Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 6, 1925, p. 4

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v rs lilt- i mm inwn hi i i it it ii n h ere an dth ere a fewipectals i ik t i hue t 1 1 t i i 7fc lui at liiknif di iiokl ii it k tclicn queen 1 lb idb oold iind i 0 sot tf bars frn boning cornell boot t lorn bin d plume l indud i ult i tj 2 tor btuobonilf- st it li it iilt ity 2 for aniksiuc- lh p i ttlitj clntkln uiuuie t annoii ilndjje i iw guns eti pond uorriiiiif iium cnns libbi b krout nr ettib prune i llisfor dit 2 lbs for ltd lb gor 1 hi k 1 olicrk i n oniorih sonrmied a chow cbow pickles 21 clark 8 bread is extra ipe it ib bulled on tt homo ii ido i inn wilt koc lonei and ib n ore nioitit than ai y othoi brmd it in uio breid jou should out wlicu j on ct it jou not odij eat the mast pnlntible bicad but tho most wl olesomc mark clark bakery and groceries pilon uo about our school we want you to inquire about our school ask other folks what they know about us and then pay ua a visit give yoor boy or girl the training they need start here begin now brampton business inslllule brampton qaorgetawh no shovelling kaalrad i standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically screened nud loaded coal wood select lump for domobtio and threshing purposes smithing and cannot coal id act icarry tnarj thing to bo found in any up to ditto i coal and wood yard oi mcdonald phone 19 t eorgetown t wood s h etery ihrrc j irtu ttfimcwr 15 in the surrogate coubt of the county of baiton in ttta matter of 4ha ette of laird young bald late of town of georgetown fntfce connlf at hal- i merchant claoaand nol ce he eby g vfn pursuant in ihi led sj imofoolm i np rr 121 gscd on 56 il m b pcrto hat g cn mi gl mhepmloilfcmijurdvount reduhna ed on or sfcout ihe 7h of febi aryt925 ihe ly ol ci in tip blale o hi no rc rrqu rnt john 1 r the good roads depart nent of manitoba expects to con plete the trail canada highway through that province by october tho first tnii will complete the road from brandon west to th saskatchewan bom dury tb kitjl of halifax njljapliu ning to re establish its provincial lxhibltlon thin coming fall accord ing to mayor murphy tho fair has only been held oi ce or twice since the war prior to which it was an the canadian trade commissioner at liverpool england is taking steps to interest canadian business men in the import of crushed oyster ihella to great britain the united states exports 20 000 tons of crush ed shells annually to the british the official opening of crystal garden victoria s latest and finest amusement park will take place on june 23 th celebrations including a ball processions and sports will sark the occasion and are scheduled continue until julyhsl navigation on tho great lakes and the st lawrence i now open and has provided employment or hundreds of men from montreal to ronto and other cities who have been idle during the winter ship ping circles are optimistic concern ing the season just commenced it is cvnnounced that the banff alberta pow wow and indians day celebration which takes place an nuaily will be held this year july 23 and 21 in the yoho valley on these days the stoney tribe of in diana in full regalia hold their pow wow and compete in contesta of every kind there are approximately 20cy tjii nrfllnlliii school in this country of this number 1 600 are at institutions for the blindand mate 81 000 at vocational achoolt or classes 14 000 at indian schools fand the remainder attend colleges universities subsldned and privata schools and institutions for training teachers with a view to arranging a new trade and transportation agreement between canada and the british west indies a conference u to be tield at ottawa tn june which will be attended by representatives of the governments of canada bennu da leeward and windward islands bar bad p trinidad british guiana jamaica and british honduras the gold mines of northern on urlo are said to have yielded higher income during the first quar tcr of 1925 than in any similar pe rlod in thtir history estimates place the income of mining com ponies in the porcupine district at nearly stx million dollars and in the kiikland district at one and a quar ter millions john hartney canadian pacific railway engineer who has recently completed his 42nd year in the com pnnys service was the guast of honor at a banquet given by the brotherhood of locomotive engl neers on st george s day at smiths falls ont mr hartney is pre ident bentty s special engineer and was presented with a gold cane in an effort to individualize the name of saint john n b the city corporation board of trade and other organisations are in future to pell its name out in full this port has grown rapidly in importance in recent yeara and in addition to be ing the winter hsdquartcrs of the ileet of the canadian pacific rail way is also a port of call for nu rfltrous lines opera ng between ca nnda and europe m well as the centre of a large fishing industry caribou dlve been aecti in very jarge numbers this leaion in the torthern ps of yuko territory old timers sty that the imin herd must have numbered tint of thou sands wmle n some uf the smaller herds that had broken temporarily from the ma n herd there were hun dreds and sometimes thousands the very f rst aerial stowaway ever known was d scovered rccei ily