Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 6, 1925, p. 2

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tlih okoiiqptown hkltato nlv oth 1b2o minstrels entertain died obituary ion i luncheon norval i mhh r oamiiieii suddou indeed was tho call to mrs robert campbell tit hor home on tuesday april 2btli mrsj r campbell was id ber usual health jjjoq nketcb werc and busy with ber hou behold duties od mondaj when abq waa suddenly aoiciid villi n stroke and death followed on tuesday attcr- dood just twenty four bourn after she was found mrs campbell was the daughter o the lato john han ley 6t tra ffttgar in which township uhe was born sixty- on o yearb ago as t week fortytwo years ago she was join ed in holy wedlock to her late bus band robert campbell of bsquea ing who predeceased her two years ago last aagubt for twentyone yearb after marriage they lived and wore very active in boston church t when leaving to come to aetou twenty sears ago mm the friends there presented them witl n beautiful clock with cathedral chimes which t hoy both prized highly they settled here on tho old nicklin farm op the shore of fairy lake where campbell died a few months ago mrs campbell purchased the bungalow at the corner of church street and victoria avenue the surviving daughter mrs george a fisher ot esquestrjgj has the sympathy af the commun ity in her great sorrow the lose of such a mother is a loss indeed mrs john cameron is a sister or the late mr campbell and ehe and mr cameron have been mrs- campbells friends here mrs campbell was a member of the presbyterian church and prized greatly the help and absoc tation this gave ber the funoval took place on tburb- day afternoon when the remaii were interred in fairview ceme tery acton free press gkqbge andrews goorgo andrews died on tues day april 28th nt the general hob pita winnipeg in his 102nd year eto celebrated bis 101st birthday on jan lotb at that time on ac count of bis great age his health and faculties had begun to fail and be required coqbtant attention from mrs andrews who was then alive and in her 91st year she died on march lfltb and since then mr andrews failed rapidly physically and mentally about a week before his death ho bad a fall one of his hips were broken and he was taken to the hospital mr andrews waa born in grimsby lincolnshire england jan 16th 1834 ho left his home in the old country in 1802 coming to can ada on a sailing vessel and travel led by railroad from montreal to laohine which was tho length of the railway at that time on hi way to milton where be resided for 4u years respected by all who knew him he went to manitoba in 1000 his home for the past 2g years bad been with hie wesley andrews at blockdnle the large audiences at botb en tertainments given by u niton chapter miustrels taut thursday friday evenings were well pleased with the irogiuui provided and their heal ty applaime was ap preciated by the performem tho first part of the program portraving tho initiation of ham bono aching bunion into tho mys teries of the colored lodge wan hullo amusing throiiqlioot anrrro veitleii many of the secrots on this occasion to the audience the conveying of the secreta by unrle tom was somewhat mystifying hut ijmte entertaining while all the members of the casto iierfoim- ed their several parts very credit ably tlioa who took part in the in- mantex po tentiate p g arnold second po tentiate- geo brown third po tentiate frank lacev first guardian hugh dickie second guardian tom rennie cerberus wm long porter vt v grant bruddor misery the lodge critic and dc h g melr director u oorke part two of tho program con sisted of choruses solos dueta etc interspersed by the witty jokes of ke end men with their local hit u caused much merriment and some- in the audience who bad not emiled for a long time smtled ones more it was almost a tinual laugh from start to finish and every end man did his part well ah the soldists were repeat edly encored ob were also mr c wilbon in dreaming in the twi light and miss leavitt and mr j b wallace in their piano dueta those who took part were in terlocutor j m moore bod men gloom bob wemysa evolution bill grant rastus jack itubsell moonshine herb jackson misery hal meir eternity jack kelly bones bbirt arnold sunshine jack mackenzie tenors w b dilly h dickie wttbng gowdy b b foulia charlio wil son tom ronnie basses i kennedy b arnold geo brown h corke rev p mayes f