Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 24, 1925, p. 2

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thk rohuktown hkuutt hljtr 2llll 10ifi w h willsoni undsrtaker mad lioenaed bmbalmer i maia it qaorgatowb born i oh 111 ill qrnwillihiiis iu wednljy june ph 192 s lo mi aiil mis llrr berl luulh h daughter win lurll died clabkk al couksvlle ii imif ihi 1925 adsh altiiamrallw belujit o john clarke formerly ol a luu council met as curl ol revision lo hear ap peals agalasl assessment a coint oi ko vision a hear ftp peals rutuinst the usaonsnient roll ofjuao wan hold monday night wilh the following gentlemen coin- prising tbat court- mayor dale and councittore ashenhursl ba clay campbell and kelly the following appeals were dt posed of b t arnold sonso factory assessment reduced froi 6660 tu 3660 win cleave es tate assessment on it acres rod no ed from 9100 to 120 farm land reduced from 1026 to 14h buildings from 4000 to 6000 maik clark assessment on prop erty on john street reduced from 2800 to 2000 and business as sesbmedt from 1u5 to 885 c b dayfoot assessment confirmed thos hill income asses sm en t con firmed mrs louis kennedy ae- neesment confirmed j b mao keokie assessment on lot on draper street reduced from 200 to 75 alex noble assessment on granary and elevator confirmed arthur rfyve land and business assessment confirmed h 8miib assessment on propprty on john street cop firmed smytbe and fanner assessment on house on jobn street reduced from 2200 to 2000 a restive assessment re duced to that of last year alfred watson assessment of property on wesley an and john streets con urmed j t kaisers assessment for income left over for an adjourn ed meeting unionist gathering over 600 en pnarut ud sodil evening one uf lbe largest obrfrcli gatb i oku oer hold in oeorgolowi took pliee id the park on monday evomuk when uvor six hundred me m burn and odlio renin ol the culled church of canada from ioofmolowo auliurove and lime lioiiuo uaau in bled to celobrnte the grualcttt nvont in the church iiib- or of lbo dominion and spend a loc ml ovening together a marked upiril of fellowship vns noticeable anil the evening vill long 19 romembered as one of tbn greatest events in the history of ch n rob life m georgetown the early prt of the evening was spent in listening to a anion did program rendered from a plat ii erected uu tbe lawn in front of the grand stand mr j w kennedy was tbe capable chair- man of tbe evening and announced the following miss isabel co alls atcm of toronto in pjaoo solos misaiaisie duncan of to ronto highland dancing mrs- jon- km and miss adams vocal duett piper graham mcdonald of to ronto selection b on tbe bagpipes m r and mrs a mioo violin duett mre wcole vocal boio misses margaret and ruth giffep piano duett mr and mrs a black vocal duett bbort addresses were given by rev dr dickie rev mr cald well and rev dr laid law at tbe close of tbe progiam a social boflr or two was spent in the armories where an abundant pply of delicious sandwiches cake tea and coffee was served by committee of ladies it was truly an enjoyable even ing tor all present- the thanks of the entire gather ing ia tendered to those who so kindly and ably provided the celleot program especially those from out of town hiss leobe coutts the talented young lady pianist miss maisie duncan the bcottish dancer and piper mc donald obituary mhh john clark mrs john clark for many years a respected and esteemed resident of acton passed away at her home in cooksville on thursday last after an illness of no trie weeks di ation a kind and losing wife and mother beloved by all who knew her and especially in her own home baa been called to hor re ward she ill be sadly missed in bar home by the bereaved hus band son and four daughters ada ethel jank dora and pbillis the remains were taken to acton for interment in fsirview come iery on saturday last when tbe service was conducted by rev mi earle of port credit assisted by rev mr baugb of acton tbe pallbearers were w a storey h holmes john stalker j mc- arthur el bonner and j m mo- donald three aatos were neces sary to carry tbe many beautiful floral tributes which bespoke the esteem in which deceased was held walter dean after a short illness mr walter dean passed away at his home n college view on monday morning last deceased has been a reel dent of georgetown for a numbei of years and was an indnstrions and respected citieen he leaves a wfdnw and one son to mourn tbe loss of a kind and affection ate hus band and father funeral service in st georges church on tburf- day at 230 pm church news united church mr caldwells subject at morning service sunday tbe 2hlh inst will be helps towards get ting on in relipion at the even ing service dr dickies subject will be lifes baggage a8hqrove dr mccoll ib expected to preach on sunday afternoon next at 8 pm knox church a patriotic service will be held in knox church onsundaj in ing at 11 oclock tbe sunday school will meet with tbe congre gation tbe sacrament of bap tism will be dispensed at