Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 15, 1925, p. 4

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1 in tkolhifrown rlkkaiii j i i 1 ji imni not altiiijn to uil not ftl tlo woi somet l 10olvhli lr omn loud but il wr im n ami iimmo hluiiuui n nkili the world would bt ml mil then when little c hildron m idoin pluj id tll humble and the duck and 1 n a dieary dmmnl 1 1 ft- wuuld know if wealth nnd f imo utid iwi i and plnoo wfcre vital ltnuk to hold nod km yoml never nee amiiilnih face wluie wants lire few nnd tastes are plnio but foruioatel ltneranblobb the hutublo licartwith impiunchti lovo searches foi hit bmve nnd true with gentle wiijh love journojh far it little rftrcs what no cando but blcait n u for what axo ar and he whoae iftn tff huh euaro oflovo tun win the trcnlor ntinic edgar a corn fieldjioisture uk pllkhr k ld during till itv 8ka80n cultivation or iitertllge the rbliig uuw houture biaporale cul nto tretuentl hut not deeply the possibility of a strike by coal miners on august 3 1 at makes it ne cessary for your comfort and pockctbook to secure next winters supply of coal now we have quality coal which we can deliver this month at he following prices egg size 14 25 stove size 14 75 nut size 14 25 pea size 1 1 25 hamilton coke i i 00 termacabb phone 33 j b mackenzie luritrllioted ly ontario department or cultivating or lnttrtlllage li ao iiiurally practiced with corn growlni hat wo assume it necessary tor growth and ilo not stop lu ask ills rud liut thiro are several rea noun thi most limcorlso of wlilcb iro to coiiwne moisture and to de- utroy thi compiling waeds that the uro may bavu the beat possible- liuncu to duveloo liiterti unite beneficial inlertllhige also assists tbe treeing t lalit fond and an open or loos jyifuct uull will id cubs of heavy rain take up and bold morp moisture imn a liar j or uncultivated surlaet niolbluft eiaporalus troui ho up yavr home may x stolen by fire bxhtnin or wind storm flake it safe from financial loss with insurance elmer c thompson insurance service georgetown below 1mb 1b as nature in undid it should be and was quite in right ihlng when joe toll bubch a covued with decaying leaves and rowing ugetallo hut under our rot browing sjsiuiis of today wl ire wi reduio t t toll to an i0 util buri condition and tl en plant uru with hie objict of grow ids cam n r d nothing iibi on tbe land we uiusl ant oiu mututuii prevmt 1t escape from thi soil until tbe corn plant dnelops a root syitini extensive tough bat no uiolhlure may puss irom ihi bull surf mci we know lliat moisture in lost from lite fallow oud if tin re ib so cultivation during the warm drj heather and we know thai ullage practiced on the bare tallow field will retain the soil in a mellow condition how moisture j vaporates i if e set a pan of water on tliu uuprotectid surface soil it will louse onelair nch or water dally during lite dry weather a similar pun of water sel in the corn arid or jiit uud win re it is pro i cttd by the krowlng crop will not lust aa ninth in a week tiom ibc furekoliik it villi be noted that tbe niobt import ant tillage to aae tin molsiuri fur tbe corn plant is dui pnvluus lo the time that the plant liu- uuilad s lalght of 12 or 1g in bes when tin ortl la that blhb u liah developed a root ntteular em ugh to prevent toss of soil niolturt tlllugt done aftir the com la 15 inche high las ub main umint in rmolu8 the weeds thai compete ullh the com tor moisture and nourlsl nitnt all taken bj weeds directly rohi the corn crop en experlniet h tbat wire conductid ttrmlne tit inbueiile of weeds rn jlild it was found that shal ultlatlou tun an in rinse of where weeds wer allowid to grow deep cultivation nut necesiuiry thre iliatlng laikt w pro pi r tlini th can of ihim und at tbe same time tin cirn fools will not bi injund b tin cultuator teitb uro ad cu iuk culthator te th that df not loosen til soil mo r than two inches dipp give condition most favorable to the full doelopneot of the corn plant thi ire ofluuuntltlk usuul 1 bpok n of as hip inr up deep iit her down dnp lincriasea he labor and reduceb tl i yl id rreiiiicnt piilthntl us a ilcneflt lp to the urn thnt the c irn shades the ground cult vat frequinllj and not over two inches deep after that continue to cultivate shallow prlncl pally vrltb tin objict of destroying weids department of extension o a college guelph georgetown flour feed mill five rosea in oh and 2 1 ii ti n parity flour in lis lb 1mm national pastry m uh and l h bn chit i vioa und isci tilth iml foi lini lid lei 1h of nil unil haled h nftil htmw w c bessey phone 195 georgetown we pay highest price for oats here and tkere bargains in real estate ittd lnud tlitd lives i 11 iiijmeol tlywp hnliinic nt 05 tin inoitfiiit iioukj on luiei st timdtrii tonvi mont en i a halrnrrp jfootl vnrden ifind nnd rthotil 