Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 22, 1925, p. 4

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i xwhiwh liht alu jul iihj 10h5 ruthei op the road mineral for stock under tlio hprmding t lichlnut ti the vtllngi wi ili blinds i llio smith howuwi imii i there willi llorrcnlloch 111 llltt llhild tbo weathct luiiti n mwi in mini now oipiob ii uttt audition which biih lnrak oih gia olmn iiml lpnl mrdiimii 6 when vo were tojsuo nntiliid llic nurk go lljinj tow nuts tbo roof and sniffid the line mourn of linl hod on a hoof but nei r borne mines liuipini in these ohb la in ntiv hhod the quo lime auntli is limit up n ioohi lunrc lhik rod weaned taot tuvtnult him bent a wan on urej and nil 1 ll and while tt iltihmcj from whilr to red wl uuuduid how lit held 1c but now the until u hold for juult the atedijo nnd chisels tunxd tlic btnith in ihib tinkering it vno uum feed units bustid the horse and buggy dais are gone they mil return do and jot tbo one time him lmmtb does not yearn torf dnjs of yore tbo flivver has a lusty lifk he naya but an a rule itdoean t slam you in the slates ob did the farmer full many a daj i ve toiled and sweat to shoe a fler steed and had him bite nio in the neck if he was oft his feed but now i am a specialist in every motor trouble and while my task is half as hard my daily income s double long weekends for busy men without the telephone the bubiccss man might find it impossible to take them but now he goes away with an easy mind no circumstances can arise in ins absence of which he cannot be instantly advised by long distance if a decision is needed lie dan make it before hangingttp the receiver holidays are necessary and long distance makes them possible r mil ml llrflrlrnclea f s li mentitrj li1 iistruulnn ut hit animal i 11 principal minerals ara i pig nolulug of a in vlev unless it ild b iiu at ulmralti ii iu lliul the layman along the banttwindermere highway in block ww do t ilh k i r it lii uriua of i drugen xj u ii calcium phosphorus iron it mil bb ut i ai a knowledge of t i lstr to the major it it la just i ef i nit hint is an fur back as their ii ughtif gu dili to the taw on the lisod wlio makh his living producing oj animals it is st methlng more hi 1 no had experli nee wme time our lii his feeding operations with anu link that lacked thrift did not de- tho ixpirknced feeder know that tall la essential f the well being ot 1 ib animals so he provides it in doing io two of thn necessary mld ma sodium and chlorine and their may to the structural units of tbo body the liberie need feeder know that blue crass grown on limestone landi 1b different from other blue grass in that it pro tide something that aids very materially in building i strong bony btructure for the young animal itecognlclon of mineral dencjenclea 1 iodine big neck or goitre in nenf born calves lambs foila and dead hairless pigs indicate that this mineral element was not present in quantity sufficient for normal de 2 calcium and phosphorous itlcaita in young animals paralytic c udltlon or the joints of either for or hind limbs weak lega and soft shelled eggs in chickens and low milk production are common cuudt tlnns where these minerals are not supplied in sufficient quantity li da itlch in calcium the bone maker alfalfa red clover tank an dried milk produces sktmmllk buttermilk whey feeds poor in calcium cereal sralns roots timothy hay cereal feuds with calcium in moderate amount dried beet pulp corn all age corn fodder a calcium can be uipplcd by feeding steamed bonemeal raw rock phosphate whiting chalk a lf lacked lline limestone marl or wood aihn lu quantity aufflclent to supply ihe uipd along with the dally ration b phosphorous can be flbppllud list b ualng phosphorous rich food as bran linseed meal and tankage or by using ravr eock pboapbau floats in conjunction with calcium steam t d bone meal can also be used c iodine can be supplied by ue int sea salt from which the iodine has not bien removed or by ualng the commercial lodlied salt method of ftilln supplements tho quantities required are not large for animals at pnature a belt f eilir la the only practical method lur stall ted animals the ingndlenu can be mixed and given with the dally ration where calcium and phosphor us aloni are required such can be applied by mixing