Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 24, 1925, p. 4

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tlik kohoktown tlkihi 1 junl- ll collections we handle collections ouly notli no sideline too old small large d roi uh lo tiwkk 34 yearn lu am offloa 111 1 vi ionno 11ak0i kelly aiken collectors oraubbvllle and qwan hound the passing band aboo tlio city a dm and roar melodious sounds salute tbo par family at lirst but more and more in powor lncroasinr soft yet nlear rrom every point come hurrying a band is riaaio down tbe street now luiidlr swells tbo martial an on with measured tread tbey dear torn d reeds the braau i yes george 1 hi stfutlhk a iiuiho of lniiuink ut tlio guelph business college on jul 6th lum aim and win am bao jusltlnirtlild their cooraauod lomttd in o ill j options lum und am bme arranged to hunt september 1st but bj starting now i bftll bo able- to take a position ubiad of them you get indiiidunl instruction at tbo business college ummar bldg oaalpb oat a l bouck principal and proprietor sfsaion tup entikf yfab guelph pile tliiati of lymbals beab of drum in concord bltnd uinjeatic awne tbo bund loiuea uuingiok down tlie street now uulues tbrob and apinta bandumon smart bright garbed appear a light comes into weary eye while youthful voices raise a cheer a row of ttiuilinu faces greet tbe band that a passing down the street tbey e passed- and fainter grows tbe stram tbat listeners hearts tto late did tbnll tbo dying notes ot tbe refrain each moment grow more distant till only tbe drum s dull muffled beat sounds faintly from some far oft street richard hartely in mubio council standard corrugated iron east lake shingles cool fug tanas hog troughs tfefaf garages quauttf mibiuivicr celling cracked or falling off aaally wat tip akutumv parmansat many baautfhil metallic ceiling uturnt u hbcl want dial it ctchmm hattiitarm church tc sklal mndmtlmstm furnish-as- j sanford stewarttown tb mttaixutioovrna colu a outtrrtr si taranu defies rust theres one kf posot about tofoolo stable ejqusp- ment which makes me spec ialty proud to ach u its the fact that the gmlvantt- ing thorouthr eovera and oonnletdy oasts both the tnude and the outndc of the ted tubini with pore anc ptker tlaabot ptooei makes it absolutely na- 6ebpa and proof fnaiw atrong table sods for the marmwir ptf l w ocmrk tk mtw- w j alexander lomoivifs old machines taken as part poymonir e will gladly mske you definite reasoiwble al io wmnce for your ow machi any make or style make the exchange now your most profitable rnillrmg season is just coming now is the time to stop lots and waste your old machine wiu apply as part pay ntent on a mewtte ask us to make you an offer now cream separator notice to creditors n taaattar af tka huu or arthar b1u wall ut or tia townatp or eaqtwina la tha canaly of hal lo ckaaaut doowuad notice is henby krnimraubtit o section m of the truskiv ait it s o 1914 chapter 121 that abyrditon i r othirs havlnk clomm or uemiluls akalnit the mtale f hip xaid arthur silas wall whu died on or about tht twenty wxth dav of may 1jjs at the township of ebtinunnk are niiiirei on oi btfun the fourli inth day if july to k liver in tin umlt nuerwd aullntor fir with i wall admimstratnx of the fstate and titecta uf the said arthur siikh wnll chtmiht dioamd thtlr chrmlian namis and hurnamen udiircs tea and descnptionh tht full parhcu lura in wnline of their claims a suitt menl of tlmr accountji und itn naturt or thi btcunty if any held by thim and takp nolct that after iudi tant mentioned date the aaid adminintra trw will procid to dlatrlliuti the asnela of the saw deceased am odk tht parties entitlvd thtrttu having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notlci and that the said administratrix will nut u liable for the haul anatu or any part thereof to any person or per bonn of whose da ma notice all all nut have been received by them at the time of such diitnbution ulloy dak soliulor fur the administratrix dated at georgetown this unth day of junt a i 192g grow corn for silage points on 8klkttio of 3kkd ad pkofhlt ulthatlov tesllrik for eniilnal1un necom- nctiilisl for looil iteaulu cannot lie tiect from poor heed specials ior this week sxx tor o youcanalvaifs keep a roof ovebtourhead if you carry windstorm ins unmet wimwhchtotbtdla or repair winds torn about a westers tears this remarkably lew la ced we have t rat el led through the tnobt glorioub scenery it baa ever been my privilege to witness were tbe works need