Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 6, 1925, p. 6

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tllh okohoftown nkit ui mtyl a paokaoe of sefdb i ice ik i 1 uk k of the splicing of rope and tbo olcrk ioih i tl cm will a 1 1 oo got lin wh u i for it man h occdh lie bald willi ri hi 1 on i a l pans ob unci no i ftnd latent ind pens f ten c nu i ittcldkf tind pak o i now tlo lcio ire fit 1 cs i liu mm m tlo taore and tho dimes mo tho th ikm ii t ho rnedu and 1 to been lobirv tlci n tjeaaon u before balliftvo ttouhlit of ibu fol aa ace in bnt it aubi ed through nji n 1 took lbem this time you hitto inrohuwd a in rncle bore for adiinol ou vo a times vorlli of power which no man an create you vo a dimes worth of 1 fe in your band i you vo a dimo a worth of mystery diwtiny fftte wh ch tho wikeat cannot under pliu it lo th a brlgl t little tcltage now isn t it odd voi vi a dime a worth ot some th mj lnawn only to god tiieao are seeds but the plant and tbo blosgonib aro htr with their nr in 1 uea in those tittle pellets bo dry and bo queer tboro la ower wh eh no chemist taniso here nt odo of qoj a 1 1 racles noon lo unfold thu for ten contsan oi nco of div mt sold i edgar a que9t relic of quebecs i all to return to canada hope s made of cotton i and fclax blre giti roue bborl io e hlleta iloe llallrr wrongest ir b bj o tarlo dsrront ot acrlcultura toront ot i r stock halturi bsy rk kra n alius iqulpnicn tl u llng n lua 1b or a alerlalq inn s ua d on v rr farmst ad dg tl ut will cl abl the u buy to 11 nulckl e ylous i ii cl i kill i where d bhe oo wbnl bns become of tl e old fash 10 t 1 il who t uh duntj and sweet and n rogulni pl i whose complexion was natural whose voce wao low and wl o an t eternally on the bo wboflo bair wae real nnd was worn just right and who kept her less tell out of sight who loved i or home and obejed her pa and thought it her duty to toll her ma aye what has become of this maid i pray and why did no let her get away ballinalad mrs joe swindleburat d ed at her home on friday april 24th after a long and continued illness for some yearn the funeral took place on monday april 27 tb at 2 30 and the interment wbb mado in balhnafad cemetery mr and mrs oldhivm and fam ily of brantford bpent sunday with mrs f bugging of the eighth line mr and mm robert kerr and boo archie spent saturdnj in guclpb lho sundaj school or the prea by ten an church here will start next sunday at 1 co clock hopiog tbcro will be a good torn out mr and mra d w cation of brampton and their son william of mai field paid a vinit last fri day to mr sb moclnre of the eighth line milton milton merchants will close their store at 12 80 noon wednesdays dnnng the months of may june july august and september oeargo co tt re 11 of milton who had a paralytic stroke lately i the home of his daughter mrs boy stevenson nelson he is re ported to have recovered enfnient- ly to ait up daily rev t b bole of the metho dist church has received an i vitation to the pastorate of tbi united church at wnlkerton and rev m a hurlbret if fergus has accepted no invitat on to church here m e m tchell of claiknon and jarvis dewar or toronto were here yesterday attend ng funeral of their sibter in law the late mra w 3 dewar 8o were w s davis former mayor of oak ville and stan lev djnes of bur llngton a former member of the county council champion ducc thu poshluillt f u cl 1 ul uti all op rations wlur mpo in ub d til ability lo quickly splice u broken i ay fork rop at the tfwe whin it la moat needed will aave ua tlm af1 iroub e hope material hope is made or tarloui material a as coitun i v maullla oure jute and oai tlie rope raoat fre du ntly us d on thu farm la made from leap imported from uanllla couiuiqii rope la einprally compomil of ll rce or four atrand the four strand ropo ia atronger it on th tlree strand ot eoua dlameler htnriktli of manilla kopc the afe load for tt lorloub dla n tipn of mantlla ihrcotranq r pe u about oneblilh ot the clual brcaklnb toad for thrlestrand laoilla rope of on infill dlamel r tt p sate load is under 1 000 pounds hblte tl o breakldr load u nearly 6 50 founds halt incl rope should lot be bubiwtejj lo a load greater than 230 po nds it it l to laat and give aervlco tt e breaking mreaeth ot half inch maullla rope la 1 80 pounds a throe quarter inch ropp can be eipeelejj j carry 615 pounds a s aate load or i toq pounds wllh ery treit rufc to both male and operator bflpe should not be used over small pulleys ar runs it ii is lo last and cl- cood acrvlen msti of tt f nay fork pull ya usrd are ima tl in eight inches in dlan eter and aro err hard on 11 rope causlne heaty strain wear and enrlj deslruc tlon tar bpphaliojs lo rope nhll increnblnff the ropes manfe to weslheiing reducpii the