Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 13 1925, p. 2

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krrtn flimiwn mai llm 1921 willson w h tjndortakor and j lloonsod embalmer sfalb it qrtlowa imbue i ill m 111 or tin georgetown tories given good time north toronto organization make excellent hosts al big gathering married illmik lmlmfston mo tin kcv c w ruin day mil mrlhi im pisoiiile uprkle si lur kl hoikn third ili filler 1 d mrs hcmy m r iimciil own to andrew es ct tor of llahttuu hunter nona died km at hrowtmillr monda ma llth 19 thoi is hn slmme i wyrr 9 mom church news lltl10iur mr ciildwelw subject on si day mornins will bi a dnnucrnub uompromibp dr dicliios mhjpct for the evening btsrvlie in proncbiag to the oildfollowh uptl robeltahs will dp in cliui cli floing voi tb while st ofcoltots iloly communion noit sunday at st george u churcli at h and 11 m bftptiemitiit 5 nrnl it 7 p m musical bervico when the choir 711 bo assisted by lira r j currj former kopnino soloist of cbribl church cathedral and st marks church hamilton nod ed win cf bell bimtone soloist of the churcb ol ascension uamtlton tbb mnrnilicat nod nunr diinnut tis will be burnett in f eolo come unto him froni the mcb- ainhiiuett in heavenly lore abiding lontiua solo gentle holj snviout gounod duett in tbo cross of christ i glory bowo solo crobbion tbo bur rotoli rotliem tho radiant morn woodward antbom yo choira ol now jemaalom roland smart foot ball following is tbo revised schedule of games 10 tho league in which georgetown is competing the first named team la the home club in each case may 26 acton vb taylor forbes hay 26- guelph vb georgetown may 30 georgetown vs acton may 30taylor forbes va guciph june 6 taylor forbes va georgetn june 6 acton vs guelph june 13 acton va georgetown june 13guelph va tayloc forbes juno 20 taylor forbes va acton june 20 georgetown vs guelph june 27actonva georgetown june 27 guelph vs taylor forbes july 4 guelph vb acton july 4georgetn va taylor forbes july 11actonva taylor forbes july 11guelph va georgetown july 18 georgetown vs acton july 18 taylor forbes va guelph july 25actonvs guelph july 25taylor forbes vn georgeti aug in i sit of gl k tlio 11ml 1 nihbl litortfc asanr milton 1 d mo of d troll daj thri hoim iipm him hi i n vvorka oi n iiowps is urn motored to- lllr old hornbv mi moore inplojul nt the ford ood mnny ienrn mr in lh hiiidwitre bum aug aug guelph vs acton 1georgctn vs taylor forbes h taylor foibea vb acton 8 georgetown vs guelph cpoitiuk the uontorvutivt toronto club lust loujloruld of north toroi thcto win a ureal hath c old town hall montln ulion ibe ineuibera of the lown liberal coiieorviilm latiori to tliu nin ii lior of more than llfty worn gwrfts or the north it torocto libuinl oonaorvntive association ibe occasion bcmij or a founal vitil mndl to ueorgctowq by the ineirtbers of tbo local anttociation some imp weeks ftpo tbo georgetown tiod bad uioved on chat occanion that thoj wore reg tar fcllern and brn dmbv and hitt boys were deter mined to uphold the reputation of thir own district foi hospitality wan not tbo meeting convened ncross the street from tho sight of the famous montgomery e tayom where the old tories onto ought but oftn celobiated and wao not the staging of tbe meeting itnolf on historic kiourni ttlieioibe rude forefathers bad gatbcied time and again to plan tbeit asaaulls on the metropolitan and cnjo a don nybiook oer tbo problem of an approaching civic campaign no hetter place could have been boa en for a convivial evening aa an old resident of george town and tbe one who had popos cd the happy interchange of v leits t m skollon welcomed tbe visit- on behalf of the local asttocin tion announcing bis ii rm convic tbnt a new spirit of canadian ism had arisen which would mam- feat itself at the dominion eec tion which was not very far off president w j darby then re iintiiebed the chair to mr j a willonghby of georgetown who t banked tho members of tbe local association for their flattering re ception the idea of good fellow ship he said should be furthered nnd bocomplimentedmriykelton on tho happy inspiration which bad brought it about among tbe s pea tern of tbe eveo ing were dr anderson m p geo hillmer mpp w