Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 17, 1925, p. 4

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till- oforoftown fifkaii junll 1 7 ril 1828 the villages i con dot bono hint sorrow feci forever ii n j i tiny will pass inj little houho of loo wbcro ifiltu ell sunbeams htra but jhh she lays her band at last upon tho swinging latch and sto b whore happy years liave smiled beneath our spring sweet tiub runt me oil tiod tins heartfelt irayrr that houiiwiiii umj bo where little htnnll tonn uyiiiiuth may fold and omfort tho little small tomn h ul 1 that runs firrihm ihc ml i in blue checked tiiihbiu m rout ami willi hour iik tho ban is that bakes and hns md sulci h bdd dllblh tllftt ullklfuihirvch aud abiel 1 tbe little miuil lo sympath ttiat know- and iindcislhuda tby citiett liod arc builded hi with i iridi stone on atone but jieatti umj mho aud lives cnaj drooii unheeded and olnno and oult maj dwell unknown un loted a single wall between not ho tle quiet home sweet lives that fringe tho village green jet others retfp tho ependour lord but give instead to me tbe homely round ot in ins blent with amall town sjnipatbj tbe little rfiiiall town sjmpnllij that steals on neighbor feet from tin lamp lit houses down a maple shaded atreet that lenda itc strength on tear dimmed wajs ita own bruiecd feet have i rod tbe little email town sympathy the very soul of god martha haskell clark notice lo creditors 1h the hatter of tho huu or lydu bonos loto of tho tow- ship at esqoanlbc in iv coamty mt halloo sssrrlad wesaaia da m noticr mhenby givm thai al nr ina laving any ilainih or il nands against ihe latt ijdia barnes whi died on or about the twnt levinlh clay of novembtr 13a l the i it uf toronto in the i n vir ci of onlanu un njiuir- id tu miiii by post prepaid or tu il liver to tin undersigned hoiicii or herein fur ii xlgin barms ihe administrator uf tl i estali and tfttcts uf the said i ydia ttan s ii urn id won an iecmstil tl ir nam i and b lilnuu i and full par ti ulari in wtil tig of thur ilninih and ktuti unit uf tl ur account h ant tl l i iiturt f ll miunlii- if any held by am lahr notice that after tbe ghle nui day of july ljjf thi mud llodgin hartiit will pcid lu distrib ute tin assets at tne said deceased among the peruns entitled iherito having regard only to the claims of which hi shsll then liave ha np and that the said llodgin bamii wit riot be liable for the saidosutls or any part thereof lo any person uf whoa claim he shall nut then have received dated ot georgetown ontario the leventeinth day of june a 1 19 iroy dale solicitor for the said hodgin barnes h ere an dth ere notice lo creditors nol ce 1 ereh g v so of ihe 1 romees wpler 121 that v i c i laimi or denunds a email it i- otitic mid james allan devci hi il ed an of aboul i be sislccnlh day apfm lf2s al a d toornah p of ei- ica np are required on or before ihc 4lhdayof july 1925 lo mcod by put pre- lor deliver to the untlcragnrd sulci herein for drrnenu devcrcdtix aibd john a traiy ihc exrculon ol the csialc iff ihe uud james allan deverea i far mcr deceased i heir chniltan name and lunumes addrctaes and daenpt oi s the full part culara n r ling ol iheir c a mi a tiaicmei i of the r accuuuli and the iu ture of ihe security i any hekl hv hem alie mich lasl nicd il ihe elhei among ihc parties uv n f regard duly only i h i ihcy alall ihcn hac for ihe mild nurii or any part itiere- iny person or persons of who- not e shall e been received whom could you sell today by long dutance there hae been startling changes in selling methods m the last two years new ways of finding new cus tomers of getting at every poesibl e buy eare b ein g de vised e cry week obstacles are being brushed aside present daj buameas to beeiltc results tumalolong distance as its firtt aid we are now handling con siderably over one million long distance calls a mouth for people who must luvt an answer immediately tbey real no that tho average letter coals as muchas the aver ago loug distance mcssagi whom could you teu today by long dutanu1 eoek mm aubacriber oridt lo a raft qf yovb ttujatm su one of the first nd most important questions after every fire can you answer for your property gnaj elmer t 1b0mps0n iisbtucc service georgetewi coal beat d l w scran ion coal in all sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j walkiqs nbrval sation photie 02r2f notice to creditors notif f is bereb iven iitsii fuittor30 cbnpterlzl rition fjc thai all persona bn inf clmum againat the eetate or william ai onto millar into or tbo town ol oeorgctown couoty of hallon who died oo or before tbe 24th da of april 18li5 are required to de luer to the undersigned kobntora on or before ftie with daj of ju 1025 full imrticularfi or lb rlaims nod of anj securities held bj them dul vended b ntatutor declaration and on the said dnte tbe hiectiuir will proceed to di tribute the tuseu