Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 24, 1925, p. 3

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tiik orcjaurhjwn hiiuiii hsk tlrn 102 si if you delay i youll be too late s nil 10in doable tded 75a his masters voice victor records 55c from june 23 to july 8 only all olhor liismiistcrb voice victor recorda except llcii scat icroiifs loni 20c per record what un oppur- tuiiity ui hpcuio nil tho popular in lb nil ttiif latest releases present stocks wont last ions- make your selection now personals d j matthew dkuu3 sod stationery local news hems tbis was court day middle and upper school examu are od tbis weok monster garden partj in tho park nexl tuesday night high school entrance caudi dates are writing boro this woek bucks meat market ban a line motorcar for delivery service j n oneill son bave erect d a new and attractive sign in front of their line garage two of our prominent citizens got lost motoring to uuelpb on monday and landed in fiilluburg we get all oar working boots made special hy dayfoots and mc- phersona and gdarantee satisfac tion every time j ftoney ltp fifteen members of l 0 l 08 stewarttown attended hornby lo lt church parade at omagh on sunday evening rev blodgett b a of trinity college toronto was the speaker l o l no 08 stowarttown will attend service at st johns church stowarttown on sunday evening july 6tb at 7 pm mem bers of neighboring lodge are in vited to attend morobera of orion lodge 10 of and verdun rebebab lodge who are going to tbo church par ade at milton are requested to be at tbe lodge rooms at 1 oclock abarp on sunday afternoon will all tbo applicants for band instruments be on hand friday evening at eight sharp at tbe public school to meet band master williams of uuelpb who will arrange classes for all begin ners tho ovont of the season will be the garden party under the aus pices of l o l 245 hi georgetown park next tuesday evening june 80th a spleodid program and a good time tor everybody is ossur ed rev dr john pnngle ox- moderator of tho presbyterian ohurou preached in tbo united church here laat sunday moraing to a large con greba tion dr pnn gle la always a welcome visitor to georgetown where ha spent his early days in the ministry oatdan party at norval a garden party under the aua piceitof tbo narval predbytnrian church will be bold on tbo eburch lawn on tuosdaj july 7th the famous david contort co and ki winis gypsies in costume have beoh been rod for tbo occasion and an excellent program is assured vsbments will be nerved on tbe grounds admission adults b6e children lcc program at 8 oclock watch for turtbor particulars and arrange to bo present at what promises to lie the mbel enjoyable ivent of tho season st idantllad cuekana whon asked if be could identify borne chickens which bad been itolen from his premises j mc dougall a farmer living near ac ton told county constable chap- that they wore quiet hens and that they always greeted bis horse when he returned home from town by jumping on tho sbafts of tbe buggy mcdougatl took tho ronstable in bis buggy to where the chickens were and im mediately tbey saw the borne they performed their stnnt by jumping over the shafts of tbe buggy tbe identification was complete rax thaatra g wednesday june 24tb miss bluebeard comedy drama star ring be be daniels chapter 7 of into tho net comedy daily douin friday june 2ctb teeth starring tom mix tony the horse id duke tbo dog omody fast and furious cartoon props dash for ash fox news saturday june 27tb loves wilderness adapted from the novel wilderness starring cor- inne griflith comedy tho mao riago circus starring ben turpin lii cartoon wedcesday july 1 the three musketeers with douglas fair- laatltat paulo oo the afternoon of july 1st tbe july bsquesing womans lostituto will hold a community picnic on law- nons fiats a program of bport races and base ball prises will be given come and bring your basket and eup and bsve a good time everybody welcome mrs nellie wilson sectrass w i da kill bfcmp at tbe next meeting ol tho tra falgar township council some stiff kitting of vuluatiti sheep by dogs will bave to be con sidered last saturday dogs kill ed several ewes owned by w mc cartney east of milton some of tbe sheep deat rayed are thorough bred or registered stock and were valued as high aa 100 each kut laaaa j 30u owing to dominion day 1st coming on wednesday week the herald will be issued on tuesday juno 80th a day ear lier than usual will our adver tisers who desire n change of advt please band same into ofllco not later than monday morainki if you have any personal or othor news items please band them in early next week uiui camroa vnj union presbyterian c h nroh womens missionary society will bold their annual social meeting on thursday july 2nd at 280 p m at tbo homo of mrs j c cook mhljit l mckerrol oftoronto ia expected to address tbo meeting a moat cordial invitation is ex tended to all the ladies of neigh boring churches special music by local talent w a clalfi kaatlaa the closing meeting of tbe womens auxiliary of st ororgen church was held inst tbursdaj afternoon at tbe homo of mrs j price 7tb line the president mrs b beau 80th year was present with some 40 other ladies a pleasant am profitable