Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 6, 1925, p. 1

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the georgetown herald 1 ipty mghth ybar of publication geairfiretown wednesday evening- may 6th 1925 1 go per an mini in advi rhe georgetown herald j m moore pnbuskar proprietor attar ciuliu wkl naw- paper aaaoelauep onr tlaittili w rmt w gotnoeabt panning i passenger passenger mhi1 passenger mail passenger paaflodger sunday aoitoa webt passooger mail passenger passenger passenger passenger mail a passenger 8unda qoinq north mail mail qoikq south mail mail 7 iham 0 uani 10hajn 11 10ani imbpm 6 8 p m 25 pm 7 21 pm 7 c4 am 10 18 am 212 pm 4 60 p nf 6 02pm 7 08 tim 6 2spro 10 08 m tl 83 am 7 40pm caiatlai natitial eledric railways tanata likirku ratlwa ka8tbound tt pbtbound daily daily train train no 2 8 04am no 1 7 21 am 4 1001am 8 k21 am 612 04 pm 6 11 21 am i 8 204 p m 7 1 21 p m 10 4 04 p m 9 8 21 pm 12- 604pm 11 621pm 11 a04pno 18 7 21pm 1610 04 p m ifi 0 21pm 181201 am 1712 16 am traio nob 1 tua 4 mo daily except sunday directory t hilton wallbridqe dale arrutara altaltora eta toronto and oaorgatown oibca keened block la roy dale in charge of oeorse barrister solicitor etc office hill st georgetown how 9 mm to s p m open wolnetdkr and salunlay ever ngai ouajfcekoe h wioqlml brrlaur balloltor notary pmuio offlo 0keiu biaom oaorcatovn hounj a m to 5 p id open wedneaday and saturday even nga monca 1inelaaiila mum lutiian db t x buhceixdb phyatotan and saraaen uadloaj oooar of health oooa hotu 1 to 4 and iulpm dr c r w mu phyeictaa and surgeon hill stret georgetown phone 22 ea hooae surgeon grace hoipital toronto db 0 v williami pfaysiaan and surgeon office and realdence queen street r m watiox dub afds1 onto koani 0 u b hxeept tkanlar attarimm i i- heath loa 00 offlo la uum block on oor nortb at otfeuta carriage raotorr i a m to 1 p am d a ohatonuotu omci aai xouy lawatary palmar orajaata 10irraaparola office in bailey block next moor to i n anauta free at office orrics house wedoeadaye and sat unlays ii to 12 a m 2to5pm and7to 9pm otbar bourby appolotmeol proms ooce isow and realdeoce 245 binj pitch tlonaer lor halton and pml olanwuuanai port ouloe bale oondoctad eauatactottty and at wtn ratea orders left at oaorgmowa herald oboa aiu raoerr jatkact clerk townahip of eaquea ng clerk 3rd dtmioa court the leading fire and ufe inturance co rapre nled laauer of marriage licensee slewartton out georgetown creamery cream wanted we pay- 36c for butter fat and 37c for cream testing over 35 send jour cream to die oeorgciovvu crtatneiy when you pel good service and lash od deliver nil ont round dan t bi misled bj buyers who rami mil when eienni ts scarce if yon wish m to call for yoar oroam write or phone j optn hoidsy wednesday and salnrday evenlogs we will pay you the highea market pners for your eggs fowl and wool georgetown creamery co m saxe manager cleans like china when yon m bmp enameled ware utesaua yoa never need to crape aeonr and atraa the way mum warca dtmand hot water aoap m doth that all yon aawl to ckaa then itwaaheeuha j i cleanltncm and but fat of china but w vllke dont be tha atava of yoar cooking wan tqalp with domm pnraaanj smp enameluj ware u reliable watches at a low price ingersoll pocket watches from 200 to 5 00 wrut watchea from s4 60toj550 jeweled models from 5 00 to 12 00 t be had in plain or kadiolitc dials tkara aa lagaranll for evarjana singer raymond needles and oil everaharp penalu jeweller t to hotel mcqibboa georgetown stiresiks standard size 80x8 1 2 6 60 is 76 17 00 ace fabric aaacord ragged fabric 6 000 mile cotintrj cord 10000 miles 7 60 7 60 9 00 supreme cords loooonutao gull over ened country cords 10 000 miles fill 14 00 83x4 16 25 high pteuure and balloons stocked in all sizes repairing guaianteedo give service 30i8 1 2 30x3 1 9 f h 82x8 1 2 81x4 83x4 38i4 81x4 11 00 12 so 16 00 17 26 1h 60 10 00 20 00 first class f sinclair ike tire repair sktf coal bet anlhracile coa awy 9i hnd afo wrf ee lmrgt simmd pia codt delivered to any part of the town auo coke phone fq f rogers co georgetown f acts about tea series no 6 appearance of tea no guide the only way to test tea is to taste it many people have the idea that a finely rolled arid tippy tea is superior in flavour to a large