of said dereabed flmodg tbe parties entitled thereto rrbttnr regard only t the tatm- of whirh the shall then 1 notioe hiuorsb brown tnroer bldv xi mam 8t hamilton on wieilora for md executors dated june 6th 1825 tcnlh day ol ma a u 192 notice lo creditors tf the matter f tk eat i of sank abb meltut lau of tin tswuklp of eatjaaalba 1b ta ookbty of ualtob widow dooouod noi ce s hereby given puiauant ty o 56 ol the truslecs aci rso chapter 121 i ha i all crediors or o i ihe said sarah ann mcuksler d ed oi or aboul the twei ly first da of february 192s al ihe said toamsh p ol btqurs i are reu ml o i or before it e ouilh day ol july 192 l anid by posl repa d or del ver lo ii e u idenignctl n for thomas mcmuet jelmlm cr ihe inn miuimo lnd surnames addmscs and deaenpt oni he lull particular n or i ng ol ihe he uiure ol ihe vnunly f any ikm by cieed 16 i lied rng regard duly only lo lams of wh ihihcy shall ilmi have re and thai tbe said executors will t liable for ihc sai j assets of any pari ereol lo any person or person oi ce shall nol hae ben tlei i lkkoi daik solicitor lor ihc ft re daled at georgetown ih a tvr aevnlh day ol may a d 192 eiecbtors sale ol real estale in thl matter uf the estate of samuil mcmaeur late of the town ship of esquctnng in tho county of hal ton farmer deceased there will be offered for sale by he executors of the aatd estate by public auction to be held on the premises of thomas mcmaster at glen williams ontario on saturday the fourth day of july ims r o dock the following properties firstly part of the east half of lot ntiraur twenty in the ninth concession uf the raid township of esqueang more particularly described as town lots numbers three four and five and four teen in block a tn the town of georgetown according to the neutered plan made by g corgi mcphilbpa p l conteimng by admeasurement four- fifth of an acre on the premises is a comfortable two storey frame house containing secondly part of the east half of lot number wenty m the ninth concession of the said township of esquesing more particularly described as town lots numbers eight nine and ten in block m in the said town of georgetown according to the said george mcphillipa plan thirdly part of the east half of lot number twenty in the ninth concession of the said township of esquesing more particularly described as town lou numbers thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen and seventeen en the block n in the said town of georgetown accord ing to the said plan of george he phi fourthly part ot the east half of lot number twenty in the ninth coqeesmon of the said township of eequeamfr more particularly described as town lots numbers one to nineteen inclusive m block c m the said town of george lown according to the said plan of gurgt mcphillips hrthly part of the east half of lot number twenlj in thi ninlh roncewi in f ih mil it wnsh p- ii- la gurg nclum nlots termsor aj f 1 prrnntofthl purchase moncj t iw paid vn at ihe ume of the sale balance to be paid within lt days uf the sale the said real estate will be soh subject to a serve hid for further particulars and conditions of sak apply to ieroj date george town ontario solicitor for the execu tors uf the said estate st ben fetch auctioneer popularity of the nova scotia apple la rapidly towing in europe 1103j80 barrels and 8 gsj boxes were shipped in 1924 25 to ports in li gland scotland ajd germany bhipments also went to newfound land west indies central canada and the united states production of sugar beeta in can ada dor ng 1923 amounted to 169200 tons taluedatsit22g6ti aw grown on 1 jtl acres according to the bu reau of statistics g 000 acres have been planted to beeta this year in southern alberta due to the estab lish mi lit of a sugar beet factory milton sills the well known mo vis ctor with a company of 32 other screen artists j passed through honu real recently to take scenes in tbe come back in which he is featured the party went to beaucheane in northern quebec travelling by an other train was a mother skunk and fhe kitten skunks which will also figure in the picture the 280 passengers on the cana dian pacific s s empress of francs completed their 80 000 mile tour of the world on saturday may 23 when the vessel docked at new york at their last stop at havana president uachado of cuba invited the pas sengers to attend his official in auguration and to witness the un veiling of a statue to the preceding president another aristocratic rancher re ccntly passed through montreal on a return visit to the ancestral estates in trans irania hungary this was baron josef ciavossy who with his brother andre took over a 1 600- acre ranch last march near coch rane albert on the bow river in ciden tally the baron was a passenger on the trans canada on its first re turn trip of the season from van the indian day celebration at banff it is announced will take place as usual