Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 29, 1925, p. 3

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llwn iii ha j d jill jlliu 102 s matthews have you heard the new v e process victor record we will be glad to demsontrate them we still hiwe a good selection of records at cut rate pness and invite your inspection d j matthew 2 nijucsiimisrujomuy local news hems chic liu da mum hani berr or are ip itiful biihc bull iiuthcn i llolidaj jnrlhod h but sale still u 01 salurdaj aiif 1st tbo v tbo roc c delajed fist united bnrclt kfirdtii l irlj at limehousi august olh llio softball saints vjiitb arc being pliijoci at tbo high school aie drawing good crowds tbo directors of tbo j que ing agiiculluial society un bun gcttiug tlio prize list rend it has been hugmstcd lh it wo havo a oeorltowii old boys r union in connection with ibi i all tiur on bcptembei 2uh and ibth the linieliouwt women h in stituto will bold their month nieotink on tbnrahiy iiftoidoon august oih at tbt home of mrs j niuck bt albans church glenwil hams will bold a yarden party at the boine of mm s beaumont on thursda august 1 hi paiticu lars later tbo ball gamo between acton and georgetown to havo been pin ed in the park hero on sntiiida afturnoon last had to he pottjoned on account of the rain tho pluming heating and elec tncal wiring in mr j b mac henries model bungalo on mui dock street which will he open for public inspection on saturday aug 1st was installed bj r u thonipaon a co tho second annual community picmo uudor tho auspices of the bqueaing women s institute vill bo hold in lawaons grove 8tew arttowo on monday afternoon august 3rd gome and bring jour banket with cup and plate lor ecb morabers of tbo west loronto and riverdalo togetbor with the barrio and gait ki warns cluhs are holding an outing at tho armon an boys faim homo to day through tbo courteny of kiwan tan i m beattio a full report ol tho oulmg will appear in om next shoo repairing at itoncj e two men on tho job wurucn 8 bants hnlf soled and rubber heels oak hemlock or hull dog leather for 75c to 100 da foot and macphorson men a working boots atwajs on bond prices from 1 to 4 50 j roney a roliable shoe store mam bt georgetown mr john silvorthorn former ly of georgetown has bought a twolve aero fruit farm at cnmsb tho mono tboacro tbat ho owns at meaford waa part of the deal his brother inlaw mr ad spiers who has just sold sncll s lake ban acquired another twelve aero fruit farm nearby both properties have good houses defraud at kitchener tbo twin city golfers won their fourth straight victory of the sea son on thursday altornoon last on tho links of tho grand river country club when tboi defeated georgetown 8 to 2 after tho game the visitors wore on tor tamed to luncheon and all report a thorough ly oojoyablo day cottontails had fot george conovor of eeuuesing township north of milton bad an unfortunate experience in growing cauliflower iio sot out 1 000 plants which thrived well for a few dais bat a bordo of cotton tails which nro playing liavoo with the vegetable gardens in hilton count discovered tbo plantation and in ooo night consumed tbo whole of tbo thousand plants h w mlnton oltt sfcoppa u w liinton has a largo assort mcdt of jeweler cbiua glass silvrrware watches clocks and btatioiierj of lime quality nt verv reasonable prices call in and mako jour choice when mnkini hiilbda nedding or an gift prices etc a spccialt also watcb clock jeweller and op tical repairs at short notupand guaranteed work ueoimtown action and toronto ii dldn t bubw it wn loadad a shooting accident occurcd nt charles jarvis farm at ho ne east of milton on fndrt last with his hired roan philips os the victim one of he noijhbois from tbo fnrm tppoatte mr jnrvis came over and going into tbo barn picked up a afiotgon that was ling there and thinking it was not loaded pulled the trigger the gun was dis charged ust as phillip was panting oat jtbo door aod ho got th tontd in tbo leg just belc in phillips will recovet ball game civic holiday d t lent and most iniporunt game of tin tason will bo plated in to on momiaj ivio llolidii at ii a in slurp llillshiirg nleor roun for llio eailrsliip of the hal ten wellington h ague the lios pit lli ib liiiiio on spcciall so tbat the town would bavo some thine on dm ine tbo holiday dune an 1 give them jour support the bos must win so help thou ilong enjoyed day at eldorado the annual sunday school pic nic of tin georgetown i nited church was hold at 1 idorado pill on ii in dij afternoon lust theie was a aige number resent an 1 th il iv missj out ill bunting bath in u gnmes etc tbo children bud then usual proeniin of sports foi which miilnlilo puoh were uven mr j w kenned had rliaige of the spoils and tbt day mm heart ij enjojed b both outi and old halt on ravlnad rate tohowint is the rt vised count into eigl l and twu ifttia nulls levied bv tho haltcm count conn cil under h lnw no 514 at a special meeting bold in milton