0 f a tniiiid nuui slaftfk anvl i imlmlf t fl m 11tii rt 111 a speights garage and battery service guelph st on the highway georgetown we give service that satisfies the most exacting motorist why not try us duranl and star service slalloo mclaughlin repairs a specially phone 280 day or night arthrfa r speight collections we bandle collections only no sideline nothing tob old small large or hard tor na to larltle m rxa in am oftlct vo collection ho cuatlur kelly aiken collecto ontngavlll ud owen so nnd yes george i m starting a conrne of training nt the guelph business college on july 6th mary alicf and wntum hnvojnst flnthhed their course and located in good positions toil and am1 liavo nrrangid to atari september 1st bub by utarting now i tlmll be ab to take a position nhcad of ttifi you get indimdual inatruclion si the business college biaaiar bld oaalpfa oat a l bouck principal and proprietor sfhsios tiif evtirbotfah guelph ladies ttll niceabllj oflcul unless it u to cover if th wora lr ddue in till it will not get parasites all when the dog sea finds th dog it la happj so much ao that it be comes verj active and fleas become numirous the flea found us host and bo it is with plants they all have their bacteria qinerallons of living togeltur have developed kinds and types with their likes ud dislikes ech particular plant has its aaso elated bacteria which become active when thei come in contact with tl e root we have long known the close aseoclallon between the roots o the clover plant and certain bacteria to the general advanlare of both this discovery was made larhly through tbe bacteria earning on the work li a wav hat lift large visible nodules on the clover root it has long been suspicted that i isnts belonging o other ordirs had associated mltb thenibacuruuiatcitulld uiljljtorx similar to the clovir or kpunic iijc terla and it has now bem demon strated thai the corn plant ins associated with it hacterln ihat do for the corn roots what tl r ivguuie bacteria do tor thi legume it haa been a myster to tnmu atrlcullurlilu hov the corn bell lund tould gu on growing corn year afur jeai and still lave an adtijuuti a iipl of available nitrogen tor tbe oexl crop the secret is now out the corn plant has its paraslu a nitrogen kallnrlng batcerla that multiplies in the pre enee of the corn rool ust as the oca will thrive onl when it nnda a suit able host it is lo be hoped that nitrogen gatherers will be found for all atrlcultural plants department of extension o a colltge guelph niont raspberries any evidence of the ar irms among your rasp a pound of dry lead a barrel of water and cover the uppr and lower surfaces f the leaves that is use lead ar senate up to tl e tline the fruit sets after the fruit sets use white belle- bora i ileiuitiiul brictr iioiibo on ouclnli hi nmelj deomtcd h wood llilors flic philp nil t onvrnient en nlco luun price 1c0i a hid nil i aj meul down hnluni c at 6 1 0 room frame lioui garages hen tiouse trees price 8110 terms piihj 600 domi bulimic nniiuod u dtiil mu baser j 0 loom ft mud iioubq on mum si all coineniencin tanne nnd t tien huintp gulden good hint nnd a nke laan inie 1110 torms 500 down halatico arm igcd to tml mrbiuer beven room iiatno bouie and two loiti prilc hc0 i 1400 fi loomed ottagn m tollege iew ou college bt for quick bale j141k turum ariangid to suit urrlmsti for iiaiticiilarsapiily to e a benham 1 rfcal estate aolnt ulohgetow n pnone 1cj i proprietor satisfactory wi ithir comlillor i huvi in en go 1 u u thi lui nrb liuilthy aceorlink to r nt ri rlt en erul coi llioia in tin mnrit nn provjices art niniil lot to and iiik u about com lite t n annapolis fruit distrutn nn li ood sliopi and islimntis u i lo a nor mul crop a conbieiimuil of lunil ir from stulh flistinlnsur ik nrrivid n ceitly at don at uoll ei on tliu loiudiun 1mlfk 111 11 iuii of twenty nine v of d mjaa r ir ioma uf which wire so loin th i three flat mrs wlm nquirid to catty ihim field mnrslml r url unlit and countess htiig traiillw ihrouihj western cnnadu lu tlu jmif i roast over the canadian ivific liinlvuy rnontly after iikwidltiu thi run 1 fcrenee of the biitish r nipiri bir j vice leuui at 0un n western canada hjs never hnd better crop prospects thnil whiih exist now stated t rmsl g cook of r cook ltd crip insurants j co of moose jaw busk who rt cently spent lno weeki nt banff afltr tourmb the wibt aid study intr crop conditions according to agricultural and i industrial progress in cm nda tho dcparlmtnt or trade and umiwm has jsiuiii the followlnt compota tive stntement for 1024 and 1w5 trade in the dbmlnion total 1921 1025 truda f 1 902 130 16 1 878 294 180 impts b93 366hg7 1j6im2g3t bpls 10s8 7gj291 1 0h1 801 643 fav bal 105 390 4 jo 284 429 106 according to the dominion bu reau of btatislicb the annual con sumption of standing timber for use