tbie ser vice eveninp service at 7 pm topic the apostolic churcb glenwilliams with large coop reflations urea ent at both services last sunday tbe churcb of st a i ban the martyr glenwilliams celebrated tbe 22nd anniversary of tbe dedi cation of the church excellent music nw rendered by tbe choii at both services while mr lind- ley beaumont presided at lhe organ with his accustomed ability at tbe evening service an appro priate sermon was preached by the rev hamilton mock ridge lhe rector of all hallows toronto tbe coricctiont which were gen erout amounted to 75 a special meetidg of lol no 846 glenwilliams will be held on thursday evening july 9tt at b oclock alt members are request ed to attend miss sarah dalpin miss l rob eruon mist m dunde messrs gordon robertson j nelson n nelson of billsburg motored to niauu falls on sunday masons al church rev perdvtl mayes preacne serntn to members tl graff members of credit lodge af am and visiting brethren at tended divine service in st georges churcb on sunday even ing last the preacher on tho occasion was rev percivat mayes who chose as his teit part of tho first verse of the 1st chapter of geo ibos vir in tbe beginning god after referring at somu length to mans conception of god the great architect of tbe uni verse and mans duty to god the speaker congratulated tbe order on the fact that masonry stood tor the building of character and service to our fellowman the splendid choir of the church very ably assisted in thn beautiful choral service on this occasion with mrs w f bradley presiding at the organ a violin solo by mr jack thompson was also appreciat ed on returning in the lodge rooms a voto of tbaokb wbb passed by worshipful master a norrington and hid ofllcers to tbe rev m mayes fnr his venrable address ballinalad largo gatherings attended the united church services here on sunday in tbe methodist jcboroh when rev dr pringle of nova scotia formerly of georgetown ad dressed be meeting- in the even ing tbe service was in the presby terian church when a very able address was given by exmayor hiltx of toronto rev mr waddell taking part in the service a union choir provided excellent music with miss huggina jiresid ing at tbe organ during the service letters of re gret at not being able to be present were read from mr f 8 near georgetown mr roy van natter mrs a walters new orleans mrs p o vannatter athens georgia mr b j shortill winni k mr and mrs j smith and daughter of grand valley are visiting at mr j youngs mr aqdhr graham and son mr and mrs j graham and family mr and mrs e thompson and daughter norma all of norval were guests of mr and mrs a e farnell on sunday misses kate and mary mcleod of toronto are visiting at mrs h uitobcocks l mrs geo binnie who baa been ntiite ill returned home from the hospital last week mr and mrs j mckecboie rev n waddell and a e farnell attended die liberal picnic at el dorado last wiek the two public schools and the sunday school scholars of tbe united cburnb here are holding a picnic nn tbo farm of mr fred hoggins lot 81 eaquesing on the ninth line on saturday june 87th mrs tucook who baa been quite seriously ill is able to be around again mr jobn campbell of george town an j mr and mrs bert rog ers visited with mr and mrs col lins or lm wood last week mr selwnod of detroit spent a few days with mr and mrs f binnio before returning to bis home for raising a disturbance in palermo geo graham was arrest ed and yesterday sentenced to not less than aix months and not more than two years in bnrwash form story mens banquet eatable social evening spent by mm in naox cburcn ho men of knox church georgetown noil lime bouse u the number of about 100 ciijijcd a bant 1 1 el and social evening in the church here un friday last tbo galhnring was arranged b the hoard of managers ill whiiti mr a iluuid is chairman unit was a decided success after ail had partaken of hit- dc liciouu tnouu provided by hid ladies of tbe church an interesting pro gram of niunjc song and speeches was announced by the pastor itov kenneth maclean as folluws- church going s jearb ago mr r c mcculluuh church going 6 years beuco mr rous cam eron vocal selection mr 8 gis- by limehouso piano selection mr ales fraeer the juftvt of radio on church attendance mr william oowdy liniohouae vocal selection mr arthur her bert vocal duett mesark a herbert and a b casloll a scotchmans first impression of canadamr geo watt ad- vantages of rural life mr- hugh black vocal selection mr arthur robinqon vocal selection mr r y wemybs others who spoke during the evening were messrs a hume charles hodgson john newton and j l thompson a short address by the pastor followed by vctes of tbauks to the ladies for- their splendid menu to the talent for the excellent pro gram and the singing of tbe na tional antbfm brought a pleasant evening to a close district meeting tbe annual distriot meeting of the hal ton womens institute was held in georgetown in the arena on wednesday junel7th a uumber of delegates were present from each branch in the county and all