Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 13 1925, p. 1

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the georgetown herald tiffy llglllh year of poblication georgetown wednesday evening may 13th 1925 1 00 per annun 2 00 id u a the georgetown herald j m moore pabluker proprietor heater citudlu whu hew paper assentation g if r tlsak table qoinu east iltsst ugur passenger passenger mail passenger mail passenger passenger sunday going wl8t passenger mail passenger passenger passenger passe age r mail passenger sunday oq1no north wail mail ooino booth mail mail 7 lbaro 9 14aro 10 18 am 11 10am 9 48 pm 6 so m saspm til pm 7 04 am 10 18 am 212 pm 4 60 pm 6 02pm 708pm 8 25 p id 10 os am b0oam 4 5bpm 11 d8 am 7 40pm cuailu nautul hedrlc ullwiys tereate sakwrbaa rallwae- vtebtbound rlstboumt daily train na2 804am 4 10 04 a m 61204 p m 8 204 pm 10 4 04pro 12- 6 04 pm 11 804 pm lfl 10 04pm 18 1201am train nos 1 ran dail i i 7 21am 3 9 21 am 51121 am 7 12ipim 9 8 21 p m 11 s21pru 18 781 p m 15 0 21 pm 1712 18 am an daily except directory hilton wallbridqe oalb barrister bolieitere bb toronto and qsonatowa omce emmdj block la ro dale la etam ot ooonr h o meib barniler solicitor etc office mdl st goontctown hour 9am h5p m- open wednesday and saturday eeo ng olabekox a wiooimb banister sallelto hatery vmvua office qvkxu blxc aeorswtown hours 9am lo s p m open wednesday and saturday evening mortcmm intoetmeiif to loan or t x marcelld8 physician and suraaen medical officer ot health office hour 1 to and i to n phenew oom tnd rsamenoa main street south opposite prbjuhan chnrch de c p w rom physician and surgeon mill stre1 georgetown phoue 22 en hmh surgeon grace hoipiul dr a v william physician and surgeon oftlce sod residence queen slrecl south r k winoi d u s m d m ai otro btun9 ta ft except tkbu afternoe f u hbath lob d0 a dentist office in lan btodt one door oortl ef owalira carruto raotocy bonn i a dju to f p ta astinausmda jar natxaw iwiit v ornaaat 10 jrerele office in bailey block next door to j n oneit cumwltimn and spinal analysis freou oce omci houaa wednesdays and sal urdaya 11 to 12 am jlosp m and 7 to 9pn other bcwri by appohilnianl php o lw and reaideoce 245 snj pitch 1 hunt ill auctioneer tor halton and peel qtonwullamapoat oibea bataa eondnotad aauataetomr and at rat aotiahvr rauav order left at tbi oeersetowa haram offlo will rect proaapt atteatlob j a tract clerk towuh p of eequexng ck w dimiioa court thelaadifg fire aod life imurancr co repreeented leaner of uamage licentea stewartion on i coal best anthracite coal always on hand nat and stooe coal small egg coal large sized pea coal delivered to any part of the town also coke phone 180 f rogers co georgetown aworldwide system qflfinncial service b y telephone you can talk with your neighbour or with an individual thousands of mile away by telegraph you can span the continent by cable your message can girdle the earth in like manner you can use the service of the bank of montreal in hide or large measure as he occasion d you can transact business of t purejjrlocl nature or enter into financial dealings with people in any part of the world like the telephone telegraph or cable our system of financial service is as extensive as arc the needs of our customers bank of montreal established over iooyearp total asscu in excess of 7oqooq poo horcctown creamery cream wanted we pay 36c for batter fat and 37c for cream testing over 35 bend your cream to tbe georgetown croamerj where you pot good aorvico and cash on delivery all tear round dont b misled by bujers who come out when cream in scarce if yon wish ni to oall for youf oresun write or pnone opu mtbiiy wetusuy aid saturday evenings we will pay you the highest market prices for your eggs fowl and wool georgetown creamery co m saxe manager hc75 woli tl- strlhs no j the advent of tea to eng tea was not used to any extent in england till about the middle of the seventeenth century although knowledge of the won derful qualities of the beverage had reached europe as early as 1517 during the seven teenth century all tea was imported from china and cost from rt 00 to 50 00 per pound not until 1836 did any tea reach england from india in that year the first shipment was made from the now famous tea growing district of assam india to day supplies fully half the worlds tea re quirements and provided