for that urposo trafalgar 60 260 71 lbipiesing s40 688 14 noiboo 5 4ai2h nassagaweyn 12t0g 71 milton 0 108 18 oakville 14 soi il burlington 12311 08 deorgotown 7 044 15 acton i total 188 9fl4 47 special optical offer bigh frado old lllled apectaclos and cje hlnssca with host flat spborical lensts for only 4 all otberstjlib of frames and lenses at lowest prices coa examined by mi huhson formerly optical expert for kent s toronto and ilonry moigan a co montreal tbo best optica work to be obtain und at moderate prices ono day onlj friday july slat from oam to 4 p m come early d j matthew daiggisb georgetown garden party at streetivllle the annual orange garden part under tho auspices of l 0 b a 4g4 strchsville will bo held at tbo homestead tbo residence of mr cdgar adamaon near streets villt on saturday evening august 1st tho program will bo given by tbo tax pun co wbich includes tbo following artiflta misb maud parsons soprano miss thelma obkio danror miss mnmio mason accompanist and elocutionist mr jas tax humoribt bro rev j blodgclt chairman refreshment booths admission 26o aod 16c garden party at limalion the united church limebonte v ill hold a monster gaiden part at the homo of mr w dowdy on thursday evening august ctb tho program will ho gien by the brunhwirk trio tnd balmoral kiltie of ijondon lhese bigb class artists supplied the program for tho pardon party in limehoiiso a year ao and delighted the large audience and man will bo glad to boar of their return engage mnnt ifjoudid not bear them last year mako a special effort to he present on august 6th you will not bo disatpopited admis sion sgc watch for posters rax thaatro wednesdaj jul 20th born rich starring bort ltoll and claire windsor chaptei 2 or tho riddle rider corned tourist de luxe fndaj july slat poisoned paradise btnrnng clara bow corned fat chance cartoon travel treasures fox ntws salunlaj august 1st matinee at 8 p m tarnish from tbo plnj of the same nanap btarring may meavoy mario preobt and norman kejrj corned hone moon hardships felix cartoon monda august 3rd civic hob day matineo at 9pm tees of the storm country starring mnr pil ford an entirel new pirtnr ilion of a great blor corned dragon a i le kluad in bl barn a fatal accident occurred in tra fnlgar township saturday aftet noon when james pell b7 years of ac was instantly killed in bis barn on tbttunrlli line mr pell s hired men were drawing bn to the barn and unloading it by means of a h i folk and trip rope in order to innke speed the attached a bag of wheat to the rope which would rulomnticall bring he laric foik hack to tbewagon tinder its own pohor a fork load of ha was sent into tho barn and hcn mr pcl pulled the trip rop to release the haj from the fork tho bag of wheat dopped on bis head break ing ins neck and causing instant dentb mr pell wnea well know farmer and is survived b hissoni i sale c don t mi si jackson satnrda 1 hear the brunswick trio a ljijehoiw united church gardei knew unless complications bet fnt nu august 6th watch for poster personals ii ii un i ii is wii i fu n ih at kw n s mi i mis ii ii imlllm ail i ii n 1 u i c victim funds ii si om m ss lb ssi in i mi ink ibir r left ii mniili f r miiskoln miss ii ii stun f of i i mi i i isitnil lit hint mis ii lei ml j h liiki of 1iwassoii ipcnt situ i i with f imlh in lissi4 n ii mil olive km iel sieiit s ndi 1 n igiin palls miss ma mc luro or rorotllo pent buiiilii with mr and mia c aitboi mias lillian u itsnn is holdnv k with fin i is in st t ith urns d hiiirlo mis i ii cilo and miss amiph colo me eiijiug a iiiotoi tup to bulks lalls mrh tolin williams of loronto sient sundi with htr histei miss llael cleave mr anlmis matthews of loi onto sint last vek vv th mi and mrs w a hulk mr and mm a n cole and son douglas aro hulnaim with friends at lvorton rs burnett leaves on ihurs day to visit bci son mr j s mc e of windsor r and mrs wi i me milium loft monday morning on a motor triji tonottb biy r j r lindsii attended the funeral of the late j s deacon at loroiibo yintoidik mi and mm g b saeis are laitmi then son mi i icd bay rsat moioune sask mis wfti itotcrs and cl ildren ir moiitital tut vis lint with mi nd mrs jnu biluntine si miss cm no of loronto and miss itilii of chicago si nt sunday nth mi and mis l 1 ciuie mis roht lrwin and mrs d jivingstone itft this morning to isit frionds in j nines to n major drant and mm law e attending the annua police games and banijutt at loronto to da ir and mm m a mccailum and children of elm wood h laat week with mr mid mrs j dirmid any friends of mr g ill be sorr to learn tbat un conllncd to ins homo through illness misses dora and beatrice itjan and reta mclean of postvillc spent the week end with mies lucna campbell buiok and dona mrs t j ferguson and teddy of hamilton are spending a fowdaje with mr and mrs e mcwhirtor rev b a 0 willoughly chic o and mr flod willoiikhbi of innipog visited with mr and ra h stock ford last wook rr and mrs w r watson mi