Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 3, 1925, p. 1

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the georgetown herald pipty rujijtu year of publication georgetown wednesday evening- june 3rd 1935 1 to r anijin i in advance fi 00 to u h the georgetown herald j m moore pnhllther ua proprietor meeeber vului weekljr nar- paper aaeoclatlob cnr tla table joino faht passengor 7 80 a ni passenger y h a passenger 10 18 air mail llm passenger j4dpni mail b 80 p d- passenger r j1c p u passenger sunday 7 hi p n going wkbt passenger 7 64 n mail 10 80 ftm pasbonger 2 12 p n pftaaenger 4 do p it passenger 0 02pm passenger 7 08 p mail 8p passenger sunday 0 24 a oqino nortll mail w mail 65 p ooino booth mau mail 7 p cuidiu nitlmil elfdric railways tereate bawrlmm raltwav wf8tbound daily fa8tbound daily no 2 8 04 a m t 10 04am 6 1204 pm 2 04 pm 10 4 04 p m 12- 0 04 pm 11 b 04 p m 1 16 10 04 pm 12 01a trala no 1 7 21 am 8 tfl sm 61121 am 7 1 21 p ui 9 8 21 p m 11 b21pm 18 7 21pm 16 9 21 pm 1712 train nob 1 tun 4 run daily except sunday directory hilton wallbridqe a oalb barristere sot latter tta toronto and qwnl office kennedy btook l roy deje id oharfe qeorere k o heir barrister sol cilof etc office mill si georgetown houtr 9m losp m open welnceday and saturday even ng olarexoc h wtooimb barrlater toholtor metaay onto otceim block georgetown hour 9 a m lo5rro open wednesday and salt rday fvenings teleraoki 18b dr t k maroeuob phyaleien and lurpeeit medlta oflloer of health offloe hour i to and 7 lo i p- phone u oom mid reeldenoe main street south opdoalt pr hyttrian church dr o r w ross phyttcian and surgeon mill stre t georgetown pboii dr o v williams phyitcian and surgeon office and reeidencequeen strcel south pkee s62 office houra 9 lu am i j nd68 rwn lso by appointment r r watsok d 1 s m d s gearcetowa offlw hewni9 ep tlinitjaiurmwu r u hsath lda dos dentlet offlo in lana block on door nortl f cnauta carrie raotott hour a m to p m aminxijtemda jhr chiropractio office b ml xiu7 lamury f ralaaer owln loyreaxpewlbma office m bailey block next door to j n onaui coimaltatlon and spinal analysis free al office office hnuaa wedneedaye and sat urdayilltol2arn 2lospmand7to 9pm other hour by appointment phona office i50w and retadence 245 senj pitch lhnnrrt auouonoar for ualton and peel aianwiulanw port otboe bftlea conducted satisfactorily and at re onabl rata ordsra left at the qeoirelown herald offlo will reoeurr j a tract clerk townah p of eaquei ng clerk 3rd divmon court the leading fire and life imura coal v best anlbraeite coal always on hand not and slope fop small egf coo large sutd pea 7oo delivered to any part of the town also coke phone iso f rogers co georgetown bank of montreal established 1817 summary of assets and liabilities 30th april 1925 assets cold dominion not nd silver coin s 72 637003 91 detul with central gold roerve 14 000 000 00 sawcet due by bank and bank in t corn pondnt lmh then in canada 10 874 8s2 48 call and tort low on bond debenture and stbcu 4s672 67s24 dominion and provincial govern men i securl tit 99 911 141 03 railway and other bond debenture and slock 4 315 13243 canadian municipal sacuritiei and br it ill forelin and colon public scunt other than canadian 45 756338 si not and cheque of olher bank 27 9hz 463 14 united state and othir foreign eurrtnci 016 94 86 loan and ducounl and other at 26s 365 317 40 bank premua 12 400 000 00 llabjhtie to cuitomer under utter of credit a nerseontra 11 755 920 96 718 194 797 26 note in circulation depout letter of credit outtandine other liabilitie liabilities to public 39 239611 50 604 851 115 69 1 1 755 920 96 752 19691 65659884506 exccm of asset over liabtlibe to 61 19595 2 20 georgetown creamery cream wanted we pay for butler fat and 37c for cream testing over 35 we are not grading no 2 send your cream to tbo georgetown creamery whore you ret good service and uanl on delivery all year round don t bt mitiled by buyoru wjio come out when cream is scar co if yon wih hb to call for your oream write or phone opts hmsay weaaestlay aid salnray eveaings wc will pay you ihe highest market prices for your eggs f6wl and wo georgetown creamery co m saxe manager 7300days is the average life of a credn separator they uit for twenty years or more and skim as eloaely then when new why because jihe aua- pended ybowl remains vtbratibnlesa you cannot afford to wmte cream by leaving it in the skim milk vhcn the melottc costs rfaut one and a quarter cents per day to own your daily loss may be ten tunes this amount better stop it right now before the heavy milk ing season starts