this year on the thin thursday and friday in july pre paration are already under way for this event which enjoys an enviabla population as an indian show the stoney indians arrive in large nun hers from their reservation to take part in the ceremonies which ore the 23r annual celebration of tha function edwand g taylor one of the best known game fishermen on the con tinent la authority for the statement that new brunswick is losing none of its lure as a fisherman s paradise just back from a trip to the cains river n b mr taylor said salmon were steadily increasing in numbers and aixe in the province- he added that be had caught on this trip a sal mon 42 inches long and weighing 24 lbs in the autumn auch a fish would likely weigh up to fifty the following story is told of sir william van home first president of the canadian pacific railway and a major rogers who was in charge of the auppliea for men working along the track van home saidi look her major i hear your men wont stay with yon they say you starre them taint ae van well i m told you feed em on soup mads out of water flavored with old ham canvas covers taint so van i didnt never have no hama from canadas great highway by j h e secratan the western railways of tha united states comprising 67 roads serving chicago and the west have petitioned the interstate commerc commission for permission to vanca rates they state that for tha years 1921 to 1924 inclusive average rate of return on capital was 3b5 per cent which they claim is so small as to render it impossible for them to secure working capital for extensions and iriprovemrjnt at- service by the sale of stock or issm of bonds at reasonable terms they ask for rates that would jrive then a net return of ow per celft wbieki it is generally admitted is what rail ways should have the fresh flavor of delicious salad green tea is preserved in the airlight salada packet fier than any jpan or salada notice lo creditors pax gu npowder insist upon bailey bros garage we are now located in larger uremiaeb forinorly oooopied by the hstlton gauraice on mill st and axe prepared to do f all kinds oi auto repairing get your cars overhauled and greased for spring we do it with the alemite system batteries charged the best gasoline and oils always on hand bailey bros georgetown phone tw georgetown flour feed mill five rosea in 98 and 24 lb bncs parity flour in 9h lb bags national pastry m 9b and 24 lb bags chick freed and scratch feed for bens happed fctdu of all kind build hay uud straw siua wll lata of tta tow oak i p or eaqooalaa la tha caul of hal- ton choanut doooaaad notlcr is hirety given pursuant h ellon of ll i trusucs act it t ijh hapur ul that all credilum ur ihira hnv ngcla ms or demands against i isloli or th said arthur silos wall who lit d un r uln it th twmty h ith tuyufmayl92g al the luwnship uf hs inising are rtiiirod on 01 ixf n tin ruurlitntl dsyof july ij2s lo k lo oil undtrs gncdt solicitor for with i wall administratrix uf ihe htute und i fleets or the said arthur siiuh wall himint diciasd ihur h ri st is n names and surnames add res sts on 1 dtacnpuons thi full particu tarn in writing of their claims a nlale nent of itm accounts und i hi nuturt f the itcurity if any j eld by iht m and takfr nollci that after nuch last mi 11 1 1 on d dau the said administrar tnx will proceed to distribute the ossein uf the said dcecssid among i hi parties entillid thereto having tigard only to the claims of wljich she nhnll then have notice an i that the said administratrix will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof lo any pi mon or per sons of whone claims notice shall not have been nceived by them at the time uf such distribution leroy dak solicitor for tbe administratrix uiil iil at georgetown this tenth day of june a u i9 h ere an d there notice to creditors inthomattarof- taa eatato of sua- ol monaster lata of tka town ship of esq noting 1b tho ttooaty of hsutoa pbrsaar daooud noticl is hereby given pursuant to section 5o of the trustees act rs u 1914 chapter 121 that all creditors or others hayingclaimsordemandsakalr the cala of the said samuel mcmasi who died on or about the fourteenth day of july 1902 at the township of es- jueaing are required on or before the ourteenth day of july 192b to deliver to the undersigned solicitor for the ex ecutors of the estate of the said samuel mcmaster farmer deceased their christian names and surnames addres ses and descr ptions the jul particulars in writing of their claims a statement of their accounts and tbe nature of the security if any held by them and take notice that after such last mentioned date the said executor- will proceed to distribute the assets c the said deceased among the partii entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that the naid executors will notbeliable for the said asset any part thereof to any person persons of whose