f mclean mp henry corkc samuel kirk apt cumtmnge of georgetown and r j clarke president of the central conservative association of toronto a warm vote of thanks to the viaitora and apeak era was moved bv r l baker am seconded bj ii ii ball in neat speeches tbo lighter entertainment of tbo evening wns furnished by mr h g meir eolontt of georgetown sandy mncdonald well knowu scotch entertainer and e r dur and elocutionist and tbe audi enco enjoyed every bit of it re rrestimodts wero served at the con elusion of tbo program aod it was lata hour when the gathering broke up and tbe visitors boarded ipecial car homeward boi i so a linn tbe rontia t foi tho addition tu tht high b bool building him t nder wns the low pflt it was less than 15 0011 thp limit tixed but extras are likely to make tbe total reach that iimhc work will begin soon and the evtn rooms air to be ready for clause udof tbe minimer viiculuii champion oakvtllo rotary olnb on mondn evtning a rotarj club wns formed at oakvihe with tho following ofllcerfi president ale chislioliii vice pre a fomtor secretary treasmei j b grout directors t jarvib 0 m luddlej r bjerb sergeant at anne w a ferrnh miisual aolertions were given duimg tbp evening auo summer features georgetown higb school played four games with milton high school last week two hard ball and two soft ball on tuesday in milton the georgetown girls won 9 8 and tbe boys lost 6 1 oa fri day in georgetown tbe girle won the first gamo fl 2 and in tbo sec ond game tho boys won 21 1 after the games a lancb was serv ed and n pleasant evening was spent in the school glenwiliiams municipality geoigetown improvement no kc being brought ho e the hjnijiiulii of i it st a i bin h nt tl 10 ludi on tlimh11 nil he in id m lhodisl loiitb preside and mi c p mtoregm of 11 am i to n ulii is fumed n brollieihood aptnkei will add ibo mooting speual iiuikip day foots fain tbe only phne roney h emtaw io gpl we will have an informal showing of hand made millinery on ffri and sat may 5ta6ta summer millinery never was better looking or more wearable i larger hats are shown in hair and trimmed with lace fancy straws flower trimmed and faced with silks fancy white straws with crowns in high colors mohairs in black and pastel shades 1 with lace and self tnrnrning shapes drooped and pokes misses claridge herald block georgetown artat4 la trr oott on saturday last the provincial police received word by phone frpi aitbur to tbo effect that a motor car bad been taken from that vil lago and was headed in tbe direct ion or goolpb word was passed toneibhboridg diatncu and search made for the missing mahie word was received later that ibe man named morrow of orangbvillr hod been arrestid in charge of tho car in terra cotta lie was taken to arthur wboro ho appeared police court before magistrate hell jar charged with taking without the owneis oneent was released on buspendpd scnt- enconnd required to pay tbe roats of tho investigation which amount ed to iiconbtdembte sum calakratad 93rd blrlliday bereno and happy among eighty of ber freinds nnd neighbours mrs elizabeth uenry of cheltenham celebrated her shrd birthday on tuesday in the enjoyment of such good health as may bo expected at so advanced an age and with ber faculties wonderfully preserved 8ho hid a hijght greeting for young and old and spent n great pnit of the day chatting with some or those wjtb whom she bad walked the paths of youth amonft tbe be was mrs james gibson of the town i me caledon 87 years of age a former schoolmate mrs gibson her daughter mrs frank mcdon aid her grandson j d mcdonald and bin baby daughter made four generations of tho family who bai been tbe earliest friends in canada of tbosalker family to flhiclt mrs henry belonged frorrtnear and far the old friends gathered to wifb mia htnrj nuidy happy re turns and tbe gifts they brought her wero flowers of every fragr ance at a tea table adorned with pink robca and centered by a eakn lienring in ink candles tbe figures 98 mrsejobn mitcbclltoronto and mis john wilkinson cbelt pnli am presided a group of young indies miksealoismeldrnm lealio nixoii mablo campbell lizbio campbell jennie smith and mrs harry moms assisting in serving the guests aotolat sua famtr while driving