when your loss will be greater get a genuine melotte without delay s v kino halton garage phone 234 georgetown forsters cash and carry store a full linh of choice fresh groceries provisions etc mil it l sbson ryal cmy ice cream anil nelbons chocolates pro mnce the best by all wbo bave tried ihem swills cooked ham an cured heals al right prices forsters corner john and victoria ste get the best thenextbestmr get the best tho cost in the beginning is nothing compared to the cost of an un timely ending you never can tell what may happen your neighbors house on fire parka inflammable shingles your house on fire i yes risking a chance on a shlnglo not absolutely firesate ia certainly tak ing chances insist on flexstone 1riend8h1p v i doirnln it sum of n iiiiikii mill ximk uilh a u vwll j ihl a fnonl oi lu oi i tin mil iimi it niormrdi ln liht your whj nlonj n iiiiitil enl or vat a fri two ill llll jour dh sb ill the many go 1nr wiiy utiil iii tljo throng pasu by t ilia crowd h bill n litkle uiiuk whit h lionrh not ulion mgb the multitude is cjuk k to run m nefircli at fat on ten now ami nil tli at iimn can hold foi gnef it jtiht a friend or two whin wtidh of failure utitrt lo blow you ll hod the throng tmi ftn no hie hplondour of a brikliter m will ttlwuyh lure tlifiii on but mlh the nshoh of yoiirdrei und nil you hoe tu do ion 11 dnd thai all you ronll need ih juat a friend or two you ran not loll tho multitude liuncter bard you try it cnunot hit upon your hearth it cannot hear you sigh it cannot read the heart of you or know tho hurtri you bear its cheers are all for liitppy men and not for those in caro so let tho throng go on its wny and lei the crowd depart but one or two will keep tbo faith when you are bicu al heart and nil you ii he and comforted whon groy akiea hide the blue if you ran turn and shore your grief with junt a fiiend or tuo regulations re 44 beer hon w f nicile provincial attornoy general hiiu issued a statement re tbc itgulaliona uur rounding the stile of 4 beer tbo be or it jo that in to cheer but not inebriate par of tho hon mr nuklei statement in an fol lows section 100 of tho ontario teiti porance act aa enacted during the last sea m on provides that subject lo tbo rules and regulations no tier nut holder uhall keep any hijuors for sal o in any barroom or boll or riupply any liquorb from over any bar or counter of any description this ih a definite ro miiremcnt and must not bo cad ed it will not be compulsory to tear out onating bar plumbing und lixlures if tho bar or counter bo built up from its ontsido edo to a hoight of tux feet six inches from tho floor or to witbm one foot from the ceiling the object ih to vert tho foinicr bar into a iik turc separated from the hcorago 1 in which fixture the beer may bo drawn and earned out lo tho customers in tho beverage i the partition must not bo of grill or lattice work or wire net ting of any kind and may bo either of wood or or opaque glass in all cases howoior the partition must be solid with no openings except doors or manages nt tho end or which would serve an means of exit and en trance for the wait tho interior of tho beverage om or rooms where the beer ih to bo consumed must ho in plain of tho public passing by on a public street or thoroughfare through at least one window glaz ed with clear glass and at least le door similarly glared there mst he no movable screens or partitions or any other method of obstructing tbo public mow the tenor of tbo beverage n must at all times be in view of pnsscra by outbide through a di id window this requirement will provent tbo erection of booths or part tionb of any kind iu or between which tables and seats or chairs are placed as is commonly the runo in many restaurants no such ar rangcmenls will bo permitted on tho premises of any permit bolder restaurants aod cafeterias will bo subject to therb requirements well as hotels nnd in no case will beer be permitted to be sold over counters of any kind ecopt uneb collators at railway stall for which ipecial irovision villi be made bad accident at cadon caledon mountain where a life an lost two years ago was the eno of a near fatality on thurs day night last whon mr a game of hhh millwood road toronto was driving home fiom n funeral nt wiarton mr garviohlar seemed to tri turned over twice spilling the occupants dr bcott of alton won summoned and attended the injured people mihs jones who is wild to have had ihreo nbn bro ken and huhtained injuries to her spine was taken to iord dnffonn hospital whilo mr garde cor ued on his way to the city hut went into the genernl hospital which he