj now and enjoj iirmu your foods always kept wholesom dunog tbe bomit neatlier oe ice is the best and our serine ilt pendabte call n snjder mum ger phone 17u t i stamp on a ntcipl thin tin amount ih paid h limine tin ruliui is bat it ik nnebsnr in put tin stamp on the icieiptrd bill a nuinbd of ppopli haw been lined for negle link to iln alnmta on tereipts 1 woi iatltul noi wo oithl h of th imailule will hold their meeting at the lionie or mi lund ji on thursda may 7th mis ihomas tlewson ji will give a talk on mothers dn each monitor u sncrini to the roll call u itli a quotation on sometbinf l iih will be a help to the mauj tusks of mother ah this is tbe annual business meeting it is re- quisled that al the members at ll nd a cordial invitation is ex undej to all indies to be present rax taeatr wednesday april 29 manhat- ten starring richard dix chap tei u of the fortieth door corned harem follies pndii ma 1st to morrow a imeily drama btarnng agnes ayros comedy crushed g liojil hamilton car toon illnno school fox new saturday may 2nd matinee at a p in tlio cjclone rider high speed melodiama starring eveljn riont coined big business uitb out gang felix the cat car toon wojtcli fnr the now deuclive serial into the net commit he who dots slap ped and north of 90 church news mftliodihl the christian atbelete illbrt rev mr caldwell a subject at the 11101 ing servicl dr dickios sub ct for suodm evening may 4rd will be what is it that sine baseball mnonler ai nold hud a good turn ut to his ball practice saturday fternoon and hill have tbo team out tuesday and thursday nights this week at tbe park at 0 80 pm bnseball match on saturday afternoon mn 2nd at s pm lumbtonmtermediatis n george town this is a practise game and no charge will be made at the gate interesting to sportsmen a booklet which nil be ni tomed bj every canoeist lia been issued by the fish and annie de pnrlmenl of thocanndian national rulii4 h is titled canrk trips and nature photograph and in a matter of fort pages offers suggestions for 22 canoe lrih there is a map showing the loute of ever trip and there is at loiist one trip for every province ucpt prince i dward island the booklet i something de- idrdly new in railway publication and it bns been designed to serve long felt want in the past it is been a diflieult matter tor can oeists to heenre accurate infornin and maps on trips the wonm to lake and for i lint leason have had to aland in then or confine their operation toteintorj ilh whih they wen he panne trip booklet of tbe tnnndian national railwa oiorconieft tins iliiitculty the booklet outlines various trips and gives infoimntion ns to on tilt tern innic nnd fish etc but this is otilj pirt of the servire when ll i ennocihl has found a trip which nllrncu him nil be hah to do send tl e number of tbe trip to the i tourist department of tbe personals tin fiitur mr h lk uft i of i 1 i lu imliiik i nd- in utmiii i id m fthl h ui i allfln i mr- 1- m ul mm ilt mr geo wribkliiuuitli- mrs hill relntid luesduj afti r hhiidin tl- llsllmg frli lldp 111 tl i ivdl i uti rv mr- janis pi ii of rnt guettls of ut ami lin- itfij i simdaj mi v ttonlen mr i worl nucl mii 1 i unlen of a tot w viiitonof mi anil mrs s t 1 during the k mr ami mrs alfrvd watson t k fromwt nitop dc whir tin mr riherl rudly uhn lia u ben wir don t stop nix ne slops aditrlisint oil stolrt inijitim sotiieune tois uujini i blojih sellini itone htoih seliui hop making slop iimlinj slops sl s 11 of ivcrjboj pioib bujing mnj one things sure a nice colo r always cools offsummcrsj wrath 1 k finwafysflmef4um6e lerlime cant slay mad very long in the vicinity of a nice cool bath tiim on the cold water turn off the prespiration take a cold shower and cheer up a bit get ready now or the summer weather visit our show room and let us give you quota tions you will have our very best attention j w kennedy k son hirtwmt rtutiafl lotaf that holunderm who have locat ed la alberta mra nuking food nd re uuafled u ibe statement of barua w heeckeren of rotter dmtn after recent tour of luveatl hie forming of mining bureau u brunch of its nctivitiei is an bounced by the h innipeg board of tirade the bureau it to collect dsu on the mining wtualion in thn pronnce and uill do eierj thing pos sible to foster greater mineral pro duction in llamtoba tourist traffic in canada thia year b likely to constitute a new record in the opinion of the com missioner of parka no estimate has been compiled as yet but th figures for i9m which were care full rmimaled at 1136 000 000 in durale the value of this traffic to the dominion cp to the end of october 1324 more than 1 000 circulating libraries