his automobile on tbe centre rood wilmer hillock collided with some cattle owned by austin harrison and he sued harrison for 180 damages th6 casn was settled out of rouit for 60 ara in jail in mlltan two guelph men are at present onfined in the jail in milton char ged with the theft of chickens from farmers in this district they wero arrested on saturday by the chief of police of milton on the farm of alexander hume lot 11 concession 4 bsqueaing township and taken to the lock un at milton where tbey will remain until the appeal before magistrate moore in police tourt crumarr and biakbnrnad markdalc crcanieiy and mm k dale sknting rink wero compklclv destroyed by lire early on tbe moro tngnfmay 1st with a loss some where in tbe neighborhood of 12 000 partly covered by insurance it was one or the most serious blares much has visited the vil lage in years nnd tbe voluntor lire force was helpless in coping with ibe flames faookontaa this indian operetta was put on nt the princess theatre milton on friday and tuesday evenings under ibe uuhpicea of grace church choir u wns advertised as the biggest tiling in theatn il woik ever produced in miltou nnd tbo gcnprnl verdet was that tliii was no exaggeration there wns a crowded house on friday tvemng and on tuesday evening every seat was occupied nit the blooding room was filled aud many people roil id not gain admittance tbf iurcta is one nf thp mrmt kliiif tbe pretty music was we want your cream all rcportr to the contrary nowithetanding there is no fort in rr tunny hone especially when yon itnle il ngainet tbe aide of the door cases apll one f i dm the i h dint pupil i a gnvollp nd the otl 1 1 an indian dance ibe costumes were all ap prop n ate nnd tasteful oa account of the great micccr of the two iprfnrninncen a third is miggeatcd champion the above piny will he given in tbe lown hall george lown on tuesday evening may 10 ill under the auspices of st george h cbnrch choir tickets on sai at mnttbew s drug store take notice protcclmr nh heels jvl pre inline no use to plcc i acrif t alk with gilbert si alio have ihrelmk rafter nired cunugaled and buj the other it i0lr3 r jjno lrhtn til io bowes creameiy company make luittci over working day of the year and the supply of cream at any time of tbe year cannot be too great do not bo afraid of over tnmng our capacity we will call lor and ship vonr cream we remit for each em separately therefore you are assured the best text and prompt returns we are paying 37c w h fiddler phone 142 w georgetown representative in this district f a few specials good com itooiiim m t ih or i for brooms lm uilui tut jlavin powdti rote and k uiipii quaci 1 lb iftns gold and i soup 17 ihim fray bentoi cmntd lu f lombard plunihi boin 11111i ty lo m hind plunih tliiduid jnalily jifor ip btriief staudaid iiali ty 2 for apple same ihone ijmuity chicken illddu annod hnddic large tints kipplud llbirnii- itnm ijihby h ijinut iii im prunes ibhfo xlatea jt ibajoi marnialndc in glass good blink tta pu lb oborkms onions sour lird ivchovv cbow lclhs clarks bread is extra fiuc it is bakid on home made plan ill keep longcfj and ii more moihl than nny other bread it in the bread you should ben you get it you not only cit thi moet palatabli hi pad but the most wholesome mark clark bakery and groceries piiott aio mrs a bailey itpayfajuse martin senour red school house paint par barns and outbuildings it has no equal wtota to haul ok motel fcr ftw booliwt home hunt1no haoc easy w kennedy son georgetown erwingoldhams meat market specials for this week only 3 lb pll shortenlnc 45c aylmer brand corn peas tomatoei 3 eana for 3o jfretn homemade saniaee 2 lb 25 o beef speoial prices in pork all home killed veal quick delivery guaranteed main street georgetown phone no 1 the name red rose ha been a guarantee of quality for 30 years red rose xejis good tea the orange pekoe u extra ftood trjr it brighten the home with new rugs a special showing of new floor coverings lovely new colors and patterns in gold seal congol- eum rugs paint paint we carry a complele stock of the famous rmsvarrasnes known all over the continent for theit excellence and economy consult us foi estimates before painting and varnishing porch floor lowo bralhara