Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 1, 1925, p. 2

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j ilpltai linis ilius w h willson uudsr taker and licensed embalmer tala st ooorsetewa nghl dijstwur s young died obituary joyn a tttat the sudden deatb ul julo a let auder tracy of slewurllown in h hreati shock to llit iiiimiiuuity la bin iasbiut halton mure eief- ially esqueeinu suffera a joss mint oadddl bo tilled john trory foi ovor twenty jenr wax iwimbiii clerk wtiicb position with the oqice of clerk ot tliu urd divibiq court and borturj ot the tit qaeaios asritullural society h bold until in- deatb aud ibe diffti eel othwa wilj80 fur ulleld to lind a man to 1111 his ulaoe mi tnuj wan in hi a 74tb year be whs bom iq stewttrttown o insli mruulttki aod in tbe last of bis kent ration be waa udbcated at tbe old gram mar school at qoorttelown and later 11 atudeot of the lute di armenians receive visitors satiate of gait uftor wbicb be spentf aoine time at tbe rojal milt tary college at k inn a ton djioa leaving there be taught school foi bo vera 1 yearn in ditterent parts of the county and many of the ren ent day rtmdentu have fond reool lections of bib tuition leaving bis teachings to take a position with tho bank of hamilton in iti early days be served tbat matitu tton for a number or years al georgetown tottenham listowel hamilton part elgin and finally rtrwingham where in 1887 be married mine annie e harnljrj only daughter of tbe late mr and mm xhos bamlyn of wingham and later returned to stewarttowo where be took up tbe duties ot township clerk and a little latei waaappomted lice o bo inspector for the county of halton which position be well and faithfully 311 ed tor several ytara he was al ways active id military affairs and upon obtaining tbe rank or captai in the 20tb halton rifles be wj granted bis long service modal of which he was justly proud waa a lifelong member of georgetown band an all round sport a good cricket player and good horseman in his youngei days he waa a man of genial disposition beloved by everyone with whom be enrae in contact great friend of the children by whom bo will be sadly missed for where tbay were be was although troubled from time to time with bis heart he had been quite actiyi and attended in his odicial capac ity a sitting of the division court on wednesday wben he bad a col lapse and doath came very peace fully early thursday morning ht waa a staunch conservative a pi 1 lar of st john a anglicau church l stewart to wo where his talent of niubio has left its impress and a member of l0 l no 18 foneial took place on saturday afternoon from st johns church and many friends from all parts of tbe county came to pay then specta in the last sad rites tbe service was conducted by rev dr kyle and rev un smith of by rig late rector of tbe parish who spoke j very feelingly of the deceased of how be bad found him always ready with a helping hand a man strong id hib own convictions but always putting forth the bright and cheery aide or life no matter how deep tbe gloom which made him everyones friend and many were the tear stained eyes as they gaged for tbe last time at tbe re mains as they jiy jffldjyerl wjul flowera which baspoke of tbe high esteem in which deceased was held the cortege was one or tbe largest seen for some lime many score of people being unable to gam admission to the iliurib the bearers were his assoriateh tbe esquesing council while ire reding the casket were bis honor ary bearers judge elliott victoi chieholm sheriff webster j m moore w j hampshire and r c mccnllough the members of l 0 h no 68 attndcd the funeral in a bod tbe service at the grave being con ducted by worshipful master col g o brown w lindsay hornby pastcoflnty master and deputy master gordon chisfaolm hornby tbe floral tributes were heauti till and many from mrs trarj murray family kenneth murray brothers and sisters mr tod mrt lren brooks family rev a 0 smith and family mr and mrs hocatban mr and mrs whylc mr and mrs r r usrdicer mr and mrayuung betty smetbonl the council thf ratepayers the agncultutal society l0 h no 68 the band stowarttown club womens auxiliary women s in stitute he leaves to monrn his loss a borrowing widow i to nephews and a niece com elmttrfaal ceaaluc an item of great interest to every ijonnewife is tbe announce inenc in this ibsiib of a cooking demonstration to be given by the william campbell company in the store recently occupied by mssi fin lay tbe campbell automatic