strfrth about twenty live per nt hope at ould bn kept dry the short kpllfr i the short splice la of ureal k r ice it la quickly wade aid etrong tie reaving of the strands of iwo ihre atrand ropes together 1i iti fo m f i a pllce inercaien tl lis t r at it e i point ot repair 10 tl a t i l if k ing this type of splice ot lelppal if it the rope is to b run orer p itl to make a abort spllee unravel th ends of the two pi ees of rope tht it li desired to splice or flfleen lnche if the rope u one ind in dlnn eter or icm if worklnn on a amaller ropf after unravclllnr wrap li n pnds of the strands to prevent them upiwlnl inn brim iho nlrandh togefher in- tying by paira wltl an overhaul knot the strands from opposite en is of tie ropea belnb olned by the apllce this done the work is enr pleted by weavlnp the strands li o tho rope in both direction a tin it a dd or a tapered and pointed wooden pin to open tie htratdn the free ends are passed inder ev r oil r alrand tor a diatancu of su or iki t i ches each way from the centre of tl e splice this done ii e reri alnlns ends ot strands are cut off and the work completed tho long splice this type of splice is used wh re ii is desired to make a unlo or two pieces ot rape and still retain nearl the aanic diameter at the spike a long splice in a tl reestrand rop will be composed of not more than four strands at any one point and 11 e length of the unlun is very i ucl greater than in the short sptlre to long splice couil off slite n turns from the ends to 1 e spliced and mark by tying with a slron twine unlay the rope ends down to the point of tying and force the ends to nether to begin the splice develop further by unlaying one stra d from each rope end and dill k in wllh of the loose strands tt ib bcci m turned three ot the loose utrandi will be much shorter than torn erl and the ends can be woi n into the ropo aa ilth the short splice and 1 1 e union developed tie strand end can then be cut off and tucked in i of the way i avl e n inng an ool the aide splice the side splice is frequx tly us f il wl ere ll is drfired to join two ropis or the same or different sties it is extensively ubed in halter n akl g this splice should always be n ad so that the pull is in the sail c dlr e- tlun aa the spliced in rope strands itope haltera hope baiters of varlo is lypea an 1 eliea can be easily made by any hand farm boy the rope taller has the advantage of greater strength over i alters made from leather or cotton web the cost of the i otnemade rope halter is very low the purchase cost of tn rape it the work of mak itik is done on wet or storm days 1 stevenson dept of extension o a college quelph experts el heal aid cattle in thn pro war jenr of 1918 oi ei ports of meats reached a total in value of s6 405 7c5 in 1984 the were 2 484 270 onr porta of bacon in 181 amo inted in vali e to 4 274 624 and of pork to 100 464 in 1024 the exports of bacon in value were 10 091 680 and of pork 2lc97fio o live cattle in 1918 we exported 19s71j head valued at 7 36686 and in 1824 183 j4 bead valueo at 12 022 863 it will be noticed tjit w i ile the number of cattb exported n 1918 was over 10 000 less than in 1924 the value in tbi last vcar wao 6 b7 826 more ghowinft tbst in the i re war yea tho cattle commanded only tnfl over 87 8r per i cad while m 1024 they wore worth near 6h h9 pe bend in 1018 the exports ol oatllp to britain wero 9 878 valued mt 703 807 in 1024 ibey 70 43g valued at h 402 s7h t on mclaughlinbuick cantilever rear springs full cantilever rear springs absorb the shocks of the road and give maximum riding comfort tbi mclaughlin buick sealed chassis with its torque tube anve makes it possible for mclaughlin buick to use this type oi spring one of the many reasons mclaughlin buick has maintained its post tlon kt canada standard car s v king dealer georgetown mclaughunbuick selected seed potatoes i rub cobblers from h ii selected seed ovemnnt uupecled dk bje for cerjifl- it on this alock b an average yisu of imbagiperawewtfiacres p p your chance to gd ihci ai lable mock icw wh le ibey laal 75c pr bag q c hlusbtitg or n snider phone car of strawberry plantation the cam of the strawberry plan tatlon during the fall months will de termine very largely the site ot the rop next year clean tillage should be maintained it la especially ira portant to keep down the perennial weeds such as plantain and dock no farmers organisation can eon tlnue to live that la managed arbitra rlly it tt likely to succeed only as members develop a living acllva spirit of mutual effort which mnst bs r- rtiedlnlti board ot directors ladies sianromns hmceiuw aw cuius nuzzdwjlms sbseiik try n enpr prices re reasonable mrhrsjfllillico bur hattokvlua work is beinr rushed on 11 e new pavilion nt buttonvillo