pottli floor paint esmbbea dur- abilny wltk atiractlnnew it b aaay io appb and vernicol varnish stain floor paint ttu flaof eiurnel o auto gloss stan liquid paint the reason for the superior covering hiding properties and durability of lowe brothers high standard products is to be found in the punty of the lead oil and other ingredients used the care exercised in their manufacture nnd the fine ness to which they are ground by very powerful machinery they give a beautiful protective finish which lasts for years mellotone flat paint for inlenor decora 1 boil it 1 a liquid 1 rvuuoono combine j tbo delicacy ol a water paint with all tho cleroesta of a lead and oil ptnt it u very economi cl and ratt to apphr it can be washed with aoap and water i 900 aqnare feel one u color faat and corn coat to trie ballon jffifafo r h thompson co phone 46 georgetown ont new adverlisemenls tic are cabll with odder hod tor sal ii ah linn lovhti ikiu1 ttnounnll 1 hii- mnin m to the public to real immllim- i mi ii mi r- k bl rjrn aul lmi 111 apply tu i hcilim k i tldu aitliil irethii t paatnr for rant ghki ji nlh iiik wnter lo hhihmd ill ii in hqiemt p i toll i hni inlor kr pataooaa for sal miii ain inuioci koiki lor iienl iiw wa flf clurc plume wir 1 w miii bla kfoumamp ir vuu la d h p j it vjai tp mr loml mainij n liu ufi sluiilwlkt allciuxnirii r i luy tfltrapflj lo john raj to kaaf lamljnljlf tul imatil laoly rriklly m and for r tidwood ijxiki- on the wildwooil proirty amsiit bunsatow 525 hirl rood itoors teamed ieilin inrre uonr replace will lake in not log built call larc veranda ten irc olkrourd nd reasonable renl m deurabk tenaal ariicuuiri from u t hvans phone 1s1 wood wood for sale ai j2 25 a tui cor j uttfta summer aoocj cut a foot lone iplu leidy or stove delivered any place in mown alio hard wood at s1 7a john jlp paatnra to lat over 100 airea good pasture iota m isirihcoticemion hiduesmif tun- nitkham i acres o ood past cam in corpornlioi v mchnery s ap al hei mollacto rent oj corner of mur and durham streets apply lo ft ni georgetown tl paustaur to raat about 30 acren good rrau with running tier favorable terms for whole sea son herbert tartor cbcllenham po mh ants for bala d lotinak car n lrst uou lbs will be mild reasonable win gamble uojrkdon ph 30 bad potatoa seed pctatocs green mountain groan from stock import ed direct from vcw brunskkk ohoke disease free price in keermig with prent potato values apply s w black 2nd line esqucainn phone milton 154 r 1j 293tp nightwatchman wanted with 4th din firemans cenificale apply to smith sune georkctown parsau w 3007 room l all convenience new furnace clrctnc grate in living room garage and chicken bouse floor coven ngt electric fix lures and blind t included main st georgetown phono m6w 2ip hataklmc eca for sal pare bred plymouth rock hens of a good laying mrain jio0 per setting ft l3eggiiors7 00 per 100 eegs apply too l watson maple ave george loan phone 209v f waodfarbso er choice hardwood s3 75 per uncle cord also muted mood al 3 50 and cedar mils at 300 per nglc cord orders may be lefl al w c hcascy a feed mil or phone 135 r 4- brand ford box 49 d m oajlder and decorator i bat i males only first class materials used tollable orders jed with mr l tended to vegetables thorn headleltucc tclei an i egct illnawason hand also him nun u our prut are the louci for the uallj of tho rood we offer you let us iipply jnur needs m the above titles r ltarcliminl ncm located in dr niibn a id lndon mill sircet g corset own seed corn improved learning and tt isconsin no t white cap elo dent and alvo a uiiantitj of bg crop ivces nasonable vv c besse georgetokn floir and auto truck service tenders lor coal tenjtrs are herchj ailed ft for 411 j be delivered in the cellar armenian os larm home georgetown send 1 drr lo superintendent ssssswssssisissssessi ice hock of 50 in- jo wood llrtlarhd cul anv length you rwurr si 4 cord s6 a 1 j s3 jo ingle oord fnrnarc chunks fc 00 load a free load of kiodlmg with every three cold orders murra bros phone 99 r l5 if citizen that a my or thp thief ib jubc btowont policeman f all right 1 ii fro over andarreatliim citizen a ii li fait till he gets tbe tire pumped un k

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