by the doke ol devonshire while governor geo eral of canada id expressing bin admiration for fbe bcenery ot the pacific coast tbe opt dion he formed of oar magnificent weat is confirmed by tbe many people who tonr this wonderful country every year if yon are planning a tour of tbe canadian rockies and the pacific coast thin summer you cant do better than take one of tbe low coat trips arranged by tbe canaj ian national railways these tours start from toronto with stop overs at alt interefchng points ba route at jasper nat ional park where the famous triangle tour commences ib the largest park and the largest san- ituary of wild life in the world 4400 square miles of mountains rivers lakes glaoiera cadyoos and waterfalls of almost overwhelming beauty leaving jasper you may mount robsoo the highest peak in the rockies then cornea the numnt indiftd village of kitwanga with its grotesque totem poleeand indian relics at prince rupert j on may choose an interesting bide trip to alaska or you may board tbe steamer for the three day tnp through the famous scenio seas of tbe pacific coast to vancouver victoria portland and seattle returning the train follows tbe beautiful winding praser and thompson rivers with their bi1 liant colored cliffs of red gray and yellow returning again to jasper national park and in due time to toronto beaters sake el teal estate in the hatter of tbe estate of samuel hcmastrr lal pf towor ahip of eaqueama m tbe county of hal loo farmer denaaed tbere will be offered for aaie by tbe exemton of lb eatatoby path awm to be bem i s v king halton garage phone 234 georgetown raihomflnsllrancecomwkt elmer c thompson insurance service georgetown more jauwuu v ww- nomberb three four and five and focr- tarn-w- blocks a in the town of geo aeeonfinc to ute reentered made by george mcplouipa p 1- by adantaamciaerii f oor fifth of an on tbe p storey frame house secondly part of the east half of k mnober twenty aa the nmth la of tbe bmd townabqi of more parti deaeribed era ejght wpe and i fa tbe paid town of qeontrtown accordu tba bajd ueente mcfhillipa thirdly part of the bast hair of lot umber twenty la the ninth t tbe said township of i nre particularly described a number thirteen foartrea fifteen sixteen and seventeen la tbe block tbe said town of georcetown aw r to tbe said plan of george llcpbfl- t part of ibe east half of lot jmber twenty m tbe omtt of tbe said township of more partieularty described numbers do to nineteen knehnve m block c in tbe said town of george town accordinc u george mcpbilhps fifthly part of tbe east half of lot nuber twenty in the ninth concesaaoe the said township of eaauesng pvrbeularly described taidtownof george- to tbe aatd phui of s of sale lopereentoflbe purchaae money to be paid down at tbe time of the sale bsjaace lo be paid for farther partknbua aiateondiuobb of sale apply to leboy pale george town oatario dtar foe tbe execo- tora of the said estate ben petctt auctioneer expert fence builder why not have an up to date wire fence wben yon can get it nt a reason able price years ofoipenence enables me to givo you better values than others prompt service and right prices ihtrcu cedar and iron posts al wns in stock wben you want anything in tbe aboe line just call wire delivered anywhere j h smith phone 84rl3 stewarttown ladies shampoolnt miutcelung and curun6 rhiizinc and singeing try us oup prices are reasonable mr mrs jhlillco appointment pbanc 2i2 trucking and long distance hauling furallgremflvlao picolctarues done bj hour or by contract for iv ces and arrangements call or write win g roszel box 1118 oxonoetowm ojolona la eraaioaa bramosa township experienced a lerifllo cyclone monday after noon which swept a destructive course over a distance of about seven miles in a path about 200 jarda wide uprooting trees level ling barns and tearing verandah a off dwellings tbe tornado la be lieved to have originated near a swatop on tbe farm of henry qoyoe about half a mile west of ever ton corners travelling sig zag direction northeasterly and reached almost to acton before its force was entirely spent xaybtalhrklttrcswa- in be early hours of laat thurs day morning during a heavy ihun dsr storm a bolt of lightning struck tlio ground in the orchard of mr archie mcarthur 16th side oad caledoo killing two valuable cows which were lying onder a tree the bolt tore a hole in tbe sod throwing large pieces of sod into an apple tree and ripping mall furrows in the sod for quite distance it was miraeoloaa