amounts to about 2 600 000 000 cubic feet the loss by fire insects and fungi about doubles thia depletion and tt t estimated that canadian forests are depleted at the rate of upwards of fivir and a half billion cubic feet per annum specials lor this week ford garage in georgetown our red row coffee i ib i pure ramibirry jul siunmli pi men loo per r rikit sales and service station is now opun for business and a first class me chanic will give prompt and efficent service tires gas oils and all ford assessories always on hand h a coxe l uliry unit b irdmctlrti tin cut bub siir ill lit s er tan tign and datcf ibn red rest urangi poiiol tea bll tea bpceinl per lb pincst hoheuimn hops 2 m aootbtr lot 1 lb caoh bab ng powder lymonadd and raapberr uttlhar lario bottle witter llnshus lhin blowrrf i driipe jiikt per jot tie iiunniii powdor u fur ijuvoliuivone or tbo boil iwderulo aoftoo water 1008 walfrbd mark clark bakery and groceries main st north formerly browns garage w w roe insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 65 georgetown cmiywcoutbhesmailts mmssmmmk m semdyour amswer10w ctalhtoata urn tt hid vr um ikuim af th joint u lfe mmlw him whkh tm sksll a u fl hi tm wapianqttiho every correct answer receives a reward take notice sbahfoohg hakceluiw and curiing frizzing and singeing tpy ns our priceb are reasonable mrmrsjhuliieo apimiilneats pbne 242f rlio have ihi e gopd frames ft roin ti protect on w th galvan sheets al pre war pr i t lichlntng proj fire insurance j w kennedy rjttewb attfor sooie of lbs stropgexi com num wriliojj insurance re you protected i trucking -ato- loiig distance hauling foriitnremivlig plcale firtles donebybtnrror hy oontrnct por pr oob and a r ran semen t call or write vm g roszel o uib obokoetowh cohtest positively c10ses sat july i8 do yoa want a piano radio or a phonograph someone is going to win the grand prizes with just a few minutes work it might just as well be you piano contests have proved so popular that the canadian selling agents arranged with a piano a radio and a phonograph manufacturer to eon- duct thto contest three big prizes and a number of other rewards are h0wtos0lve1 the puzzle you have to do b to count the iber of dollar marks mus- frattd on the radio setwhich re- present about the price asked for a complete radio outfit when yon have decided on the correct number end your answer to the canadian selling agent t the address given below if too want a piano a radio or a phonograph send in your kmrwer today start at once and count tha dollar t marks sad remember prbtcs so to the best neatest most original correct answers dont watt i la case of a tie the first answer received wins the prlte read the rules and instructions caret ally then tend in your answer thla night be your lueky day 3rd prize 150 phonograph beautiful phonograph equ to play all totoic mandgtmy-iratalt- additional prizes purchasing credit outh ers valued at from 100 00 to 200 00 will also be liven away 1st prize instructions write your name tid address plainly and carefully with your count of the number of dollar 1 marks to the neateat best boat original correct answer will be liven absolutely without coat a beautiful j0 00 piano for the next best neatest most original correct answer a 1275 00 radio set will be given to the next best will be given a 1150 00 phonograph additional prizes purchaaing toothers valued at from 100 00 to 200 00 will also be given send your answer to things to remember nitted on this or a aeparate aheet of paper or any other material there is no limit to the alio of the solution somebody is gobir to win the pnies ana every one of them is absolutely free read the rules and instruct ions again send in your answer now today 3rd prize canadian selling agents 449 king street east hamilton ont coupon my count of the dollar marks s hurlbuts grow with the growing feet 1 they can be rebuilt at fac tory and made a size larger 2 rebuilt shoes are worth more than the coat of rebuild our rebuilt service adds months of wear to hurlbut hurlbut j cushion satx l wc not only sell but recom mend them d brill co kadlv f ho m ne your- sah school v cat v nane ja 8iqm mho mail otv we will send du tho information that you should lituo concerning tins school bign and mail this rati non and wo will be ftlad to put you on thenpht track start here begin now ottinpteblhisliesilistitinv swap ton okorfatowh sti ha shotaulnsj fuqwlrad standard i anthracite j scranton i coal in all sizes t coal wood select lump for domestic j and tbrcoliinr parposes snhtbinf and cannel ooa1 in tart icarrj eer thing to s bo found in an up to date coat anil wood yard x john mcdonald phone 12 georgetown coal bet d l w scianton coal in all sizet also smithing and steam con mrs j watkins norvai station phone 62r2

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