and mrs jas mcclure and mr harold mcclure loft on sunday ormng for a motor trip to snult sto mane ol and mrs ballantino of milton ny who have been ting with mi and mis john ballantino s returned to their borne on pridaj last orconlit honored miss olive robinson who resign cd her position as organist at grace anglican church milton after four years of service waa presented a silver toa set by tbo con g rogation in tbo sunday school room on monda night tbo pro eentation beiog made by rev c maftcl aooldanta in halt on i tbo robult of his rjght hand com ng in contact w itb a saw when bo wab sharpening a mower knife w srioulo or trafalgar townbhip bad two ringers severed on mon day morning a 7oung son of george kelly of eaqueaing town ilnp was badly injured monda norning when tie had both bones broken in bis left leg ne was letting the bars down for some cattle to pass when ono animal ged anothci knocking it down on tbo boy a carnival of bargains at jack ii s on salurdai georgetown civic holiday 3rd to whom it ma con fun in response to tho request of the business men and other cfti i or the town of gcorgetowi i herd proclaim monday august 1925 civk- holida for tho said inumri 1 alit and trust that all citizens il govern themselves according lrro due maor used tractors for sale cheap 1 26 hp walt stoa one he p n m like i uicsloooc 11630 ip intaraauonal oil in tar only run fc 1 i kc 1 1 gttuinind 1 1630 matey hafili traeto tu otkar engines ad beparaton at s00 00 h d up spe a tern hannahbros d lnb fnm for rumley o 1 poll 1 ri 9698 maedannall itnet odelfh pken 1189 h ere ari dthe lurihk july ll usmi in f otoi piu ml in nibc hiiicsi prof x in i a gatheri i in t r i lu fr m ul p iru of tl vi iti 1 suim and un ndi munj the liilcrnutlonal lon the vblt ibe llitire leiuresl the country in ii ontpupathy plnnl furunn uhowlntr the tulnl live lobmltr otch on the nova sco tin loasth for the bciuot ending june int nh w a toul of 8 h5 uo iba valued at fl 104 141 nn increane over the 1131 season of i 6st 400 iba in quantity und approximately hull a million dollars in value during his tour of western can bln over tht canadian pacific lints field marshal eurl haig was re caved on all sides by cheering and enthusiastic crowds at towns in northern ontario and elsewhere he shook hands and exchanged rem in setnees with local ex service men many of whom hfl recognized having concluded his visit to tna pacific contt his excellency lord byng governor general of canado hun returned east before leaving tht west ills excellency stayed off for a few day a at banff to meet earl haig and tht two famous soldiers ipont tome time together talking vur old limes considerable interest has been aroused la london england over the arrival there of 0 000 peony blooms for exhibition in the cana dian pacific pavilion at wembley the nonius l j r n by w or mlsloii roy of montreal and have been sent to england to dispel the belief that canada a climate is ex a delegulion of prominent news paper proprietors and journalists from great britain passed through canada recently on their way to at lead the third imperial press con ference to be held nt melbourne australia during september be sides the delegates from the british isles representatives of canada and the other dominions have been in vited and wilt attend the conference two automobile accidents occurred in montreal over the week end at railway crossings in both of which it was proven that the car struck the train in the first accident the car ran into the first car behind- he engine and in the second truck thi side of the engine itself public at tent ion has been directed to these accidents as illustrative of the re sults of negligent driving early in july a party of ono hun dred french canadians associated with the university of montreal de parted from windsor station on a three weeks educational tour of the country under the tuipices of the university mayor duquette of montreal monsignor a v j pietto rector of the university and profei or b montpetlt one of his mo elates accompanied the party they were seen off at the station by e w beatty k c chairman and pres ident of the canadian pacific rail- way and other officials a similar excursion to the abovt left toronto july 20th for the bene fit of english speaking school- teachers this tour also lasting three weeks and covering all prin clpol points of the dominion wu con ducted by dean sinclair laird ol macdonald college under the aui picea of the teachers federation ol according to the report of the de partment of agriculture livestock marketings in canada during the past year were the best experienced for many years there were st5 020 cattle 366 179 calves 8 094291 hogs and 485 606 sheep marketed in 1024 as compared with 882 021 815 522 2 363402 and 612 300 re spectively in the previous year according to j m gibbon secre tary of the trail riders sf the cana dian rockies who recently left mont real for the west the annual cross country