aboard a ptat e n the laurent lie air senice lim tod operating on its rouyn gold fields lerv ce in anno cation v th thi camd a pa c railway tie serous tff of the extra we ght on the flying powers ot th mach ne was so loticeabl that it ltd to the man s d scover as he had hidden h mm f wfth a desire to see bis rk l urd c id he tyas not pjn shed the the abtcs alwaj im li d eti our pec are the loveal for ibe qua ty of i tie 6od we offer you let ui i tupplj your needs i the abow murchmeth tirookr block ontr b at i on wealth of canadt ide h h nni dian pj f 1j ij jlti bs t i r and preside i oi the lo n any when sneak ng al welland ont on november 7th al he celebration of the 100th anniversar of thi bu id lng of the first welland canal he uttd that the company in 1923 dl parsed in the dominion 202 000 000 in wages and materials and f 7 000 000 in txn of ail kinds november 7th was the 38 th a mil vertary of thi driving of the last aftlka in the main line df the cana dian pidfir railway an event which completed the dominions first transcontinental re u road ful filled the terms ot confedefattbn and mad canada nation a tona monument now marks the spot at cratgellathle in the rocky uoun tains where lord strathcona then sir donald a smith wielded the ltammar which united ait- and wert v- euir five passenger capacity smartly appointed and finished in brewster green jthe new onepiece windshield and ventilators win appeal to both driver and passenger genuine 495 full balloon tires and 20 wheels speight mccauley georgetown 99s fxi b factory taxci extia first to arrive 3 yr 9 9 y v 1 w i tw rhe first families ot brit sh settlers for canada under the frapirr settle ment scheme disembarked from the cunard 1 ner antorua at haiifai 1 saturday march 21 do yon want to be ane- ctpmstma usooijite witb moeeufml people and have thetik for your friendb of coarse you do tike or bnl step mw euh al gnelph business college ouhtbue oulpk ot 1 for thorough training 2 by bunness eipenedced in struelor 1 session the entire jear llnock get pauttculars on oar home stodj coarse in shorthand d0minst0res canadas largestketal ciuht us make economy a habit htbits are easily formed when you get the habit of going to dominion stores you arc also cultivating the habit of true economy buying groceries of guaranteed suality with a real saving on every purchase get into the habit of saving at iqminion stores i diseases kill profits i how to tt 11ikm stopped j hefoite 1ii1v btajtr how to ttrmt oat potatoca anil apple trees for prevntlou of any t tin g that red cer the ylold of the farm crop reduces the money ri turn to tt t iuhii ironing it o crop when ct arites against tl u produclloi of ai y crop an bjurtd out it is usual to unu tt at tho cunts are auays 1 igt irrtopt llvi o tho id tho lowtr tho yield tt e i sh thiru in to pay tl o pruduotlou cl artis ul 1 prootn i ro juctlon clarsta inntt ti paid urn what uioauy n i itaiy id your jroqt plai i dlu us h n id itibtctb aru vlwayn wolllnif rtndy to taku your nil 6 re they frequently succeed find i ii if tie carclusa nttltckul type ot farmer the anient to proy on vattllg up bis potatoes i is applis 1 in uuious ills kfalu and si lull fruit crops it ro in uu tstapo ticpt throukh preveution pui t dlnases like oat smut onion rot potato blight potato scab and applu scab can bo controlled dry fpruialdehjrio treatment for ttfo prevention or oat smut this method i as hem tested or live successive years by 11 o o a col ugo department ot botany co opornt lng with farmers in various parts of the province the ieaulb lute been unltormly sal is factory no injury to the grain has lesulud and tho smut control has been almost perfect weil worthwhile when the odds that were sown with uji treated seed showed a loss at harvest ot six per cent ot the crop the advantages of the dry for maldehyde method ot treating aeed oats are its simplicity rapidity and ease of application when pom pared with the dipping method one hun 4red bushel i or oats may bo treated in iota tlap one hour the seed ts dry tnough to sow there is no danger of sprouting moulding or swelling ot the seed there is one disadvantage and it m be overcome by holding the sp layer close to the grain and pvovldliij tree circulation of air t move the tormaldthjde fumeaqulck ly away a small hand sprayer auppl of formaldehyde and a scoop shovel comprise the equipment and their use gltes full assurance against loss of croy from oat smut treat the beed potatoes and prevent scab and black scarf in each of ten years an experiment was conducted at the college tq de tcrmlna the control of potato scab tlbe potatoes for one plot were lefl t t and those for other ploti were trealcd wit corrosive eubll mate or with formaldehyde with corroslvo sublimate 2 ounces wcro used to each 13 gallons or water with the formaldehyde nlcklo nir-ibl- m- pint of fornlbtrnrwas ured to each thirty gallons of water the yields vero tho name from treated and un treated plots ahowing that tho chem icals did not injure tho seed in any way the quality of the crop was greatly improved l treatment giv ing clean marketablu potatoes sack ed a e 1 potatots immersed tor two tours in ihe formalin notation gave a little better rcsulla than thoaa treated with the corrosive su solution late bllgl t is considered to he the most destructive potato dia east 11 at wo have to contend with