steamed bone in on 1 marl and salt if iodine alone la r quired solution mad a ot one ounct of iodine to one gallon of water rnn be made up and one tablespoon ful applied dally to the teed of each animal if the milk yield are low and the cows chewing bones look to the mln ral content of the feed and make 1 1juatment if the pigs are crippled with swollm joints and defective honea look to the mineral rf the feid if the henjefliylnk lied eggm- offlitobd rre the one that supplies the feed the cow abut dp in the barn rd and the pig in the high walled nn arc your prisoners it is up to ou to provide what their bodies need or let them go out to nature id and it for themselves l stev- ibon dept of extension o a col ge guelph t tte tin alutulr cur- this la the banff windermere highway it tealjy needs no introduction for it is numbered among the most famous and moat peiiect motor hlubways in the world above are the latest pictures of some of the country ft passes through and some of the mountain goata om is sure to encounter 1m motor news says about it this wonderful highway wide and smooth and hard and level aa any the old romans or the modern americans ever built is in the canadian ftockes for 114 miles it twin- its tortuous way through unbelievably magnificent banff the world famous resort columbia clinging to the brim of sheer precipice cleaving through sheei canyons skirting giant mountains spanning giant rivera overlooking giant valleys and affording the most soulshaking views of rivers and valleys anc mounuini stretching away and away ever so far ever ao deep ever k high for ever and ever amen the mountains goata and sheep incidentally are quite tame and little groups of the mild mannered creatures not infrequently make themselvei at home in the middle of the roadway and gare wondenngly at the lord of creation who wait impatiently in their cars for pwmiaalon to pass cows fob the settler the niirlhunil produces mutb hay 11 lr iiml kohl on ihe hoof or in milk ttrtllm may hurfhaao altle cheaply ireworm poison specials for this week d i rltulim nnt ot fordgarage in georgetown our sales and service station is now open for business and a first class me chanic will give prompt and efficent service tires gas oils and all ford assessories always on hand main st north yovr home may ix stolen by ftr hxhtmr or wind storm flake it safeirom financial loss wrth insurance elmer i thompson iuiruce service gorgetowi yes george im starting a coarse of train mgjatbe guelph business college on juiy 8th mary aiicf and wiliiau tave u8t finished tbeir conrso and located in good poiiiodb tom and asm liavo arrttnged to itart september 1st bnt by slatting non i shall bo able to take a position ahead of them you ret individual instruction jjt tho guelph business college auairul onajpk oat a l bouck rrladpal ui prfridr srbrion tup entire tfab fire insurance j h kennedy gwrfdown ap lor lomcot ihe blroreeit w wnlmg idmtanre re you protected to keep tests prom small fralta no good excuse can be given by anyone as a treason for losing a crop f curr or gooseberries because mildew or worms dmesulntiur t summer strength as for apple or llordeaux applied when the leaves nmt appear and st intervals of two ks thereafter until the fruit is half grown wl 1 control mildew add wo pounds of dry lead arsenate to 00 gallons o sprms and you can root rot ihe currant worms at the ume time if plant lice or aphlds ihow up give them a dose of nicotine ulphate at ihe usual strength on the i ret appearance of the pests if torms appear after the fruit la half rnwn use treah white hellebore in lead of kj arsinnte ilurnlng by paris green spray bach jiar considerable injory re lulls to tender plants through leaf torching following the application ot paris green this injury can be avoided by us ng a double quantity of freshly ilaked or hdrated lime in a mixture fflth the paris ttreen and then adding lufflclcnt water to make a paste allow this to stand for an hour and hen dilute to the strength desired or sprajlrjf the lime combines irllh the free araenlous oxide and re- uovas its leaf scorching property j sanford sheet metal worker hi- general tinsmithing stewarttown pknem r 12 ladies shnkiodk aucetunc anbcubuiw ni2znc aiw sneens try as oar prices an reasonable mr mrs jblilheo auhitiuriel hra coxe