that more serin tin damage was not as tbe spot where the bolt bit was but a few yards from bplh bouse and barn the railway conductor so spend ed bis work of taking up tbe tick ts temporarily as tbe train plung ed into the blackness of a rang tun nel when it finally emerged he found himself opposite a yonng couple both seemingly much fins lored and the young woman nerr oualy re adjustingher hair think ng to put them at their ease tbe conductor remarked pleasantly did iiu know that tunnel we just cnine through coat twelve rail linn dullnto- did it replied tin nr ttimshp added aftera limine wei uwsa worth it jndamanicr dafaadaata tbe june sittingf of the general missions of tbe peace and the coun 1 court opened before his hooor judge elliot there was only one jurj case and after the selections nf a jury for it the rest of tbe jury men were dismissed the jury case was ford vs bailey brothers the plaintiff john ford of trafal gar claimed 400 damages foi motor car accident a collision i tueeo the defendant s car and the plaintiffs horse and buggy de fendants have a gaiage at george town tbe claim was for damage to the buggy and injuries austained by mrs ford and the plaintiffs borne the qo est ion before tnejnry was who was responsible for the accident each party alleging that the other had not given room for passing- judgement for the de fsndaotb perhaps you are using good tea we think red rose extra good wont you try a bed rose is good tea rs i the same good tea for 30 years ebid i subject u notice lo creditors notick is hereby riven pursu ant to rs o chapter 181 section 66 that all persona having churns against tbe estate of william al onsso millar late of the town of georgetown county of halton who died on or before tbe utb daj of april 1985 are required to de liver to the undersigned solicitors or before the 85th day of june 1985 full parucnlarn of their chums and of any securities held by them duly vert bed by statutory declaration and on tbe said date tbe executor will proceed to dis tribute the assets of saud deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claim abich the shall then have notice qtoains ft drown turner bid 81 uain 8l hamilton out solicttora for eaid rxecutdra dated jane 6th 1985 coal beat d l fit w scianton coal in all sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs jtwalkifls nnrvel station phone 68r24j bailey bros garage we axe now located in larger pretniaos formerly oooopied by the halton gftrace on mill st and re prepaxod to do m kinds ot auto repairing get your cars overhauled and greased for spring we do it with the alemite system batteries charged the best gasoline and oils always on hand bailey bros georgetown phone 7w notice to creditors i tk kuttir ortka eatau or saa- aal mobsaster lata of tha to- bbtbbfeaqaaalacla taa ooaaty ot haltaa faravar daoaaad noticb 18 hereby given pursuant to uon of the trustees act h8 0 1914 chapter 12 aaaah creditors oi others having claims ordemsnds agaiail the efltaia of the said samuel mcmastei shu died on or about the tourtcenth ay of july 1902 at the towiwhtp of es- mieslng are required on or before the fourteenth day of july 1925 to deliver to the undersigned solicitor for the ex ocutors of the estate of the said samuel momaster farmer deceased their christian names and surnames add res sea and descriptions the full particulars in writing of their claims a statement of their accounts and the nature of the security if any held by them and take notice that after such last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they sha then have notice and hat the bad executors will not be liable for the and assets or any part thereof to any person or persona of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution there is nitlcli difference in opinion a o tht brut variety lu grow sod the sili ctioii nyirall hinges oo two points vli tht value ot the land and tin c st uf labor high for labor and yuur laud la lilgl priced then yielding variety hat you can dud taklne a chance hlug maturity production pervert ou must have if you are on low priced land then slilci a good ylildlug variety tbat you know will tuuture early and also make high clans nullase bi hittvy curn lull of juice la hard lo haudk 11 coals mooty to make silage- out ot it whllu thu lighter yleldlnk early maturing corn la eas r to handle costs less tor labor and makes a richer allafe true it will ilk pur scro aa tht lare hiavy yielding variety but what it odea produce is produced with the aid