lacey ernie feller pianist-mibstteav- itt drums ptc a thnraton musical director j b wallace mibb leavitt pianist woe pre minted with a beautiful boqoet of joses and a gold bar pin by tho members of the minstrels for her very able service a at the piano al ibe binges the final shoot at the ranges last night until next autumn brought out go marksmen pas bible score 4g scores over w c grace 48 o obrown a norton jjsmelhe hshepherd m tuck j shepherd c brandford 87 w hyde ethurston r bell p chapman f spirea w brown m cummings 88 g powell 88 w roe below is the result of the shoot ing at tho armories last week ntnck fvarey a kortin spowell cot brown c brandford m cummings dforbler h savinge d tost young peepks sodely at tho annual election of officers in connection with the methodist young people tbo following wore appointed hon pres rev u caldwell president mary van rj a tier i 1st vice pres mabel forgravos 2nd vice pros ada lane 3rd vice pres clarence buck 4th vice pre a maudemcdooald lib assistant roy king rec sec isobel mcdeimid cor sec myrtle tost treas eon ffampton pianist elizabeth caldwell repor tors do roth y frampton and lilian kennedy baseball games every monday and thursday at 645 p m sharp a great opportunity and im l lego was accorded the georgetown local council or woman when they received an invitation from hamilton to attend the reception and luncheon t tho itojat con- naught in honor of lady aberdeen nod tho distinguished internation al delegates en route to tbo quinquennial at washington four ritru containing about 20 members of our local branch arrived in tune for the rcccptii and aftorwaids sat down to dainty luirheon in tho diningroo beautifully decorated with shaded lights and spring lowers lady aberdeen as guest of honor was presented with a mag- ineent bouquot or rotvs in reply o which ber ladyship expressed pleasure and gratitudeat the warm welcome extended to lord aber ldeeo aud herself nn jibeir trip through canada a very iuteretiog program then followed when the international delegates from england norway france iioland hungary and ea thoniawere called on in succession and delivered remarkable speeches english which were listened to with close attention and loudly ap plauded the several speakers were unau- imoua in their enthusioetio praise of canada hor resources beautiful waterways and unparalleled op portunities the large gathering waa brought to a close by the singing of tbo national anthem town council council met last night at 8 p with mayor dale in the chair reeve he in tyre and members of council all present minutes of the previous meet ings were read and confirmed mr cutnmingu addressed the council re condition of sidewalk in front or bis residence and mr le itta council promised to look into this matter mr ed benbam addressed the council ro tho council buying the hoare property for the gravel also asking for a grant of 100 for the baseball club it was moved by barclay sec onded by duncan that tho george town baseball olub be given a grant of 75 for the season ol 1026 carried mr mimms addressed council re bonds for public officiate mr i p moenery addressed council re oondition of ann street and council decided to look ovor itreet next saturday aftcrr at 110 mr geo davie addressed the council re oondition of sidewalk on albert street and also of ci g in front of mr kellys comth anient ions were read from roy f smith engineer oakville ontario municipal electric assoc iation federal electric co dr floyd american and niagara water meters co w a main elmer thompson canadian tional railway board of railway commissioners for canada gener 1 accident assurance co and the canada metal co ltd it wbb moved by barclay and seconded by campbell that flojd he granted a re on to of 698 m his income tax of 1824 ho hav ing made a mistake in his lurouie returns carried it was moted by long and sec ided by kelly that this george town council hold a court of re tho assepsmenta for pavements and in front of m- saxe and t j speight on tneaday may 26tb 1925 hi h pm i council chamber and that the court ol revision bo compoard of tbo fol lowing mcmbeia of council messrs dale mtloure campbell duncan and aslienhurst carried chairman of property committee was authorised to get pripes on b0 ctairs for the hall moved by lour and seconded by alng a fount 8 kellv thnt tli h mnrchmrnt itf io win anihi t fl mnrchniciil v tk john mrddnnld ion i bell tel co mun