reported a success ful year under the capable manage ment of tbe retiring president mrs inglebart nf palermo the following odlcers were elected tor the ensuing year pros mrs g agnew acton 1st vice pras mrs atkins palermo 2nd vice presmra a g clar- idge ban nock burn see treas- miss howed horn- hy mrs russell of toronto gave a short address on music in tbe sohool miaa chapman spoke on institute work miss appleby provincial representative and mrs coo past president gave short addresses during tbe after noon mrs black and miss adams contributed to the musical part of the program accompanied by mrs a b wilson all enjoyed several selection by tbe armenian boys after which collection amount ing to over 18 was given tbe boys tor treats dinner and supper was served to all tbe ladiea at the arena and all went home feeling that they had had a pleasant day garden party at norval july ladies blue bird beauty parlors upstairs over mr dales oqice marcelling cnrllng cnttlig aaf singeing we solicit the patronage of tbe ladies uf goo rgetown fend vicinity miss francis mai sl qhtttton public school board principal green and hiss rob erlson resign lrom leach ing stall pubii hoard i fullo 11 school hoard in jim mher 1711 villi lin mix 1 1h li kentiier and mcnally mowd h mchsis lieiitncr mid minall that the following iic couiili be paid hydro light fur may 8 41 hdn com lamps 8 47 a hyde teaniiig 8 00 am grandj supplius 01 carried applications were received from mi t9 h webb and mias j kllmun of toronto tor positious on the teaching bluff on motion uf mcnajjy and mrs i vans the applications weio held uvor for further consideration moved by harrisou and kont- tier that the temiei uf john mc- dondald for00 tonaof coal at t 75 pr ton be accented car communications were received from mr a g green and miss e robinsun tendering their resigna tions from tbe teaching staff moved by mr mcnally and mr kentncr tuat the resignations ol mias robertson and mr green be accepted with regrets carried board then adjourned to meet again on friday july 8rd w m s meeting the unionist members of the georgetown auxiliary or tho w m 3 uf tho presbyterian churcb in canada held their last meeting of the season which was also the flnaf meeting before entering the missionary society of the united church at the home of mrs w c anthony this was an espec ially interesting meeting with s large attendance of the members and tho president mrs freurn tbe chair several out of town visitors were present and shared helpfully in the diaouasi among these wore mrs george mcclure of toronto president of tbe auxiliary of high park churcb and miss smith and miss ma macclure both on the executive of the toronto prcsbyterial a splendid paper on the hospitals and home missions was given by mrs mckenzie miss macclure and miss jean adams contributed beautiful solos which were much appreciated a certificate of life membership given by mr anthony was pre sented by mrs mcclure to mrs anthony and miss smith added the little gold badge pin each lsdy with a graceful little speech dr dickie who came in before tbe end of the meeting led in the eloping prayer then alt remained for a social hour and to enjoy dainty refresh meots with ptra wherries every body as they departed folt much indebted to mr and mrs anthony and their kind hospitality for an unusually dohghtful afternoon ooaiarvauna mat tbe annual meeting of tho hal- ton liberal- conservative associa tion was bold at tbe town hall milton last friday and there was a good attendance from all parti of the courity short addresses wqro delivered by dr r k ander sdnmp and geo hillmer mp p after president m c smiths npening address last years ofpo- ers were all re elected president m c smith burlington 1st vice- prea geo arnold georgetown 2nd vicepres e honderaon mil- ton 8rd vicepres w moore campbell ville 4th vicepres mrs dr moniven acon 6th vice- pres s nixon kilbride secre tary t a hutchinson milton treasurer j f little milton for june brides delta costume pearls what could be more appropriate than a string of beautiful pearls it is certainly a a gift that lasts guaranteed to wear and retain its lustre and ia indestructible from 600 to 2500 a b willson jeweller next to hotel mcgibbon georgetown bargains in real estate beautiful brick house on guelph st nicely decorated hard wood floors lira place all conveniences nice lawn and shade trees price 6600 n email paymeot dowi balance at 6i on mortgage 0 room frame houpe on emery st modern conveniences 2 garages hen house bait acre good garden land and aliout 0 fruit trees price 8100 terms easy 600 doi suit purchaser 6 room frame house on main st all conveniences gi ben boose garden good iroit and a nice lawn put terms s5o0 down balance arraogctl to suit purchaser seven room framo bouse and two lots price 850 hotel at norval on the highway price 8600 for par lien are apply lo e a benham nged to real ebtate auent phone 164 georgetown box 1sl is your kitchen always neat ut down your work in the kitchen save steps- save energy and at the same time have