reached about 2 p in on friday mm may sle 1 of pick ering street who mi in the cm with mr nnd mrs garvin won nine slightly injured their enr wh wrecked and was taken awnv h i toronto firm esquesing township s s convention inleresildg and inslrudlve ad dresses al lalhoslssllc balherlags iuprhutiituh hum all over tin tmwihlnp tluniltil ihe 1 aiiiim nt povvuriiiii sumtuv hi haul as luimtion coim num in tin metli ndiht chin t h hhmloh on iburmlay lait it w ih tin ctitlnih iiintu katluniih an 1 wood nsnlt- will follow then from jbo president mr j it iven ncdy of acton occupied the than while miss wnrt mi donald or georgotowu tho ngruti lary iter formed ihe duties of that llio afternoon sonsion opened with dovotiomil corcihch by rev dr dickie followed by the read nig of mmiilih ajiyoinlmcnt of eonnnittots and reading of hchool ttporth our problem wah tho suhjtit discussed by rt prebentatives fi aeton norval hornby 3eorgotown schools rev ii hull of totonlogavoan address and also led a rouni table coofeicree aftct whithrol calr a hymn and lho benediction ht ought the session to a close tho evening meeting wae v attended and a marked spirit of lutoretft was manifibl through the cnttro meeting aflei devotional eekiscs tbc presincnt mr j kenncdv of ac tun gave a short addrt sh the key note of which wan cluldin art the greatest ahsu of tlil gliurch children should ho eu on raged to ittend church more regularly the greatest possible effort should be mado to surround the child with an onvironmont that tend tn christian development in tbo home iu tho sunday school id in the church tho co niu nt tee on hosolutu emphasized tho following ihe portanee of hhving a home dc partment in each add ovory sun day school in order to keep every body in touch with the school adult organ zed classes should be a part of every suctesaful school systematic touching on the tern perance question should be more common leachcr training clous h are essential to the rcatost success the importance of hold ng it convention each year was ilso made cleai lo all itov hiram hu i or toronto de hvcred the addresi of the evening his subject was tbo child in tho gburch all m the lurch was tbo objeclne sel by christ at the present day in mtiuy juurters the sunday school is atmost re t us fi romietitive orjaniu lion and not as it should he a real livine vital part of tho crunch lho chief activities of tbo church arc worship and praise we must not forget lhat wor ship means service children are taught tho great principles of christianity in the class on sun day but a great ninny now havo their week day meetings to put c principles into practical use livcry teacher should boa fnond f lho cbunh a member of the church a communicant of the church and the supreme aim ol tho teacher should bo to lead bach member of bis oi her class lo a definite decision for christ largo numbers aro not essential in lho sunday school in order that successful work may bo accom phsheil the success of a school can be mora accurately measured by the percentage of lib members actually at work success will come as wo keep in mind the one object foi inch it was organ ied christ organised the church to do h work and without the church h cannot do anything the church tan always dying yet ever living nsutution and must he constant ly built up out of the youth of our nd selections uvon during the enmg by the methodist church loir worogieally appreciated by all present millon r and mis sidnt y g wbann of uuenoh tires announce tho en gngemonl of their flntj dntrglitor kathleen mary lo mr gordon maikatfie of mllnn onl thi marriage to take place ibe end of june ir s li en son who lint the itraot for buildint the new ad ions to the high sdnol has be gun operations and a ill push mat oh rapidly its possible so that the two additional room mil he ready fur the iiiu after tin mer holidays for the fill wlntei term the managers of the iwo nese iestaiirant in t iwn a pen red before it 1 campbell i 1 on tuesday chnned with keepng open after imirn rintniy to town by law hnth i tend 1 unity and were cue ini i mo mil cosli which they i it i wcfoimcr notes and comments a clith v i i- sin ihii inist ro cnnlj jn itln i iheriuoijnu seven him ml iiiih hi timndhm svin loinu au i uirefill xpnuntled tah one m a m1 hue m nes of arguments th n orleana iitiich iicayuji linds uk ui sulllc icntlj important and luuiestiiig lo stand alone and hats thtn without tho preacher s explaua lions as follows polities without vtork pleasure without conscience knowledge without cbarat tor in duslry without morality science without humanity worship with out sacrifice