ofllrcs can nt elec r ats j a grften sis hjdro electric town hull pump station ww office lire hall supplies t h t council hdjounied in do 8 00 ih to 7 7fi 01 1 49 8 00 8 06 h 71 1 86 76 atliston council will pkss a by uw to impose a license feeon pedlars who come to tpwn and fedrlle stuff from door o door iieoretowd council should do the same thing dont cut the corners over someone elses lawn keep to the sidewalk nnd help the fellow with civic pride lee his trass green scientists have unarmied five glyptodons not to mention seel id otherinm on the argentine pampas that probably marks the snot where the abongininnl pataaonian threw away their old crossword puzzles baseball when the boys flnub their work on tha base ball diamond at park it is going to be the best iu the county and georgetown is for some real bajl games thib sum mer both exhibition and leagi games follovyiug js the schedule of the new fourleap baseball league formed in the north end of haltpn county and which will be com posed of the following teams rock wood acton hillsburg and georgetown the league opens on may iglb and closes nn august 1 several tournaments are being ar ranged between the four teams may 10 rock wood at acton georgetown at hillsburg may si hillsburga t rock wood acton at georgetown may 80 acton nf hilleburg georgetown at bock wood t june 6 rock wood at acton hillsburg at georgetown june 18 hillsburg at acton georgetown at rock wood june 20 acton at hillsburg bockwood at georgetown june 87 rockwocd at acton georgetown at hillsbnrg july 4 hilhburg at bockwooj anton at georgetown jnty 11 anton at hillsburg georgetown at rock wood july 18 bockwoofl at acton hillsbarg at georgetown july 25 hillsburg at anton georgetown at rockwocd ausust 1 acton at uillsbuig rockwocd at georgetown at the end af the schedule all postponed games wilt bo played off when the schedule is completed the first and second teams play off for the league champion ship our local ball team got away to a good start when tbey defeated the fast la iu b ton team 64 on sat urday lambton led up to tho 7th innings 41 when c hits jn a row netted georgetown 4 runs and enough to win the game tbo celtent showing or walters and blackburn in tho box was very gratifying to the local manage ment lambton made 8 runs off walters in 0 innings and 1 off blackburn in 4 innings a quiet wedding was solemnized in sl pauls church or england norval widnesda april 28th at 780 in the morning who if lillian idest daughter or mr and mrs e w majhte of normal became the bride of clifton william mo re ton mm of winchester england the ceremony which was perform ed by rev dr win kyle rector of tb- church was tho amplified lagaaorvicaof the church of england wilh nuptial ilnly com muninn partaken of by the family d intimate friends during the joining of hands and giving of the ring tho sun poured down through the east window seeming to shed a radiant benedipliin on the irjion the young bride looked wiosamely weet and pretty in a smart un ported enbenible buit of gray silk bengalino and green flat cicpe the long coat beiirg lined throughout with the green silk the same as the dress and tfrmmed with a wide band of twotone fox fur en circling tho bottom the sleeves were trimmed with heavy embroid she ware a small green milan straw hftt with velvet flowers grej gloves shoos nnd stockings and tarried a bonuet of roses she also wore he grooms gift a white- gold wrist watch tho bride was unattended and was given away by her father the bridegroom was supported by mr edward e ma bee the brides brother the grooms gift to top groomsman was an onyx ring- following the ceremony breakfast was partaken of at the home of the brides par ents after which the happy couplr left by motor for toronto niagara palls and other points amid a shower of cpnfetti many pies- ents were received showing tho esteem in which they were held the bride during her short resi dence in norval has made many friends particularly among thi ynung peoples association being a valuable abset among them ow ing to her fine musical attain ments all wish them joy and prosperity com- norval young people a society held their final meeting for thi year on monday evening last it was one ot tho best years in thi history or the sooiety there was a large attendance at the unionist sunday school and church services last sunday mothers are to be particularly remembered next sunday in th methodist church tho