some of the finest teas grown the rich body of salada is due to the select india teas used m the blend salada limkim who purpouo ironitn to noble enterprise ui hailo new chiticu for the sou lo rbo demon noftlj wlntcrnor tie feat and pointu to threat mng onienti in the rtkim untrodden nathti allure mj feet lo dare h it m 1 net fact forward lo lx the demon joins mj elbow at the amt innts of dimmer liom noine luldtn snare a h druks i leading tobacco store i tirt all kinds of tobaccos cigars cigarettes pipes etc htu pipes regular j 1 wear for 75c a new assortment of fresh chocolates and chocolate bars fruit in season i h druks 1 main st georgetown the demon a ith ih ul il to remeuilhi u the torfnlh of tin rail tie darker days lliimt there who betrnyi my hifih rilur slimlows of ijife h uaith tbe i tnun and abakts tin who nais facti need ready act mud lomandrt the i d calmlj nlert tlio demon softly btealidk roni behind bnps me about and ataye the hand of deed 4 then wheel i in the moment of deapan to face him aud he cringes noath my eye hot anger folio wtt fenr he turns to qy mut ere he ijhexld i feel the de mon there bia gbobi mhj haunt tic yet hut now i know the craven spirit and bit qice o lies 1 cannot fenr tbe thing that dee qno act of mi or low i i ii liood aid the trait s j piincan boott womens institute he annual meeting of tbe looi yelown women a institute wax held at the homo of mrs u kent on tyedneaday felay oth with a large number of members jiroa after the regular busmesa of tlio year wbb transacted tho fol wing o flicer a were elected for tho isuing year prea mrs jl u near lat vice jirs w long 2nd vice mra preure sec treab mra q c camiiboll assl sec mrs uayco directors mcedamca mrwhirt cole marshall local needa lammlttoo mrs iming atone lima cole social committee mi bu wat son mra fronre mrs ford program committee mrs sin 11 r mra kent tier ibiting comniittco mr fold ra envin fi6wer oornnnttee mrs hala mr cave piamatmrs w sincliftr after a aooial hour bail been ent and a hearty vote of thauks tendered the hostess the meeting adjourned obituary tires ks acton miaa k bouslaunh of george town spent a few daya during the week at the home of mr machol linger dr and mra farmer arrived borne from st petersburg fla where tbey spout the winter last monday both are m excellent heal lb the dr says be might hao stayed longer but he could not let the f rat week in may go past without a troutfishing exeur sion at tbe morning semen in knox church last sunday rev stewart the minister announced that ho d mra stewart had decided to main as pastor if tbe congrega tion so desired when the union came into effeot on tbe 10th of june as tho congregation by a very large majority voted non urrenco in union there will undoubtedly bo a unanimous ex presaion from this large body as aunng mr stewart of their desire for his nodtmunoce as their pastor free press standard size 110x8 1 s are fabric the ctutry malls db mofutt foifcukh tbe death of dr molntt fmstoi occurred at bis residence 4h0 on aington avenue toronto about noon on tuesday may fith in hi oeth year dr forster na a na live of ontario being hoin a streets vi lie peel county in ibs 1 he spent his early life in that county attending th primitive schools of those early dayn and then serving bis appienliceship in tho grist pulls that were ho neoes sary tor tbe comfort of settlers al moat one-hundred- years orofor some years bo conducted a milling bu sin ess in glenwilliams dovoting his leisure to tbe study of mcdi cine under tbs guidance of the late dr freeman of georgetown de ciding to forsake milling foi medi cine be attended tbe school of medicine in toronto graduating in 16s5 shortly afterwards he began practice at thorndale where he built up a large practice later he practised in london kitchener acton lynden and pal mors ton in each of these places be bad splendid success and made many warm friends he retired from active practice in 1907 moving to toronto dr forster was always a most do voted canadian in the early daya he courageously sup ported every effort to devolop the best in canadian citiiensbip he was a mumber of the methodist gbnrcb for over 60 years a free mason for longer than fifty years and always a patriotic canadian when a young man be married elisabeth williams at glenwil hams with whom he lived for nearly 60 years lp happy conjugal life hia