ride and pow wow under taken by that organisation is be coming so popular that lover of the outdoors from england and aus tralia are attending this year in ad d iti on to the members from the united states and canada the beatty boys four britisb youngsters brought out here by e w beatty k c president of tht canadian pacific railway te study canadian farm methods arrived in canada on the montcalm this month they are expert farmers selected by the minister of agrlcul ture from the members of the young farmers club of great britain and will remain in canada for two months as the guests of mr beatty that elk in th panther river country not far from banff are rapidly increasing in number and may possibly become a menace is the opinion of bel mors brown an artist of new york who recently re turned from a painting tour through tht rocky mountains mr brown is regarded as an authority on wild animals and state that there will be ten jean from now 10 000 elk in the district unlets steps are taken to decrease their numbers french canadian agricultural ex perta theologians student and oth era touring the country under the suaplces of the untersity of mont real fxpreas unanimous amatcment it the agricultural development ef british columbia the scenery of al berta the prairie of manitoba tht beauties of northern ontario aod the vaatness of the country in gen era a similar excursion left to ronto recently under th auaplcea of ihe teacher federation of caa4 ilso over canadian pacific lines and fill retain the mmu j jytes i raspberries wel in t ii m st u k tie s at a ib aionahlt ii choice veget rimne i i and have i lush fruits and wgetibka delivered to ou dull teaming done at most rfianooable rates tost bros heartwell estate georgetown 6 v july special immediate possession 1 100 arros and crop 4 000 1 000 caab balance on mortgage situated 2 1 2 miles from good town go acres under cultivation i balance bush and pasture i acre orchard good 8 roomed atone i house and furnace fan basement barn and stabling this is a t wjevans6co j kosy korner handy kitchen weekend special oning to tbo increased demand for canada broad wo advihc our many customers to order a da in advance to avoid disappointment we handle tbo butturuul loaf whole wheat and dr halls 1c0 porcont wheat have you tried our high grade pastry 1 wo have a big assortment to ebooso froln as follows pork pics butter buns cbelsey buns fiuit slices jelly rolls tarte tea bia cuita fruit loavos etc watch our windows for an entirely now lino of home mado candy and our special for this we ok end will bo a dand y phone hi for prompt delivery f j deverson prop 4 hdriks leading tobacco store i all kinds of tobaccos cigars cigarettes pipes etc kola pipes regular 100 eaeb for 75c a new assortment of fresh chocolates and chocolate fruit in season h druks main st georgetown tires ks buy the well known tire of supreme quality it will pay you to see us before buying our prices are exceptionally low high pressure and baloons stocked in all sizes first class repairing guaranteed to give service f sinclair the tire rcpitr shop phone 26 a tea your grocer recommends is usually good tea red rose teak good tea and most grocer recommend it a grocery specials july 15 to 30th 1 agio brand condemned milk bolted uita r lbs for prunes i lbs for beu uive corn syrup ft lbs sonp- com fort suiprixo cold pa swift a wto naptlia soap 4 bars swift h borax soap 6 bars for cariutiou milk large hz cir nation milk small hire wild rose swoet com roal rose peas standard quality to mo toot royal excelsior dates si iba for li or magio baking povdor kipper snacks 4 for teia ouj well known blend per ib soap chips i lbs for corn brooms only 8a- and mc wash boards onl ljlos golden syiup quaker corn flukes shreddod wheat 42c zcc 26c 25c the above prices for cash or produce only mcbeanco georgetown saturday treat lady caramels for our treat this week chocolate and nn- ilia flavors to which is added freab filbert nub j saturday treat 25c lb weekend chocolates cot your supply of these chocolates at oar alore do better value anywhere bard and soft centres week end chocolates 32c arthur norrington solo agent for smiles n chuckles ooo ib ajsc womuis bakery college st toronto main st r phone j egcbklly3bctecl jlatt grandysg specials soap chips 2 lbs r x sunlight pig naptha gold snrpruuf 16 bars 99 comfort or pearl naptha 16 bara and 1 robber apran 1 u lux s pkga 36 star ammonia 3 pkga s5 oillex per pkg if old dutch 2 tins 25 imperial pint jar per dor 135 wine quart jars per dor 1 45 imperial q lart lars per doz 165 wine 1 2 gal jars 170 jar rubbers 3 doz 45 metal rings per doe 35 parowdx por pkg ie a m grandy i phone 75 b j siusltdloi gurulet selffilling fountain pens the two leaders watermans ideal and parker dufold the best on the market from 250 to 7j50 a good selection m different colors at a b willsons i jeweller xl u hotel mcgibbon gkoitliktown

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