rough leaf in reality this is not of necessity the case the altitude at which the tea plant grows determines the aniount of essential oil and alkaloid theine in the leaf the essential oil gives tea its flavour the theine contributes the stimulating value the only way to insure always re- ceivlng a uniform quality is to insist upon a skilfully blended and scientifically sealed tea like salada whose reliability good ness and delicious flavour have become a household word salada jhdruksj i leading tobacco store j e30rffpc3sa all kinds of tobaccos cigars cigarettes pipes etc kola pipes regular lheaca ior 75c a new assortment of fiesh w chocolates and chocolate p bars fruit in sea bo i h druks main st pine cuudlu 8d catalanr georgetown renniesswedeturnips forabumpercropof swedetumlpsforstockfeedlni in fall and winter sow rennles specially selecteo northern grown seed rcnnic s swede tumtp seed u carefully tested for germinatxxi and purity and will yield heavy and profitable crops tf highly recommenj ihe following hading oaricties rennif s canad1 in gnm purple top renn1f s jumbo crimaon top rennie s derby bronxe creed top rennie s prize purple top rennie s kangaroo brorue green top ordtr acnni smj turnip sj threuthimir local dttta erjlrmifrmn beu rennie bbss cor aoelaide and jarvts stntt toronto ikki iomoi attofo ioojiy nhsr uriltia gmng iour paalar t ajjr bucks meat market fhiiip viiuitc lamb veal smoked i mild cored hams whole or havlf 80 picnic hams 25o cottage eo11h 488o georgetown phone 28 w wwroe insurance broker tnsnroiice in all branches phone 65 geokgetown m ug mill t ot nil tbo otliei benulifiil 4ii thioas in life come by twos in 1 threes by downa and biindiedb plenty ot iobcb stars sunnots rainbows brolh ers and b slers aunts md cousinu but only one mother in all tbe wide world tyxothhh dear sue red name and i hweol row son wo are to nrovo tbe height and doptb nod deallilchsnesn of perfect mother love wo take ber tender dnilj euro juwt as the lliouahtloea lloweru ijook up to ood for dailj iigh bernnao o know lis onri h it when we rrnsa from heart and life the comfort ot boi c m ihen wo must learn to lie without ber prenonce and ber prayer tib hen the nnme of mother ib to ux a holj thing and hovering low we soeru to feel the shelter of n w liise hnrdidr lnderwood mothers dat pmlmtl 7 0 for more than three ncoro frnitfnl jeara the chosen path she bravol trod tbroiikh light and shade and smiles and tears she lived the life of faith in ood now she his promised rest re ceives with wboiumncere affection leaves your honored mother id oarly life she chose the ways of him who gave ber btrength and1 skill aa wifo and mother all her days a spent according to his will and then in peaceful evening time tbe sunset crowned with light sublime your treasured mother she great i priced the bouse of prayer where oft is sung that precious psalm which tolls of bun whose guard iao care keeps all hir children strong and calm now where the sing redemptions song there mingles with the radiant throng yonr sainted mother it was ber one desire and prayer that all her kindred wight possess a life encircled by his care who ready is to save and bless all such by him thus mode com plete will soon in his glad presence meet your white robed mother from mothers in tbo realms above to every homo this word is sent enncb onr mother with that love ob makes the parent heart content by word and act let it be shown that you within our heart en throne your loving mother ridgetowd ont 1925 t watson the iupecttti pest corrsfdottih business man anil bon he suffers inspection not glfidlv as fools are suffered a maowcomes along and inspects his weight and measures three dol lars please or more as the esse may be whether the scales are correct or not anochor cornea along to see that tobacco is in the caddj it belongs to if displayed elsewhere it is a punishable of ence others come to inspect the butter the cheese tho extracts- fines lurking all about others to inspect tbe lifts the boil ers the heating plant the mocbin erj tbe lavatories the building in general still others demand to o that tbe minimum wage scale posted up in a conspicuous place where tbe employees can see it u j on have some change made in tho wiring of onr shop or houso an inspector must needs en