children are james e forster miss elisabeth forster and mrs t albert moore toron to mrs deo f stewart belle ville and f j li forster stmt ford com the rural mail carriers are again presenting their case to the dom mion government and the pnhho in the main what they want is tho abolition of tbo contract ay stem with competition and the placing of this public service basis of permanent salary and a living wage there aeems to be no reason wby competition should prevail in this particular branch of the eerice contracting for great public works i a different atter the big tenderers am usually experienced men or men bo can afford to hire experts to prppare the estimates required so to make the tenders as low aa possible with the minimum ot risk of lass the person who applies for a mail route usually has no euoh experience and may easily underbid bis rival in such a way as to injure both a good man loses hia job and a greenhorn takes his place and possibly suffers loss it is aaid that the average mail route is twenty miles aod the at or ago income is 752 whilo tbe ex pen 60 s may easily run over this amount this is compared by tbs applicant with salaries of 1400 to 1600 paid to city letter car tins and 2 400 to 8 800 to i ail uay mail clerks it is stated also ihnt iu the i nited states tbe rural mail raricrs are engaged on a innncnt ealnrj hnsit of 75 iter e and rot free uniforms anci mint equipment with two weeks holidays and btatutory holidays canadian rural mail contract ors are asking only jj70 per mile and the statutory hnlidaya the miuebt seemrt to be reasonable and the argil men ta against l e rontraot system are strong ob tar id crop report umorsar well adanced with their work the soil is in excel lent working cpndition seeding operations are ptogressmg faor ably and will be finished shortly fail wheat hah wintered well and is a larger acreage than usual pasture and hay meadows need rain and warmer weather aaooter weekly paper sao a week ago mr warner who publishes tbe arrow and tbe sul dndge echo hinted that the latter would cease to exist on may nt the purpose will be to amalgamate tbo two papers at the arrow plant cairying a suodndge section the fatnh cost of operating the two plants is responsible for the change high school board board met friday may tilh present f r- watson chairman h l butt d j matthew a b willbon 8 kirk accounts passed r h thompson 28 22 hamilton iron works 252 00 georgetown herald u 10 75 the secretary was instructed to call for tenders for painting the eaves and the woodwork of the ex tenor of the building tke bare are baaned beer positively will not be permissibly over any bar in any standard hotel stated the attor ney oeneral to meet the require mentsa standard hotel with a beer selling permit m ist provide tables and chairs for tbeir customers would auy vender he permit ted to screen from veiw tbe drink ing premises everything must be open for tbe gaio or auy person who desires to look into the restau rant or hotel a businessman remarked that heniver ho heard a man com plain of business conditions he al waya asked him if be know of there being better in any other owing to the mite for the elect ion of tbe new bishop of niagara fixed for thursday maj 14th tbo halton deanery choral festival will be held on asronbion di may 21st the anti lnion people of u e presbyterian church omngb mi sunday last mhp a cordial inil ation to all members wl o oted in favor of nnion to rema ti and con ttnne to viorabip with them in tho future as they ha j line in the past a kentucky lornnn hil travelling tbroug his ctate jut np at a tow n hotel m h frequent ed by practical jokers during dinner these worthies opened fire on the minister who howevei stood their jibe with calm indif ferenco at lenstb a fellow diner aid to hnu i wonder at yrnir patience hate you not heaid all that has been said to you ob jeb hot i am used to it replie 1 the clergyman i am a chaplsi i of a lunatic asylum and such re marks have no effect upon me lled to slaaoee iuv ra l davidson h a toi iilj of filiiigttown bos bein in lo 1 i 1 1 me to pastor of st james irl si roi for tbo next on unci ir mr davidson has nrupud lit mutation subjoct to the uction f tin stationing com mittee beekeepers all lion act to unit nd tho foul brood act has passed tl o recent session of the provincial legislature nd it would be wisdom on the part