time was spent in music song and social intercourse afte which a delicious luncheon was served by tbebostesa mattkawa apoalatad poi after about five months or con sideration tbe post onico depart ment and the civil service com mission bx the dominion ot can ada finally decidm to comply with tbe petition or tbe nearly twelve hundred cituens of acton and of tbe community served by the rara routes emanating irnm acton post office and bave appointed mr j cheater matthews as postmaster of aotoo free press ma tholma henry of toront is spending a couple of weeks boh days at her homo bore mr and mrs justin of ever ton spent saturday at the home of mr and mrs a n cole mrs j house of hamilton sprat thursday at the homo of her par ents mr and mrs john price r and mrs ii g moir motor ed to kitchener on sunday and- upeut tho day with rifands there r and mrs geo c mcclurc of toronto havo returned bomo after spending a few daja at w u an thonys 7 mr and mrs william akitt of fairfield farm alton wore week epd visitors at the home of mr and mrs m l near mrs d reid and mr and mrs geo scott and family of ialt mo tored to town inst week and mint ed with friends bore r earle van natter who is motoring to regie a arrived in winnipeg last friday and reports a splendid trip so far exwarden charles read head and mrs readbead or nelson call ed od friends here white motoring through town on sunday mr and mrs walley and daugh ters editb and florence of toron to spent sunday at the home of r and mrs g a henry mr and mrs geo braduhaw of yakima washington are visiting at tho home of mrs bradshaws sister mrs elmer thompson r harold cleavo ddgm of milton district and past grand w marshall attend the oddfel lows grand lodge at uainilto n last thursday norval the norval womens institute will bold their july mooting on hursday july 2nd at the home of mrs george davis a good program is being prepared tbe united church garden party bold hereon saturday evening was a decided success in every way there was a large attendance and a splendid program waa rendered by the kcnnywillson entertain- and campbells orchestra rev mr douglas occupied tbo chair prairie maguire is leaving this week on a visit to friedns and relatives in winnipeg and regina f a maguire of ooven sank and p h maguire of saska toon who bave been visiting at tbe home of sheriff and mrs webster left for their homes in tbo wost on wednosday a garden party under the bus- ib pi cos of the norval pros hy tori arr church will bo bold on the church lawn on tuesday july 7th good program dont miss it mr wt maguire of saskatoon visiting at tho borne of bis uncle sheriff webster sports babk bam georgetown defeated acton in acton on saturday 88 thereby securiog their lead of tbo league by 2 games georgetown scored g b in the first innings after that the game was close and a good exhibition of ball waa given by both teams rock wood visits georgetown in the park on satur day at 8 pm come and give an all georgetown team your support georgetown has entered tbe tournament at palgravo on july 1st and will take their strongest team in an endeavor to bring home trophy good luck to you sorr ball on thursday evening last a game of sort ball waa played high scbool grounds between no 1 and no 2 co a of the fire brig ade no 1 co won with a fair margin tennis the courts are in good condition for the tournamont of mixed doub- on saturday all members urged to be present and bring a friend a priee tor lady ant gentleman will be given footrall georgetown football team wis to express their regret to tbei b j p porter s for not being able to put up a game with guelph on sat urday last as advertised th was due to hie latter team failing to put in jtn appearance george town weitj out in fqll strength and after waitlog a considerable time a lot of good sports decided to give the boys a ame tbe game was a very enjoyabhe one and little or no disappointment was experienc ed there will q no game next saturday mr h j scott of hamilton spent sunday at bin home lime i ins tiooikiia llenn or toronto ajwnt tho week cnil at ber home here mr jack thompinn uns hiiccchh- fill in hiti recent examination at osgood o hall rev and mrx koujtetb mac- lean are attending a wedding at stayner to day mr and mis stanlej lnjcock ot toronto npeut sundaj with f mends in town mr v j fouliof- arizona is voiding at the homo of mr and mrs it b fouhs mr f howard of ushawr a visitor ab mr wm tjndalli tbo wcet ond g c maekayof hamilton visitor in town during the mm f lwrnncoih of mi is mhiting with bii iliuikhtei f a hurley mrs humrlt m visiting her hihtor mihh dukon hi lllon tint weok mr jo wo or hhoiiuou k at tlic liomo or her r and mis h i clink soos mr and mrs l k flecj and daughters mihhos mildred and mane are onjoyuih a motor trip to kalamazoo michigan and other american cities tins week mr and mrs georgo heed guelph mrs naylor of detroit and mrs d mcchfro of hrainjiton wore visitors with mr and m wlo anthony on suuduy masters dalton and ross hya who hae boon spending the punt week with their aunts tho mt rjan sail fromnew york on sat urday for their homo in brain mr jack ryan who has com ploted his studies at university of toronto in chemical engineer log has accepted a position with thenichols