park tbe now biildinp which is berot placed on the foundatioi s of tbe o d barn hi bo 42 x 80 feet wil have a splendi 1 hardwood dancmf floor dressing rooms and stnfte said will be open on all sides t uh aloorehead owner of tbe paik 3exlcts to boild ten coiurcs nea tb ftrk this summer coal best d li w scran ion coal in all sum also smithing and steam coal mrs jtwatklns nerval station phone 62r24 canadian padbc steamship montroyal hastings corporation to the quebec city conndlhu postponed hit for soma time owing- to the illness of vlscounteaa wltunidon hia lordships official mission which will be earned out whan tbe vlfwinttii wgvf pi wdl be to return to the city of quebec the shield which wit taken from tu irtftt when it was captured by general wolfe in 1769 and which was piesenteo m tffl tji a corporation by general murra who was present on that mamoniblt mftwjsi sines that time the ahkvld baa hung over tba door ol uil ppunpjl fhsinber g e town ball at hastings and quebec has tndeavoumtto otitsj4ita ratura lf nara in vain but at last huuubb has nlented vlscotint wluingdon will be accompanied by hia wife who batora her marriage was the hon haifa adelaide daughter of 1st baron brassw together with his son the hon inlgo braamy prwfliapthomm abij hft wlf auto truck service i have cootplrte iuw outfit and anil lance r asbj2bjrjll j h m b oboncslm r 13 mod i73w gcorfreioapv if garbage disposal notice is beveby g ven ihal alipioleij usint the public dump n the pirk mmi ml all garbage over ibe bank o they w ll be prosecuted and made to remove tame by oipkb cot kct teakafa foid oniru u slake body closed n nhock absorber lm in first elf ahape v f bradley forsters cash and carry store a fdll llill of choice fresh groceries provisions etc fruit in season mima iiw u4 imisus ownlalc prauiuce lkekotkallwkthavelric4lni l swtlts cmkd bui nt caret huls at rlgbl orlws forsters i have you sent in your answer the lucky horseshoe puzzle contest i positively closes wednesday may 13th send your solution today remember every correct answer receives a reward solve the puzzle it can be done and someone is going to win a magnificent piano phonograph or other prtie absolutely without coat of any kind think of it if you do not own a piano here is an opportunity to get one for only a few minutes work there is nothing to buy nothing to sell this is simply an advertising campaign for a canadian manufacturer you may be the lucky person to win one of the grand prizes read the directions carefully and send in your answer aa soon as possible the contest clnses wednesday stay 13th ontario sheep raising ontamorihikpmiv bhinq hon or to tuk phol 1itb itrmarkable winnings at the qrwtt international show at chicago booh polnla on the lroductloq of high quality sheep- cob someone said the proof of the pudding la the eating at it f ahd so the proof of ontario being tbe breed lug ground tor sheep to supply the other provinces in the dominion as well as tho united bistcs w a proven beyond all doubt by tho wlonlnss ade by ontario a sheepnen at the i ternationai show held lu chicago i 1 in december 1314 this show la thu com mod batt laground tor breed ra throughout the length and breadth of united states ahd canada the btst docks in the united slates are represented and in order that 11 e ontario sheepmen might try uncluiflons wltb american breeders i e ontario department of asricul iro has been assisting these previa clal exhibits by financial assistance the form of payment or freight charges thit was neeaaaty in view l the fact that tbe prise money iffered at tbe show la relatively sfliill tho greatest reward cornea from t he- honor of winning the following atimmary shows the remarkable win lings made by ontario breeder la ho eight breed classes in which they om noted e breeding classes total ontajllo won vtreed hu zq 2 shroaaatr t s i uotm 1 10 i sautbdowqt i i iitii c ho viol leicester 10 111 r i 4 s 1 1 0 1 lin en co u wold it tl 41 tl id 10 11 t t 1 it is worthy ot note that wnlle ontario did not have more than per haps twenty five per cent of the ex hi tutors in thcao classes ontario 1 reedera won sixty three per cent ot tbe possible drat prlxes bfty nve per cent of tbe total championships and sixty two per cent ot alt reserve championships coupon 1st prize piano walnut or mahogany finish 2nd prize phonograph 3rd prize additional prises 17coo credit 19 vouchera prizes will be given for the best neatest most original correct answers directions place any number from one to fifteen in ach of the horseshoes shown above in such amanner that when added horixontally vertically and dia gonalty the total will be 33 it is possible to do this correctly and not use any number more than once when you have solved the problem mail the answer to the