formerly browns garage dominion stores iin it cil jsdas iauoist save on your picnic supplies ton can be asanred that your picnic inppliet will be freah if pnr- c dominion 8torb yon will auo have the knowledge that tod are savins money by doing this start in today fresh lemons 35c per doz patersons ot dutch cream v b15cuits wru vv brunswick sardines iwfact 425c halatflomd dainty puddings cfaqist or nstni 325c aulstreaii choice ran salmon pound to 15c rown pints quarts k ca sealers- 05 151j riscoa29c for light cakescrisp fried foods fig bar biscuits 19 take a pound home hydro electric system so watt lamps 4 for 3 1 oo guaranteed limps 2g unttdl 40 halt 32 01 tynlt 37 100 unu tungsten 0 100 watt nitro 05 1g0 watt nitro 85 200 watt nitro 1 15 irons guaranteed 1 year 475 hydro irons guaranteed 5 years 575 orders taken or ranges and appliances of all kinds office town hall 4msms bargains in real estate hciuitiful brirti lionw on uiinlnii st nicoly decorated hard wood jlimih hi c nr ii loneniencos nico lawn and shade trees iil down balance at 5 on mortgage n emory bt modern convomencea 2 x vb good harden land and about 70 fruit 8 tnsj 500 donn balance arranged to price 0501 a hi nil h c loom rinuil boutl i 1 fiarahes lien lioubo half i trees price 8110 toim rtiiit tiutoliiiei fj room frntno house on mam st all conveniences garage and lien house garded good fruit and a nico lann puce j10o terms 500 down hsuance arranged to suit lurchaaer 8oven room frame bouse and two lota price 850 s1400 5 roomed rottagn in collotfo view on coiicro st for quick sale 1400 terms arranged to suit purrbaser for particulars aplilj to e a benham uloroetown box4s0 rial ebtatl aofnt plionp 1g4 hiw pivple in old ontario who have not travelkd through the north urn part of th pro viae reallae that there la a territory lilng north of niw uakeard and west ot cochrane that will in i hi- nrar ulurw iwcoms uiil of thi must in portaut producing mkrlcultural areas of ihe province the country adjacent o ihe rallwaya b now clean d ur beinj cleared to such an txltnl that the settlers are no lungir di pendent upon tbelr tlm ber or pulp wood fur rt venue but it now engaged in farming proper uuny arms enpclally in ihe new llskeard sectlun are entirely elf a rod r buah and ihe- while acreage u tiller undt r cultlvallun or in bay and nurthland product- much luy llh the wonderful producing puwy of this niw land there is an lofllunall rapid gtowlh b vege tatlun uud ha la now being produced in auch quantltha that it la with difficult that a n arkel can be found or thl fnlln production so much is this ao that iveu thu year in june hacks of 1924 bay nay be seen aa one travels along the railway set tiers have not httn producing hay aloni but have been getting into live stock ralslug as rapidly as clrcum tuiices and conditions wuuld permit this is evidenced by the fact that belwten vew uakeard and cochrane mitre an creameries at the following polnla new llskeard ramore earl ton matheson at gagne and cochrane ilea if luiwi scarce m llh settlers as vjh the case with settler in old ontario ao it la in moat esses with be i hers j northern ontario tner have very llltlu readi cash as their en ml ui j have been used in clearing ho laud consequeutl the ontario government is assisting the settlers dnanclally in the building of cream ertea and in the purchase ot cows auch assistance is being given on busloeus principles onlj tbat is tie roomy for the building or creameries and the purchase of cowa is nlng loaned to the sett era at a moderate rate of interest and under certain conditions purchase of ions briefly speaking the new policy of the dej artmeht ot lands and uresis through the northern uevelup uent branch in cooperation with hi de partment of agriculture through the live stock branch u aa follows cattle are o be purchased in car load iota only settlers ore to appoint a represen tative to select the animals and are to author lie him to act on their be half in such selection and in decmloi as to price settlers are required to sign an application form to ti ttect agre ing to give promtuor notes and liens against llitlr farms for unpaid balances government will appoint a repre sentative of the department o agrl lture to accompany settlers repre sentative and assist him in selection of cattle government will