your kitchen neat and easily kept so with a knechtel kitchen kabinet a few minutes after the biggest baking and everything is cleaned up houif there is a place for everything you use right in front of you naturally you put things back just as you use them the knechtel is a rest worksaver it is cleverly designed the tonlalnert arc largo enough to bold the amount of met dials you usually order they are arranged compactly neatly just as you would put them yourself new advertisements for sia wlitfarmmrkl standi hay for hal o ol lud uovtr ami imrty idimilow apply iu a i tliolkrr lor i illl lilfr rimrlimw lip see these knechtt jacksons i kitchen cabinets at georgetown paint paint wo carry a complels stock of the fmou known all over tke continent for theii excellence and economy consult ua for estimates before painting and varnishing porch floor lnn bradun partk fw funl eubfam jar r wul undfrmm rkmqrb auto gloss vernicol varnish stain malta karrad idrnltnra by doing it error wtth i low broa ivernicou excallealfor woodworlc floor etc floor paint tfcum floor enamel of durability il ia earihr applied mellotone rat paint for interior dccoia- tion it u a liquid kint ready for uo ellotna combines the delicacy ol paint with all caav to apply n u wked undur0 enamel porcelainliko uper- finuh or both interior and exterior dacora two unlike meat enamels il i very aaay to apply it fldw on evenly leavins no brush marks or rei lapping il u vary durabta retaining its bridiancaoffuiishfoi pervious tow snowwhile kory r h thompson co phone 46 georgetown ont dominion stores limited canadas largest retail grocers slave every week of the year going away for the summer doesnt mean that it is necessary to pay top prices for stale groceries at your summer place arrange with your dominion store to keep you supplied with fresh groceries at the regular low prices fresh leawns 49c doz while satin hour 24s its kew cheese 2k lb crisco the best shortening for baking or frying 1 lb tin 3 lb tin 29c 83c try ourtea iced it is delicious richmell0 tea cetlonud assam 75 for a tasty lunch kipper snacks 4 25c 16 oz db1- no alum tin baking powder 21c lombard or greengage plums 22sc 1 lb raspberry t 1 mjr op jr ikkresisant jam 25c good strong corn brooms 5stmng 39c fels naptha soap lo for 69c ttpto2 certo ao30c car ir sal rvrolei iiii ihhi mnatlr apply lo 7 roomrd ho oll ie s iklli elur limer iii apply al hcrjfd qffire fowd cold wrdjmic rnik owicrmy hate mm tiy ibiiihk ill hcmld and paying tor can for sala l21 ixxigo coupe itli ikhirc lonru 1j imirihitj n ttneillftr for sala 2 clia iam incubalora sue di- 1 llamdion ms olso wti lem m 00 c rhc b lown boardan wasted cm and board thirteen anco lor sale f varey corner mcna and tfiieen georgetown 1 for sal flock of 61 hnis fnd three roosleri liile leghorn i oac slrain the fowl r lhe farm rood forager heavy layers id ihievea donl ileal lham an eppor- flly to get hack from one of lhe bell laying flocha in lbe county price icasoii- ableh t hun phone 98 r 2 gcorge- ll housemaid or young gil for hou ioik apply lo mrs r i creclman 13hj to rattt fem rank collage in muskoka on ih indian river he pori cailmc bctonkm lo lhe 11 w kennedy estate apply i j w kennedy gcorgelown i for sal roperty nem lo mayor ule on quceusl urge lt fme house wilh her and light in price 1400 apply j j gibb l to raat houne to renl on church at veniencei app a herald i herald approval apply wood for sao very rhoice hardwood al 375 per dingle cotj kood summer wood al 325 par single cord good sound mixed rails 3 per ungte cord hardwood ilaosalldry 350 per ungte cordj brandlord phone 135 r 4 hon 490 geofgelowo s27 ll coal for sale delaware and hudson coat in nil sues jr liver ed any place in georgetown get your inter supply in now while the price is low terroa cash john e joyce stews ill own station phone 48 r 2 geixge- tthaat comfortable flat suitable or sm nnly cenirally located apply wted a sckton lor si georges cliurcti ap ply lo hie wardens j k wallace or ii putin far raat good pamure wilh running water fc km head tattle lol 18 con 6 equtsin w t evans phone i s3 or re far raat ivildwood lodge on i ha wildwood property art is i ir bungalow 4si25 hard wood door beamed ceiling large slooe fireplace wiu lake sul foot- tog buillin seats large veraitita lm acrn olgrouid bmh and river immediate possession and reasonable rent to desirable irntnt particular frowjw t evan jjwjie nu ice 2oc half mock of 50 lbs 30c block ol 1001b ul na have your order for the coming se j son ice delivered every day j ii smith phone 84rl3 george- wood hardwood cm any length you taoiir 4 a cord s6 load s3j0 a single 10 jrnace chunks 500 load a free load of kindling wilh every ihrcc cord orders murray broa phone 99 f is if flour high patuft kings choice brud flaar national whole wheat itoaamulad ask your dealer wbeatwantfd biqrest prices paid cbtiplifl uai oat btulifl wbbrowneco norval flour mills norval i j sanford sheet melal worker ssi general rinsmilhing stewarttown nuc8lru

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