of beekeepers and prospcitiw beekeepers to nay particular attor tmn to tbe regulations laid down every owner of one or more colon of bees must i osier the same with toe provincial apiarist on tnrio agricultural college guelpb pitry beekeeper wishing torooae sell harter or gio away colonies o heps or used equipment must jt permit from the provinc ial apiarist before moving the bees new bylaw tuqulred after having been advertised for four weeks to give ratepayers the opportunity lo raise objections by law nc 521 lassed last ooto ber and granting tbe town of oak lie 18 000 towards tbe cost of tho bridge there on tbo hamilton d toronto highway was re read tbe third time by tbe county coun t a special mooting on the 7th sir william hearst solicitor for tbe municipal bond soles cor po rati on ltd purchasers of tbe debentures nays tbe by law should have been repealed and a new one passed but this con be done with ojjjadvertising it wilt bo done at the next meeting of the council on may istb when no doubt sir william will give bis approval and the debentures wril be issued stretehins just a little a dispatch from orangeville to the turonto globe last week aays this town has no fleg tracks bigabbage or patentrratr but expects shortly to have a new ety of milk the orangeville golf and country clnb links ad join the farm of a dairy farmer when balls go out of bounds into nearby pasture holds tbey aro gobbled up with relish by the oows tho rubber spheres are digested and are mixed with the milk wben the golf season gets in full swing these cows ear so many golf balls that the milk be comes very elastic a quart can be eqoeeied into a pint bottle and if tbe customers are not home tbe order can be stretch od and passed through the keyhole farm bnlldlagi burned about eleven o clock on sunday night may 3rd w h mohughs barn near hornby station took did his stable boon after wards nothing could be done to them nor the bulk of tbeir contents mr mchugh telephon ed to milton for help and a dum ber of mon responded but arrived too lato besides tbo buildings mi mcll ugh lost moo cattle three horses his poultry sixty bushels of oats and implements mr mc hugh estimates his loss at 6000 partly covered by insurance tbe of tbe lire ib unknown on saturday may 2nd mr mchogb aold his farm to h 8 wilson of acton tbe papers were to have signed on monday but it la reported that on account ot the lire tbe sale is off champion tke practical walter a certain barber county man was in topeka several years ago and when dinner was served at one of the hotels roasted oars were on the menu de is extremely fond i in this style and he ordered the corn was fine he gave tbe colored waiter an order for somo more this was disposed of and tho waiter n pea ted this happened five times before tbo j hungry man was satisfied ah he completed his dinner with a glaas of water ho wns at peace with all tbe world and turning to tbe wait or he remarked what do you think of that kind of a dinner tbe naitei grinned and remarked well suh boss this be ah is the highest pried hotel in kansas dou t you think you could save some money by boardio at a livery barn tke oriftial braes band oopy writer a sufferer who lives near a rail road yard in a suburb wrote tbe following to a imlroad company complaining shout the racket made by a switch engine gentlemen why is it that your snitch engine to ding and dong and tizx aod aod clnog and bnng and hies jell and wail and pant and rant and honl and yowl and grate uid grin 1 and nft and bump and liici anil clank md chug and moan soil hoot mid loot and crash aud i in t ind jss and groan and ins tie in i wleceo and squawk nd blow and jiu and jar and jerk nd i is in i jingle und twang and iicl iml i iinblc and janglo and nt and latu r and yelp and bow i ti 1 in ni and snail and puff and row i and tbump and boom and ash aod jolt and jostle and shake nd bciectli and snort and soar ad rtlam aod throb and cnok and imirnnd rumble and roar aod rattle and jell and anioke and- smoll and shriek like all night long some are wondering if it will lie necessary to carry lights on baby carriages al night now that legislation has been enacted em powering municipahtioa to pot in to effect a law rfnuirmgal vehicles to carry lights we can see troubla ahead if an attempt to enforce this should be tried

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