advance full nount of money to pky for cattle at time of purchase and to prepay trans portatlun charges and to pay expenses of settlers representative settlers will be charged iii per cow to defray thi transportation charges and the cost of their own representative this flat rate will mean a saving or several dollars per cow to the sutlers and will give them the advantage of knowing exactly what these costs will amount to the total cost to the settler will be the amount paid fur the stock pur chased tor him plus 12 per headtfor those other charges upon delivery the settlers will be required to pay at least is per cenl ot thla total coat and aa much mora aa he la able interest at 5 per cent will he charged on unpaid balances and re payments are required at ihe rate of is per cow per month and the settler shall give a promissory note to this effect and a lien against his farm repay me ms ma be made to the creamery or to such other local office as may be designated in the oom munlty l e o nelll live stock branch ontario department ot agriculture sugared dalefts kge 25c choice datch ibx sigo tomaloch 2 tana uoc corn cans uon wild 1 ramble jell 1 lb jar 85 r- sandwich spree 80o mayonnaise dressing 5 u0c win to pickled odious aoc jreena sponge mixture 0c snider h tomato soun 2 cans sgo spaghetti in tomato aaucc 10a cork and bcann 2 for 25c corn flakes 2 lor xlo njjp valley oreo leinoo cream olive palm olivc carbolic large twin bar u for b5o libber rings 8 plig 25c ino rings per do 25c free on all cauli purchases of 1 we o one ualf fare ticket plus ui rui theatre boos wanted mark clark bakery and groceries w it is- whtte satin 24lb qq pastry flour bag hjc none better milled nc w w roe insurance broker j i insurance in all branches phone 65 georgetown a moving or transportation irnlilni jour woiries end when ou engagp uh let ub explain joiir moving pro blenis advue on stnppiiik packing insuring or storing fiven free r ferences our ciislomers 0eorqetown ont 1 phoned i7iw nsnyder cartmseand dtstmce hauung- cut ftorvn poison bran ie lbs paris green or w hlte araenlc i lb uolaasea h gal water 1 gala mix the bran and poison together drj in a large vessel add the mo lasses to water stir well and then pour the liquid oer the poison bran and mix until ever part is moist and will fall through the fingers apply halt a teaapoontul near each plant at duak and see that ehlckms keep away dept of extension 0 a col lege guelph hurlbuts grow with the growing feet 1 they can be rebuilt at fac tory and made a sue larger 2 rebuilt shoes arc worth more than the cost of rebuild ing 3 our rebuilt service adds months of wear to hurlbut huglbut 3 cushks soccv l we not only sell but recom mend them d brill co ceoimown oni f t we wiu send yon the information tbat yon should have concerning this school sign and mail this eou pon and we will bo glad to pot yon on theirigbt track slarl here begin now rismptti issbwss lasuwe bnaaptm 0rartwh sweet clover hay a recent press bulktln from tbe federal department of agrtcultur states that where an other suitable crop can be grown it is best not to use sweet clover for hay aa it la a hollow stemmed coarse growing plant it is rather hard to cure sweet clover properly it n uil be cut at the rlkht momnt wblcl is usually during the rainy period of early sum tner aa a allagt ur pasture crop however sweet eti vr is one ot our most valuable plants wl li few lagumea exceed it as a soil builder take notice people who have uxclmg nliera and good frames last ron io rot lor wanl of protection with giltan icd corrugated sheela al rwe o ar prices or lew coosl enng the improvcmenl or lundnei for iselosell and buy the abb long distance hauling fmllnt imvih node f ariles done bj hour or by contract for picefl dbd arrangements call or wnle wm g roszel sox till ocoeostowji h ikotaulsux susitm4 standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically screened and loaded coal wood select iramp for oomestio j and tbreahing purposes smithing and cannel coal i in fact i carry everything to i be found in any op to date j coal and wood yard j john mcdonald phone la x georgetown j trucking co al best d l fit w scrantod coal id all size also smithing and steam coal mrs jtwatktas norral sukion phooa 6arx4

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