electric pireless range ban arous ed great interest every where elec tricity is oaed no expensive wir mg is required and the cooking re suits nre- wonderful campbell s range and cookers are starred by tbe good housekeeping institute tbey bave also received tbe tbrea p s of perfection from the prise ilia proving plant hydro approval no 876 see- demonstration any timt saturday july 4th many utsts are delighted with utile canadians lihakieg slaty live kuohih mailed diem iiof tliniiiiirtiiuit if vihiiiiiu ii a i uieniiiit hoyi pui in at georgetown on saturday ufuirnoun wikulik ftiurtli and iiihi ruiijilinii un la id undit the himpilch of hit toronto women tt lt ague of tin i ariiieiiinii relief ahiux mtion llx iiuhuhs for the day wore mi h j knit mrs amy and mrs c 13 wiiihou a nil among tho uhiioih woresoveral from hamilton lorlud ng mrs llewisb president uf tire women b auxiliary there dunng the four saturday afternoons that tbe womens auxiliary held open boimo at tbe farm almost two bun dred persons accepted the privilege of visiting thin interesting mot re and of getting acquainted with the ninety boys nu longer timid stranters in a strange land but happv cauadiatir in the making at tbe close or tbe afternoon some or the ladies of georgetown formed themselves into an auxiliary tn tbe aimeman relief association up puintlqc mr rigby as their presi dent and miss e caldwell as sicrelary treasurer the opening of the swimmior pool was another joyous event of tho afternoon mrs c b willson declaring it ready for use tbe fiw t that tbe pool was entirely tbe handiwork or the bove themselves made it all tbe more precious in their ojes aud tboir first dip wan marked by thankfulness and en thusiasm wright etbcl i lib idmi idltli glenwilliams a special meeting of l 0 l 840 glenwilliams will be held thursday evening july 9th at 8 o clock all members ed to attend miss bella bates of toronto was a gneut of miss mcmauter over tbe week end the girls ball team won georgetown on monday evening by tho score ot 2110 the girli are doing good work keep it up john hepburn and friends of hamilton visited his home here during the week misb emma beaumont and mies kathleen duncan of toronto via i ited glen friends last week miss mabel m arch m ent visited her home over the week end our fyfo and drum band has been practising every week and getting in shape for the 12th of july gordon mullin visited his par ents over the week end mi aod airs mcconnnck visi ted her home here for a few days last week mr and mrs wilfred preston mrs swan and mrs t mcdonald motored to buffalo on sunday miss s pugh and miss m bus sell have returned from melville sask where tbey have been living tor some 10 years tbey intend to remain here we are glad to have our old friends back once more county council tbe promised scrap over tho equalization of tho county assess meat this year did not materialize at tbe regular meeting of the county council last week and the whole question was settled with out any difficulty it was agreed that there would be a general crease of c per cent all over county except tbe township nansagaweya which was increased only 2 per cent the county good roads system was discussed at considerable length no decision was received from the department re brant street an tbe matter had not been p before tbe department billy equal alan mcdonald hall irene smith mary mm pre man jack samulor liert lira llej oinnr dimknu ioilo paws ahiiit freeman deeriih duns inoti jim s evelyn hoare prank d howard hiaumont muriel jaik tost ethel spen o darke mice wulbei wbitmec brin marlenn renco cole tiilnn ontignn hall ilarbni tost mav harrv wright itu lena hiiih r 11 to sr ii hon itullivaut david crubum kidh loan mayis nellie maynnrd annie hall jean hilt walter norniih ton lille framis rush duutaii frank gregory margnret umloii ftiitb mcnally jean mcallister pass perry saxc floyd hilts bessto hilts david saxe mona scry inn pour verdun wright hnr j allen eric dean david hi j n elsie carter jim itiulin ruth beaumont mary edwrls brock lorubso rfginald home margaret kntner frtd liof k harley helen meallntur jvlarkarot maude to sr iillon jean john eiliineimm plum 0 rah urn v vernon mccumber iter ce mcdnnnldnovile jepson pans deorgo allen chester le jack cunningbrtii cart hyde margaret hugging clarence ken neily frank kontuer margaret latimer margaret long ijen lug margaret mayes lloyd saude- hazel smith i torjr ii honcliftord vera reid i helen armstrong aleo atkins fred denisou norman i herbert