sunday spbppl wilj be jn pharge of the program consisting of a pageant shnrt address by the pastor an the model mother dont forget to wear a flower norval is lining up a ball team and would like phyere to send in their applications ut an early date a number or oxpupils of the toronto normal school spent last week end with caroline laidlaw of norval foot ball the match between georgetown aud acton bangers t a saturday last resulted in a win for acton by 6 0 the georgetown boys press- 1 ed the game from the beginning to the end testing the acton ens- o on several occasions two goals were scored but disallowed cbeor up boys better luck next they play ashgrove at george town on saturday next the kick off being arranged for 0 pm bo4 u u featured in the may issuo of rod nnd inn iu canada tho spec inl quebec tourist number are the possibilities of this province for the spoi tsman an editor ial messnge from the hon j f perroull minister of colonization in and piphenes introduces the province to the tourist and iioinls out the many charms it holds for him in remember the ime hardwood steele recalls n ibe account of one fishing trip the good times rnjoyed in many h and which may be enjoyed by any fisherman nho so wishes this mer idylls of the spring by mason b wool lard reveals the delights of canoeing and da light and docks by a r douglas is an entertaining story or a duck hunt the early hours of the morning william macmitlan recounts the story of pair of eagles on the j storm hwepttmigs of j axon eg cart in the eaglca of the pine the wicked fleet h by harry m moore and tho green head by- frank yonng complete the list of interesting stoties with a quebec setting published monthly by w jtaylor limited woodstock oat the womens society of ihe baptist church will hold a sale of homemade baking and a tea the auditorium of the pobic lib rary nn saturday afternoon may slh tet and sale commencing at 4 oclock on saturday afternoon may 0 the womens society of the bap tist church will hold a tea and bale of home made baking in the anditorium of the public library commencing at 4 oclock card of thank we dedre 10 bank all he lends and neighbor for ihe mnjr kindnomca and ympalhy ahowii lo ui during the illnesa and in ihe ijpalb of our beloved wile and mother alrsgcorg g lover huiband and wall paper as your wall papers are your principle decoration be sure you make the right choice oet your pper and your decorating from an experienced man thaveabplendid selection of uptodate papers some thing for pvery room estfmrtes clvei it deslrh painting paperhanging nnd natnral wood finish ing it yon intend paint ing the outside of your house let mo look it over for you e bludd home deoorntor bu in gleiwiuiinu piiodo 5 r 5 its agreed that our speed- is a priend indeed j sjll30u ne4mpfcmiei next time you are wanting a leaky pipe mended or any other repair work done calf onr plijmber apd then ypu wilt realize that pur speed is a good friend of yours we would like to be of service to you and can promise good efficient work at a fair honest price j w kennedy m artfmre numif leaun i if iso saapha new wash fabrics for spring summer leaders in the newest fabrics many of the latest novelties at very attractive prices a good selection in both plain and printed patterns victoria fabrics a now fabric a reliable fabric a dress material for street or limine uear for ohildren miuaei or ladies the newest patterns and colors at exceptional mluo per yd 40o priscilla fabrics new dress fabrics of sterling merit fast colors at a surprising lov price per yd 35c voiles many new patterns and colors a cloth that alwayi looks vell nnd ih sure to please we show a superior quality at per yd 50c linen suiting a good fabric that givs good service a hpecial alue at per yd 60c ratines a selection of good colors a dependable cloth- good quality at per yd 50 o broadcloth one cf the lending dress fabrics we offer a line weave at per jd 85c sateenettes ginghams ducks bridal cottons quality zephyrs prints muslins laces embroideries value chambrays galatees cottons buttons service jacksons georgetown paint paint we carry a complete stock of the famous mnkvtalshes known all over the continent or then excellence and economy consult usfoi estimates before pajptjpg and varnishing vernjcol varnish stain njcou rucpt ft woodwork floor rtc floor paint tjibua rmw eianwl of it i catty i applied hilt tough siom finlth doe away with terubbbj