canadian selling agents at the address given below hail your answer promptly for in case of tie the prize will go to the first answer received ffilngs to remember answers may h submitted pn this or on a separate ihect of paper or any thcr jatena thjere s no lmt p the s of the solutfoij gnly pn member- of each family should bend a splil tiwj employaa tf ifae neyspapers carfymg jttns announcemont should not inter ps cpntesf fer instructions write your name carefully and plainly to the test neatest most original correct answer will be given one 475 00 piano abso lutely free to the next best neatest most original correct answer will be given 15000 phonograph to the next beat will be riven a 15000 purchasing voucher acceptable on any piano or puyer piano shown fngaewl in ofming pianos should nof enter this 1 piano and phonograph adyertis cam paign and ouriiope 1 that the heautifuj panq apd phonograph will be awarded to families who do not now own a piano or phonograph for this rea son families who are supplied with pianos should not enter all solutions entered are and shall remain the property of the canadian selling agents each and every contestant entering a reply hereby agrees to abide by the decision of the judges from which there shall be no appeal send your answer to canadian seijung agents 449 king street east hamilton ont i if si 11 i s a i i dlu n wook 4 11 ltifie wool 14 14 11 t tala ii 11 1 11 i 4 1 i i this summary shows ontario win nine ftft nine per cent of all the flint prises in those tat classes in which they competed and also win winning fifty per cent of all cham plonshlpa and sixty per cent of all reserve championships in addition co root mobwen a sons london onl sneeeedtid t winning for the third time in ano- eesalon tbe oyand championship tor the best car load of not less than ofty lambs belvolr stock farm stood fourth in this competition these results were accomplished by ran of wlae mating oarefut selec tion and good feeding on the part of ur breeders the policy ot breeding the best to the beat which has been c nerallj followed brought results d the inc of the beat rams and ewea obtainable at home supplemented with very highclass atoek imported from great britain ontario a sntep nave attained a very high standard time and money has been spent by the sheepmen in obtaining this envl able position in the aheepbreedldg fraternity ot north america hot thelr efforts are being repaid by tbe de mand which is now experienced tor ontario bred sheep points for the lambing season just at this season ot tbe year it may not be out of pbjee to mention some important considerations which must be given at the lambing season because after all the success or fall ure ot the lamb crop determines larxely the profit for the year it is absolutely necessary for the attendant to be on hand frequently both day and night the loss of not a few iambs and in some oases both mot er and lambs can be avoided by prompt action on the part of the one in charge a week or two before the ewea are duo to lamb all the dung locks and dirty straggling wool on the hindquaiera of tbe shea should be out away with the ordinary sheep sb it will be neeestary to handle them ei re fully at this tuna otherwise considerable injury mlfhl result to the heavy in lamb ewe th removal of this superfluous wool will rruao that tho young lamb will b able to nurae with less difficulty it will lessen the danger ot wool balls in the stomach of the nursing lamb and the ewe will be much oleaner at ian btni time the ewe about to lamb can he properly eared for to fciaeh better advantage when separated from the main sock provision ahould be made for a few small pens on the warmest side ot the itreep bouse for thla purpose no one baa ever been able to de velop a system whereby poultry could be made prodtable by keeping the bock ia a mltelnfected house the eastern international dog- sled derby wh h wai so ioccs ful laal lear w 11 again be held at quebec in 1925 the dates set being february pth 20lh and zlll at bn former oecas cms the d stance to e covered will be 120 nlles at m average rate of 4u rolls a day farl bridges le pa hanltobtj now holils the handsome trophy awarded for the race and is ex prctrd tp defend his honors ifany teams are alrrsdy working out a decided acqusition to tri bl v eres qoe i the new canadian pacific railway station which was oprnt there on november 8th the bu iding is ital an in design ross and hacdonald of montreal wtrs the arrh tecla remarkable setd was made in the construction as the contract for the work was only signed on june 2nd laat the open ing ceremonr was performed t- grant hau vicepraajdent of tit company in tbo praaanca of many notable w p il fiwwjihiii

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