kenneth mckensie al bert reeve alfred sykes jim mc- niven margaret symons douglas russell henry ford to jr ii hon annie lorueso and jim valantine kath eon mulholland and gordon oa- rander bruce kennedv and eric nornngton clayton bradley ana erwin hilts mary tost mary gleadall pasb harry dewhursb and rnssell varey gordon and rosie lornsso una diggins jack ham ilton edwin shortill helen ritchie and hazel walker albert staple ton rec godfrey collier jack fouhs eleanor wright dorothy sargent david freeman primer to sr i hon marjory hilts manod dilly and wilfred murray equal esther brill mary reith pass irene tullet walter col ley leo ore woode primer to sr i hon duncan t pi uk itoig arlhir billi i v4nl itiillif dnvi- kenneth hi uards i i miiimmn itoy 1 in ini dmojiy mimuif 1 iim ihik ian m h i j if ln 1iir 4 hm line slanull lilni kuih 1 1 it weuu h lass haiiv all in annie ad aiuson itilln mrainhy knd aim irung irh hi normal iwrktr liix arte is- hi- 1 moan in ililcv mtord milt- lkiiht lit it htty kmui loi rune hilin sleuail milvren dnotln m ntwn ltn w m cook by electricity nw adverlisemenls cabu with ordeu iu lorn tuulls rank ivi cla bi ttu high school report bit minima dunum hull lll iilvljulie lurlri b rainy rr john huik t- l lunie lvilynst resolution was passed to leave it to tbe department al tbe special meeting but no instructions were uiveo to forward it to the govern raeot arrangements wcro made to have the question submitted to the government aod it is expected an answer will bo received for the next regular meeting june promotions jr iv to sr ivhon eleanor treanbr joe hall lily saunders pass rena mcenery mark col her ralph armstrong hugh mr nallj emily lucas rec elmer costigan bert tuck edith tost frank lorusso helen hilts edgar gregory sr iii to jr iv- jim evans edna glass rota burkboldef gladys weston martha graham jack maclaren flora atcott ethel marshall a bolger angus wcmyas evelyn ashmore betty demson florence brand ford linne wilson earl mccumber sr iii to jr iaileen ham iltoo gilbert dillv jeabie hill margaret green elinabeth spence hilhard alien pearl blair minni sargent jack davidson willi chaplin gordon harley george hoare ted murdock harold tost vcrna barker jr iii to sr iii hon- camer on reid nellie scrymgeour marg aret denlson mary reeve irene mulholland kelly mcnally pasb- alice woods jean mer ntt irene armstrong robert reeve wilbert fiddler josephine heath jim ross stanley allen marion stock ford aileen glass eleanor momullen george chap lin russell pi regime ethel smith harold ritchie doris sykes elgu varej praaer minims cecil dav ldson marion treanor isabel thompson rec wsldo diggins roy ward john laoe tnabelle collier lily hoggins sr ii to jr 111-hon- kath leeo hale helen mcdonald hel en brown richard adamson equal billy mclaren katbenne phur s vaimlt milial la fint pilir h jin mrl rmul kfnmth wilson tl dm nit try itapert itmurnoiil furm uumumr1111 kalhliin haniit hunors i ury hi kn rililli lavis mtnmr- 1 mrduipull mipt trinih ami antlinitlk kiln last alirt tuck tilfin hullivant dorothy bsllanlino form 1a honors it arl mxi hiu except algelnu joseph llolgir flonnn mclaughlin william coller matu- navidsn rx cvptalgrbrn john kvsrm 1 loyd barih charkh stockford except alrebra jessie wallace james mckane nellie hancock helen lane except latin and algebra anion sharpc gordon pickering m aisle fountain except al gebra koy norton charlrs kirk kob ert bessey except french charlth willwon clarence floyd exci pt j rench tormlll hugh lindsay claude ktntner clarence rtith except french form i b commercial eleanor maw except algebra ii evans jenie smellie ruth orr gar- held mcgilvray lome cave except algebra alice treanor con bessie debbie perfect a tendance and punctuality form iii sam mackenzie form ii edth davis form i gordon sliarpe james mckane u the pupils who are starred in a nub ject or two subjects will study during the summer they will be given an ex aminauon in the weak subject or sub jects on the opening of school in sep as a result of the recent examina tions in stenography held recently by the examination department of sir isaac pitman sons ltd toronto the following certificates were awarded second class or theory certificate- kathleen barnes eileen bulhvant edith davis reu tost alice tuck elementary certificatebessie deb bie eleanor maw garfield macghvray olaf stapleton no expensive wiring required cooking demonstration c electric cushion sole shoes kyou have that tired feeling in your foot just try our cushion