alu ja had in wit seasons and on tow lying areas tht successful grow er docs not wait for evidence of dls ane to appear at d sweep over ill utld during a nltlil he takes time bj bo forelock and applies a protec tlvi spray to the potato foliage along with the bug destroying don do deaux mixture is effective as a pr ventatlve against late blight tip bui and in rtptlllnh 0 a beetles and also if used in conjunction with parts kreen or lead arsenate in killing col orado potato beetle larvae early frequent and thorough sprayings are ntccaiiai the spruylngh had an in fluence not only in increasing both lie yd id or mnrkilab aid total crop per acre but alto li prolonging the growth ot the plants and li lng the slxe of the pota ooa tho results of tho expcrln ent show ii highest yields per acre from the plots which recuved three sprayings both above and below the leaves lple scab control the experiments carried ou by the department of lntonlology for the control qf apple scab fungus in tho apple growing sections have demon struled that ll oroujh spralng with u irdeaui mixture wilt effectively control the scab and give 98 per ocnt clean fruit poisons added to tho bordeaux spray prevents efficiently the ravages commonlj due to insects many ontario farmers are losing on crops that would be profitable ir proper attention were given tn disease control at the right time too man trust to luck wait to see the damage done before making an attempt to control the evil forces that are ready to prey ou the crops tl e man that prepares to pioduce a crop with the expectation ot an attack from all side ores the first aod also the last shot routing tho fungus enemy with chemicals thai are easily obtainable and easily applied l slevenaon dcpl of extension o a college niural cll uqald cleaner 4c large pnues 2jfcs2k ftajea ambann3lh23c francoamerican r spaghetti i5c tea 65 old city f sugared srpkt tiger brand r1 catsup 40c dsl 3 for cornflakes 29c new- cheese special offer shirriffsj jelly powders 12 kinds na fly bulk macaromlovb richmello n coffee pep brand 14 crown brand syrup- 4r si 3 tins potted oe meats oc salmon 25cibs0da biscuits 16c tins t35 choice pink sunflower or cascade lice on cattle the method or controlling lice sug gested by the south dakota agrlcul turat college tl to dip the cattle dur lng the fall and spring dipping of cattle is not advisable however dur ing the winter months on account of pneumonia hand treatment in many casta may relieve the animals until spring when they may be dipped three different treatments are com moojy used equal parts of ground sabadltla seed and dowers of sulpl ur in the form of a dusting powder la a ood treatment ktjreandtk ere rex beach the eminent amerii author was recently in new brum wiek as a guest of w g mclntyre on leaving for his home in the united states at the conelus on of his visit mr beach expressed him elf as a strong booster for the hunting and fishing possibilities of the prov nee charmed with its scenic beaut es delighted with iu people and solemnly proposing to return with his gang next year the largest and one of the most valuable shipments of foxes ever u pass through montreal que by dominion express company was handled by that organization r- eent there were 35 animals in tt shipment valued at 17 000 50 being siiverblaclt foxes and the rest black foxes the former were destined for exhibition at minneap olis while tha latter went to dif ferent point in the canadian wait i good pumps at right prices buy a toronto pump from m6- toronto pumps are sturdy prac tical the product of thirtyfive years in the pump business and i know the quality of materials and workmanship used in their manufacture no matter what style you want in a hand pump whether for a deep or shallow well i can supply a toronto pump which will give every satisfaction at a reasonable price drop in and let me show you the toronto pump line w j alexander georgetown pum os above bowl bowl is suspended the melotte bowl is suspended by spindle from six ball bearings above it runs continuously without vibration friction and resistance u practically eliminated machines with bearings below the bowl may get out of balance from wear the bowl vibrate the machine turns hard slumming u un- vcrdfecb cream is lost in the slam molc examine this rvlblotte with the suspended bowl now its original ff llas use means added phone 24 s tfs halton garage bfvtmzt t to use hartinse 100 pure paint a vi r- rvpyflposeerary utottohefofticemootrefjj fijr fn home painttnc made kai sold by j w kennedy s georgetown t bacent rrice reductions make ovrrimd vfodds lowest priced hhjrdoor sedan this beantthil ave- passenger sedan which showed tt httb quality and complete equlpmant ft il world s lowest pried fourdooc sedan with eliding ear transmission but is the world s greatest maine overland s original m bigear advantage continue a bfcter powerdlec dutchextra large removable axle wtsovertu itrakeacoinf orreblt triple sprint big economyare only tew ol the advanced teatum that are making overland anch an outetawunt ec campendve dealeis and aaieemexr aisiij vamtkauna whether wuhowrscnnsfl produce such remarkable care at such rcmattabt k f isrlms butklwulyvovartandwonabouttst sea these cars today long eaty mm if deatrtd overland j n oneill son georgetowb

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