claims notice shalt not have been received by them at the time of uich distribution i roy dale solicitor for the executors w cbessey phone 195 georgetown we pay highest price for oats notice so creditors ik the matter of tho etatu or aloxandor ajjtorty late of tho tows ot gaorgetowb 1st tho gou ty of haltqk rotsuraod soldier ford garage in georgetown our sales and service station is now open for business and a f irsticlass me chanic will give prompt and ef f icent service tires gas wfls and all ford assessories always on band h a coxe notice is hereby given according to law that all creditors and others hav mg claims against the estate of the said alexander laflerty who died on the 16th day of april 19 arc requir- 1 on or before the 4th day of july 25 to present such claims in writing ith full particulars verified by stat- ory declaration to the undirmgned and further takf notice that after the said 4th day of july 1925 the administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims ol which she shall then have notice and that the said administratrix will not be liable for the sold assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice has not been re ceived by her at the time of distnbu lion dated the i2th day of june 1925 h g meir solicitor for mary latterly ad ministratnx of alexander fjf notice to creditors in tbe matter of tho estate of lfou olulsa lata oflho tawkahlf of esqaoilas 1b tha conotv of holloa fanac doooasod notice is hereby given irdmg to law that all creditors and ladies siaaymflw auiceums and ctjllmc mzzmc and swcbnc try as onr prices are reasoaable mr ihrsjhullico sralitattab nut su main st north formerly browns garage wwroe insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 65 georgetown trucking a- long distance banting fiinllwemvti hemic farfics done by hour or by ooo tract for prces and arrangements cy o wnt win g roszel box 1111 oeoboxtowa service dept s v king georgetown about tl e 10th day of january 192s arc required on or before the 4th day of july 192f to deliver to the undersign ed full particulars in writing of their claims vended by statutory declara and further take notice that after the said 4th day of july 1925 the executors will proceed to dis tribute tbe assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which thev shall then have notice and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose daims notice has not been rece ed by them at the time of distnbuln dated the 12th day of june 1925 h g heir canada spent 49 060 179 last year for pensions and re establish ment of veterans of the great war according to a report recently issued from ottawa by the department in charge of this work w thout a dissentient voice over 4 000 cattle owners in 200 districts have voted to make prince edward island a disease free area under the department ot agriculture arrange ment which calls for a two thirds vote of all cattle owners twu thousand young buffalo from the walnwright herd will make a ifjo mile trek northward this sum mer to tlie buffalu reserve on tha ijlsve river where they will be turn ed loose to mingle with the wpod bison which roam that area in all parts of canada and the united states according to root g hodgson editor uf the fur trade journal of canada muskmt farms are being established mostly on a large scale a ad they are rapidly turning what was once marshland of little value into ihe most produc tive part uf the farm ur hodgson adds the record established recently at acme when 114 horses worked in one field at one time seeding the crop uf mrs c v- king has been broken at gadsby alberts when the neighbors of j b ball who re cently suffered a broken arm put in his 100 ocre crop 39 outfits were at work on one day and 17e horses the crop was put tn in a single day h e morriss whose horse manna made a run away victory in tho lngliah derby will visit canada in the fall en route to china from which country he hails he will sail on the canadian pacific 3 s minnedosa from southampton on october 8 stay a short time in th dominion and sail from vancouver for china on the ss empress of australia october 29 rebuilt in nine months after tht fire that destroyed it last october the chateau lake louise hotel opened for the current season on sunday may 31 as the transcan ada train arrived from ita cross continent run the hotel- was re built under exceptionally difficult conditions in temperatures as tow as fifty degrees below sero during which a wooden wall heated by stoves had to be erected about tha construction works hollowing the opening malt by their majesties king george and queen mary to the wembley exhl bition the duke and duchess of york also went over tha grounds their majesties were especially de lighted with treasure island the paradise of children and travelled over the miniature canadian pac fie train that runs around tha island passing tn route the replica