roe to pass upon it otber inspectors come around to nee about tbe pool ttnmb about the amusement tax about the income tax these are hut a few of tbe many appointeeb of ihe lederalor prmmcial govern mrnu who travel through the coontrj to see that tho aw that they bate managed to get through parliament are being obeyed there was at tbe outset borne plausible public reason for the for someone then more salaries plus travelling expenses ererj ope of these reforms means the creation ot a new department i a branch of an old department at ottawa or toronto it air adds to the public expenditure aud tbe cost of living and the harrassment of business men kincardine re feeling at present howc actsbut thecentrots wl will enter guelph over steam road moles and comments riioi slmlh it i dltld sues ttizttfth arc necking luformx on roin tl c ontario g increment nbout roads aud lour o in ont ario tbe government bin a new map showing all the main roads and these are bm sent to thoso nking i a nuubek of complaints have been made regarding chickens run ng at large this is garden time and flonei boeda nnd bulbs and other seeds are being planted the horticultural social is doing gruitdeal of work towards beau lifting the town itid all should help as en cr j body knows a gar den and howrt are impoasiblo with hens run at large aiiais u jilist impress on our rnaders that c omninnications sent to tho herald for ubhcatlon must hear the signature or the writer it is hot aocesuarv that tbe writer u natnebe published but we must have bis or hei signature to tbe anufefipt betorc we will give recognition a person who is ihamed or refuses to sign his or her namo to a letter should not espect a publisher to give it space in his paper sosifonk has advanlfd the opinion that tbe letter e is tbe most un fort j date letter id tbe eng lisb alphabet becauae it is alwajs out of cosh forever in debt never out of danger and in bell af tbe for apmo reason he over loo kill the fortunatee of the letter as we rail bis attention to tbe fact lever in war and always in peace it is the beginning of exist once tbe commencement of ease and tho end of trouble without it t would be no meat do life heaven it is the centre of the quplph morourj of inst week says that there was more sinill cance attached to the visit of mr david e gallowaj assistant vice president id charge of c n r elec trio lines and government mer chant marine and party toguelphj last week than waa given out is tbe opinion expressed bj a guelph man well versed in focal railway matters hn believes the visiting officials were here for the express purpose of deciding on tbe advis ability of going ahead with a pro jeotcd cut off od tho canadian na tional electric wherebj the elec trie cars could be brought into the oitj over the c n r main lino although tbey were only id tbe city two hours arriving at ooon friday and remaining until two o clock mr galloway with the other officials including e w oliver of toronto manager of elec tric linos cnr wont over the ground over whicb it is said tho proposed cut off will nin if it is decided to go on with the project from what can bo foamed tbe projected short out would com raenco opposite tbe ontario re formatory tho crossing at tho cpu where tbe suburban com paoy ib obliged to keep a watch manthe year round would be dis penned with tbe electric oars bo ing brought across the river over a now bndge east of the present 0 p e tracks where it would con neot with the cnr line which would be electrized from tbe paint of janotion as far as tbe 0 n r station which would be used as a western term ma by doing this tbe company would do away with the section of j tbe road from the present speed river crossing to brook i in and would not be obliged to pay an nually several thousand dollars for ruoding ngbts over tho gutlph hydro radial ry tbo watchmen at tbe speed river crossing whose salaries are paid by tbe canadian national flectno railway comp any could also be dispensed with to bed bishop a special meeting of the sjnod of niagara to elect a successor to the late bishop clark will open id parish hall christ church ca tbedral hamilton at 1 pm on thursdaj maj tlth hie grace most rev george thornloe met ropolitan of ontario will preside tbe election will be bj ballot ninety three olergmen