of less supplementary grain bo ii jou havs abundant land the tarly nmlurltim high duality var ieties will bv must suited to your neod on the other i and if you hav few a t the it town this tenth daj notice to creditors in thavm attbk f ua estata of alaaandar lastarty lata of tki town or oaorgatowa la tha coun ty of halton rataraad soldur notice is hereby given according to law that all creditors and others hav mg claims against the estate of the said alexander lafterty who died or the 16th day or apql 1925 are requir j n or before the 4th day of july to present such claims in writing with full particulars verified by stat that after the said 4th day of july 1925 the administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties enutled thereto having regard only to the claims of which she shall then havi notice and that the said administratrix will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice has nut been re ceived by her at the tune of dmtribu rtc4 the 12th day uf june 1s25 ho sfeir of the area irrespective ot labor then you had best select the heavy yleldtr variety teat the heed com teat tor eeriultinllon every ear of com that is used for setd it doe not take very much time to do it tenting itcd la the only insurance you havt tor a ptrfeel stand why take a chance and loose by splnding yuur labor un a field with only half msn plants as tht re should be better ttst the and and gel started right tto weeks before you bgure n plaatlag corn prepare a seed box 1th molht sawdust or sand plant a epreseulatlve sample give it care nd watch for the aprouta bo guld ed hy the performance of the sample tested good seed corn is not anun dsul this yar m be raiifil in your purchase soff or moldy seid corn pever produced a strong plant don t forget that drst or all your crop depends upon tin vigor ot the aeed that jou plant preiarlii for corn clover sod ploughed in eeptembir and surface worked until late octo ber and tl en ridded up and kit ex posed to the treat action until dry enough to harrow down lu thi apilnx is a succasul uethud for corn the application ot nut lens thuti 20 tuns of good stubli manure si uld be made in esly may snd lln hid n ploughed and worked d an o the qno tilth o a good seed bid puntlnk when ihe whin oak laf is as largi aa a black aquli r i i fi t laat week in ma plunt tl sied in check rows 40 inrhts ailsrl uhiuk luucliln planter ork 111 covtr iwo inchis deep and arm cultivation start cultl at ion b gult g ovir the area wllb a weedtr just before iii corn comes up follow men weik cultivation to ki ip a dust mulch a id prrvuil w ed growtl itcd rose oflee 1 lb cun pure raspberry jam lb spanish pimentos per can paprika celery salt clardmetteg llutut baby aur dines ir can pgs and datee 2 ibu red rose oraog pekoe tea blk tea special pbr lb finest bohemian hops 2 pg another lot 1 ib cans haking powder a lemonade aoil raspberiy vinegar large bottle water hashes thin blown i orape juice per bottlo ammonin powder b for lavohne one of the best powders to soften water logs wanted mark clark bakery and groceree tillage turn tubs should alv be shallow much damage u dune by cuttlna the roots of the plant new shoes tor old dont be too prood to hare yonr huribnta rebuilt at factory they wid ootnehaclc to yoo abota like new tbey will be enlarged a aue to keep pace with the crow iag feet hurlbuti ishoeskoavtrenj we not ooh sell hot recom mend them a d brill co cesktltwi i notice to creditors im the matter of the eatata of nau gluiaa uta ottaa ta wat hip of eaqaaaiag la tbo ooaatr haltoa farmer daomaad notice is hereby given cording to law that all creditors and othersliavuur claims against the bstate of the said nell gillies who died on or about the 10th day of january 19e5 are required on or before the 4th day ol july 192s to deliver to the u pile reign ed futl particulars in writing of theii claims verified by statutory declara lion and further take notice that after the said 4th day of july 1925 the executors will proceed to dis tribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice has not been receiv ed by them at the time of distribution dated the 12th day or june 192 h g ueir georgetown onl solicitor for the executors notice to creditors ik the matter t taa aatata of lydla barasa lata of taa town ship of eaqaaalas la tko ooaaty of ford garage in georgetown our sales and service station ts now open for business and a first class me chanic will give prompt and eff icent service tires gas oils and all ford assessories