of banff station and th reproduction of th canadian pacific rockies canada will be well represented at the new zealand and south saaa international exhibition to b held at dunedin between november 1dss and april 1926 both the dominion government and the canadian pa cific railway have announced thlr intentlon to send well appointed x titbit to tha exposition it is prob able that the provincial governments and many canadian monufactarari wlu follow salt auction sale of bobi eatat furbltare lasplaaaobti horjeto the undtra gned has been instructed hy ihc adm n ralor of it e ealale ol late john mxtotteix lo hell by publ aucl on on ihe preii at notra1 on friday june 19th at 2 10 p m slurp tbe lotion ng ilouie barn and aboul 2 seres ol und blaelf mare good driver buggy hai neaa culler old bi ggy rool pulper ioi ha ns forks shovels took etc sr coopers tools 3 niw window frames i ish roll ol ch ckrn wi m i i i i relmh t s nootjrn ch i eai oak bedroom su le 4 p eces mtple brdrm n auilr i p cce bcdfrooi pirce bcdtlead sideboard ui took slovc irerlmsn holes coal p lall v lable- 2lrunks urge take notice ae ei all k hn ot k ted lnk i bin og protcilioq e erect what w sell tmlw t- fire insurance 1 w enjoy fetifdm ag ol lor some of ihc mroagesl cm oies wr t ng nsuraace re you pro too tad ve5e1t f00d mmcr i- thats specials or this week finest borkeji snlmoii 1 lb aj imer lonintoeh i cans tip top tomatoes tt cans corn 2canu peaa per can lur aud pineapple al cod strawberries pols naptba soup i for p q soap 4 fur btmligbt soup 7 for solvenc shredded bohii per lid lux 2 for old dutch x for lavolinn leanaer bring in your coupon aod get ono prfrjl good corn brooms lguh wantld mark clark bakery and groceries so long as the canadian pacific railway has a dollar left in its treas ury it will fight for tbe ideals up hold the faith and maintain the preci obs heritage of confederation said e w beatty chairman and prl dsnt of th canadian pacific roll way when addressing th canadian manufacturers association at their annuo convention held at hamilton wesmuy eleven hundred pounds of speckled trout gray trout and pike were the trapuaa token back to new york recently by seven members of th caugtwawaga hunting and fishing club private preserves near ment real after a twoweek stay on th fishing grounds ths catch included a is lb gray trout and ths average weight worked out at around eight pounds prank w ashby secretary of the australian mannfacturen assocla tlon visiting her recently said th impression in australia was that canada was th back door to th north pole people in the antipodes think that herschel island and baf fins bay are linked up municipally with montreal and winnipeg h said he was surprised to find th dominion had a delightful dl mat and cities more modern than those in australia what la stated to be the biggest log jam in sixty years recently oc curred on the montreal river in a gorge through which the river flows into lake temnkaining 300 0o0 logs were piled up ui height of 80 feet with a w dlh of 260 yards chok ing the river for 300 yards down at the point where ihe jam took place an arm of 100 men worttafutght and day for three days at last suc ceeded in breaking th jam with dynamite a three week tour of canada by teachers and their friends under tha auspices of dean s laird of mac donald college wilt leave toronto july 20 on th canadian pacific rail way the party will travel by train to vancouver and ictona and will return by waj of sooth em british columbia across tha northern end of the prairie provinces and by boat from fort william east stops will be made at all the principal polotg tutor j jar 4fctal st special summer classes at a rato that should interest you wo interest auraolves in the success of our tudonts aod place tbem in paying nasi start here begin now bruiptti busliess lasuihe b ramptoa oh rioto wh tbe surest way tmidod men and ouien are always in demand at salaries that aro very lu crativo hundreds of cnelph busbess college graduates have been placed in excel tent positions we can do tbe same for you get in on this to day guelph business college oiwhtbm quirk oat a l muck frisdmluifnaileter srhsion nth entire ypar m bhuia kvlnd standard i anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically bcreedod aod loaded coal wood select lump for domestic j and thresh i ng purposes smitbmg and conn el cool in fact i carry everything to be found id any up to date coal and wood yard john mcdonald i phone 18 i i gtsorgetown expert fence builder why not bne an up fodatc wiro fence when jou o get it at a reason ablo price yearn ofexper enre enables me to givo joa hotter valued tfaan others prompt service and right prices gatm cedar and iron poets ai wain m stock when you want nj thing in the above line just rail wire delivered uywhere j rsirnith phone 8rls stewarttowlt

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