and two hundred and nineteen lajmon are entitled to vote there cannot bo candidates for the ofii e but many ejes are turned towards very rev dean derwyn t owen d d rec tor or christ church cathedral as the logical bucofssor to the biabop nc others are looking to the bisb op of fredonotod toen arh deacon george fornoret vcn archdeacon r j femeon cn archdeacon mackintosh of dun das ven archdeacon n i perrj wellaod rev canon acovil ma guelph en archdeacon codj m a tordhto and various other outstanding clergmon wl oni thev deem worthy of so high an honor and rcspodbibiht the gci ernl cese of niagara n man who inder tbe guidance of dod wo ild bnns to tbe office honor and np ability to continue effectnels the great work of the church n this part ot canada tbe paper says a movie star ib better we say thita good we need soma belter movie eur th flea oh verj well ever thing else is chaoged wbv not cut down son old pants to fit dad tbej saj that tbe oncinnl shimmj dancer learned ber move meets from a dag that was both and n honesty makes love perfect and without it there would be no edi tors devils or news pr0hiuy morf carelessness is shown in passing other vehtoles particularly those going id the same direction than in any other feature of automobile driving there seems to be a small percent age of drivers who are unwilling to permit any other vehicle to lead them and in order to get ab ear of them very reckless chances are taken frequently vehicoa moving in tho opposite direction being en d angered as well as those whom road hog wants to pass an otber reckless habit ot some dnv to pass a vehicle going in the same direction at a street in to race t ion where there is always danger of collision with a vehicle ung in front of the slower ng vehicle which cannot clear i be seen tllflir is uttle doubt that tho next decade will boo tho standard zation of instrumental procedure in tho public schools that ail tbe children of all the people may bo cum at pnblio expense buch fundnmontal trainidg in mueto as n be consummated in the twelve ars of school life in conjunction th tho academic subjects which everyday existence and education- al requirements demand tbi leads us to consider music as vocational subject a phase which has not received much consider tho demand foe experienced performers upon the usual and nn natruments is as great to da as in the post and tbe aug eulod nrchestra much in vogue in the whitescreen theatre is com iltn jeering all the available play a tbe cauud an boy is just as well qualified to become a pro 3c lont plajer upon the oboe bassoon french biro and similar instrn moots not incloctcd in tho sola as the bojs of france rns ita or germany given tho came opportunities for musical in ict on it is safe to state that the canadian boy can became as expert as bis foicign cousins and bring to ins art a corresponding nt in education morals and musicianship v addrebb during the closing week of the ontario legis laturc advocating tbe claims of small town hospitals among other good points hon dr jonueson made the following while many mitteesas well as olbeaintor cuts hnve from t n e to tirfe7madc estimation and reports on the high cost of tiv ng i believe it would be desirable and proper that an estimation be made into the- high cost of ojing lam sure cvery member of tb i legislature thtt under modern con di lions when a case nf illness or urs in a rami i j and nursing and icdical attendance have to bo bnd according to the latest ideas of the prova ling fashion it becomes a burden to secure tho bervices of a high clftss surgical specialist and a rori s of registered nurses then f the patient happens to die and a fashionable funeral is held by one of tlipso newly named under inkers or funeral directors or n orticans followed by tho torntk ttono man tho saving of a f time of nn ordinary citizen will disappear oven before the estate falls into tho hands or the law vers hospital convalescing in a city wrote to the local paper describing his experreoces in speaking of his cheerfol arround- ngs be said there are six fine windows in my room tho tbao- typo operator left tbe a ont or windows and tbe man s wire made a flyiog trip to the oily to see how her husband waa getting sjong

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