always on hand h a coxe n0tich i hereby given that all per sons having any daimn or demands against the late lydia barnes who died on or about the twenty seventh day of november 1920 at the city of toronto in the province of ontario are requir ed to send by post prepaid or to deliver to ihe undersigned solicitor hen in for hodgin barnes the administrator of the estate and effects of the said lydia barnes married woman deceased their names and addresses and full par ticulars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the re of thi securities if any held by and takf notice that after the lghteenth day of july 1925 the said hodgin barnes will proceed to distrib ute the assets of the said deceased among the persons enuiled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice and that the said hodgin barnes wilt not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim he shall not then have received nmire dated at georgetown ontario the seventeenth day of june a d 192 ihoy dale soli a lor for the said hodgin barnes teallng chicken for bnclllary white diarrhoea this dlseaat has playtd havoc in many poultry yards during the past few years and like tuberculosis it hai been spread around largel through exchange of breeding stock chicks and eggs tor hatching from infected breeding stock have carrhd the bacillus pullorum from one end iu n try lo the other so the dlaease is now wide spread and causei large financial losa to many poultry the bacteria responsible for the trouble baolllui pulorum centralise in the ovary of tho mature hen caus lug lesions in that organ and its in ability to prop rly function and pro ciuce normal eggs the bacteria pass with the ova and are contained with in the shell or the egg when the egg hatches tie chick is already infected chicks less han a week old have the following post mortem lesions 1 enlarged jlver withered sp 1 congealed lungs chicks over one week old show 1 enlarged liver with greyish pots i friable nodules in the lung occasionally in the heart and lungs diarrhoea does not always have time to develop to if the chicks die look for the lesions the only really successful way to combat white diarrhoea li to ellm tnale the breeding stock infected with bacillus pullorum these trauble pro ducers may bs found out by applying the agglutination teat to every bird the prerolaea eliminate all re m to this blood teat and be care ful in your purchases of eggs chicks breeding stock the dlsesae5rlll stay with you si long as you harbor infested hsus on your farm l ste venson dept of extension o a c when customers go to the country many grocers and butchers continue to supply them by calling up outoftown pros pects in a circle of 30 40 or 50 miles on an api pointed day and houp and getting their orders grocers aay they can well afford to uo so on weekly order dtuveneaftromade by truck or express viators renting cottages at nearby points readily re spond to offers to supply them and thm is usully profitable business we would be glad to betp you work out a plan for reaching this trade main st north formerly browns garage i w w roe insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 66 georgetown jg take notice i roote l o have shretnig raflcrs an v jghln ng ell lu ihe ir lo mil uid buy theninc orc tke slock and lc 1 i mwnsinln 10jr3 r r n geiown sierl truss rarn r gm itanl aed tanks fire insurance i w kennedy few f elm agnl for some of lb irigr4t torn ntt hrtwig nmraure re you proteo lad economy in food production tbe dairy cow is the most leal animal for the conversion of farm products into human food swine are the moat efficient animals tn the pro dactlon of meal food products from raw material anl the hen conterts the feed that she consumes into on uhed products most rapidly of all animals newsmp enameled sink i ulqat tj pltanalj lambuv atuhtloa prta lac scm a stuan or arltt antts shut mtno rwoueti ca utafrh tsbotia 1ui specialsommer classes at a rate that should interest you we interest ourselves in the biipceas of our stuoents and place them in paying post tions start here begin now braahm bnslicss usutole brwaptoa ghttnrk it bkovalua uqrrlrwl standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes aqtomtticall bcnxmet and t loaded coal wood beloet lump for domoslio z and thresh idr purposes smithing and cannel coal in fact i earn everything to j be found in an up to date x coal and wood yard x john mcdonald phonb ia i e georgetown i

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