were in operation fn saskatchewan as com pa red wtu- about 800 at the tame lime la 1323 the average umber of families reading each book b 17 more than hah a mil tion rolumes were circulated by tbe ubranes during the year a huge wooden tarpaper lined hell erected over the ipnce provid ed for the structure and heated by thousands of feet of steam coils connected with ssohorse power boilers which provide a summer like atmosphere for the carrying on of construction b an interesting and novel feature of the arrangements nude to combat the difficulty of building the new wing of the cha tesiu lake louise the canadian pacific railway famous rocky ilountam hotel under winter con dtuons thanks to this innovation the wing despite frequent drops in temperature to far below zero is progressing excellently and the com pany experts it to be ready for next bummers tourist season do you want to bo btao- cosafol associate with bwoctwafnl people and havve them for your friends of coarse you do tike bkbrslslcp now enroll al gndph business college rbmx oualph oac 1 for uioroiiji ttniuint 2 ry buincss exiieripnccii in ilriiclors h session the entire jnnr alb01c rriatfjulakti fraprietor gel particulars on our homo slnd coon in shorthand smites are the headlight of succeaa halton chapter minstrels rreaent their entertainment in the town hall georgetown 1 hursday and t f riday apr30mayl program at 8 is 50a it admission all seats reserved plan of hall at matthew drag store siss3d the late lasts in slater shoes lor men 1 made up in the new shades of tan black and biown calf and dongola kid leathers j start the season right with a pair of these high grade shoes expert repairing done here rumfords shoe store phone 147 any purchase gladly exchanged saturday treat lady caramola which rorno in chocolate and vanilla flavors crenm cand to which is added frebh filbert nuts regular 10 per lb weekend chocolates supply of these chocolates or it will do not have some of thib lino mixture arthur norrington ad i a nntioi rai v a i ii binrovided nith the foil rat particulars as to portages mm ing sites ihiinir spots etc nnd albo ith a large blue print nmcwliiefy can bo nwd as a chart dm ing ins joitrnej card of thank thursday bargain day groceries roiled oats a lbs for jie kipper snacks i for 2tq 12 or manic raking lovvdei 25c wild tromj bweet corn 15c royal rose peas lfic stan jar d quaht tomttoor 16c litebuoj soap lare sise lor 25c swifts fjuick napthn soap 4 for k5e aylmer tomatoea lbc faule rrand nudenml milk 20c prunes id lb for 25c corn brooms vc and luo zinc wash boards 40c tea our well known blend iter lb g5c comfort surprise p g and oold soap 4 for 25c ti lb corn srup 41c the above prices for cash or produce mcbeanco georgetown rennies grocery fi lb pail shortening buc extracts 8 for 25c pastry flour per 24 his 1 19 strawberries per tin 15c prunes 3 lbs for 29c strawberry jam lgox per jar 25c cheeee per lb 29c castile soap 7 takes for 35c lux 2 for 25c old dutch 2 for 2oc watch willows fr farther spcdals satarday we deliver r d r rennie cash grocery phone 151 for quick delivery house phone 273i re new act respecting contributory negligence an act ft as passod laal year dealmk with contributory negli 7 hen co in respect io automobile accidents under uiis art tbo part t suffering tbu injur is nnt barred from claiming indemnity because he or she happened to bo negligent in a contributor manner ho t is still entitled to compensation or award the amount of same de pending on the extent of tho injurv or the litem of tbe contribu i lory neglirencc thin act undoubtedly places a further responsibiht on the t shouldors of the automobile owner nnd tho recent trend of logiala t lion and judgements seem to be in the direction of making tbe automobile owner responsible for an injur or damage he causes 4 with his car let ns safeguard this uotoitlno kesponsllilut at a small 4 cot t you with a 20 000 lumic iuhilitv and properti i tiamaok inlil81m- poi 1c j wtlvans go t grandy grocery specias lawn grass seed per lb 45 yellow leviathan d ellon intermediate mangel ht lb 50 aot white sugar mangel per lb 1 giant white sugar beol per ih eg loading varieties turnip seed r lb 70 soap chins 2 ibn far 25 10 bars comfort soap apd 1 ruhber iipron 1 24 lb bars bui prise bunlikht old or inle n i tlia 911 early juno pcas frnnkforl b e brand loi rosebud beets olosso floor ir lin oillex ier pkt c it window irani r r till pettith clover llne lb i orange marmalade i lb tin raspberi strawberrv pi mi prunes 2 lb- for pumpkin 2 tins a m grandy phone 75 0 satlsueum curuletd tnttft ttuvaj

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