auto gloss any novice can refinitli hi car in few hours with autoclo rich hard standard liquid paint the reason for the superior covering hiding properties and durability bf lowe brothers high stan dan product u to be found in the purity of the lend oil and other ingredients uedf the care exercised in their manufacture and the fine ness to which they are ground by very powerful machinery they give a beautiful protective finish which lasts for years mellotone flat paint interior dacoia una it in a liquid paint ready or uae mtbomna combine uw dahcaey of a water paint with all otm atementt of a kadand oil paint it ia very economical andaan to apply ih can be waahed sdj- wllliaoatiandwater u potoftw and corere sqore feet one coaf tojl gallon r h thompson go georgetown ont new advertisements to lnton m i mmsi noili if lullllu lou l l be ijidrraioble wi lanimf tlporreroun phone 130 i tildwuud kiuj on hit wrldtvoij vil arlulu huinloiy 4sxja luil plaie will lake mx tool log buill u wood wimml r mir al s25 d ainilo ktuhl mil hi haul ooiki at 3sj paatnro to let jvtr 1 1 5 flli loi ui im hum paatara to rent ai 1 j mrrs o good pasture land v mchn ttys apply at herald to haat 1 kooi ncd house comer charte si maple ive 512 per moiiili- t spei putort 100 ai en of kolhi pailure utnl lo ri niem i ol waicr lol id sill line eujiici herbert taylor cheltenham po baad potatoaa seed nctdtocs green uoimlain onfroai nock imported direct iron brunswick ihoicc diteasctree price keeping with prcocnt polatoe values apply s iv ulack 2nd line tqueaiiif phone uitlon tm r 12 4 29- mp forsalo to moves a baby carriage acwin luclnne and a radm lor sale aptl i ilrs joseph mcmaaler gle lomrs for sale or exduuifa will sell or excliauge about m ncres for small farm ncmr blora illafe pari ment and etiuily lor inme w 1 urown rockwoud kk no 4 422jip ferraat brick house on albert street all modem coiivciuenies possession may i si apply to c cross ltmcbouse 42231 all outstanding acounla due lo miliar a co aratobepaid to ibe hank of com- menc georgetown before may itlh a receipt or same will be given at the bank after ihe above dale accounts will be placed in olber hands lor collection ex ecutors of ibe esate 2t flightwatchman wanted far salt 33007 room house all conveniences fumar electric grit e in living room ge and chicken bouse floor covering trie lixturea and blind included ii si georgetown photic 266 w 2ip hatoalaa en for bale kiom pare bred plymouth rock hens of a good laying si ram 100 per set u tig of 13 eggs or j700 per 100 egg apply log l watson maple ave george town phone 209w if wood tor sale very choice hardwood 3 75 per single cord alto mixed wood al 350 and cedar rails at 300 per iogle cord orders may be led al w c hesseys feed mil or phone i3s r 4j brandford bo 49 jeortrcumti d m catder decorator estimate free only firstclass male rials used reasonable orders left wilh mrs p till loch pro nplly attended lo 3l p vegetables nice head lettuce celeiy and vcgcl always on band also mil nuts our pnets are the loweal for the quality of ihe ood we offer you lei us mpply jour needs in ihe aboye lines r ifarchmcnt now located in dr nixons id ilmd on mill street georkclown auto truck service i have complete new outfjt and will i ll kinds qf hauling long or abort dis ncei al reasonable ratesj h smith ioies 4r 13 geqtkcton t tenders lor coal tenders are hereby called foi for 10 or of alove coal and is tons of pea coal bedclitercd m ihe celar armenian ii larm home drorgclokn send tenders lo superintendent v- upholstering draping un for lwoeets doing grvci mnlioi hull n nlki you eof l pes w hs first iter by having your t juu nonie leave en- jacksons depl store or ller- jackuiua dept store or herald offiiew ii merklmger auction sale of household furniture the uiidersignrd ha received initru l1from a livingstone ii by puhhc aiklon at hs residence mam si north gcorelo n on friday may 15th ovlokmiirp the lollowing- ce pailor miu ft hestetfickf i heslerheld lahle and itrge tablf new buflett dmmg room chair r suite citee rokcr am chair icltj 2 while inw beds springs and oittnh oak drrsxr and washstand ind large table stand kitchen larre quantity of inlaid linoleum rr household f nmishinps t cash bex petcit aurt all reports lo tiie pbntrnry nowitbatnndjflg tlifro ia no f ip a funny bone especially when yon btriko it agsiast tho sjuo ot h6 door ca bbs

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