copper co woodside long lajktod now york mr and mrs w w dredge naasnga wo a out announce the engagement of their oldest daugh tor mabel young to mr thomas gerald morton of acton ont the marriage to take place early in july arthur hraisbey who was a reai dent of georgetown fifty years ago and now of beunoa aires brazil south amorica paid a vis- lb to georgetown and called on councillor and mrs win bn relay and many oth or old friends last woek mr and mrs ralph robs an nounco the engagement of their only daughter helen catherine isabel to mr clarence fredericl tuor of hailoyhury elder son of mr and mrs frederick tuer of midland ont tbe marriage to take place early in july mrs r- d coutts and miss isabel coutts were guests or mrs r 1 crcelman on monday they loac for their borne in the west this weok after spending somo months in toronto wbeio miss coutts has been completing her ltcm course at toronto con servatory of music 4 auto truck service cushion sole shoes kyou havo that tired feeling in your foot just try our cushion solo shoes it is not necessary to have your fee hurt you look into the cushion solo proposition at once the cushion solo is made of layers or cork and felt eov ered with soft calf skin selfsupporting arch and soft pliable uppers the lasts are nature shaped and will free you from corns bunions and all other foot troubles just try a pair a rumford georgetown ontario we do hepairinc willysoverland fine motor cars td5 reduction makes overland worlds lowest priced four door sedan loith sliding gear thntsmission tht mosi widely calked bout cloud far of he year a tremendoiu ralue at an amazingly new low price unit power plant brim ming with bfft power the advantage of an ad vanced d ik type clutch wonderful riding imooth- neu with patented triplex springi reliable rugged bile and a tturdy chasii rich upholttery ex treme economy in upkeep a tar light in weight and beautifully balanced ec it and ak about the eaijr tcrmi overland h j n oneill son georgetown speights garage and battery service guelph st on llit highway georgetown wc give bervice that satisfies the most exacting motoiist why not try us dvtil ml sur service sialism ncluguln repairs a specialty phone 280 day or night arthur r speight proprietor garden party under tho auspices of norval presbyterian church will be held on tho church lawn on tuesday july7th program at 8 pm by the david concert co and a troupe of kiwanis gypsies in full costume refreshment booth on grounds hiehtand pipe band in attniuooa admission adult 35c child 1 5c aquatic sports -at- huttonville park wednesday july 1 girls swimming races over and under lf yra boys swiimniok raceb over and under 16 yra furls fancy diving open bojh fancy divink open walking greasy polo bojs uuder and over 1c jra tub hace upon soap haci open bathing beauty contest host apiteanaggul in a battling butt watou for poatara bporu comlnaaoo at lt30 good prizes brass band in attendance admission ffo grounds 25 c children 15o huttonville park erwingoldhams r rennies grocery beef cheese por lb 2it sodah bulk per lb 20c jtohots lirio juice por bottle 2i cocoa bulk per lb lite itlack popper per lb hge white lopjwr por lb 10c alntclich per pkt 2lc custard bulk per lb mc uran flakes 2 lor 26c watch windows tor further specials saturday we deliver quick delivery guaranteed main street georgetown pne no 1 d r rennie cash grocery phone 151 for quick delivery a w 4 one of the few investments that cant go up in smoke j fire insurance fire insurance iejan investment that protects your investment it pays a bigger percent age of profit than any other known invest ment we will tell you all you want to leairr about insurance of all kinds wxlvans 6 go insupangl clrl istate 1mt thursday holiday this store will be closed all day every thursday during june july and august wednesday bargain day mcbeanco georgetown meat market special prices in pork all home killed veal saturday treat j tbia week we have for our special marlo ponnut tiiib is f always n roal fuvorite it is made of a rich maple ciuuni to whioh is added frosb roasted peanu ls rogulur 10c y saturday treat 29c lb weekend chocolates t wo havo another shipment of chocolatob just in for this t special wonderful value beuutifol cream eoufcren as well as cara- j mels assorted llavors weekend chocolate 32c f arthur norrington solo agont lor siiiiiosq chuckles gtlc lb al jollego st toronto mans uakary phone 89 tiresiks buy the well known tire of supreme quality it will pay you to see ua before buying our prices are exceptionally low high pressure and baloons stocked in all sizes firstclass repairing guaranteed to give service f sinclair the tire repair sbop phi grandys suggestions lor the picnic basket welch grape juice per bottle oratikcade ijoinonndt and ilaspbiii m mu jell 3 pl clarks potted meat h tins bhipnians paste por jar sliced smoked reef in kissh fray bentos 1 ibtm pimentoes per tin pans pnto 2 linn olive butter per jar 2 and rowsed fish milhonnncs hrtnlinc- pei tin ohet- plain per bottle i olives htnftcd t bntlle 26 si 11 an heinr sweet pickles i bottle lie i u 7 midget licrkins iwr bottle a m grandy i phone 75 a satlsuellu giaraited freapl delivery k

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