tlir am recofinin ahlt evih expiossed simply they are eiihy f the thoughtful individ mil to understand to meditato upon hhil to apply na a tost to his ownanlhih community 8 activi ti wni tsot it oi mil going to j aboutthe dust unisancer the motor traflu is heavy and the dust at times on our streets ia almost unbearable to say nothing about being unhealthy those who j fortunnbo enough to live in that part pr tho town where the btreols are paved arb relieved to a considerable extent from thin dust nuisance but wo in othor portions the town apparently moat eon i ue to auffer georgetown greatest drawback today in the immor season is aoivio system some kind for allaying the dust i our streets for the good name of our town the health and omfort of our citizens and visit irs will tho count il please inaug irato some scheme to abate the dust nuisance wo care not what you use water oil or even 4 4 so loni as w get rid of l dust on a houi at tho foot of the rockies is a sign that reads danger sharp curve you might neet a fool such a sign is cal iihited to mike a dnvor sit up and take notice the latter sees at al most every sharp curve a notice 1 to proceed with caution or to blow his horn and comes to bo little ltn pressed hy them ho bas confld once in bis ability loavoid running into another car but if thereisa fool in the othor car tho efforta or the most skilful driver lo escape may bo futile there would bo far fewer automobilo mishaps if every driver would bear constantly id mind the possibility lhat there may he a fool ahead not only on ihe sharp curvebbuton tho btrech of straight road it is unwise assume thai each car on the highway is in charge of an exper ienced driver who knows traffic rules and will obey them you may think lhat inasmuch as yon arc keeping on your sido of the road there is no danger of running your car at a high rato of speed but you might meet a fool wbo will not stick to his side of the road wr wkitr pifvrpdto sco ouc band out on two occasions recently and hope lo see more of this sploo did organization beforo the sum- orisovor speaking about bands id town bands in particular we sometimes bear people carelessly say what good is a band in town anyway well first take inven tory of tho follow who makes the- remark you may have reason to allow tho silly question to go an answered but regarding the re mork more seriously let us aay that a good band ih one of the most useful lhingsalown can have i mmorson says something about the world making a beaten bath well a good band will make all tho roads leading to the low n beat en paths even though tho town a other attractions be not numerous overj merchant is benefited by a good band tbo protnolersof bus iness anj muhiral entorpnaoa al ways have tho satisfaction of knowing that their civic demon strations from time to time wtl bo successful because tbey bave- a firsl class band to lead the parade and attract the crowd a band composed of able players i a tower of strength to any town or section ofcountry it cultivates the public ear to a high class of music and bos it right at your door too bvery enterprising i itiroo will boost lho band wherever it goes ballinatad mrs macintosh of toronto siieni the 24th with bor fatherlhe rev mi waddell and other frfcnds miss ileshie binnit ol toronto i nt the holiday with her parents messrs ivongstrct bros of the highlit line are lepamng their mr nnl mrs k mcdougall of i no celebrated the 21th anniver dry of their mninage on mondy may 2 1 hero were 2g guests pre sent uho werefmmtoionto hills h irg gnelph and hverton a very hnpi j ilay wah spent willinm ballantine 2 years old died at ibe home of s nephew in windsor on mny 21 mr bal lantine wbo lived al milton ont until 11 years ago wat never nmr ned bo is survived by tuc tie fhewh fluual was made on mon day afternoon at windsor if nobody smiaed if nolmdv htm it ian i nobody cheer cdanilnohi h hi ipcd us along ifeadi cjery in mile looked after hi m m if an 1 ibe good thing all went to the strong h nobody ated jnla hltlo for jou nnlnobol thought about me and wo aluloolalono to ll battle of life what adreary old world l would be plownn met the annual meeting of the hal ton plowmen n association was held nt milton last thursday tho ofllcers were elected as follows prosidont q woiib l vice president h h harrop 2nd ice president g chisbolm secretary fmeiirer j h willmott assist itvsecretarj treasurer j f rob- eoif in thia years plowing match high cut work will be limit ed to two classes and plain plow inn will receive more attention i than formerly

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