sole shoes it is not nooessary to have your fact huit yon look into tho cushion sole proportion at once the cushion sole is made of layers or cork and folt cov ored with aof t ialf skin self supporting arch and soft pliable uppers the lascs are nature shaped and will free you from corns bunions and all other foot troubles just try a pair a rumford georgetown ontario we do hepairiiie the manbmlding strength of the wheatgrains await you in excelsior flour acton flour mills d h lindsay proprietor for june brides delta costume pearls- what could be more appropriate irian a stringof beautiful pearls it is certainly a a gift that lasts guaranteed to wear and retain its lustre and a indestructible from 6 00 to 25 00 a b willson jeweller keit to hotel mcqibbon oeoryktown rsrpi i vi fnrnulrr for flal la vi m 11c iu 1 1m 1 lnflrl iuv pita iiitm hs 1 ih jr automatic hbeiess r saturday july 4 ah day and evening in the store lately occupied by miss finlay do not fail to see this cooking demonstration sold only on moneybaok guarantee easy payment if you wlih william campbell co georgetown ontario paint paint we cany a complel stock of the famous known au over die continent for theii excellence and economy consult us f 01 estimates before painting and varnishing porch floor m bntthan poroh floor puf muw jo itjr with wtjadjm kbamjrto auto gloss any dories can rebnuli hit car in few hour willi amogloai vernicol varnish stain with low bros verwpol ex calient for woodworfc floor eta floor paint thli ua floor eimumi of durability il u caidv applied ifbl lot gh vlom ouh undur0 enamel parceluti- la lorb linda enamel b uxib unlike met it b tery eaayls tppb it iowa en evenly lenot bruah balk or orei lappa it ia vaty dnrabla reuumn g ila iruoance of finwk oi yeara londero u tm- pcrrkmulo wmttiaod n- gray qaun r h thompson co phone 46 georgetown ont atandld hay for bl swmrdow a ar u l il 1lljir lmirtkhw t beat r win 1 iue m ie t si hhjii innr nlyl u1 vm tie cax for 81 lhie ruajucr hi jlj ii kril lounrnt j n o nr ill far bala lliallmm inculmuir lmegga me wrh i llanilliiii inilbalor 120 utr 7 w l whle lr pil 1 1 oqeaih d coir gept boardaxa wanted kin und board thrrtccu aniona e vfey corner mrnafab id l gtorkclqu jor flok of 60 hrri rnit ihree roomi hue leitborna oac ilran ihe fowl r lin farm good lottgeta hev uyera cppoi he best hun pbonewt r 2 george waa tad lloiw md or young k for luu ork apply to mrs r i creel mi eoricelowo ijh for bale iopert next 10 mayor ualeb on i qurcn si large lol frme houte wilb ater and lighla n ince shoo apply j j oibbeoi modem apartment leaung attactmentr own pj tout electric cook log ami tenant a approval apply wood for sal very chouc turd wood al sj 75 per mngle cord ood mummer wood al jj 25 per single cord good sound mixed rail si per ainglc cord bint wood alamall dry so per unglc cord j brandlord phooc bok 49q georgetown 527 tl coal for sale delaware and hudson cna to all tuua hvered any place 10 georgetown gel rur nilrr supply in now while ihe price low terma cash john l joyce stewarliown stilion phone 18 r 2 george if for bale two- lorey brick blackim lb shop 60 40 for a k in glenwilliarna phone 5 tjeorge own l to beat one ollage lo rent oj co irner ol jh dmk ai j durfiam it reels apply to 1 t am old geotketown to raat com fori able lint suiiabl e lor amall fmly emrally located apply iierald it ice 20c halt block of soibi 30c block of 10 lb 1 let us have your order for ic coming seaaon ice delivered every day j ii bmith phone 4 r 13 george- wood hardwood cul any length you require ji4 a cord s6 a load 350 a amgle cord ruroacachunkt 5 uo load a free load of kindling wih every ihree cord orders murray bros 1 99 r is t auto truck service i have complete new outfit and will drllkindiof hauling long or abort di nice at reasonable ratea j h siniilr phones h r 13 georgetown ll ladies blue bird beauty parlors iipktairb over mr dale a 0111 co harcdllbs cuitig cnttlig ud siigdig wc solicit ibe patrodage or tbe indies uf gporetown and vicmit miss francis i main st omiktawa j sanford sheet metal worker u general tinsmilhing stewarttown ftmc 81 r 12 expert fence builder why to ditte wire tton when oii em set il at a reason able pnro yearn otjeiprripnpe ertablee me to civc on better values than others prompt kervico and rirht prices gats oedar and iron oatn al ways in stork when yoti want u thing id tbo above line just caii wire delivrvcd aq where j h smitli phone 8rl3 stewarttown jjt

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